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Friday, December 18, 2009


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F*ck the Assocaited Press ... all the way up, with a red hot poker!


Stopped at Orly's site yesterday. And ... was quite surprised. To be accosted by ... porn popups! Took out my phone, to give her a ring up. But, they didn't repeat (haven't checked today). Me, still gotta read that soytin book, by a soytin fewcharist ... bout virtual warfarin (that's been collectin dust). Obviously, her site was virus'd/hacked after a fashion. Ergo ... Boosh's fault!

Bottom line it for us elmo: people are starting to get pis't. There will be fallout. Won't be pretty (hint: pack welding goggles).

"while they fritter away millions based upon suggestions from too many consultants without pertinent experience, or even a freaking clue in some cases."

Dan - you hit the nail on the head with this statement. If (you have not done so already) you want a glimpse into chaos casued by consultants who spend most of the day patting themselves on the back start on page 218 of Palin's book and by page 334 you will have answers to what millions of us asked during the campaign - WTF is McCain doing??

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