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Thursday, December 17, 2009


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If you come, let me know--I know more good places to eat than I've got money to pay for.

Stay two weeks, never eat at the same place twice. I might need reinforcements after that--there are places I don't know about yer.

i can't seriously believe they are going to try and hold a vote on xmas eve, for a bill that doesn't go into effect until 2014.

hint: everyone is gathering with their families, the very next day, and it is a very dead news period. It won't be a stealth vote-it would be more like shouting in a library.

the current 'idea of a plan' has less than a 40% approval. it is going to become more popular, AFTER the vote?

i think reid is more in search of a legacy than obama is, and he is resigned to losing his seat in november. If there was a democrat in the senate, who wanted to wrest control of the seante from reid, they have but to wait til next year/3 weeks. I don't see any takers though...

please give it to boxer.

I haven't done many book reviews yet. I think this is my third... the other two are "girl" books (not that guys can't read them, it is just that they are about boys)... one is "Austenland" and the other is "Friday Night Knitting Club"

I am planning on doing more book reviews as I keep reading or remembering old books, so keep checking back :)

Pacal, thank you for all of your steady encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to me.

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