Senate 2010 Polls

Colorado: Bennet (D)
Illinois: Open (D)
Missouri: Open (R)
Ohio: Open (R)
Pennsylvania: Specter (D)
Kentucky: Open (R)
Nevada: Reid (D)
New Hampshire: Open (R)
North Carolina: Burr (R)
California: Boxer (D)
Indiana: Bayh (D)
New York: Gillibrand (D)
Arkansas: Lincoln (D)
Delaware: Open (D)
Florida: Open (R)
Louisiana: Vitter (R)
Washington: Murray (D)
Wisconsin: Feingold (D)
North Dakota: Open (D)
Connecticut: Open (D)

Governor, House Polls

House: Generic Ballot
House: Latest Polls
Governor: General | Primary
Governor: Latest Polls

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Pennsylvania Senate - Democratic Primary

Polling Data

PollDateSampleSpecter (D)Sestak (D)Spread
RCP Average12/8 - 2/8--44.726.3Specter +18.4
Rasmussen Reports2/8 - 2/8425 LV5136Specter +15
Franklin & Marshall1/18 - 1/24443 RV3013Specter +17
Quinnipiac12/8 - 12/141381 RV5330Specter +23

See All Pennsylvania Senate - Democratic Primary Polling Data

Recent Commentary & News Stories

- Can the Dems Be Saved? - Nick Baumann, Mother Jones

- 2010 Need Not Be a Nightmare for Dems - John Nichols, The Nation

- Right Turn on the Left Coast? - George Will, Sacramento Bee

- Thirteen Senate Races to Watch - John Fortier, The American

- Republicans Recruit Political Newcomers - Wall Street Journal

See All Pennsylvania Senate - Democratic Primary Commentary & News Stories

Polling Data

PollDateSampleSpecter (D)Sestak (D)Spread
RCP Average12/8 - 2/8--44.726.3Specter +18.4
Rasmussen Reports2/8 - 2/8425 LV5136Specter +15
Franklin & Marshall1/18 - 1/24443 RV3013Specter +17
Rasmussen Reports1/18 - 1/18421 LV5332Specter +21
Quinnipiac12/8 - 12/141381 RV5330Specter +23
Rasmussen Reports12/8 - 12/8442 LV4835Specter +13
Franklin & Marshall10/20 - 10/25250 RV3018Specter +12
Rasmussen Reports10/13 - 10/13469 LV4642Specter +4
Susquehanna10/7 - 10/12362 RV4416Specter +28
Quinnipiac9/22 - 9/28479 RV4425Specter +19
Franklin & Marshall8/25 - 8/31269 RV3711Specter +26
Daily Kos/R20008/10 - 8/12600 LV4833Specter +15
Rasmussen Reports8/11 - 8/11423 LV4734Specter +13
Quinnipiac7/14 - 7/19512 RV5523Specter +32
Franklin & Marshall6/16 - 6/21258 RV3313Specter +20
Rasmussen Reports6/16 - 6/16374 LV5132Specter +19
Quinnipiac5/20 - 5/26561 RV5021Specter +29
Daily Kos/R20005/4 - 5/6400 LV5611Specter +45
POS (R)5/3 - 5/4357 LV6224Specter +38

All Commentary & News Stories

- Can the Dems Be Saved? - Nick Baumann, Mother Jones

- 2010 Need Not Be a Nightmare for Dems - John Nichols, The Nation

- Right Turn on the Left Coast? - George Will, Sacramento Bee

- Thirteen Senate Races to Watch - John Fortier, The American

- Republicans Recruit Political Newcomers - Wall Street Journal

- Dems Should Fight, Not Fret Over the Midterms - Bob Shrum, The Week

- Biden Taps Into Hidden Issue of 2010 - E.J. Dionne, The New Republic

- Can the GOP Win Control of Congress? - Liz Sidoti, Associated Press

- Illinois Senate: Corruption is the Hangover - John Kass, Chicago Tribune

- Pa. Turns Against Lurch to the Left - Abby Wisse Schachter, New York Post

- Anti-Incumbent Or Anti-Incompetent? - Amy Walter, National Journal

- Obama's Agenda is Dragging Down Democrats - Peter Wehner, Politics Daily

- Shifting Terrain: Feingold Beatable? - Patrick McIlheran, Milwaukee JS

- Possible Epic Party Disaster for Democrats - Michael Barone, DC Examiner

- WH Not Easing Concerns of Nervous Dems - Amy Walter, National Journal

- And Now, More Democratic Panic - Mike Madden, Salon

- Bayh in Danger; A Look at the Numbers - Michael Barone, DC Examiner

- Republicans Aren't Sitting as Pretty as They Think - Ed Kilgore, TNR

- Damage Control for Democrats - Paul Waldman, American Prospect

- Can David Plouffe Rescue Democrats' Agenda? - Ed Hornick, CNN

- 1994 Nightmare: Dems Look Out of Touch - Rich Lowry, New York Post

- Is the Senate Also in Play? - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics

- The Lady and the Arlen - Gail Collins, New York Times

- How Democrats Can Win Again - David Plouffe, Washington Post

- Senate 2010: More Shocks on the Way? - Larry Sabato, Center for Politics

- Massachusetts Results Could Spell Trouble for Boxer - SD Union-Tribune

- Win Sends Shock Waves Through Blue-State Races - Kyle Trygstad, RCP

- High Turnout Seen in Massachusetts Battle - G. Hitt & T. Audi, WSJ

- The House Is Very Much In Play - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics

- Democrats Urgently Need to Stop and Think - Clive Crook, The Atlantic

- 2010 as 1994? Relax, Democrats - Nancy Cohen, Los Angeles Times

- A Revolt in Camelot - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post

- Massachusetts Warning: The Backlash is Coming - Jon Keller, WSJ

- Seriously, There Are No Permanent Majorities - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics

- How Will Democrats Fare in the 2010 Elections? - Thomas Schaller, Salon

- Axelrod Scrambling for Excuses - Peter Wehner, Commentary

- The Scott Brown Surge - James Antle, The American Spectator

- Unpopular Policies Lead to Midterm Losses - Thomas Del Beccaro, Big Gov't

- Bay State Race a Surprising Dead Heat - Amy Walter, National Journal

- 2010 Could Be an Unhappy Year for Dems - Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard

- New Yorkers Deserve a Choice in Senate Race - Harold Ford, New York Post

- Money Woes Could Stymie GOP Comeback - Eliza Carney, National Journal

- 10 Tips for the GOP in 2010 - Clark Judge, Wall Street Journal

- Unhappy New Year... for Democrats - Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard

- The Ma. Polls and the November Election - John Podhoretz, Commentary

- Axelrod Lays Out Dems' Midterm Push - Ron Brownstein, National Journal

- Why the Jobs Report is Bad News for Dems - James Pethokoukis, Reuters

- The Risk of Catastrophic Victory - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal

- Bad News for Democrats is Overblown - Gail Collins, New York Times

- What a Difference a Year Makes - Thomma & Lightman, McClatchy

- Dems Face Tough 2010, But Aren't Dead Yet - Mike Madden, Salon

- GOP Still the Stupid Party? - Kevin Williamson, National Review

- Reps. Van Hollen & McCarthy on the 2010 Elections - Hardball

- Dorgan's Thunderclap - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post

- Democrats Get Out Before Voters Ride Them Out - Chicago Tribune

- GOP Senate Tsunami? Not Yet - Joe Conason, Salon

- Fleeing Politicians Skirt Angry Electorate - Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg

- Dems Start Mich. Campaign in Total Disarray - Nolan Finley, Detroit News

- Election Focus Should Be on Massachusetts - Chuck Raasch, USA Today

- The First Senator From the Tea Party? - Mark Leibovich, NYT Magazine

- Dodd Exits, Gracefully - Steve Kornacki, New York Observer

- Dems' Only Hope: Make It About The Other Guy - Tom Edsall, Huff Post

- Democratic Exodus Roils 2010 Landscape - Rick Klein, ABC News

- Could the GOP Win Back the Senate in 2010? - Toby Harnden, Telegraph

- Top Democrats Head for the Exits - Manu Raju & Josh Kraushaar, Politico

- GOP Recruits Cite 'Obama-Pelosi Agenda' - S.A. Miller, Washington Times

- A Shifting & Perilous Political Environment - Nagourney & Zeleny, NYT

- Democrats Still in Better Shape Than 1994 - Adam Howard, The Nation

- Even in Ma., Dems Desperate for Answers - Michael Graham, Boston Herald

- Swing States May Be on the Move - Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times

- Dems Should Stay Cool About 2010 - Froma Harrop, Providence Journal

- The Tea Party Teens - David Brooks, New York Times

- How Democrats Can Avoid a Repeat of 1994 - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post

- A Winning GOP Agenda for 2010 - Michael Barone, Washington Examiner

- Disappointment on Left May Hurt Dems in Nov - David Corn, Politics Daily

- Dems Know Make-or-Break Year Turns on Jobs - Al Hunt, Bloomberg

- Setting the Stage for a Midterm Showdown - Dick Polman, Philly Inquirer

- Back to GOP Basics - Brendan Miniter, Wall Street Journal

- GOP Poised for Comeback in Midterms - Mark Barabak, Los Angeles Times

- Why Democrats Will Lose the House in 2010 - James Pethokoukis, Reuters

- The Political Forecast for 2010 - Dan Gerstein, Forbes

- Too Many Democrats in Washington - Peter Ferrara, American Spectator

- Griffith Party Switch: Will Other Dems Follow Suit? - Patrik Jonsson, CSM

- 2010: Return of the Former Governors? - Lou Cannon, Politics Daily

- Can The GOP Finally Use Pelosi? - Reid Wilson, Hotline

- On the Parker Griffith Switch - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics

- Smalltown Rage a Force to be Reckoned With - Gary Younge, Guardian

- Democrats Pin 2010 Hopes on Bill - Jonathan Weisman, Wall Street Journal

- Democrats Worried About a Backlash - Nolan Finley, Detroit News

- Harry Reid's Election Challenge in Nevada - Katie Connolly, Newsweek

- The Democrats' Health Care Dilemma - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics

- Reid, Thune Tell Tale of 2009 - Chuck Raasch, USA Today

- Retirements Becoming Headache for Dems - Amy Walter, National Journal

- Dems Face Tough Task Defending Swing Seats - Kathy Kiely, USA Today

- The 2010 Senate Outlook - Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call

- Dems Point Fingers At WH, Timid Incumbents - Reid Wilson, Hotline

- Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard - Mona Charen, National Review

- Obama Showing a New Vulnerability - Ron Brownstein, National Journal

- How Democrats Can Rebound - A.B. Stoddard, The Hill

- Are Dems Trying to Follow GOP Off the Cliff? - Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call