Another side of Bob and more!

The cry of the peacock, flies buzzin' my head
Ceiling fan broken, there's a heat in my bed
Street band playing "Nearer My God To Thee"
We met at the station, where the mission bells ring
She said "I know what you're thinking but there ain't a thing
You can do about it, so let us just agree to agree."


Daily Ramblings:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Come home, Bob! ...7:51 pm

That’s the name of a campaign to get Bob Dylan to go home to Hibbing, and play a gig on the Iron Range. Interesting timing for the roll-out, with Bob about as far away as he can get, in Japan. From Fox21Online:

HIBBING – Bob Dylan has made no secret of the fact that he didn’t feel accepted as he grew up on the Iron Range.

But tourism officials say the times they are a-changin’, to borrow a line from Dylan’s third album. Now, they’ve launched am online campaign to get Dylan to come home and perform a concert.

Dylan was born Robert Zimmerman in 1941 in Duluth. His family moved to Hibbing in 1948.

“It’s no secret that, years ago, Bob wasn’t really accepted here, but times have changed … and so have the people of the Iron Range,” said Cheyenne Denny, Executive Director of the Iron Range Tourism Bureau, in a press release. “Today, people have a true appreciation for Dylan and we are genuinely inviting Bob back to where his musical and poetic roots started, right here on the Iron Range.”

The tourism bureau has launched a website,, where Dylan fans can sign a petition urging him to perform on the Iron Range. The bureau is also promoting the campaign through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

That website is I kind of appreciate the directness of the appeal. Maybe Bob will too. Of-course, he’s already proven that he’ll play a gig just about anywhere. He’s already played Duluth — at least twice, in fact — so it really doesn’t seem that there are any terrible ghosts of which he’s afraid in Minnesota. I bet that all Hibbing really needs is an acceptable venue and the likelihood of filling the seats. The latter is pretty much guaranteed. I don’t know about the former, but maybe they can apply for some federal stimulus money to build something. I wonder how much this is really about bringing Bob “home,” though, versus being just a way to get the charms of Hibbing mentioned in the media. No doubt the tourism officials win no matter what happens. Good luck to all Hibbingites.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here comes the rain again ...2:08 pm

I know I’ve noted it before, and it’s a pretty obvious thing to note, but the set list from the first night of Bob Dylan’s tour of Japan is another reminder of how often Dylan uses water as an image and/or metaphor in his songs. (The fact that it’s been raining heavily in my locality for the past few days adds to the timeliness of this observation.)

The show kicked off with Watching the River Flow. The fifth song of the night was High Water (for Charley Patton), followed consecutively by Spirit On the Water and The Levee’s Gonna Break. The tenth tune of the night was A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall. You can listen to a clip of that one at this link. Bob sings the final verse in a manner which may or not be pleasing to a given listener’s ear, but is certainly unlike how I’ve ever heard him sing it before.

I know I’m not unique in how — when I attend one of Bob’s concerts — the songs in succession often seem to create a narrative. I’m sure it’s completely subjective; my mind picks out certain phrases and feelings and strings them together in a way that seems coherent. The person beside me is likely to be hearing something else (which doesn’t mean, mind you, that what I’m hearing isn’t there).

In any case, I thought I’d idly string together some lines from all of these water songs that appeared in that first set of this tour, and see if there’s any kind of narrative in it. At a minimum, the words can speak for themselves in terms of how Dylan has used these watery metaphors down all these many days and decades.

Oh, this ol’ river keep on rollin’, though
No matter what gets in the way and which way the wind does blow
And as long as it does I’ll just sit here
And watch the river flow

High water risin’, six inches ‘bove my head
Coffins droppin’ in the street
Like balloons made out of lead
“Don’t reach out for me,” she said
“Can’t you see I’m drownin’ too?”

Spirit on the water
Darkness on the face of the deep
I keep thinking about you baby
I can’t hardly sleep

Life without you
Doesn’t mean a thing to me
If I can’t have you,
I’ll throw my love into the deep blue sea

When I’m with you I forget I was ever blue
When I’m with you I forget I was ever blue
Without you there’s no meaning in anything I do

If it keep on rainin’ the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin’ the levee gonna break
Some people still sleepin’, some people are wide awake

And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’
But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall

I would say that there’s a certain continuity that’s perceptible in those lines, a flowing stream of sorts. It’s not one-dimensional, however: You can see how water goes back and forth between being the water of life versus the destructive flood. A dichotomy like this gives a poet a lot with which to work, and Dylan hasn’t been shy about bathing in such tensions.

Pray that I don’t die of thirst / Baby, two feet from the well. On the other hand, a teacup of water is enough to drown. It’s biblical, but then most things are, especially when you’re in Bob’s territory. Deuteronomy, chapter 30:

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

There’s no conclusion here; I’m just going leave it as a fleeting reflection on the surface of Bob’s musical waters.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bob Dylan’s first show in Osaka, Japan ...8:37 am

Tonight in Osaka, Japan, Bob Dylan will kick off his show with Watching the River Flow, end the set with Ballad of a Thin Man, and round off the encore with All Along the Watchtower. Nothing bizarre or unprecedented in the song selections in between. Bob will be on keyboard except for Girl of the North Country, where he will play guitar. The full set list is at Bob Links.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dylan’s tour of Japan set to begin ...12:45 pm

The first show of Bob Dylan’s new tour, in Japan, is scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. local time. Japan is, I believe, 14 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time, and therefore 9 hours ahead of London, and 17 hours ahead of California. (… continue reading …)

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Oh, mama ...10:13 am

I think this is a killer cover version of Bob Dylan’s song Mama You’ve Been On My Mind, recently uploaded to YouTube. And the slide-show consists of some quite tastefully chosen pictures of silent-movie-era actresses.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Caribbean Wind ...7:32 pm

Caribbean Wind is a song which Bob Dylan first performed live on November 12th, 1980, and that also currently stands as the song’s final live performance. He took it into the studio with him the following year when preparing for the album to follow Saved, which turned out to be Shot of Love. However, although at least two studio recordings are known to fans, the song was not included on that album. One version was released in 1985 on the Biograph collection. It doesn’t sound anything like Shot of Love, so that may be one reason it didn’t end up on that album. It’s quite polished and poppy-sounding; in fact, if it had come along at the right time and been released as a single, I bet it could have been that rarest of species: a Bob Dylan hit from the 1980s. But it wasn’t to be. (… continue reading …)

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bob Dylan’s New European Tour ...3:35 pm

Bob Dylan has lined up a series of apparently confirmed shows in a part of the world that I think Donald Rumsfeld would characterize as “new Europe;” places like Romania, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. The dates so far stretch from June 2nd through June 13th, with (… continue reading …)

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Let It Be Me ...2:25 pm

Bob Dylan first recorded the song Let It Be Me on his 1970 album Self Portrait, with that crooner kind of voice and the soft and sweet country music sound that he was utilizing back then. This was not, however, his final take on the song. (… continue reading …)

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob Dylan awarded “National Medal of Arts” by President Obama ...10:37 pm

However, he didn’t actually show up to receive it in person from President Obama. Well, perhaps he was in his hotel room, too glued to coverage and analysis of the incredibly exciting health-care summit to tear himself away. (… continue reading …)

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The Health Care Summit ...9:08 am

As the political circus continues in its interminable way, my own reaction is this: Mr. President (Obama): Have Pity On The Working Man.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bobs and Ends ...12:00 pm

Garnered from Garnier: Last week, Frank Beacham talked to Bob Dylan’s long-time bassist Tony Garnier, and reported on what Tony had to say about that show at the White House on February 9th. As far as the single-song performance, what Tony is quoted as saying implies that there only ever was one song under consideration — which contradicts other things we’d heard, and also lends weight to the theory (proposed earlier by a reader) that Dylan’s lingering on stage at the end was only in order to gauge whether a second take was called for. (… continue reading …)

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

That’s all it takes ...2:01 pm

Hank Williams needs just one minute and thirty-three seconds and the old song Farther Along to say it all. (… continue reading …)

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