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Posts Tagged ‘feature’

Hands On: Blacklight Tango Down

Posted by Kieron Gillen on May 6th, 2010.

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I've been resisting doing a YOU KNOW WHEN YOU'VE BEEN TANGOED gag all the way through this piece.

The game bluescreens. For the third time this game. I swear. Not again. Not fucking again.

You may wonder why a developer is proudly letting journalists play their game in their state. There is reason to their madness. This isn’t a bug. This is a feature.
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South Of The Border: Rage Previewed

Posted by Alec Meer on May 5th, 2010.

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“We didn’t want to do another Doom, another Wolfenstein, but we knew that at its core it had to be a first-person experience.”

It’s a line I heard lead designer Tim Willits say twice during last week’s Rage demo, plus over a dozen variants on that theme: his lure to unsure packs of journalists who’d almost forgotten Rage existed. By id standards, it’s not been long in the making – but it’s been long enough that I can’t help but approach this latest demo with a very different mentality to those first videos back in 2007. Borderlands has been and gone, Fallout 3 has been and gone, Bioshock 1 and 2 have been and gone. This Winter, we’ll have another post-apocalyptic combat game to join those teeming end-of-the-world ranks. It’s created by id – Doom id, Wolfenstein id, Quake id. And, let’s be honest, Doom 3 id. How will they win our love back?

With prettiness and bullets, mostly.
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Talk Sport: Street Fighter IV vs. StarCraft 2

Posted by Quintin Smith on May 3rd, 2010.

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Him on the right is actually what Quinns looks like.

There’s something distinctly feminine about choosing to get really good at a game. Unlike the very male experience of playing whatever, whenever, basically playing as much as you can get, basically waddling around the game shop with your trousers round your ankles, choosing to get good at a game requires commitment, or even devotion. More difficultly, it also requires that you choose a suitor.

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Wot I Think: The Ballad Of Gay Tony

Posted by John Walker on April 30th, 2010.

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It dazzles.

Yesterday I told you wot I thought of the first half of the GTA IV: Episodes From Liberty City, The Lost And Damned. Today it’s the other half, The Ballad Of Gay Tony. Having played it from beginning to end, I feel rather equipped to let you know Wot I Think.

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Wot I Think: GTA IV: The Lost And Damned

Posted by John Walker on April 29th, 2010.

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And splattery.

At either end of 2009, two “episode packs” were released for the 360 version of GTA IV: The Lost And Damned, and The Ballad Of Gay Tony. As of a week or two back, the two have been released together for the PC, not requiring the original game to run. It’s an awful lot of game. I’ve finished the both, and so it’s about time I told you Wot I Think. First up, The Lost And Damned. (Be advised – there’s a picture of a man’s front bottom in this article.)

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L4D2 – The Passing: Impressions Part 2

Posted by Alec Meer on April 28th, 2010.

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Where were we? Sorry about the delay. I’ve been in France, making awful jokes about floating skulls to Chris Avellone. He didn’t punch me, miraculously, but I remain mortified.
The Passing, then. I’m going to keep away from spoiler stuff in this post, bar stating the pretty-much-obvious that you don’t get to control the L41 survivors in any way.
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CCP’s Torfi Frans Olafsson Talks Tyrannis

Posted by Jim Rossignol on April 27th, 2010.

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When you’ve got Eve Online’s senior technical producer on the phone, it’s rude not to ask him about his plans for that most righteous of MMOs. Here’s what Olafsson had to say about Eve and forthcoming expansion, Tyrannis. We also had a few words about console action crossover, Dust 514. (Am I convinced there won’t be a PC client? No, not convinced. CCP still saying it’s their console game, however.)

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L4D2 – The Passing: Impressions Part 1

Posted by Alec Meer on April 27th, 2010.

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This should be one long piece, but I’ve been distracted by going to France and arguing with Kieron about routing in fascinating but incredibly complicated boardgames. Figured I should deal with the spoileriffic stuff while it’s fresh, though. Conclusion tomorrow, chums.

It's a trap

The Passing: the long-awaited conflluence between Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. There’s only one way to describe it.

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RPS Summit: Why No L4D Director Mode?

Posted by RPS on April 26th, 2010.

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As much as we pretend to loathe one another, the RPS-members do talk to one another. Earlier today, our standard chat broke into something resembling an actual discussion. John, sitting silently by, suggested this chat about Left 4 Dead’s lack of a Director Mode is the sort of thing we should post on the site. So we did. Blame John. Always blame John.

Quinns: The only thing I think I care about is whether they’re going to put in a full blown Director mode. Which I doubt they ever will.
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Wot I Think: Plain Sight

Posted by Kieron Gillen on April 22nd, 2010.

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God, I hate that I've totally failed to capture the game's beauty in screens.
In short: Top Gun with Samurai Robots.
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  • Robert : “Excuse me? I just made fun of your extreme understatement. This comment thread is full of (passive-)aggres~ comments and you make it sound as if ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • PleasingFungus : “Also, the UI's a bit impenetrable - it's a strategy game from the period when you actually had to read the manual. And, naturally, the ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • nate : “This sounds really awesome. Maybe it's just the quality of the writing, but I'm excited. Running away isn't used enough in FPSs. Occasionally, you'll have ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Robert : “You know what's the fun detail here? Man has been saying "BACK WHEN I WAS YOUNG IT WAS BETTER!" for quite a while now, you ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Mantel : “This ain't no sequel, it's a re-imagining. It's not a prequel either. Most see this as a them just making another FPS, it's more than ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature

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