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Posts Tagged ‘raven software’

Singularity: Actually This Year

Posted by Jim Rossignol on April 17th, 2010.

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No, the game, not the bizarre nerd rapture. And anyway, it’s a manshooter news day, alright. Raven’s time-bending shooter, Singularity – which I maintain should have been called TIME GLOVE! – is actually being released in 2010. In fact, we can be more precise still: it’s coming out on June 29th. And there’s a new trailer, which is around here somewhere… Blimey, it actually looks moderately interesting. Some of the time-based transformations are pretty impressive and… well, if Raven can make a full game out of them then we might just be in for a treat. Also, I want to fight people by making them old.
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Wolfenstein: A Demo Of The 2009 Game

Posted by Jim Rossignol on October 14th, 2009.

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Alternative title: “Demo-nic Possession”. Cos, you know, occult and stuff. Oh, nevermind. Wolfenstein, the recent manshoot from Raven, has a demo. I know, how about that! We certainly have had a bumper crop of game demonstrations of late. This particular demo is apparently a mere 685mb big, which seems quite economical in these engorged times. It also means that the game is no good, because small = bad, as we all know. Should you choose to install it, you’ll find yourself in a strange alternate world where the Nazis didn’t win the war, because someone shot at them, to death. Get it here, and I am sure there will be more mirrors along soon. Like this one.

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Quickie Impressions: Wolfenstein

Posted by Alec Meer on August 25th, 2009.

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Just a few thoughts on a few hours of Raven’s latest suckling at id’s IP teat… Lest word hasn’t reached you yet – perhaps unsurprisingly if so, given the dearth of pre-release reviews – BJ Blazkowicz’s latest corridor-based Nazi-gibbing adventure seems disappointingly flat. Given id are now a part of the Bethesda/Zenimax machine, it’s highly unlikely Raven will ever get a crack at the game universes they’ve (for better or worse) helped build, making this something of a sad farewell. At the same time, there’s a relief to knowing that some of the most formative names in PC-based man-shooting are no longer left in the hands of an Activision-owned studio who’ve not truly excelled themselves for years. Hopefully this isn’t Wolfenstein’s last gasp, but from what I’ve played so far it’s not going to be its proudest legacy.
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Flamethrowers And Zeppelins, Together At Last

Posted by Jim Rossignol on August 10th, 2009.

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Raven’s reworking of the old lone Wolf will soon be upon us, August 18 for North American and August 21 for Europe. I’ve post the two most recent game-footage trailers below, in which we seen BJ using his supernatural vision and a flamethrower to clear the decks of a Zeppelin. I’m wondering whether that bit of the game ends in an explosion. It’s a fair bet, eh? More on this, no doubt, when we take a look later in the month of August. There’s a bunch more information over on the official Wolfenstein site, obviously.
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Fight The Signs Of Ageing, With Singularity

Posted by Jim Rossignol on April 28th, 2009.

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A glove that can de-age things. Imagine what the Loreal face-scientists could do with that. Somehow, though, this is not a piece of cosmetics technology, but an item of military hardware in the hands of the protagonist of Raven’s forthcoming shooter, Singularity. In fact, de-ageing stuff is central to the hook of the game. We all thought it was about time travelling, but that’s not the whole story. The trailer beneath the cut shows our singular hero fixing decayed cover and bring a tree back to life. Not in that Okami way, but in very much an inevitable-physics-death-for-masked-enemies way. Go see for yourself.
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Wolfenstein: BJ Vs The Magical Nazis Trailer

Posted by Jim Rossignol on March 21st, 2009.

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Well, that’s what the trailer should have been titled. Actually it’s more about the goofy occult horror angle of the reworked shooter, showing off the reality-hopping “veil” effects and the green-emitting monsters that Nazi scientists have created to destroy Freedom, jazz and apple pie. There are also impossibly large guns. That’s right: it’s Wolfenstein, it’s coming this summer, and it’s a first-person shooter videogame. We like those.

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Best Of the Vest: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Posted by Jim Rossignol on March 11th, 2009.

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Another superhero film, another superhero game. Wolverine will be appearing in his own third-person action adventures from May 1st. The Unreal-powered stabbing game sure does look pretty, but I sense there may be little more to this than a series of beat ‘em up clearances, and some spectacular quick-time events. Yes, I’m being all sulky and sceptical and adolescent – Watchmen syndrome? – you don’t have to take my forecast for granted: the hair-horned one gets violent after the jump.
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