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Posts Tagged ‘Democracy 2’

LAN Party Politics: Election Night Offers

Posted by Kieron Gillen on May 6th, 2010.

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Just vote.

If indie developers know one thing, it’s how to turn national political warfare into cheap-and-nasty monetization. Mode 7 Games are having 20% off their Frozen Synapse Pre-order (including Beta Access) in their Tactical Voting offer. You can order it here, and need to enter the coupon code WELLHUNG to get the reduction, before 1pm tomorrow. I fear that code’s pandering to my twitter rubbishness. I rambled about Frozen Synapse here, if you don’t remember. In short: Aces! Also, Positech are celebrating the decline of our democratic values with a decline in the prices of their Democracy 2. There’s a massive 50% off today. And now to get drunk and stare at the TV in mounting horror, I suspect.

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I Got Election: Time To Invest In Democracy?

Posted by Kieron Gillen on April 6th, 2010.

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Yeah, it better not end up like this.

In an example of the sort of shameless marketeer behaviour with we loathe, fear and high approve of, Cliffski of Positech has celebrated the just-announced opportunity to choose our evil masters for the next few years and/or until a mid-00s Fascist Putsch by putting his Democracy 2 on sale. Just for today, it’s 50% off if you enter the code, meaning you can pretend to do a better job than any of the actual candidates in the comfort of your own whatever-room-where-your-PC-lives. Press release follows…
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Splendindie-bundle on D2D

Posted by Jim Rossignol on August 5th, 2009.

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Direct 2 Drive have announced they’re running and indie games bundle until Sunday. The bundle contains Democracy 2, Cogs, Zeno Clash, The Path, and Defence Grid. All great games. Which rather reveals the problem with the pack: you probably own a couple of these games already.

Nevertheless, for those aberrant consumers among us, the deal is good. £11.50 for Britons, and $17.75 for North Americans. I dunno about Euro types. Anyone got a link?

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Democracy 2, New Demo And Stuff

Posted by Jim Rossignol on January 12th, 2009.

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Just in case you’re casting about for something to play in the dark hours of our Northern Hemisphere winter (damn you, Southern Hemisphere dwellers!) Cliffski has put up a new demo for the rather realistic governmental simulation Democracy 2. It’s a genuinely excellent game with lots of icons, and we all love icons. But there’s more than icons: there’s brains too. And they’re not so visible. Anyway, Kieron discusses the game in a bit more detail here. The new demo is here, and there’s a patch out for those of you who already own the thing.

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Democracy Released: Democracy Fails!

Posted by Kieron Gillen on December 10th, 2007.

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Look, we have a graph to prove it and everything.

The New Scum do us in AGAIN.

So, yeah, playing my first game of Democracy 2 and things went awry. The National Front’s got a landslide, so it’s Jackboot stomping on a human face forever time. Pah. Anyway, if you think you can do better, the demo’s over here, but there’s a little post-match analysis and some more on Democracy (And its prequel) beneath the cut.
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