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Posts Tagged ‘xcom’

Alec’s XCOM Feature

Posted by Jim Rossignol on May 8th, 2010.

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Mr Meer was the first to take a look at the new XCOM, thanks to the PC Gamer’s exclusive feature. Since he’s currently off having weekend adventures I thought it might be wise to link to an online sighting: GamesRadar have the full text, and some images.

This isn’t a linear shooter, either. Your base’s phonetappers and police-radio scanners present you with choices as to where to go next and what to do, picked from a large map of the US. Rumours of animal attacks and strange weather patterns in a certain state? Sounds like Blobs are on the rampage. Saddle up, Agent Carter. Grab the wheel of your hulking fedmobile, take two of your best men with you, and go see what’s going on.

Go read.

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Hidden Movement: XCOM Uncovered In PCG

Posted by Alec Meer on May 6th, 2010.

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Me! I saw XCOM! Me! And I still can’t bloody talk about it. But I can direct you to buy, beg, borrow, steal or consume the latest issue of PC Gamer UK, which contains a big-ass feature wot I wrote about 2K Australia/Marin’s controversial do-over of The World’s Greatest Videogame™. What I can say – I hope – is that the feature goes into why the game is a lot more interesting than the infuriatingly brief press release suggested. The issue’s lurking on the shelves of UK agents o’news now, or you can buy a copy direct from here. Free delivery, I’m told. Oh, and the feature also includes the largest picture you’ve ever seen of a Sectoid from the original X-COM. We’ll be spilling XCOM details on this very website in a few weeks: print/online embargo splits are absolutely ludicrous in this day and age, but there you go.

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Xenonauts: The X-COM Anti-Apocalypse?

Posted by Alec Meer on April 16th, 2010.

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The enduring question around 2K Australia’s upcoming XCOM FPS has been “why not just come up with a new IP?” Well, that three posts about X-COM each clocked up triple-figures of comments on Wednesday is the answer to that. A secondary question is “why is everyone so upset that it’s using the X-COM IP?” The IP is not what’s important about X-COM. In terms of fiction, X-COM has only ever been about killing aliens. The important thing is having a game that plays as X-COM did, with its sublime multi-genre cleverness. While it’s unlikely a major publisher would tackle it, the door is not closed to someone else doing that. As has been mentioned by various people, someone like Stardock would be insane to not pick up this baton – there’s a vast and willing audience out there.

First out the gate, though, is indie title Xenonauts, which is militant in its desire to do X-COM properly. It also has a cute genesis – its lead designer Chris England (who is indeed from England) says he was inspired to create an X-COM remake after we wished for one on our podcast. Aw!
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Why X-COM Matters (To You)

Posted by Alec Meer on April 14th, 2010.

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Funny thing. Whenever I try to write about X-COM, as in X-COM the game, not X-COM the place in my heart, I stall. It’s too big. I need to do it at the right time (or perhaps for the right paycheque, I suspect). Where to start? Where to end? There have been superb summaries, makings-of and play diaries. It’s a well-documented game, for sure. Yet I’m not sure there’s been that simple one-two punch of why our collective knickers remain so thoroughly entwisted by it. Perhaps the words of one are not enough. Let’s try the words of many.
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Enemy Known: XCOM’s Baaaaaaaaaack

Posted by Alec Meer on April 14th, 2010.

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Yeah, you heard me. X-COM, the game to end all games, is finally getting its long-rumoured remake/sequel. [Boom. Internet explodes.] Wahoo, basically. Yes, it is indeed a first-person shooter – it is extraordinarily sad to wave away X-COM’s traditional genre, but c’mon, did you really think a AAA title in 2010 (or 11, or whenever it ends up being released) was going to be a turn-based strategy game? Let’s wait and see where they take it, at least.

Contrary to ancient prophecy, this tantalising do-over isn’t being made by Ken Levine, but rather is pitched as a game from 2K Marin, the Bioshock 2 chaps. Though it also seems 2K Australia (née Irrational Australia) are heavily involved. Sparse announcement details and the first in-game screenshot are below…

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Open Source UFO

Posted by Jim Rossignol on October 10th, 2007.

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The peerless TIGSource led me to this wondrous discovery: an open-source (and freeware, natch) XCOM variant of considerable ambition. UFO: Alien Invasion, for that is the name of this beast, has taken a rather more serious approach to the subject matter of alien invasion than one might expect, with a purported ‘hard science’ fiction and a whiff of the dreaded realism to authenticate the extra-terrestrial shootings. Needless to say, it still delivers the kind of turn-based agonising, base-building, and team-equipping fiddliness we’ve come to love. I’ve not had a chance to play more much – had a few other distractions today – but I expect I’ll post something a little more detailed later this month. As I understand it there’s a new version due soon and they’ll need beta-testers.

The downloads page is here, and you’ll need to select the operating system from the funny drop-down menus. It’s 261mb big, which is the equivalent some amount of freeware games… I don’t know. I’m so tired.

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  • RobF : “Is that the STALKER that was in development for over 5 years, nearly bankrupt the devs and eventually got all but thrown out into the ...” on The RPS Bargain Bucket: Civil Gaming
  • Iain : “@Thermal Ions I honestly can't understand how you could say that STALKER isn't as good value as a 3-hour puzzle game with no replay value ...” on The RPS Bargain Bucket: Civil Gaming
  • Lilliput King : “It'd be interesting to see how many people actually read the preview before posting here, to be honest. It appears to be essentially an alien-defence ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • FhnuZoag : “Yeah, I hope they are careful with the armour, or else the player is going to be another bunch of space marines. Really, the original ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature
  • Robert : “"It’s going to be a miserable couple of years of fans of UFO coming under constant attack for not being super positive about this game." ...” on Alec’s XCOM Feature

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