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Does Islam Need to Be Reformed?

  I am a Muslim
You are blasphemous pigs; you all should be beheaded
No, it is perfect as it is
Yes, but your reforms go too far
Yes, your plan is perfect
Yes, but your reforms do not go far enough

  I am not a Muslim
Muslims cannot be trusted; this is a covert Islamization strategy
No, it is perfect as it is
Yes, but your reforms go too far
Yes, your plan is perfect
Yes, but your reforms do not go far enough

Majority of the terrorist acts of the last three decades, including the 9/11 attacks,
were perpetrated by Islamic fundamentalists in the name of Islam.

  I am a Muslim
I don't know
Islamic terrorism is a Zionist myth

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know
Islamic terrorism is a Zionist myth

Muslim community should accept responsibility for atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists

  I am a Muslim
I don't know
Islamic terrorism is a Zionist myth

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know
Islamic terrorism is a Zionist myth

The Koran contains verses that represent mutually exclusive concepts, i.e.,
"Respect the People of the Book" vs. "Do not take Jews or Christians for friends."

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Could Allah, the Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, be the source of
"... kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them ..." found in the verse 2:191 of the Koran?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Should Islam have dominant, equal, or inferior status?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Should Sharia be abolished?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Should people be free to portray Prophet Muhammad?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Should passages that may incite violence be expunged from the Koran and other Islamic religious texts?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Were the Crusades unprovoked acts of aggression?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
I don't know

Do most non-Muslims dislike or hate Muslims?

  I am a Muslim
Yes, because non-Muslims are evil
Yes, because non-Muslims are ignorant about Islam
I don't know

  I am not a Muslim
Yes, because Islam is evil
Yes, because all Muslims support terrorism
I don't know

Who holds moral high ground in the Arab-Israeli conflict?

  I am a Muslim
I don't know

  I am a Jew
I don't know

  I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew
I don't know

Muslims Against Sharia is:

  I am a Muslim
A group of Muslim reformists
A group of misguided Muslims
A Crusader/Neocon/Zionist conspiracy

  I am not a Muslim
A group of Muslim reformists
A group of misguided Muslims
An Islamic conspiracy

Who Is a Moderate Muslim?

  I am a Muslim
A Muslim striving for Islamic world domination by any means
A Muslim striving for Islamic world domination by non-violent means
A Muslim who believes in Islamic supremacy and/or Sharia, but does not do anything about it
A Muslim who rejects Islamic supremacy and Sharia
A Muslim who rejects Islamic supremacy and Sharia, supports Israel, and does not claim that vast majority of Muslims are moderate
"Moderate Muslim" is an oxymoron

  I am not a Muslim
A Muslim striving for Islamic world domination by any means
A Muslim striving for Islamic world domination by non-violent means
A Muslim who believes in Islamic supremacy and/or Sharia, but does not do anything about it
A Muslim who rejects Islamic supremacy and Sharia
A Muslim who rejects Islamic supremacy and Sharia, supports Israel, and does not claim that vast majority of Muslims are moderate
"Moderate Muslim" is an oxymoron

Who should have the Right to Return?

  I am a Muslim
Only Muslims (and their offspring) who left Israel for Muslim countries in or after 1948 should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Only Jews (and their offspring) who left Muslim countries for Israel in or after 1948 should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Both Muslims and Jews should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Neither Muslims nor Jews should have the Right to Return or reclaim their property

  I am a Jew
Only Muslims (and their offspring) who left Israel for Muslim countries in or after 1948 should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Only Jews (and their offspring) who left Muslim countries for Israel in or after 1948 should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Both Muslims and Jews should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Neither Muslims nor Jews should have the Right to Return or reclaim their property

  I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew
Only Muslims (and their offspring) who left Israel for Muslim countries in or after 1948 should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Only Jews (and their offspring) who left Muslim countries for Israel in or after 1948 should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Both Muslims and Jews should have the Right to Return and reclaim their property
Neither Muslims nor Jews should have the Right to Return or reclaim their property

Is Muslims Against Sharia a moderate Muslim organization fighting Islamic radicals
or a Neocon/Gihadi fraud?

Muslims Against Sharia is a moderate Muslim organization fighting Islamic radicals. My favorite American presidential candidate is: Muslims Against Sharia is either a Neocon or Gihadi conspiracy.
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Dennis Kucinich
John McCain
Barack Obama
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson

Why do the media and the U.N. concentrate on Arab-Israeli conflict (tens of thousands of deaths)
while paying much less attention to Darfur conflict (hundreds of thousands of deaths)?

  I am a Muslim
When a Muslim is killed by a Jew, it is an atrocity; when a Muslim is killed by a Muslim, it is not a big deal
Israel is accessible to the media and Sudan is not
Who cares about Sudan?
The media and the U.N. are inherently anti-Semitic
The numbers in this question are reversed; Darfur conflict is blown out of proportion by Zionist propaganda machine that controls the media and the U.N.

  I am a Jew
When a Muslim is killed by a Jew, it is an atrocity; when a Muslim is killed by a Muslim, it is not a big deal
Israel is accessible to the media and Sudan is not
Who cares about Sudan?
The media and the U.N. are inherently anti-Semitic
The numbers in this question are reversed; Darfur conflict is blown out of proportion by Zionist propaganda machine that controls the media and the U.N.

  I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew
When a Muslim is killed by a Jew, it is an atrocity; when a Muslim is killed by a Muslim, it is not a big deal
Israel is accessible to the media and Sudan is not
Who cares about Sudan?
The media and the U.N. are inherently anti-Semitic
The numbers in this question are reversed; Darfur conflict is blown out of proportion by Zionist propaganda machine that controls the media and the U.N.

What Is Gihad?

  I am a Muslim
Religious obligation of every Muslim to strife for Islamic world domination by any means
Religious obligation of every Muslim to strife for Islamic world domination by non-violent means
Internal struggle to improve oneself
Meaningless concept made up by Neocons to justify Muslim boogiemen label

  I am not a Muslim
Religious obligation of every Muslim to strife for Islamic world domination by any means
Religious obligation of every Muslim to strife for Islamic world domination by non-violent means
Internal struggle to improve oneself
Meaningless concept made up by Neocons to justify Muslim boogiemen label

Under which circumstances could civilian deaths be acceptable?

  I am a Muslim
No civilian deaths (even as collateral damage) are ever justified
Targeting civilians is never justified
Targeting civilians is justified as long as they are non-Muslim
Some terrorism acts are justified, if they advance the cause of Islam
Any act committed to advance the cause of Islam is not terrorism

  I am not a Muslim
No civilian deaths (even as collateral damage) are ever justified
Targeting civilians is never justified
Targeting civilians is justified as long as they are Muslim
Some terrorism acts are justified, if they advance the cause of Democracy
Any act committed to advance the cause of Democracy is not terrorism

Is terrorism (targeting civilians) an acceptable tactic?

  I am a Muslim
Terrorism (targeting civilians) is unacceptable in any way shape or form
9/11 was justified
New York should be nuked

  I am not a Muslim
Terrorism (targeting civilians) is unacceptable in any way shape or form
Destroying Grand Mosque in Mecca during worship would be justified
Mecca should be nuked and its crater filled with pig blood

Is AQ/Hamas/MB/PIG a terrorist organization?
Please mark one answer for each organization

I am a Muslim Organization I am not a Muslim
  Yes al Qaeda   Yes
  No   No
  Yes Hamas   Yes
  No   No
  Yes Muslim Brotherhood   Yes
  No   No
  Yes Palestinian Islamic Gihad   Yes
  No   No
Supporters of Hamas should be:

  I am a Muslim
Left alone
Jailed until the War on Terror is over
Forever rotting in Gitmo
Shot on sight

  I am not a Muslim
Left alone
Jailed until the War on Terror is over
Forever rotting in Gitmo
Shot on sight

What drives some government, media and religious figures to embrace Islamic extremists?

  I am a Muslim
Inevitability of Islamic world domination
Social justice
Political correctness
Fear of being labeled a racist
Ignorance and/or stupidity

  I am not a Muslim
Inevitability of Islamic world domination
Social justice
Political correctness
Fear of being labeled a racist
Ignorance and/or stupidity

Should honorcide be classified as a hate crime?

  I am a Muslim
No: any female dishonoring her family must be disciplined
No: any female dishonoring her family must severely punished
No: any female dishonoring her family must be put to death
No: honorcide is a fiction

  I am not a Muslim
No: any female dishonoring her family must be disciplined
No: any female dishonoring her family must severely punished
No: any female dishonoring her family must be put to death
No: honorcide is a fiction

Does statement "SMEAR: Barack Obama is a Muslim" denigrate Muslims?

  I am a Muslim

  I am not a Muslim

Does statement "SMEAR: John McCain is a Jew" denigrate Jews?

  I am a Jew

  I am not a Jew

Who likes or dislikes Muslims?

  I lean to the Left
I dislike or hate Muslims
Muslims are as equal same as everyone else
I am a Muslim

  I am in the Middle
I dislike or hate Muslims
Muslims are as equal as everyone else
I am a Muslim

  I lean to the Right
I dislike or hate Muslims
Muslims are as equal as everyone else
I am a Muslim

What is the Greatest Threat to the West and Democracy?

I am a Muslim Greatest Threat: I am not a Muslim
The Bush Administration
Christian Fundamentalists
Global Warming
The Jews
Leftists / Marxists
Russia and China
All of the above
None of the above

Do You Support or Oppose These Ideologies?

I lean to the Left I am in the Middle I lean to the Right
  Support   Support   Support
  Oppose   Oppose   Oppose
  Don't Care   Don't Care   Don't Care
Christian Fundamentalism
I lean to the Left I am in the Middle I lean to the Right
  Support   Support   Support
  Oppose   Oppose   Oppose
  Don't Care   Don't Care   Don't Care
Fascism / National Socialism
I lean to the Left I am in the Middle I lean to the Right
  Support   Support   Support
  Oppose   Oppose   Oppose
  Don't Care   Don't Care   Don't Care
I lean to the Left I am in the Middle I lean to the Right
  Support   Support   Support
  Oppose   Oppose   Oppose
  Don't Care   Don't Care   Don't Care
I lean to the Left I am in the Middle I lean to the Right
  Support   Support   Support
  Oppose   Oppose   Oppose
  Don't Care   Don't Care   Don't Care
Preferred Outcome of Gaza Conflict

  I am a Muslim
IDF should kill every single Muslim in Gaza
IDF should destroy Hamas avoiding civilian casualties when possible
IDF should destroy Hamas, but only if civilian casualties could be avoided
Israel should accept ceasefire if offered
Israel should unilaterally stop all military actions
Hamas should destroy IDF
Hamas should destroy Israel as per its charter: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"

  I am not a Muslim
IDF should kill every single Muslim in Gaza
IDF should destroy Hamas avoiding civilian casualties when possible
IDF should destroy Hamas, but only if civilian casualties could be avoided
Israel should accept ceasefire if offered
Israel should unilaterally stop all military actions
Hamas should destroy IDF
Hamas should destroy Israel as per its charter: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"

Should Muslims living in a non-Muslim country integrate into host society?

  I am a Muslim living in a predominantly Muslim country
Yes, Muslims should integrate into the host society
No, Muslims should live segregated from the host society

  I am a Muslim living in North America
Yes, Muslims should integrate into the host society
No, Muslims should live segregated from the host society

  I am a Muslim living in Western Europe
Yes, Muslims should integrate into the host society
No, Muslims should live segregated from the host society

  I am a Muslim living in Eastern Europe
Yes, Muslims should integrate into the host society
No, Muslims should live segregated from the host society

  I am a Muslim living in none of the above
Yes, Muslims should integrate into the host society
No, Muslims should live segregated from the host society

  I am not a Muslim
Yes, Muslims should integrate into the host society
No, Muslims should live segregated from the host society

Which Speech is Free Speech?

  I am a Muslim
Inoffensive speech
Speech offensive for reasons other than listed below
Defaming one's family & all of the above
Defaming religion, mocking prophets & all of the above
Inciting violence & all of the above
Conspiring to commit violence & all of the above

  I am not a Muslim
Inoffensive speech
Speech offensive for reasons other than listed below
Defaming one's family & all of the above
Defaming religion, mocking prophets & all of the above
Inciting violence & all of the above
Conspiring to commit violence & all of the above

What Should Be the Punishment for Apostasy (Leaving Islam)?

  I am a Muslim
There is no compulsion in religion; anyone is free to leave Islam
Apostasy should be a punishable offence
Death sentence is the only just punishment for apostasy

  I am not a Muslim
There is no compulsion in religion; anyone is free to leave Islam
Apostasy should be a punishable offence
Death sentence is the only just punishment for apostasy

Should Egypt Control Gaza?

  I am an Egyptian
Egypt should send peacekeeping troops into Gaza
Egypt should annex Gaza and the U.N. should foot the bill

  I am a Muslim (not Egyptian)
Egypt should send peacekeeping troops into Gaza
Egypt should annex Gaza and the U.N. should foot the bill

  I am an Israeli
Egypt should send peacekeeping troops into Gaza
Egypt should annex Gaza and the U.N. should foot the bill

  I am a Jew (not Israeli)
Egypt should send peacekeeping troops into Gaza
Egypt should annex Gaza and the U.N. should foot the bill

  I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew
Egypt should send peacekeeping troops into Gaza
Egypt should annex Gaza and the U.N. should foot the bill

Which group would be the main obstacle to Egyptian annexation of Gaza?

  I am a Muslim
Hardcore Zionists who consider all of Palestine Jewish
Islamists who consider all of Palestine Muslim
Anti-Semites who use Arab-Israeli conflict to spread Jew-hatred
International bureaucrats who live off Arab-Israeli conflict

  I am a Jew
Hardcore Zionists who consider all of Palestine Jewish
Islamists who consider all of Palestine Muslim
Anti-Semites who use Arab-Israeli conflict to spread Jew-hatred
International bureaucrats who live off Arab-Israeli conflict

  I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew
Hardcore Zionists who consider all of Palestine Jewish
Islamists who consider all of Palestine Muslim
Anti-Semites who use Arab-Israeli conflict to spread Jew-hatred
International bureaucrats who live off Arab-Israeli conflict

Should there be a minimum age for marriage?

  I am a Muslim
No, setting minimum age for marriage is against Sharia
Yes, Sharia should be ignored (at least in this case)

  I am not a Muslim
No, every culture should have its own rules
Yes, pedophilia must not be justified by religion or tradition

Should Men and Women Have Equal Rights?

  I am a Muslim
Men should have more rights than women
Women should have more rights than men
Men and women should have equal rights

  I am not a Muslim
Men should have more rights than women
Women should have more rights than men
Men and women should have equal rights

Should Muslims and non-Muslims Have Equal Rights?

  I am a Muslim
Muslims should have more rights than non-Muslims
In a Muslim country, Muslims should have more rights than non-Muslims
Muslims should have less rights than non-Muslims
In a non-Muslim country, Muslims should have less rights than non-Muslims
Muslims and non-Muslims should have equal rights

  I am not a Muslim
Muslims should have more rights than non-Muslims
In a Muslim country, Muslims should have more rights than non-Muslims
Muslims should have less rights than non-Muslims
In a non-Muslim country, Muslims should have less rights than non-Muslims
Muslims and non-Muslims should have equal rights

When a major Jewish organization (URJ - Union for Reform Judaism) allies itself with Islamic extremist organization (ISNA - American branch of Muslim Brotherhood) and URJ president states: "Islamic extremists constitute a profound threat. For some, this is a reason to flee from dialogue, but in fact the opposite is true," do the actions of the URJ and its president amount to legitimizing Islamofascism?

  I am a Muslim

  I am a Jew

  I am neither a Muslim nor a Jew

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