Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Posts Tagged ‘Democracy’

Democracy Inaction: Blizzard vs Bots

Posted by Alec Meer on March 27th, 2008.

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The people vs Larry Quel'thalas

What people surely love the most about RPS is not our lengthy cleverthinks, wibbling retrospectives, bewildering references to bear-based religions, or refreshingly honest buy/don’t buy game verdicts, but rather the way we sometimes read a news story, then write about that news story in our own words. It’s journalism at its most pioneering. So, to make you respect us all the more, let’s have an experiment. Yes, voting! Ooh, it’s like the internet circa 1999.

Still, it’s a spot of moral deliberation that could only apply to videogames.
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Democracy Released: Democracy Fails!

Posted by Kieron Gillen on December 10th, 2007.

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Look, we have a graph to prove it and everything.

The New Scum do us in AGAIN.

So, yeah, playing my first game of Democracy 2 and things went awry. The National Front’s got a landslide, so it’s Jackboot stomping on a human face forever time. Pah. Anyway, if you think you can do better, the demo’s over here, but there’s a little post-match analysis and some more on Democracy (And its prequel) beneath the cut.
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  • bhlaab : “This reminds me of that time Bethesda said they were going to make Fallout 3, and base it on the Oblivion engine. And then they ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • boldoran : “@Bassism The fact that Linux users are proportionaly paying more is probably related to the fact that Linux/Mac users are usually grown ups (as in ...” on The RPS Bargain Bucket: Civil Gaming
  • Zwebbie : “Oh, you people. The problem is obviously not that it's not like X-Com, because there are a million games that aren't like X-Com, and you ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Starky : “Except that isn't the same logic at all. So your "by that logic" is a complete fallacy. Yours is comparing petty graphical or gameplay features ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • DMJ : “I say we make 12kill4 our new leader.” on Alec’s XCOM Feature

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