RENEWAMERICA — On Aug. 10, we surpassed 1,776 signers at RenewAmerica's "Pledge for America's Revival"! In the image-minded world of "politics," that may not seem like a lot of people. But consider this... (more)

1 day ago
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST — "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty" -- Thomas Jefferson. President Barack Obama, you've overwhelmed "We The People." Since you were given the prestige of the highest office in the land, there has not been one day of peace or tranquility for the citizens of our country... (more)

1 day ago
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Robert Novak's most appropriate epitaph would be that he succeeded because he was true to himself. He was an insider's insider who was not swallowed up by the conventional wisdoms of Washington insiders. Though he himself was very much a part of the national media, he was openly scornful of their infamous herd instinct... (more)

1 day ago
PETER LABARBERA — Barack Obama sure has a strange way of showing his much-touted support for traditional "marriage." On Aug. 17, Obama's Justice Department filed a legal brief against DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by the last Democrat to occupy the Oval Office: Bill Clinton... (more)

2 days ago
DAVID SHRIBMAN — President Obama will return from his island idyll to a political landscape completely remade. He still will be greeted by swooning crowds and enthusiastic cheers. But his signature domestic policy is weakened, the result of a resurgent Republican Party that only months ago was on life support... (more)

2 days ago
WASHINGTON TIMES — A Hollywood conservative has headed East. It's "Freedom Concert" time for Jon Voight. The Academy Award winner will join Sean Hannity in Cincinnati and Atlanta this weekend to honor fallen soldiers and present college scholarships to surviving children. Mr. Voight -- a warrior himself in many ways -- has been cogitating about the state of America, meanwhile... (more)

2 days ago
FOX NEWS — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trailing a top Republican challenger by 11 points ahead of next year's election, according to a new poll... (more)

3 days ago
WORLDNETDAILY — A judge in South Dakota has concluded Planned Parenthood must tell potential abortion customers that the procedure will "terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being"... (more)

3 days ago
DAVID LIMBAUGH — President Barack Obama has run into a brick wall: the American people, who cherish their liberty and revere their nation and do not want it remade in Obama's socialist image. Obama's free-falling poll numbers are not the result of a misinformation campaign from a small sliver of unruly conservative opponents, as the administration wants you to believe... (more)

4 days ago
FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE — Has Arlen Specter met his political demise? It's beginning to look that way. As he seeks reelection to the Pennsylvania Senate, Specter is locked in a furious campaign fight on both his left and right flanks. It's a challenge that may soon become too much for even this ultimate political shape shifter and survivor to overcome... (more)

4 days ago
PAT BUCHANAN — "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil"... (more)

4 days ago
WASHINGTON TIMES — With national attention focused on President Obama's troubled health care reform efforts, we can't afford to take our eyes off his other flawed and costly priority -- "cap and trade" global-warming legislation... (more)

4 days ago
BUSINESS & MEDIA INSTITUTE — Among the accusations the White House and the left have leveled at opponents of President Barack Obama's health care plan is that they falsely assert that the plan would force tax payers to fund abortions. Obama himself said recently that those who raised the abortion concern were "bearing false witness"... (more)

4 days ago
CHUCK COLSON — Utilitarianism has a hideous strength when it comes to medical ethics. If even a ghastly procedure can "save lives," well, who's to say it's immoral? For years, scientists and celebrities supporting embryo-destructive stem cell research have used two arguments. First--blind to the destruction of the embryo itself--they argue embryonic stem cell research will save lives... (more)

4 days ago
RICH TUCKER — In the late 1970s, as the federal government arranged to bail out Chrysler, not-yet-famous economist Alan Greenspan warned the problem "was not that it would fail, but that it would succeed." And it did, thus paving the way for more bailouts, including (again) Chrysler... (more)

4 days ago
MICHELLE MALKIN — Money from pharmaceutical firms and health care companies is dirty, evil and corrupting -- except when key members of Team Obama are pocketing it. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs derides grassroots opponents of socialized health care as industry-funded lackeys with questionable motives and conflicts of interest. But what about the corporate shills at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?... (more)

4 days ago
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Obama administration will bring to an end the popular $3 billion Cash for Clunkers program on Monday, giving car shoppers a few more days to take advantage of big government incentives... (more)

4 days ago
A.W.R. HAWKINS — When Glenn Beck said he believed President Obama was a racist during an appearance on Fox & Friends on July 28, 2009, Democrat talking heads throughout the country came unhinged. In the media frenzy that followed, excerpts from Beck's statement were taken out of context by liberal pundits and kook-fringe bloggers so that the world read about Beck saying, "[Obama] is, I believe, a racist," without also reading Beck's qualifier... (more)

4 days ago
CHRISTIAN POST — The Des Moines Regional Transit Authority in Iowa has suspended an employee who refused to drive a bus that carried an ad for an atheist group... (more)

5 days ago
LINDA CHAVEZ — Afghanistan was supposed to be the good war -- the one Democrats said we should be fighting instead of Iraq. We heard it over and over again during the presidential campaign, as if to exorcise the image that a Democrat wasn't tough enough to assume the role of commander in chief... (more)

5 days ago
CHRISTIAN POST — A trial on the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 has been scheduled for Jan. 11, 2010, a federal judge announced on Wednesday. U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker also denied the requests of three gay rights groups and one conservative family group to intervene in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case... (more)

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