+ ADD YOUR SITE (11 members)


Click Member link to see site in tvJaded + ADD YOUR SITE (11 members)
jaded is a community for people who are jaded, depressed, sad, angry, bitter, lonely, suicidal, mistreated, anti-social, etc.


Something to Do
the life of a 20-something recent college grad trying to get her life on track in her new nyc lifestyle.. basically something to do when you're not doing something else..

A site dedicated to my obsessions: darkly surreal painting, collecting Verlys art glass, and of course an online journal updated frequently.

Falling Ashes
This is my...site. Life. Yer. If you want to fill your daily oddness quotient in one go, take a look.

My Crazy World
A journal about a teenage gilr who is dealing with being bipolar

the media review log of a Canadian female geek

caffeinated bliss
Random ramblings

Art by Rosa Sophia
My paintings, digital art, photographs and more. Come read the articles, comment on them, sign the guestbook or request a site review or commission!

Musings of Serephina
A personal blog of a 19 year old Texan, just trying to be sane in an insane world.

My MS Page
a site abou me, my family, my MS diagnosis, and my nursing career

S.L.A.P.-Survivors Living Alone Proudly
S.L.A.P. is online support and information for survivors of ANY disabling injury who are living alone.