Stuff you should read

Saturday, 9 May 2009

On Obama’s vsit to Egypt!

So, the one has chosen the land of the Nile to make his appeal to the muslim world, choosing it over options like Saudi (the birthplace of Islam), Jordan (Hey America, we will do anything for you to like us), Turkey (The Secular Muslim people, and part ally who likes to put its nose in everything) and Indonesia (They housed Obama when he was still an innocent muslim baby, before the evil Cross worshipers got to him..Boo on them).For practical reasons, the choice is brilliant, because in order to appeal to the muslim world, you have to do it from an arab country, otherwise the arab muslims won't respond. It's a chauvinism thing. The first muslims and all. So, yeah, Turkey would've been a bad choice for that reason, if not also due to its safety (yeah go to the muslim country that actually shows sex on TV). Ditto for Indonesia and any southasian countries, who, regrettebly, all of the arab countries regard as subhumansand thus an insulting choice. Saudi would've been too on the nose, especially after "the bow", and Jordan, well, they are too small and too eager to please really. So, yeah, Egypt, as a choice makes sense (biggest arab islamic country, women can drive here, we are secular but not really, and no bowing has occured between Obama and Mubarak…yet). And for Personal reasons, I like it, because it's like the ugly girl getting picked to go to the prom by the school's top hunk. So let me take this moment to be gracious about all of this and say:

Obama is coming to EGYPT. Nyanyanyanyanyaaaa! Fuck you Jordan, Fuck you Indonesia, Fuck you Malaysia, Fuck you Morocco, Fuck you Qatar, Fuck
you Saudi, AND especially Fuck you Turkey! Go suck Dicks!

Sorry, had to get this off of my chest.

Now, this is of course good news to Mubarak and to his regime, and a sign that the current regime is responding to the heavy courting that they have been engaging in for a few months now (The Ghaza offensive position, ending the crisis before the inaguration with one day, freeing Ayman Nour). This makes Mubarak happy, because its a nod to Egypt's once prominent regional weight, and the egyptians happy, because we are chauvinistic fuckers, and we love that shit. Everybody's happy..well… not everybody.

Lots of democracy activists are not happy, especially leftists ones. They are considering the visit as cowering to a dictator and giving him undeserved prominence. This is incredibly funny to me personally, because I always thought their position on America's push for democracy and rights in Egypt as "unwanted imperialistic interference in Egyptian affairs, and anyone who wants it is a tratorous stupid ignorant zionist jew spy dog". At least this was the case the Bush years. How time changes things. The people on the right, well, they are not really outraged, because they always knew that this would happen with Obama's election, and have been preparing themselves for it. Reaching out to countries that are run by dictators involves turning a slightly blind eye to their activities. That's the cold hard realpolitik and I am not sure we can blame him for that. I am sure many of you will do that anyway. Honestly, not my concern at the moment. I am more curious about other things.

For example. where will he hold his speech exactly? My preferred choice would be The Manssah, where Sadat is buried. It would be very symbolic to have the chosen one do his speech in front of the grave of the Hero of war and peace, which would be also a nice nod for peace in the middle-east and a rebuttal to the islamic extremists who killed him. Another good location is AlAzhar itself; talk about reaching to the islamic world. Another question I want to ask is , what will happen if rumors that Obama is really a muslim start running wild in Egypt? Having him as a muslim President who has to hide it because of the Jews that control AMERIKKKA is a very plausible conspiracy theory for the conspiracy-theory-loving egyptians. I wonder if they start calling him President Hussen Obama in the newspaper after that. And finally: do you think that the leftists activists who are very pissy about Obama's visit will actually do something about it? Like, will they start a demonstration maybe? Man, I think I will roll on the floor laughing the moment I see an "Obama is Bush" poster. Oh, and I promise to take pictures!;)

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136 Responses to “On Obama’s vsit to Egypt!”

  1. On Obama’s vsit to Egypt! | Berita Terbaru - Indonesia Breaking News - Berita Indonesia Says:

    [...] On Obama’s vsit to Egypt! Posted by kabarin on Saturday, May 9, 2009, 6:44 This item was posted in Indonesia News in English and has 0 Comments so far. So, the one has chosen the land of the Nile to make his appeal to the muslim world, choosing it over options like Saudi (the birthplace of Islam), Jordan (Hey America, we will do anything for you to like us), Turkey (The Secular Muslim people, and part…Source: Rantings of a Sandmonkey [...]

  2. tedders Says:

    “cowering to a dictator and giving him undeserved prominence”

    LOL! It’s just what the “O” does! Castro, Chávez, Ortego … The weirdly ebullient Mr. Obama just loves dictators apparently! Hell If Hitler himself were still alive there’d be an Obama/Hiltler Berlin summit scheduled! I’m sure of it!! LOL !

  3. mohammed allah Says:

    The Best mohammed T-shirt art is from Sweden. Watch and read the info at,
    Fuck islam

  4. Daily News About Egypt : A few links about Egypt - Saturday, 09 May 2009 04:42 Says:

    [...] Rantings of a Sandmonkey On Obama's vsit to Egypt! [...]

  5. Adam B. Says:

    Thanks to mohammed allah for the dimwit comment - back on topic…

  6. Mirna Says:

    The choice is not surprising at all. It’s still pretty upsetting though..

  7. Topics about Arab » On Obama’s vsit to Egypt! Says:

    [...] Dubai Chronicle added an interesting post today on On Obamaâ [...]

  8. Topics about Malaysia » Archive » On Obama’s vsit to Egypt! Says:

    [...] Koh Samui Blog, Koh Samui Fun, Travel Stories created an interesting post today on On Obamaâ [...]

  9. CarpetCaptain Says:

    Last I checkedthe name had been changed from Manassah to Manashah! Please Correct.

  10. Craig Says:

    Nice come-back post, SM :)

  11. SAM Says:

    Just want to inform you that Obama was in Turkey in April ( ) , nevertheless…GO EGYPT!!!

  12. babs Says:

    Oh hell, does he really need to apologize again?
    I can’t wait to hear what else we have done wrong…
    How about we cut off ALL FUNDING to Islamic states and tell them sorry, we are now broke, row your own boat. And that includes Egypt.

  13. Frenchmanaz Says:

    Been a while since I have posted, but this one just made me jump.

    First off, funny how SM suddenly likes Obama because he chose Egypt to make his plea to the Muslim world. However, if you have changed your view on Obama, this is excellent news indeed. Unlike too many in America, it is a sign of intelligence to review ones opinions and adjust them according to new information.

    As for those baggin on Obama’s choice to sit down and talk and open his ears to the rest of the world, thank God you guys are no longer in power, because Bush’s sticking his fingers in his ears and sticking his tongue out at these leaders just worked so well.

    If Bush was still in power that reporter in Iran would not have been released because acting self righteous, when in fact your a criminal just like some of these other leaders, is such an effective way to get anything accomplished.

    When you are forced to deal with people who have different opinions than you, there is nothing more stupid then to act like their opinions don’t matter, just because they see things differently than you do. You guys are so naive it’s laughable.

    There is a saying, it might be Sunsu, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. You cannot dismantle attitudes from the outside, you have to burrough your way in and chip away at the foundation.

    Will this dismantle the Islamist, no, but by swallowing some of our pride we might just curb the massive recruiting successes AQ and the like were having because America’s leaders were acting like ignorant children. Now we have an adult leader and he is acting like one. Obama isn’t apologizing for the way we are and think, he is apologizing because America, over the last 8 years acted as though it was some despotic global leader without regard for the opinions of others.

    America has grown up, maybe it’s time for some of our citizens to do the same.

  14. Howie Says:

    Do you think the Hizbollah guys in Sinai will come down and try to assinate him?

    Obama presents a problem because he is liberal in some eyes, conservative in others, Muslim, Christian, American, not quite American…he is black and he is white. He is kind of a peace activist that is the chief of the American armed forces.

    I mean..who is the Middle East is going to hate him and on what basis?

  15. Howie Says:


    “Been a while since I have posted,”

    Why…were your fingers all tangled in your girlfriend’s underarm hair?

  16. tedders Says:

    Frenchmanaz you’re so completely full of shit! It’s nice to have you back!!

  17. Craig Says:


    As for those baggin on Obama’s choice to sit down and talk and open his ears to the rest of the world, thank God you guys are no longer in power…

    Well, I’m not one of “those” but only because I don’t think its going to make any difference. Obama will find THAT set of foreign leaders just as intractable as every other President has, the last 40 years. The only thing that works on them is leverage, not rhetoric. But the only harm done by trying and failing is embarrassment which isn’t a big deal at the end of the day.

    …because Bush’s sticking his fingers in his ears and sticking his tongue out at these leaders just worked so well.

    Lol. It worked as well as anything else ever has, right?

  18. Craig Says:

    Will this dismantle the Islamist, no, but by swallowing some of our pride we might just curb the massive recruiting successes AQ and the like were having because America’s leaders were acting like ignorant children.

    Just wanted to point out that this statement that AQ is having a “massive recruiting success” in the Arab world is good evidence you are pretty far out of touch on this issue. So, stop acting like an “ignorant child” and educate yourself. The terror group that has become stronger the last several years is Hezbollah, and that is largely due to French (not American) meddling. Why you mention AQ and not HA, I wonder? Do you not understand the difference, or are you just embarrassed to talk about HA because it was the French who spearheaded the effort to undermine them, and it went so badly?

    Tell us what the secret is for changing these shitty French attitudes, Frenchman? What can Obama do to win over the French, and cause them to stop acting like assclowns?

  19. Marie Claude Says:

    Why…were your fingers all tangled in your girlfriend’s underarm hair?

    umm you’re really a good reffined christian LMAO

  20. Marie Claude Says:

    Frenchmanaz is wrong, the release of Roxana Saberi is more due to the fact that an American Attorney played the Mullahs vicious act in condemning an Iranian to 30 years jail

    On 5 May 2009, the Honorable L. Lev Dassin, the federal prosecutor of the Southern Zone of New York announced the indictment of an important representative of the regime of the mullahs: Farshid Jahed, president of the Foundation Alavi, who was arrested December 19 in a case of money laundering to finance terrorist networks. The U.S. Attorney referred to a sentence of up to 30 years in prison which would also question the possibility of the return of Iranian assets frozen in the United States, assets that Tehran hoped to recover for several decades “Iran Resist”

  21. Craig Says:

    Saberi was born in Belleville, North Dakota and grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, the daughter of Reza Saberi, who was born in Iran, and Akiko Saberi, who is from Japan.[13] Graduating with honors from Fargo North High School in 1994, Roxana played piano and soccer, and took part in Key Club and danceline.[14] Saberi was inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame in 2007.[14]

    She graduated in 1997 from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, with degrees in Communication and French. Saberi also played for the Cobbers soccer team in both the 1994 and 1996 season.[15]

    Chosen as Miss North Dakota in 1997,[15] she was among the top ten finalists in Miss America 1998, winning the Scholar Award.[14] Saberi holds her first Master’s Degree in Broadcast Journalism from Northwestern University and her second Master’s Degree in International Relations from Cambridge University.[14] She was working on another Masters Degree in Iranian Studies and International Relations at the time of her arrest.

    The girl is literally an all-American. Hell, she’s got better “American” credentials than I do. She’s as American as Apple Pie and baseball. Why would anyone in Iran think somebody with that background was engaged in “espionage”? It’s ridiculous on its face. Frenchmanaz, do you really think it is in America’s interests to treat such behavior on the part of the Islamic Republic as a mere “difference of opinion”?

  22. Howie Says:

    I say we nuke Iran and then nuke France…


    I say we nuke France, then Quebec and THEN Iran..

    Let’s get our priorities straight.

  23. Howie Says:

    And for good measure…let’s nuke North Dakota from haboring Iranians.

  24. Brian Says:

    This is one of my favorite blogs since I’m always surprised at the comments. However you feel about SM’s opinions, at least he attracts folks that have a variety of opinions, not just the same-ol, same-ol opinions that the mainstream outlets have. Keep it up SM. Who cares what you think as long as you make us think.

  25. Marie Claude Says:

    Howie you’d better watch our toilets, it’s only where you can nuke

  26. Global Voices Online » Egypt: Obama to Address Muslim World from Egypt Says:

    [...] Rantings of a Sandmonkey doesn't hide his excitement, taunting other countries which have not been selected for the ‘honour' in the process. He writes: So, the one has chosen the land of the Nile to make his appeal to the muslim world, choosing it over options like Saudi (the birthplace of Islam), Jordan (Hey America, we will do anything for you to like us), Turkey (The Secular Muslim people, and part ally who likes to put its nose in everything) and Indonesia (They housed Obama when he was still an innocent muslim baby, before the evil Cross worshipers got to him..Boo on them).For practical reasons, the choice is brilliant, because in order to appeal to the muslim world, you have to do it from an arab country, otherwise the arab muslims won't respond. It's a chauvinism thing. The first muslims and all. So, yeah, Turkey would've been a bad choice for that reason, if not also due to its safety (yeah go to the muslim country that actually shows sex on TV). Ditto for Indonesia and any southasian countries, who, regrettebly, all of the arab countries regard as subhumansand thus an insulting choice. Saudi would've been too on the nose, especially after “the bow”, and Jordan, well, they are too small and too eager to please really. So, yeah, Egypt, as a choice makes sense (biggest arab islamic country, women can drive here, we are secular but not really, and no bowing has occured between Obama and Mubarak…yet). And for Personal reasons, I like it, because it's like the ugly girl getting picked to go to the prom by the school's top hunk. [...]

  27. Egypt: Obama to Address Muslim World from Egypt :: Elites TV Says:

    [...] Rantings of a Sandmonkey doesn’t hide his excitement, taunting other countries which have not been selected for the ‘honour’ in the process. He writes: So, the one has chosen the land of the Nile to make his appeal to the muslim world, choosing it over options like Saudi (the birthplace of Islam), Jordan (Hey America, we will do anything for you to like us), Turkey (The Secular Muslim people, and part ally who likes to put its nose in everything) and Indonesia (They housed Obama when he was still an innocent muslim baby, before the evil Cross worshipers got to him..Boo on them).For practical reasons, the choice is brilliant, because in order to appeal to the muslim world, you have to do it from an arab country, otherwise the arab muslims won’t respond. It’s a chauvinism thing. The first muslims and all. So, yeah, Turkey would’ve been a bad choice for that reason, if not also due to its safety (yeah go to the muslim country that actually shows sex on TV). Ditto for Indonesia and any southasian countries, who, regrettebly, all of the arab countries regard as subhumansand thus an insulting choice. Saudi would’ve been too on the nose, especially after “the bow”, and Jordan, well, they are too small and too eager to please really. So, yeah, Egypt, as a choice makes sense (biggest arab islamic country, women can drive here, we are secular but not really, and no bowing has occured between Obama and Mubarak…yet). And for Personal reasons, I like it, because it’s like the ugly girl getting picked to go to the prom by the school’s top hunk. [...]

  28. cubanbob Says:

    So the what is problem with SM being an Egyptian chauvinist? Just because he despises the current regime in Egypt and even more the MB who would take over if they could does not mean he cannot be proud of his country and its culture and its occasional successes. I usually don’t agree with the dude but what’s wrong with him being proud of his country?

    The Arabs might be thrilled with Obama and Obama might very well have a very high favorable opinion rating in the Muslim world but where it counts in America, he has hit his peak. Obama will soon be on the downside of the roller coaster but this coaster has no further upsides to it. Its all down, down hill from here. May 19th will be a very important day. If California repudiates all of the tax proposals on the ballot the writing is on the wall for
    the democrat-communists. And with them goes their marionette Obama. Gone in 2012.

  29. Niels C Says:

    Well, Obama was in Turkey, and did a speak in the Parliament

  30. Craig Says:

    …but where it counts in America, he has hit his peak.

    Not necessarily! Obama has yet to match the approval rating George Bush got in the US back in 2002 and 2003. I suspect a successful attack on an Arab or other Muslim country might put him over the top. The death of social security or the bankruptcy of California might have the opposite effect. Public opinion in the US is notoriously fickle.

    About his approval ratings in the Arab world, that’s kind of funny considering how much the Arab world hates the US. I wonder what it means when people who hate America, like an American President?

  31. Mohamed Says:

    Craig aka Humanity’s arch idiot,
    “a successful attack on an Arab or other Muslim country might put him over the top”, even for a frustrated invalid monstrous piece of crap like you that’s too much. Wake up man, not all people are like you lying all day long on their couch watching day time TV or jerking off to the net or studying their failed life, with their only anticipated source of satisfaction in life being more sensless wars or blood shed. God, what a hideous being.

  32. Craig Says:

    lol. Read the comment you just made to me, Mohamed. Do you see the irony?

  33. Craig Says:

    To people other than Mohamed (because he doesn’t really care) I was just pointing out that Bush’s approval rating was over 90% in 2003, shortly after the US invaded Iraq. No more, and no less.

  34. tedders Says:



    : D

  35. yochanan ben avrohom Says:

    the iranian islmo fascist sure taught a northwestern U. grad liberal a dose of reality it is almost funny as it is just these liberals (N.U. JOURALISM MAJORS ARE ALL LIBERALS) who want the POTUS to talk to iran.

  36. Adam B. Says:

    Judging from the statistics provided by Craig a few posts back, I have little faith in the quality of education of Concordia College, Northwestern University, and Cambridge University… Being able to complete several master’s degrees at these universities, while at the same time being moronic enough to (illegally) buy a bottle of wine in Iran, particularly as an american citizen, is an indicator of loooooow standards! ;)

  37. Craig Says:

    Judging from the statistics provided by Craig a few posts back…

    I have no idea what you are referring to, Adam. I don’t recall posting any statistics here, recently. Do you mean the argument we had about the text of the UN Charter? If so, then it seems to me that it is we Americans who should be doubting the educational standards and average IQs of Scandinavians. Because, that’s the third treaty that you haven’t been able to read properly. *shrug*

    Do get all pissy and anal on me though. I just love that shit. As if it is my fault that you’ve misunderstood the what the role of the UN is all these years. I learned about the UN in 8th grade when I was about 13 years old, Adam. And what I was taught, by some wild coincidence I’m sure, happens to match the UN charter. I don’t know when and where YOU learned about the UN, but I do know whoever taught you about it was lying to you. And for that, you blame me? lol.

  38. tedders Says:

    Guys! You’re throwing Roxana Saberi under the bus now? Because? Questioning her academic achievements? Because? I challenge anyone here to list a more impressive academic resume than Roxana, while you’re at it list off all the beauty pageants you’ve won too! LOL

    There’s nothing wrong with Roxana (hell, I think I love her!! : D) although I wished she’d never been in Iran. Her SECOND Masters was in International Relations and she was working on here THIRD Masters Degree in “Iranian Studies” and International Relations at the time of her arrest. Her dad in from Iran, no doubt she thinks she can save the world, I wish we had more like her all over the world, in my neighborhood specifically!! ; D

    Concordia College with degrees in Communication and French.
    Master’s Degree in Broadcast Journalism from Northwestern University.
    Master’s Degree in International Relations from Cambridge University.
    Miss North Dakota in 1997.

  39. ella Says:

    Adam B

    If you know people you can buy wine (or beer or home-made vodka) in Tehran and elsewhere. You can even buy drugs (say crack heroin) with less difficulty than alcohol. Furthermore she was not charged with possession of illegal alcohol. “The first charges against her for which she was sentenced were based on article 508 of the Islamic Penal Code, which is about cooperation with an enemy state. During the appeal stage, her charges were based on article 505, which is about possession of confidential documents,”
    As for why she was released - you guys are forgetting that in a month there are presidential elections in Iran and the release shows how “sincere” Ahmadinejad administration regarding his relationship with US even to the point of releasing (alleged) spy-lady.;-)

    BTW it is funny how unpopular Ahmadinejad is in Iran and how popular he is outside of it, in the ME. He has some similarity with Obama who is getting less and less popular in the US and more popular outside of it.

  40. Twosret Says:


    Academic achievements doesn’t immune anyone from making mistakes or doing something stupid :-)

    Adam B.,

    Again you are wrong (was really awaiting your positive feedback about Egypt lol) The universities are fine and have nothing to do with her bad choice.

  41. Why Egypt « storypress Says:

    [...] Rantings of a Sandmonkey doesn’t hide his excitement, taunting other countries which have not been selected for the ‘honour’ in the process. He writes:   [...]

  42. Adam B. Says:

    Craig, get help for that paranoia of yours - it’s quite unhealthy you know…

    “I have no idea what you are referring to, Adam. I don’t recall posting any statistics here, recently”

    No? Let me help you then - try reading your post at 21.

    “Do get all pissy and anal on me though.”

    I don’t get pissy; I just get exasperated when I try to explain something quite simple to someone, and this someone keeps squirming, changing his argument, and denying facts laid before him… You were proven wrong about the Geneva Convention. Period. You were proven wrong about the make-up of the UN vis a vis the Security Council. Period. Learn to deal with being wrong rather than getting a hissy fit, changing your arguments, resorting to name-calling, or just plain ignoring the obvious…

  43. Adam B. Says:

    ted, in all honesty, I was cracking a bit of a joke, which I assumed was pretty obvious… Maybe not to paranoid Craig or braindead Tourette, but at least to you. :)

    ” I challenge anyone here to list a more impressive academic resume than Roxana, while you’re at it list off all the beauty pageants you’ve won too! LOL”

    Regardless of her academic merrits, she went ahead and did something completely braindead - Sorry ella, but that’s what has been immediately obvious in the media - I haven’t bothered researching the subject thoroughly, seeing as the subject holds no real interest for me…

    As for her beauty pageant victories…? Who the h… gives a shit?!? :D

  44. Adam B. Says:

    “Academic achievements doesn’t immune anyone from making mistakes or doing something stupid”

    True, but this hardly constitutes “something stupid”… Thius is akin to smuggling out cocaine from Thailand - you know you may be facing lifetime in prison; why do it?

    At any rate, the comment was meant lighthearted…

    “was really awaiting your positive feedback about Egypt lol”

    I’ll wait untill I see more of the country than an artificial set piece filled with 90 percent tourists before passing judgement… :)

  45. Craig Says:

    Craig, get help for that paranoia of yours - it’s quite unhealthy you know…

    “I have no idea what you are referring to, Adam. I don’t recall posting any statistics here, recently”

    No? Let me help you then - try reading your post at 21.

    Maybe I’d be less “paranoid” if you improved your English language skills. My comment (not post) at #21 was a quotation from her biography as per wikipedia. Nothing to do with “statistics”. Do you even know what the word “statistics” means in English? Maybe that’s why you never seem to be able to grasp what treaties actually say, even though it is obvious. Have you ever considered reading them in Danish? I’m sorry if this seems rude, Adam, but I’m a bit tired of being insulted by you because of your failure to communicate properly in English. That’s an annoying habit you’ve got, there.

    I don’t get pissy; I just get exasperated when I try to explain something quite simple to someone, and this someone keeps squirming, changing his argument, and denying facts laid before him… You were proven wrong about the Geneva Convention. Period. You were proven wrong about the make-up of the UN vis a vis the Security Council. Period. Learn to deal with being wrong rather than getting a hissy fit, changing your arguments, resorting to name-calling, or just plain ignoring the obvious…

    Proven wrong? Now you stoop to lying and misrepresenting the nature of past discussions? I’m starting to regret ever having taken you seriously in the first place. I should have known better, way back in the day when you didn’t seem to grasp the idea that attacks on Israeli Jews in Denmark by Arabs can be considered racist hate crimes. I don’t know if that’s the thinking of the typical Dane but it seems pretty fucking crazy, to me.

  46. Craig Says:

    ted, in all honesty, I was cracking a bit of a joke, which I assumed was pretty obvious…

    Well, in all honesty, I think its pretty weird you would think Americans would find it funny when you insult an American for being taken hostage. Is that the kind of thing that passes for “humor” in Denmark?

  47. tedders Says:

    Academic achievements doesn’t immune anyone from making mistakes or doing something stupid”

    True! In fact, more and more education seems to “dumb” down some peoples decision making process! Completely agree with you Twos!

    “ted, in all honesty, I was cracking a bit of a joke, which I assumed was pretty obvious…”

    I can see more of that now Adam! Most of the time (the liberal side of me at least) sees your points easily (Edmondson, my last name is Norwegian I believe, close to Danish! LOL).

    “As for her beauty pageant victories…? Who the h… gives a shit?!? ”

    Oh come now Adam, like you’re not a sucker for a pretty girl!! Try to be a bit more believable!! LOL Seriously, she’s pretty cute!

    I know I’d probably develop a stutter if I ever met her in person!! A collegiate soccer player and smart too! How often do you find those two attributes together? If she’d learn Danish I think you might at least consider her, no? ; D

    If I weren’t married I know I would!! : D

  48. Adam B. Says:

    Craig, Is it or is it not a post? “comment”… Give me a friggin break - you stoop to semantics because you know you’re out of your depth. And for someone that probably knows only english, you really should refrain from telling others to better their foreign language skills.

    “Nothing to do with “statistics””

    Her credentials then - only an utter moron would actually have trouble understanding what I meant… Or someone intentionally trying to be quarrelsome, which I strongly suspcect is your main problem. You really should try to work on that if you want to be taken seriously…

    “Maybe that’s why you never seem to be able to grasp what treaties actually say, even though it is obvious.”

    I grasp it quite well, thank you, and have putten the words in front of you in black and white several times - you just seem to have trouble accepting the truth unless it conforms totally to your view of the world. Heck, I even consulted a Master of Law, just to make sure (in the question of countries and foreign embassies), , and he agreed with me totally.

    ” I’m a bit tired of being insulted by you”

    Actually, you’re usually the one using derogatory terms and demeaning the opinions of others - first take the log out of your own eye…

    “because of your failure to communicate properly in English. That’s an annoying habit you’ve got, there.”

    If anyone has any trouble communicating in proper english it’s you - pretty sad considering it’s your first and probably only language.

    “Now you stoop to lying and misrepresenting the nature of past discussions? I’m starting to regret ever having taken you seriously in the first place.”

    You took the words right out of my mouth…! :D Which is why I’ll settle for totally ignoring you from now on, and console myself by the fact that, luckily, you don’t represent the general american public, but rather a sad minority, cooped up in small one-room apartments, wearing tin foil hats and avoiding tapwater because commies and arabs have poisoned it…! :D

  49. Adam B. Says:

    ted, I’m as much of a sucker for pretty girls as the next fellow, but having participated in and won a beauty pageant is no indicator of high intelligence - quite the opposite if anything… :D

    Anyway, it’s great that she’s been freed regardless!

  50. Craig Says:

    Adam, you’re starting to be a real asshole. I don’t care about your English language skills, but when you decide to insult me because I don’t understand what you mean when you use the wrong words, that isn’t MY problem, buddy.I don’t even know what to say to all this abuse. I’ve been patient enough with you. You want to brag about your English language skills, and then not only refuse to take correction from native speakers but get abusive when they tell you they don’t understand what you mean? You used a word that made no sense. Period. Take a hike, dimwit. At least now it becomes clear how you can read the exact same treaty text that everyone else is reading, and come to a wildly different conclusion about what it says. You don’t understand what half the words mean :p

  51. Craig Says:

    By the way, Adam, does the Danish version of the UN charter talk about promoting democracy like you claimed it does, or not? Have you even looked? lol.

  52. Craig Says:

    ted, I’m as much of a sucker for pretty girls as the next fellow, but having participated in and won a beauty pageant is no indicator of high intelligence - quite the opposite if anything… :D

    I’ll bet $1000 she scores higher an an IQ test than you do. You’re dumb as a rock, Adam. You’re in George Bush territory. And I’ve never met an Iranian I’d call stupid. I’m sure there are some, but I guess they don’t make it to the US, eh? Scandinavians, on the other hand, are the stereotypical dumb blonds.

    Anyway, it’s great that she’s been freed regardless!

    Right. Sure you are, Adam. And yet somehow all of us, even Tedders, seem to have completely misunderstood the intent of comment #36, right Adam?

  53. Expat Says:

    Frenchmanaz and everyone else… America has acted like they are the best because they are the best. It is really that simple. Arrogant Europeans should remember that if it weren’t for America, you would all be on one side of the Nazi/Soviet divide.

    SM, enjoy Obama validating your country’s dictatorship. A proud moment for humanity, just like his obsequious conduct in front of the Turks as they bombed Iraq and the world’s true kingpin of the terror, the so-called Khadim al-Haramain al-Sharafain.

  54. ella Says:

    Adam B

    If the subject holds no real interest to you than you should not condemn that Iranian-American lady for what she had not done. Perhaps the only interest you had in that matter was to be able to write that completely untrue sentence stating that someone is “being moronic enough to (illegally) buy a bottle of wine in Iran” and that it is ” particularly as an american citizen” “an indicator of loooooow standards!”
    Next time check your sources because a low-standard person, in that particular case, seems to be you not her.

  55. ella Says:

    “I’ve never met an Iranian I’d call stupid.”
    Craig, perhaps you did not, but how would you call some of the Iranians who cheer their president Ahmadinejad? Clever? I think not. :-)

  56. Adam B. Says:

    Hey there, ella! What part of “jokingly” do you not understand? ;)

    As for what I should and shouldn’t do, that’s really none of your business.

    Now, as for the “untrue” allegations I brought earlier… Please do a google (or just read any newspaper) on the matter; you’ll find something along the line of this everywhere:

    “She was detained in January for allegedly buying alcohol, an illegal act in the Islamic Republic. ”

    No statement denying this has been issued at any time, so it’s safe to assume that she did indeed purchase this bottle of wine, giving the iranian government a perfect excuse to scoop her off the street and tag on the accusation of spying afterwards.

    That, dear ella, was a stupid move on her part, particularly in her position as an american citizen, which you may or may not have heard aren’t exactly viewed with friendly eyes over there…

    Now, please refrain from unfounded low jabs in the future, unless you REALLY have something to back up your argument. :)

  57. Frenchmanaz Says:

    Was caught out for a bit there with more important issues =) Marie Joe, I will not be sarcastic but Roxana could have a had a team of lawyers working for her, Iranian at that. The fact that he happened to be American only makes that much less important to the Iranian legal establishment. If Iran wanted to keep her they would have found a way, as if the trumped up “spy” charges weren’t enough they would have blame her for being gay or anything they wanted. The only reason Iran released and let’s be quite clear here, they didn’t reduce her sentence, they released her, unheard of. This was 1000% a ” see look at us, were so kind ” for one simple reason, America has a new President and Iran thinks it will be able to get away with much more than they ever did before.

    This illustrates the other point I was making. By ” playing ” nice, Obama is in fact ” playing these leaders. Anyone who questions Obama and his team’s cunning must have forgotten that he came out of nowhere, the first ever Black leader to even come close let alone win the highest office in the land. So please don’t come to me with how naive Obama is, allright. Sorry the odds were insane.

    This is called playing good cop with the enemy and the 100% fact is that you will get more, at least in the short term.

    As for whomever threw down the AQ & Hezbollah difference down, OK fine you win on that point, but my point is still valid. Who can keep up with all of the Islamic fundamentalists these days. I know about Hez, so don’t spin your wheels trying to educate me. AQ came into my head because it’s been parroted by the right wing and the MSM for so long that it’s natural that they will be the first to come to mind, but again my point is still valid.

    The tough guy, i’ll shoot your first thing doesn’t work never has, sure you kill a bunch of innocent people while hitting one or two of the guys you intended to but now you have the survivors of those innocents you killed who want revenge and it’s a vicious cycle.

    Let’s use SandMonkey as a perfect illustration of my point. SM loved the war etc, loved Bush, bounced on Obama from the get go, guys going to lose, want McCain to win etc etc. All of a sudden SM devotes and ENTIRE post to how proud he is that Obama is coming to Egypt to spread his message to the Arab world ???? Why, because having a President who says he will listen ( whether he does or not is another issue all together, even if he is pretending ) diffuses the tension even in the staunchest haters. It’s called the human condition. You get more from even your enemies if you are willing to stick your pride up your ass for a while and act like you care. Even your enemies start thinking ” hey this guy is listening “, then when your as close as you can get to them and the timing is right you bust a cap in their ass. You would never get that close by pouding your chest like an ignorant gorilla, which was Bush.

    Some of you just don’t get the nuances of international diplomacy. For you it remains cowboys and indians in the playground. And your taking the piss out of me. Funny.

    Salut les gars,

  58. Craig Says:

    ” see look at us, were so kind ”

    That won’t work, and they know it. Iran has been taking Americans hostage for 30 years. They don’t get brownie points for taking somebody hostage and then releasing them, 4 months later.

    Some of you just don’t get the nuances of international diplomacy.

    What does terrorism have to do with international diplomacy? And since we are discussing Iran, you are aware that the US has not had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1979, right? And gee… the US broke off diplomatic relations with Iran due to Iran taking Americans hostage. What a wonderful idea somebody in Iran had, taking an American hostage as a friendly overture towards Obama, eh?

  59. ella Says:

    @Adam B

    ““She was detained in January for allegedly buying alcohol, an illegal act in the Islamic Republic.”
    “Alleged” means “asserted to be true” or “accused but not proven or convicted” . Of course you assumed that this was what she was originally accused of by the government of IRI as it supported your negative view of the lady.

    “No statement denying this has been issued at any time, so it’s safe to assume that she did indeed purchase this bottle of wine, ”
    At the time of her arrest she was not accused of anything - she was, in fact, held without any charges for four weeks. Afterwards Iranian PressTV was saying that she “was initially detained in late January for working in Iran after her press credentials had expired.”
    That shows, dear Adam, that your “safe assumption” is a total *^%$.

    “giving the iranian government a perfect excuse to scoop her off the street and tag on the accusation of spying afterwards.”
    Funny how the iranian government did not mention that wine anywhere, even at the time of her arest
    As for excuse to scoop someone off the street - in Iran the government or the police do not need any excuse. Iran is not a western country, it is an Islamic Republic where for the ruling elite such terms as “democracy” or “human rights” are pejorative and not positive as such terms tend to be viewed in the West.

    And no, it really is not my business that you prefer to condemn someone without any knowledge of the case and of the country - it just shows your prejudice.

  60. Xylo Says:


    Some of you just don’t get the nuances of international diplomacy.

    … since it has worked so well with Darfur.

  61. tedders Says:

    Frenchmanaz, if you don’t realize that Obama doesn’t have a grand strategy, plan or workable solution then good for you but you’re going to be disappointerd. He’s winging it, he’s changing his mind and reversing decisions on a daily basis. I’m not saying everything he’s doing is wrong but if you continue to believe his actions are going to solve any international problems, you’re going to be disappointed.

    And then he changed his mind again on:
    Jeremiah Wright/Trinity United
    Jim Johnson
    Nuclear energy
    Public financing
    Working out a deal on public financing
    Welfare reform
    Gay marriage
    Partial-birth abortion
    Division of Jerusalem
    Detainee photos
    military tribunals

  62. leo Says:


    What the hell are you going on about Roxana Saberi for?

    Can’t you understand that she was used? It does not matter what she did or did not do. She was used by Ahmadinejad in attempt to mount some measure of reply to recent NYC court decision and it was intended for internal consumption.

    She was stupid to go to her old country, though. It’s big no-no in case of people who (or their parents) were granted political asylum. Just ask State Department.

  63. Craig Says:

    Leo, she was born in New Jersey in 1977 and grew up in North Dakota so her dad was here before the revolution, and wouldn’t have needed t apply for asylum. I don’t necessarily agree that going back to Iran was a dumb thing to do in her case. If the IRI had it in for her then it would have been, but if the IRI had a problem with something she did or said in her past it would have been brought up and she wouldn’t have been able to work there as a journalist for several years. I would agree she should have left after those 4 Iranian-Americans were arrested a couple years back. No idea why she didn’t. But regardless, I would never agree that somebody deserves to be taken hostage and used a political poker chip.

  64. Ahmed Samir Says:

    39373000000 L.E is the cost of corruption in Egypt for four months . Check this out :

  65. leo Says:


    “But regardless, I would never agree that somebody deserves to be taken hostage and used a political poker chip.”

    Unfortunately it is not up to you, it is up to Ahmadinejad and he agrees.

    “born in New Jersey in 1977 and grew up in North Dakota so her dad was here before the revolution”

    Perfect, daughter of traitor/spy who escaped justice and run off to live in the country of Great Shaitan. Now she came back to continue spying on our great, glorius, divine, … IRI, peace be upon us all (just an example of how it could’ve been served for internal consumption).

  66. Global Voices بالعربية » مصر: أوباما سوف يخاطب العالم الإسلامي من القاهرة Says:

    [...] يشغل عقول المدونين وبقوة هو: “لماذا مصر”؟ إن Rantings of a Sandmonkey لا يخفي حماسه، كما أنه يعيّر الدول الأخرى التي لم يتم [...]

  67. Craig Says:

    Perfect, daughter of traitor/spy who escaped justice and run off to live in the country of Great Shaitan.

    He came to the US while the Shah was still in power so that doesn’t really work! Not that it matters much. When the IRI decides that hostages would be useful, hostages are taken. Doesn’t need to be a justification, which is convenient since there is no justification for hostage taking.

  68. Jack Says:

    The problem Craig has, when mentioning IQ, (post 52) is that most of us would bet that Sabieri has a higher IQ than Barak Obama. They have yet to release his grades from college and law school. There is a reason for this.

    As for Obama’s speech, any Obama watcher should have by now realized that whatever Obama says comes with an expiration date.

    What’s funny is that by speaking to Arabs, who I do think have better memories than almost all US voters, Obama is going to stymie himself. The Arabs will hear what they want to hear and will be absolutely furious when what they heard doesn’t happen.

  69. tedders Says:

    Jack, at least we have proof as to what country Sabieri was born in!! LOL

  70. Twosret Says:

    Jack ,yeah yeah Saberi for president lol, too bad she missed the opportunity. It is a comspiracy theory if this woman possibly was spying or bought alcohol and deserves it. God forbid she is a beauty queen from Dakota, who happened to go to school like many of the Journalists in the US.

    You should vote for Palin the pump it up red shoes moma from Alaska with a gun, you sound like her crowd.

  71. tedders Says:

    Twos! I’m shocked! You don’t like Roxana? Comparing her with the evil moose shooting, bible thumping, Naughty Monkey red shoe wearing Palin?

    Hasn’t the world enough problems already? Why didn’t those Darn mullah’s just keep her!! LOL

  72. leo Says:

    Not exactly on subject but still is related to Egypt:,7340,L-3719077,00.html

    “… A Cairo court has ruled that Egypt’s Interior Ministry must revoke citizenship privileges from any male resident of the country who has married an Israeli woman …”

  73. Marie Claude Says:

    The only reason Iran released and let’s be quite clear here, they didn’t reduce her sentence, they released her, unheard of. This was 1000% a ” see look at us, were so kind ” for one simple reason, America has a new President and Iran thinks it will be able to get away with much more than they ever did before.

    This illustrates the other point I was making. By ” playing ” nice, Obama is in fact ” playing these leaders. Anyone who questions Obama and his team’s cunning must have forgotten that he came out of nowhere, the first ever Black leader to even come close let alone win the highest office in the land. So please don’t come to me with how naive Obama is, allright. Sorry the odds were insane.

    This is called playing good cop with the enemy and the 100% fact is that you will get more, at least in the short term.

    Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t say that US lawers were working for her, but that that was a response of US “diplomacy” to show to the Iranians that their poker game was wrong, they wouldn’t gain anything but more difficulties.

    of course, she was arrested with wrong reasons, but it was made to influence the US on the “veto” at UN, the mullahs expected that the US made a strong protestation , thus a world advertising for them, and NADA ! so the Saberi didn’t serve their purpose anymore, and they had to find a way to get out this media trap… first she is ill, then they remake the trial in appeal… and… off the little bird.

    Now, Saberi isn’t a virgin in the iranian propaganda apparat, she’s been seen in good term with the mullahs, so me, and not only, say, that she is part of the mullah lobby, that helps to influence the werstern policies to release their pression on Iran.

    So I would advise the US to survey her and her aquaintances

  74. Egyptian G Says:

    dude, Obama is going to Turkey first, then Cairo, and he’s doin it at Cairo Uni :)…oh and again…Happy birthday!!

  75. C Says:

    Sadly, I have witnessed this kind of personality..sigh:(

  76. C Says:

    Sadly, I have witnessed this kind of personality..sigh:(

  77. Sand Ape Says:

    Well I was initially checking to see if SM posted anything inappropriate about the state of mourning that Egypt is currently going through. Lucky for him he didn’t coz even the MB is in mourning, so imagine what Egyptian SS would be doing if he had done so?

    The good news. though is I see that nothing has changed in this cyber-utopia of mislead Zionists. (Twosret, Mohamed, Ahmed and the occasional rationale poster aside).

    You now have two social misfits; Craig and Adam B going at each others throats, releasing excess excrement mucoids on each other due to their being denied the bodies natural expulsion since everyone stopped engaging them in their racist non sense, including myself. Good for them!

    Mohamed I wondered what provokes you to keep coming posting to a bunch of nim-Witt’s, but after reading your comment #31, you made my day again. By all means keep it up, I love reading your comments.

  78. Mohamed Says:

    Craig. To answer your question in one word, along with the usual cohort of tools squirting their nonsensical crap.
    I was totally surprised with the state of sadness the people in Egypt are in for the passing of the child, I was surprised by how sad I got and how sorry I felt for his family, which reinforced my opinion about the longing and nostalgia we’re going to have for the Mobarak days once he’s gone, exactly like the one we have now for king Farouk.

  79. Craig Says:

    Lets see…. you open with:

    Well I was initially checking to see if SM posted anything inappropriate about the state of mourning that Egypt is currently going through.

    Which is an admission that you are a blog troll.

    And then you close with an accusation against others of being “social misfits”. Another high quality comment from the Sand Ape.

  80. Sand Ape Says:

    Absolutely Mohamed, the entertainment value of reading his lies is indeed priceless.

  81. Anon Says:

    As an Egyptian, I am not happy with the amount of money being spent to host Obama. Money that should have been spent on making education and life better at Cairo University and for those living in Giza. Also, while I prefer Obama to Bush for various reasons, and while he seems to be more popular among Egyptians, it will all come down to whether he will be able to bring dramatic changes in the Palestinian issue and how he will address the decline in human rights and democracy in the region. The whole thing about addressing the Muslim world is kind of a joke. Cairo could be a suitable place for addressing the Arab World may be but not the Muslim World. Also, instead of addresses and words , little meaningful actions on both sides will go miles for the good of their ppl but well its easier to talk than act right?
    Mohamed, like wise I was shocked that I felt sad for the Mubarak family for their loss and cried the kid just like I cried several other kids lost in meaningless accidents and disasters. I do not have an explanation to this general sorrow ppl felt and I am not talking about public figures making use of the incident, I am talking about ordinary ppl like you and me. While I believe that the reality of death brings loads of lessons to all, I sure hope Mubarak got some wisdom from what happened.

  82. C Says:

  83. Hani Says:

    Let’s see:

    Saudi (the birthplace of Islam)

    Saudi Arabia is a nation-state, formed in the 21st century.

    Turkey (The Secular Muslim people

    Depends on what parts of Turkey you’re talking about and which socioeconomic classes.

    Indonesia (They housed Obama when he was still an innocent muslim baby, before the evil Cross worshipers got to him..Boo on them)

    Um, no one thinks that way.

    in order to appeal to the muslim world, you have to do it from an arab country, otherwise the arab muslims won’t respond. It’s a chauvinism thing.

    No. This is a dead giveaway to the fact that you’re ignorant beyond belief.

    Turkey would’ve been a bad choice for that reason, if not also due to its safety (yeah go to the muslim country that actually shows sex on TV)

    The fuck? So, Turkey never faces terrorism because they show sex on television? Ever hear of the Kurdish separatist movement (like PKK)? They’ve conducted terrorist attacks on Turkey. Moron.

    Ditto for Indonesia and any southasian countries, who, regrettebly, all of the arab countries regard as subhumansand thus an insulting choice.

    You’re an idiot.

    Jordan, well, they are too small and too eager to please really.

    You’ve a) contradicted yourself politically and b) can’t even get your stereotypes right. You live off of stereotypes.

    America’s push for democracy and rights in Egypt

    In what alternate universe are you referring to?

    Summary: Sandmonkey is useless.

  84. Craig Says:

    Thanks for setting the record straight, Hani :D

    I’m guessing Obama is going to Egypt to talk to people like Sandmonkey, and not to talk to people like you. But, I could be wrong.

  85. Craig Says:

    To talk about the actual article a bit:

    First they get the timeline wrong:

    President Barack Obama is to deliver in Egypt early next month his long-anticipated appeal for reconciliation between the Muslim world and the west after more than a decade of growing tension and violence.

    I count 30 years since the hostage crisis in Tehran, and close to 40 years since the first plane hijackings. That’s more than THREE decades, not “more than a decade”.

    Then they blame Bush:

    The speech will be the high point so far of a policy pursued by Obama since taking over the White House of reaching out to the Muslim world, in contrast with the polarising approach previously adopted by former president George Bush.

    Then they blame Israel:

    The Obama administration is trying to tackle the many issues that have contributed to the rupture between the west and the Muslim world, of which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the biggest.

    They got all the bases covered, right? Gloss over the severity of the problem, then blame the US and Israel for it. Nice job, Ewen MacAskill. I bet this is the same Scottish bastard who attacked our consulate in Edinburgh. If not, he certainly must have done some hatchet job of a story on it placing the blame on the US for having our own embassy attacked. He seems like just that kind of assclown.

  86. Hani Says:

    I’m guessing Obama is going to Egypt to talk to people like Sandmonkey, and not to talk to people like you. But, I could be wrong.

    No, just terribly naive.

    Actually, you hold that lovely American combination of violent aggression and wide-eyed naivety when it comes to global politics.

  87. noonoo Says:

    hate to break it to yah but Obama seems like hes going to Saudi FIRST and then to Egypt:

  88. Sand Ape Says:

    Hani let’s see the logic here…you are engaging Craig in dialogue although he is a self-proclaimed racist with a failed life and an extremely well known fabricator and prevaricator. So where is the logic there? Well I guess it has a lot to do with savoring the entertainment value of such a aberration? Without him, Dane bun boy and tedders this blog would truly be boring?

  89. Craig Says:

    Actually, you hold that lovely American combination of violent aggression and wide-eyed naivety when it comes to global politics.

    Seems to have worked pretty well for us, eh? :p

  90. tedders Says:

    “Without him, Dane bun boy and tedders this blog would truly be boring?”

    Same goes for you Ape! ; D

  91. Joanne Says:

    Funny post. To think Obama has had this speech to the Muslim world planned forever - I wonder why he had it planned so early. There must be some significance, at least in his mind, for doing it in Egypt.

  92. C Says:

  93. Mohamed Says:

    Couldn’t put it better Sand Ape. And by the way Tedders, I’ve never had any illusions before about you being a total tool, but being Craig’s tool, come on man, that’s really pathetic, there’s enough horrible creatures on this blog who can put two comprehensible words next to each other that you could’ve chosen to be their tool, but a nonsense mumbling buffoon like Craig, seriously man, have some self respect, I’m really embarrased for you.

  94. BB Says:

    Seems to have worked pretty well for us, eh? :p

    The hell are you talking about? You’re Jewish.

  95. Ahmed Zidan Says:

    Nice blog ya Mood! You know how much I hate both Obama and the everlasting Egyptian regime! So fuck them both!

    Dr Medhat Mahfouz for life! :P :P :P

  96. C Says:

  97. C Says:

    “Obama, whose father was a Muslim from Kenya, said in Turkey last month that the United States “is not and never will be at war with Islam.”
    In his inaugural address in January, he told the Muslim world “we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist,”

  98. tedders Says:

    ” I’m really embarrased for you.”

    Coming from a troglodyte simpleton like you Mohamed. I’ll wear that as a badge of honor! : D

  99. Mohamed Says:

    Still Tedders, cheer leading for such a splendid and sweat heart character like Craig would definitely trump me being troglodyte simpleton like myself.
    PS: Thanks a lot for spending your entire day searching dictionaries to come up with a word like troglodyte just to describe my humble self, you’re either a total loser or you’re specialized area of study is troglodytes, which still, would make you a total loser.

  100. Craig Says:

    A cretin who uses terms like “sweat heart” shouldn’t be accusing other people of dictionary over use, methinks :p

  101. tedders Says:

    “PS: Thanks a lot for spending your entire day searching dictionaries to come up with a word like troglodyte just to describe my humble self”

    Again, coming from an from an individual so highly gifted in cognitive dissonance as yourself, I’ll consider that a compliment. I suppose you have access to a dictionary just in case I use “big” words you’ve never heard before? You might want to keep it handy Einstein!! LOL

  102. C Says:

    Interesting article, thanks…

    “I am trying to get a birth certificate to get a job,” said Samia Abdel Hafiz, 52, as her 9-year-old daughter peddled tissues to students on the street. “Whenever I apply for a job they ask me for the birth certificate. Maybe Obama can help get my paperwork through.”

    I think she probably would have an easier time finding someone to make her a fake one…can’t someone here help her?

    All of his people are staying in Sharm el Sheik, I am jealous

  103. C Says:

  104. C Says:,25197,25552433-2703,00.html

  105. Mohamed Says:

    Definitely a sweat heart Craig, just please, for humanity’s sake, don’t think, that’s really scary, just stay lying on the couch and enjoy the complements and adulation of Tedders and like minded minions.

  106. C Says:

    Not to compliment the MB or Islam….but..
    I believe them.
    Also, It looks like Egypt has quite a few competitors when it comes to understanding human rights..wonder if that topic is on the Obama itinerary.

  107. tedders Says:

    “just stay lying on the couch and enjoy the complements and adulation of Tedders and like minded minions.”

    Mo’s got a plumpy!!! : O

  108. Xylo Says:

    Saudi Arabia is a nation-state, formed in the 21st century.

    It’s only 9 years old, eh

  109. Xylo Says:


    it will all come down to whether he will be able to bring dramatic changes in the Palestinian issue

    Clinton really really tried. It did not work.

    Peace will come when the Palestininans and Israelis want it. Given the Palestinan behavior after the end of the Gaza occupation I’m not too optimistic for the West Bank.

    Regardless, the Arabs have to stop looking to outsiders to solve this problem.

  110. Domo Says:

    Xylo #109
    “Regardless,the Arabs have to stop looking to outsiders to solve this problem”.
    You mean they should stop barking, looking for food and good things outside and work and develop? your asking too much. Check the 20th century’s so called “revolutionaries” and tell me if any of them succeeded to govern and carry responbilities of progess and development . Just to give you some examples; Nasser, Ben Bella, Arafat, Assad, Castro, .etc. It is easier to bark and make noise than to work, solve problem and carry responsibilties of finding alternative solutions to emerging problems.

  111. Ahmed Says:

    It’s only 9 years old, eh

    No. It’s roughly a century “old.”

    You’re referring to one of Prophet Muhammad’s wives, Aisha, whom many ill-intentioned ignoramuses claim was a child when they were betrothed. This is an introduction to that non-controversy.

  112. Craig Says:

    You’re referring to one of Prophet Muhammad’s wives…

    Well, not to jump in where I was uninvited but I think he was referring to the fact that we are only 9 years into the 21st century.

  113. tedders Says:

    “You’re referring to one of Prophet Muhammad’s wives…”

    A bit sensitive eh? ; D

  114. Sand Ape Says:

    FACT: King Davids reign was centuries before the prophet Mohamed (PBUH) as well as Jesus (PBUH). In the formers time as well as the laters, it was customary for grown men to marry prepubescent girls, as Kind David himself had 100’s of wives under the age of 12 but since people who claim they have any knowledge about religion and history fail to acknowledge this huge fact, they are not qualified to even discuss the issue and point the finger at God’s last testament-Islam. If Islam was a separate religion then Muslims would easily insult Christianity like Christians do Islam all the time.

    Are all non Muslims going to hell according to God, absolutely fucking not! Muslims who claim to be Muslims and say this wouldn’t know a holy book from a Hustler magazine.

    The virgin Mary dressed in hijab and so did early pious Jewish woman yet Muslim woman are attacked for keeping God’s dress code. It’s really sad to see this ignorance abounding.

    So everyone to his own,

    Nobody in their right mind would ever even consider following Islam unless they were willing to devote their entire life towards it because it is such a hard and strict religion to follow because it is truly the unscathed religion of God. Like the religion of those who used to follow the examples of Moses and Jesus back in the day. So quite being hypocrites and let him who is free of sin cast the first stone.

    And let those full of sin keep being hypocrites…

  115. Sand Ape Says:

    You guys wanna argue, at least argue about what its really about. Dollars and Oil.

  116. tedders Says:

    : O

    The horror!!!

  117. Alexis Says:

    Concerning Obama’s visit to Egypt, I take a “wait and see” approach. He will probably be obsequious toward Islam (in a manner he wouldn’t be toward any other religion), but his words won’t make the slightest amount of difference for most Muslims. In particular, the Islamists (as well as a few Nasserites) will vilify Obama even if he grovels.

    I think one of the key problems the Arabic speaking political establishment has in dealing with the United States is that it presumes that it has a monopoly on all the grievances in the universe. The news seems to be all Palestine all the time. Not only are there people who suffer elsewhere (ever heard of Darfur?), but it fails to dawn on the Arabic speaking political establishment that Americans might have legitimate grievances against “The Arab Palace”.

    One wonders if the worst blunder the United States ever made was sponsoring a visit by a certain Egyptian functionary by the name of Sayyid Qutb. If an influential American writer were to repay Arab hospitality the way that man repaid American hospitality, the Arabic speaking press would have cause for complaint.

  118. C Says:

    Interesting to note that Mr. Qutb is talking about the 50’s era?

    “The American female was naturally a temptress, acting her part in a sexual system Qutb described as “biological”:

    The American girl is well acquainted with her body’s seductive capacity. She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs — and she shows all this and does not hide it.

    Even an innocent dance in a church basement is proof of animalistic American sexuality”

  119. C Says:

  120. C Says:

    Sorry to intrude when I wasn’t invited:):)
    But doesn’t this Qutb dude sound like a total loser…

    “Sayyid Qutb Makes Fun of the Americans- We were at the table in one of the cafeterias of the University, when I saw some Americans putting salt on their watermelon. And I was prepared to see these strange fads and also to play jokes on them from time to time. And I said, faking innocence, ‚ÄúI see you sprinkling salt on the watermelon.‚Äù One of them said,‚Äú Yes! Don‚Äôt you do the same in Egypt?‚Äù I said, ‚ÄúNo! We sprinkle pepper!‚Äù A surprised
    and curious girl said,‚Äú How would that taste?‚Äù I said, ‚ÄúYou can try for yourself!‚Äù She tasted it and said approvingly,‚Äú It‚Äôs tasty!‚Äù and so did all the others. On another day in which watermelon was served, and most of the same people were at the table, I said ‚ÄúSome of us in Egypt use sugar at times instead of pepper.‚Äù One of them tried it and said, ‚ÄúHow tasty!‚Äù and so did all the others.”

    Well, what were they supposed to do? Call him a liar? an intellectual snob?
    I mean, they use freaking *Cumin* in the mideast for crying out loud.

  121. Craig Says:

    So quite being hypocrites and let him who is free of sin cast the first stone.

    That’s not exactly a teaching of Islam, Sand Ape. You still denying being a Christian? lol.

    And that rant looked like a wile barrage of unprovoked stone throwing. Are you without sin?

  122. Sand Ape Says:

    Thanks for the nibble Craig.

    Humans have brains to think on their own. If you are a rocket scientist does that mean you are not allowed to have knowledge of other sciences in the world that complete your diligence as a rocket scientist? So naturally Islam is the same, studying Christianity and Judaism as they are explicitly mentioned in the Quran, in my opinion would be making perfect sense.

    Using your logic Craig, you would accuse Jesus of throwing stones for merely saying ‘let he who is free of sin cast the first stone.’ I only use Christian Judea lingo when dealing with likes of those who understand it. Just as I use Islamic lingo to Muslim’s.

    This is not a blog for building bridges, if anything it is a blog for burning them so it would be social and moral suicide to attempt the former. Especially with people use words like cognitive dissonance and pride themselves on on being prevaricators for sport.

    So please, give us more to laugh about already!!!

  123. Craig Says:

    Using your logic Craig, you would accuse Jesus of throwing stones for merely saying ‘let he who is free of sin cast the first stone.’ I only use Christian Judea lingo when dealing with likes of those who understand it.

    Ridiculous assertion. Your comments are motivated by hate, and Jesus was motivated by love. Huge difference.

    In any case, John 8 is quite specific to Christianity, so I ask again: Are you still pretending not to be a Christian?

  124. Sand Ape Says:

    Craig you are a liar plain and simple.

    Thanks for giving us more to laugh about as you explicitly made your accusation based on Jesus’ quote.

    Plus, hahah, as if you are one to talk about love or even try and identify what it is. But then again I could be wrong because after all your life revolves around Tworsets lost love and her alleged betrayal thereof. It kinda reminds me of the movie Brave heart.

  125. Craig Says:

    Thanks for giving us more to laugh about as you explicitly made your accusation based on Jesus’ quote.

    Does that even make sense to YOU?

    And I didn’t make an accusation. You came in here ranting about how awful everyone else is and then closed with “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” bit. I merely pointed out how hypocritical that was on your part :p

  126. tedders Says:

    “Craig you are a liar plain and simple.”
    “So please, give us more to laugh about already!!!”

    We’re laughing at you sandy, at least I am, quit the ad hominem attacks and trying to obfuscate the discussion with your personal attacks/rants and simply answer the questions if you want to have a chance at winning a debate. Save the witty retorts after you answer his questions, that’s how you stand your own ground in a debate. You’re not fooling anyone with your poor rhetorical skills, read a book on rhetorical styles maybe.

    Sand Ape=0

    Next set about to begin in 3, … 2, … 1

  127. Mohamed Says:

    I couldn’t emphasize nor stress enough how embarrasing and humiliating it is for any person beyond the diapers stage to be the main tool, cheer leader, defender, and ass kisser for … Craig?! Hell, I bet you he’s quiet surprised by this enormous amount of affection himself.
    I also couldn’t point out enough that you’ve got an infinite supply of obnoxious and horrific freaks on this blog who share your same ugliness and hate who you could suck up to without coming up as a total tool (you’ve got Cameron, Red Tulips, Adam and yourself etc.).

  128. Sand Ape Says:

    tedders you are making me blush with my ability to predict your exact behavior.

    tedders said: “simply answer the questions if you want to have a chance at winning a debate and spare us your witty retorts.”

    Sand Ape=0

    First of all you can hardly consider personal attacks full of ad hominems to be any sort of debate. So what in God’s name are you talking about?

    Secondly what question are you referring to, as I would be glad to answer. You will gladly find that no serious questions were presented. It clearly looks as if you are making the attacks yourself dear sir. I see you failed to use the copy paste words-cognitive dissonance this time around as well, are you saving your favorite weapon exclusively for Mohamed these days or what, lol?

    If you would use your intelligence to describe anyone other than yourself with these attacks, you might be able to tell the difference between debate and slander. Go ahead and read my initial comment 77 and then Craig’s childish attack in post 79. And for a real example of logical that is not debatable, I urge you to re-read my comment 114, and again in typical nature, your alleged friend Craig’s ad hominem attacks in post 121.

    Thank you

  129. tedders Says:

    ‘tedders you are making me blush with my ability to predict your exact behavior.”

    You’re a legend only in your own mind!! ; D

    “Secondly what question are you referring to”

    You are a serious candidate for a Ritalin study Sandy! Go back and re read the question he asked you, should be apparent even to you.

    “First of all you can hardly consider personal attacks full of ad hominems to be any sort of debate. So what in God’s name are you talking about?”

    The exact point I was making to you, Mr. personal ad hominem!

    “you might be able to tell the difference between debate and slander.”

    Hilarious and delusional. I invite all to go back and read the exchanges and see who knows the difference between debate and slander. Reap what you sow Sandy!

    Craig’s #121 post

    Craig Says:
    June 1st, 2009 at 11:53 am
    So quite being hypocrites and let him who is free of sin cast the first stone.

    That’s not exactly a teaching of Islam, Sand Ape. You still denying being a Christian? lol.

    “your alleged friend Craig’s ad hominem attacks in post 121.”

    Obviously you aren’t aware of what ad hominem means. Here’s a little clue for ya!

    Have a great day!!

    And that rant looked like a wile barrage of unprovoked stone throwing. Are you without sin?

  130. C Says:

    Does this seem like a good idea? Hmm..

  131. Karen Says:


    Yeah, after they go investigate what happened to Southern Israel and while their at it maybe Hama, Syria and Sudan and Sri Lanka. And maybe after they check out all the war crimes committed by the “resistance” in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  132. Karen Says:


  133. Sand Ape Says:

    Mohamed birds of the same feather flock together, hence explaining why tedders took up the post of nut case cheerleader.

    Tedders thanks for continuing to make me blush with my ability to still predict your exact behavior which includes psychological profiling, foaming at the mouth, convulsive augmentation. Thanks for being the blog jester with your inimitable circus acts. I really enjoy it. But where are your theories of cognitive dissonance this time around you unqualified psychiatric nurse Dr. wannabe lololol.

    You haven’t said a serious thing on this blog for over a year, are you turning to trollism now due to Obama telling the loser Zionist’s that the days of a free hand at murder, theft and illegal settlements is over? What gives, what’s up with you?

  134. Howie Says:

    Related post…

  135. Xylo Says:


    God’s last testament-Islam

    No. It is Bahaiism.

  136. Toady Says:

    Obama telling the loser Zionist’s that the days of a free hand at murder, theft and illegal settlements

    Let us hope he tells the self defeating Palestinians that the days of a free hand at murder, thuggery, terrorism, corruption, theft, stupidity, and sucking off the UN teat are also over.

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