Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Guild Wars 2: Lots Of Stuff

We've got all the Guild Wars 2 info. No, we've got all of it. We've got two interviews with the development team, videos, everything. And it's looking like quite the game, so you'll want to point your eyes at it, right now. Read →

Now Judged: Plain Sight

RPS has been busy playing psychedelic robot-dueller Plain Sight, and Kieron offers us his analysis of what makes this strange game worth buying: "it's a poetic and beautiful game about Samurai Robots." Need more than that? Read →


The future of X-COM has been revealed as XCOM, an action shooter from 2K Marin, 2k Australia, apparently. The internet is aflame! Read our XCOM coverage, and the reasons why the original game is one of the all time classics, and a thing that will resonate down the ages. - Read →

Alec’s XCOM Feature

Posted by Jim Rossignol on May 8th, 2010 at 3:03 pm.


Mr Meer was the first to take a look at the new XCOM, thanks to the PC Gamer’s exclusive feature. Since he’s currently off having weekend adventures I thought it might be wise to link to an online sighting: GamesRadar have the full text, and some images.

This isn’t a linear shooter, either. Your base’s phonetappers and police-radio scanners present you with choices as to where to go next and what to do, picked from a large map of the US. Rumours of animal attacks and strange weather patterns in a certain state? Sounds like Blobs are on the rampage. Saddle up, Agent Carter. Grab the wheel of your hulking fedmobile, take two of your best men with you, and go see what’s going on.

Go read.

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Phased In: Star Trek Online “Demo”

Posted by Jim Rossignol on May 8th, 2010 at 12:57 pm.


Cryptic have revealed some details about their free trial for Star Trek Online, which is now available. It allows you to play through the tutorial and an early mission as part of the Federation, and so seems like a decent taster. Any STO veterans want to add more as to whether this is a representative sampler?

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The RPS Bargain Bucket: Civil Gaming

Posted by Lewie Procter on May 8th, 2010 at 12:32 pm.


Some of the prices I’ve quoted here, as usual, are conversions from one currency to another. What with the political landscape in the UK being like looking at a Kandinsky through a kaleidoscope, who knows how much these prices could change over the course of the weekend. It’s not my fault, I voted for Kang. Keep your browser on for video game bargains, as always. Here’s the cream of the crop of this week’s digital discounts.
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Would You Pay A Sub For Single-Player?

Posted by Jim Rossignol on May 7th, 2010 at 7:05 pm.


Well? Would you? (Expanded below.)
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Puzzle Bots Released, Demo Out

Posted by John Walker on May 7th, 2010 at 5:23 pm.


Look what a lovely time they're having.

I’m trying to think of a way to link the new puzzle/adventure game from Erin Robinson and Dave Gilbert, Puzzle Bots, to a hung parliament in the UK election… Right, okay, here we go. In this hybrid game you control up to five robots at once, who are all forced to work in coalition with each other in order to complete tasks that would otherwise be impossible on their own. Come on – that’s why they pay me the big bucks*. It’s a game that’s out today.

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Set The World On Fire: Fate Of The World

Posted by Kieron Gillen on May 7th, 2010 at 2:30 pm.


It’s a good day for the interview to go live, I think. I’ve been following Red Redemption’s global-future strategy game for a while and now – with its release on the horizon and its name settled, I thought it was time to talk to its charismatic founder Gobion Rowlands, Creative Director/Lead Designer Ian Roberts and MD/Producer Klaude Thomas about Fate of The World. We take in everything from the real science behind it to the gloriously apocalyptic actions you can perform to try and save – or destroy – the world.
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DIY MMO: Ryzom’s Open Sauciness

Posted by Alec Meer on May 7th, 2010 at 12:26 pm.


All MMOs are rubbish, blah blah blah. World of Snorecraft, blah blah blah. Well, make your own bloody MMO, then. How? With the complete source code and art assets from fantasy monster-biffing game The Saga of Ryzom. It’s had player content-building for a while, but this is extraordinary. The devs have just made the whole kit and kaboodle open source, free to use and modify for anyone. They’re continuing to run Ryzom as-is meanwhile, which is an interesting one – are the fans loyal enough to keep paying for it, or will they head off and try to create their own servers with this code?

More importantly, will anyone make a fully-fledged new MMO as a result of this uber-generous offer? Even more importantly, which one of you is going to make RPS: The MMO? Four opposing and equally useless factions, Dave Tosser as a dungeon boss, Summon Infinite Bear powers and Kieron as the troll-king – it’s so beautifully suited to it. Details and links to the Ryzom new deal below.

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Build It, They Will Come: TF2 Engie Tease

Posted by Alec Meer on May 6th, 2010 at 11:30 pm.


It is Team Fortress news so we must post it because it is Team Fortress news, even in the face of our great despair about what the morrow may bring for the UK. Valve’s monopoly on patch-centric gossip remains extraordinary, the presentation alone ensuring gents like us are duty-bound to cover it. This time, it’s a teaser for the long-awaited Engineer update…
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LAN Party Politics: Election Night Offers

Posted by Kieron Gillen on May 6th, 2010 at 8:13 pm.


Just vote.

If indie developers know one thing, it’s how to turn national political warfare into cheap-and-nasty monetization. Mode 7 Games are having 20% off their Frozen Synapse Pre-order (including Beta Access) in their Tactical Voting offer. You can order it here, and need to enter the coupon code WELLHUNG to get the reduction, before 1pm tomorrow. I fear that code’s pandering to my twitter rubbishness. I rambled about Frozen Synapse here, if you don’t remember. In short: Aces! Also, Positech are celebrating the decline of our democratic values with a decline in the prices of their Democracy 2. There’s a massive 50% off today. And now to get drunk and stare at the TV in mounting horror, I suspect.

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Dogged: Kane & Lynch 2 Arcade Mode

Posted by John Walker on May 6th, 2010 at 6:40 pm.


It's his Splinter Cell impression.

I feel it’s about time I posted another Kane & Lynch 2 trailer. So that’s just what I’ll do. It’s for the co-op Arcade Mode, in which you’re challenged with blowing stuff up and stealing money! Hooray! It’s co-op in the fragile sense. Betray your team and you’ll be assassinated. But don’t perform well enough and your team could turn on you, recognising you as disposable. You can see more of the strange CCTV perspective shots that appear to be in-game, which is a nice idea.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Respond to our gibber

  • Wulf : “Well, it's not like DRM at all, really. That's a bit silly. Bad DRM can harm your game and really impair the gaming experience of ...” on The RPS Bargain Bucket: Civil Gaming
  • Starky : “UFO: Enemy Unknown you young whippersnapper!” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • patton : “Well, I belong to the group of people who played X-com for the first time recently, so scew the "new generation". Sometimes, games are good ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Cinnamon : “Oh man, I hope that I have the will power not to read comments about this game again but I know that I will not. ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Bret : “That's when you say "Not XCOM, X-Com you hooligan!" And beat them to death with your cane.” on Alec’s XCOM Feature

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