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Wall Street skids to fifth week of losses, hope endures

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street closed out a fifth week of losses with more selling on Friday after an anemic jobs report strengthened the case that the economy was slowing, though analysts said indexes may stabilize in the near-term. | Video

Recent Business News

Boeing to cut 510 jobs as Shuttle program winds down

(Reuters) - Boeing Co will lay off about 510 employees in its Space Exploration division as the United States' space shuttle program draws to a close.

03 Jun 2011

Competition and humor drive Groupon's Andrew Mason

PALOS VERDES, Calif (Reuters) - Groupon CEO Andrew Mason once thought of the hundreds of companies copying his business plan as plagiarists.

Bill Ford says CEO successor likely from within

MACKINAC ISLAND, Michigan (Reuters) - Ford Motor Co Executive Chairman Bill Ford said on Friday it is likely that the company will look inside its own ranks for the successor to Chief Executive Alan Mulally, whenever Mulally decides to leave.

03 Jun 2011

Wal-Mart sets new $15 billion buyback of lagging stock

FAYETTEVILLE, Arkansas (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc announced a $15 billion share repurchase and emphasized a recent dividend rise to hearten shareholders who have seen the stock lag as its U.S. sales remain in a prolonged slump.

03 Jun 2011

Sino-Forest clobbered by short-seller's report

TORONTO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A damning short-seller's report accusing Sino-Forest Corp of theft and fraud put the skids under the Canadian-listed company on Friday, even as it denied there was a problem.



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Prisons and the social fabric

Although we like to think of ourselves as the “land of freedom” we are actually the land of incarnation. If you study the map above you see we lead the world in the number of prisoners as a percentage of population. We jail more criminals than allegedly less developed China, Russia and Mexico. We are spending so much of our scarce resources on imprisonment. What has gone wrong? Is our social fabric so frayed that criminality is increasing? Have corporate interests driven an incarceration agenda? Does America have a prison–industrial complex?


Chrysler IPO not likely until 2012: Marchionne

TOLEDO, Ohio (Reuters) - A public share offering for Chrysler Group LLC is more likely to occur in 2012 than this year because the automaker needs a longer track record of performance, the company's chief executive said on Friday.

Sony Pictures confirms hacking of its websites

June 3 (Reuters) - Sony Pictures Entertainment confirmed late Friday evening that some of its websites were breached and it was working with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to identify the attackers.

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