Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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Ooh, please do. RPS currently earns us a mere fraction of proper grown-up money, which means we’re having to run it on spare time, goodwill, and lots of help from our friends. Clearly that’s not ideal – so every penny helps us write more, longer, faster, better. Yes, it’s a little humiliating to put out our begging cap in public, but it’s all for the good of the site.

If you’re super-generous and want to give us a piffling $2 a month as a recurring donation clicky here:

Please use an email address you actually check for Paypal! It’s how we send you stuff.

We have to emphasize that subscribing is first and foremost about supporting the site, in order to help us keep it going. At present, we’re not able to generate secret bonus content or whatnot as thanks, but as we’re aware that our undying gratitude and love may not be quite enough recompense, what we have been doing is sorting out irregular subscriber-only freebies and deals in order to make such lovely people feel a tad VIP. Lately, we’ve been able to sort out a free game, a subscriber-exclusive compo, exclusive discounts, first dibs on tickets to our Thinkosium event and freebie keys to several game closed betas. Again though – we can’t guarantee we’ll be showering you in free stuff at this stage, but hopefully there’ll be the odd one here and there.

If this whole monthly payment thing seems a little too much, for a one-off chunk o’change this here’s your man:

Love you!

(Oh – if you’re worrying about that dollar thing, Paypal (which we use for our sub payments) does the conversion automagically, and takes funds from your account in your local currency, so you shouldn’t incur any bank charges. That’s if you already have a Paypal account setup and linked to your bank account, anyway – if you want to bypass signup/login and manually enter credit card details, it might be worth checking your bank don’t charge a tithe for conversion.)

Respond to our gibber

  • Arron ZaX : “X-Com wasn't just a game about fighting and investigating aliens. At it's core, X-Com was Laser Squad 2. A tactical wargame with a long ancestry ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • sana : “Heheh, "angry internet man"! Such a hee-larius meme us funny boys at Rock Paper Shotgun got! You sure showed them savages!” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Tokamak : “I think he'll be able to replace one of his weapons with his guitar. Maybe the guitar will render all surrounding devices immune to sap ...” on Build It, They Will Come: TF2 Engie Tease
  • R_Duke : “Alec you've grabbed your ankles and taken every inch of their P.R. This better turn out good or you're dead to me :P” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Ricc : “@Phinor: I live in Austria and this did work for me. (Thanks, btw. ;) )” on The RPS Bargain Bucket: Civil Gaming

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