September 21, 2006

A Word of Explanation . . .

Well, I never intended to be gone quite this long, and if any of you are still checking in, I owe you a word of explanation.

I stopped posting a bit back, without meaning for the pause to last for more than a day or two. But what I came to realize is this: I'm genuinely not burned out on blogging. But the longer my little pause went on the clearer it became that the pressure of trying to post daily, keep up with my courses, and work on the writing project I've mentioned to you periodically, has really started to wear of late.

Now is perhaps the time to tell you that my writing project is a book which I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear is on the topic of terrorism and the press. I would like very much to have a workable draft by the end of this semester, and to that end have been making several trips to conduct interviews (and will be making several more.)

So while, as I say, I'm not burned out on the blog, and don't wish to quit, what I finally realized yesterday is that I do need to take a bit of a break. Many of the arguments you've seen made here will appear in the book, although in the more elaborate form that is possible in a book length-work, so while I'm deeply appreciate of the support and loyalty you've shown me (and I have to admit I feel a bit as if I'm abandoning you) I hope you'll understand why I feel it's important for now to focus my energy in a single direction.

I'm not sure how long I need to break for; I'll keep paying the bills around here so that the archives stay available and so that I have the option of posting now and again if something big comes up or the spirit should move or who knows what, and I'll keep you posted on progress on the book.

Thank you all again for all your support and graciousness and consideration over the years, I've been deeply touched by it, and often buoyed by it: I'll be back as soon as I can, and I hope you understand why I need to make this move at this time.

All my best,
