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12/11/15 @ 3:46pm
Ted Cruz sent a fundraising email on behalf of the radical gun group Gun Owners of America yesterday, boasting that he was “honored to work with GOA” to stop gun legislation after the Sandy Hook massacre and declaring that President Obama’s gun control efforts “have nothing t... MORE
12/11/15 @ 5:34pm
Michelle Conlin @ Reuters: For God and country: more U.S. pastors seek political office in 2016. Kira Lerner @ Think Progress: Ted Cruz Endorses Far-Right Pastor’s Plan To ‘Rescue’ Black People From Sexual Immorality. Stephen Piggott @ Hatewatch: Candidates Denounce... MORE
12/11/15 @ 5:31pm
Ryan Anderson complains "that conservative Evangelicals have a harder time coming out against same-sex marriage today than gays, lesbians and transgenders have in coming out about their sexual preference or identity." Jonathan Cahn warns that the Paris and San Bernardino terror... MORE
12/11/15 @ 4:47pm
On his radio program today, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer once again voiced his support for Donald Trump's call to ban all Muslims from entering the country, likening it to imposing a travel ban during the height of last year's Ebola outbreak. "We have got to suspe... MORE
12/11/15 @ 3:20pm
On Wednesday, Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., joined Houston talk radio host Sam Malone to discuss President Obama’s response to the San Bernardino shooting and the threat from ISIS. After Malone asked the congressman why President Obama is showing “no leadership” and “can’t s... MORE
12/11/15 @ 2:45pm
In an interview yesterday with the Washington Post, James Dobson, the influential founder of Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, revealed that he is likely to endorse Ted Cruz’s presidential bid, noting that the Religious Right is “coalescing around Senator Cruz”... MORE
12/11/15 @ 12:36pm
John Guandolo, an anti-Muslim activist who appeared alongside a number of Republican presidential candidates at an event organized by Frank Gaffney in July, insisted this week that President Obama’s intention to work with U.S. Muslim communities to combat extremism is useless because all U... MORE
12/11/15 @ 12:30pm
Back in 1999, Donald Trump nearly ran for the nomination of the Reform Party, warning that his chief rival at the time and eventual winner of the nomination, Pat Buchanan, was far too conservative and divisive. Of course, now Trump seems to be running to Buchanan’s right, and his former oppone... MORE
12/11/15 @ 12:25pm
In another classic just asking the question column for WorldNetDaily, conservative activist and radio host Bradlee Dean lays out a series of questions about President Obama, claiming that we don’t know enough about the president’s birthplace or that of his daughters. He even demands that... MORE
12/11/15 @ 12:05pm
Days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush visited a Washington, D.C., mosque to declare that “the face of terror is not the true faith of Islam” and to urge Americans to treat their Muslim neighbors “with respect,” citing stories of Americ... MORE
12/11/15 @ 11:58am
Anti-LGBT activist Theodore Shoebat posted a new video yesterday praising Donald Trump's plan to ban all Muslims from entering the country, approvingly comparing him to Andrew Jackson, whom he hailed as "the greatest president in American history" for oppressing, dislocating and killin... MORE