LA County Sheriff Baca in US House shouting match

Kitty Felde/KPCC
Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman of El Segundo welcomes L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca to Capitol Hill
March 17, 2010 | Kitty Felde | KPCC


A House hearing about information sharing between police turned into a shouting match about patriotism today. L.A. County’s sheriff was right in the middle.

Sheriff Lee Baca was telling a Homeland Security subcommittee about staying on positive terms with the Muslim community. Republican Congressman Mark Souder of Indiana questioned Baca’s relationship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which he implied helped groups that call for the destruction of Israel.

Kitty Felde/KPCC
L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca testifying before a congressional committee on homeland security

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U.S. News

Souder said "there’s a substantial difference between protected speech and government officials going to fundraisers for organizations that do speech that is radical. And Sheriff Baca, you’ve been 10 times to the fundraisers for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which even the FBI has separated themselves from."

Baca interrupted, saying "and I’ll be there 10 more times."

Baca said CAIR did not support terrorists. "That is my experience, that is my interaction. And if you want to support that, you’re on your own."

Fighting mad, he cited his four decades in law enforcement, his service in the Marines, and his many trips to Israel. He said, "the security of Israel has always been at the forefront of my thinking. And for you to associate me somehow through some circuitous attack on CAIR, is not only inappropriate, it is un-American."

Souder said he didn’t question the sheriff’s patriotism – only his relationship with one group.

The heated exchange ended when the Homeland Security subcommittee quickly adjourned for a floor vote. After the hearing, Sheriff Baca shrugged off the confrontation.

"People who are misinformed are going to have opinions," he said. "But when a member of Congress is that misinformed, you gotta question whether or not they understand what their constitutional obligations are when it comes to public safety. Which apparently are not very much."

Congressman Souder's office declined to comment on the exchange.

Gregg Max
1 month ago

Glad to see someone answering back in a clear confrontive way. Too many of the 'party line faithful' only say what they want their constituants to hear. They know that it is misleading at least and they count on it.
I think this congressman knew that he was wrong but his comments played good on the TV at home. All politics is local.
Baca is not my favorite public servant and Thanks Lee.

1 month ago

CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding trial for their relationshop to the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas infrastructure in America.

The FBI told an Oklahoma City newspaper CAIR has not answered their questions about this relationship. Baca's can goodwill himself all he wants with CAIR but he look foolish to me.

In U.S. vs. SabriBenkahla. for example, on page 58, footnoted at the bottom: From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other Muslim Brotherhood affiliates to support terrorists and used deception to do so!

1 month ago

It is amazing how ignorant the Sheriff of the largest sheriff department is. What a dupe, being used by a know terrorist organization. Steve Emerson has accurately documented CAIR's activities for years.

Typical ignorant response by a mentally lazy liberal world view apologist. If he was truly interested in the facts, he would have challenged the questions with facts, not an emotional fit.

I wonder how the first responders that are on Department feel about their "leader" attending fund raisers for an "un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding trial for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas infrastructure in America."

1 month ago

I also think the Sheriff should stay out of politics of favoring any organization,especially the Muslims. Stick to running the Sheriff's dept,which he has not done very good since. Back to foot patrol.

1 month ago

I find it hard to believe that certain congress members who are usually known for only caring about politics and pleasing certain foreign interest groups pretend to know more about law enforcement than the head of the largest Sheriff department in the country.

Good for you Mr. Baca. You stood your ground and refused to play politics with our national security.

1 month ago

This Congressman is just typical of the right wing idiots who prey on fear and ignorance.....too bad their constituents are as stuid and ignorant as they are! Good for you Sheriff Baca!! Oh, and by the way
Sheriff Baca is a Republican, just not a stupid one!

1 month ago

Baca has always had the attitude that he can talk to anyone and convince anyone of anything regardless of how nonsensical the topic is or how arroant his progressive agenda is. He is a social enginner and thinks that through his education he can educate everyone else and convince them that he has the solution for everything. He has been out of touch with the realities of modern law enforcement for years. I'm sure CAIR donates to his campaign. Baca never met a campaign donation he didn't like. There were rumors years ago that he couldn't recieve confidential law enforcement briefings from the feds because of his questionable ties to the asian community. I saw his arrogance and his my way or he would bury you attitude first hand. You have to understand Baca doesn't want information from anyone else, he only wants everyone to have the info he puts out to be treated like gospel.

1 month ago

I have known and worked for Sheriff Baca for years. He is in the same league as Jerry (moonbeam) Brown. He is lost in left field never to return to reality as long as he lives. The Sheriff's Department is a leaderless organization that only continues to run as well as it does, in spite of how hard Baca tries to destroy the Department. Congradualtions to the congressman who called Baca to task.

Afraid of you
1 month ago

Wow readers (Brandi with an i, JJ, Wayne),
I didn't realize that Sheriff Baca is only supposed to improve ties to White constituency, I mean, community. I also like the retired guy who think Lee Baca is out of touch with modern law enforcement...because of his pesky education. Yes, congratulations Republican Congressman Mark Souder of Indiana, for trying end diversity in Los Angeles.

1 month ago

Thank God and kudos for Congressman Souder. Finally an honest thinking American patriot who sees the evil of organizations like CAIR and represents the people. Our safety and our concerns have been trampled long enough by the likes of seditious individuals like {Sheriff Lee Baca} in my opinion he should be investigated by the Justice department and the IRS to really see what is his connection with CAIR.

Sergeant John
1 month ago

I have known Lee for over 44 years. He is honest and forthright. Mr. Souder is playing to his base at Baca's expense. Defending a Muslim organization or at least recognizing them in a positive light takes more courage than Souder can muster. And, oh yeah, Baca is so out of touch he's running unopposed.

1 month ago

I always love the way that the right wingers try to equate their views with American Patriotism...What a joke!! You folks are just plain sick, idiots, who play on ignorance and fear!!! And when someone says something that you do agree with you just call em liars! You still think that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that torture actually works! Been watching too many episodes of '24' too!

1 month ago

I think it's disgusting the broad brush that's being used to paint CAIR as an evil organization. Yes, the were named an unindicted co-conspirator in a trial that ended in a MISTRIAL. And unindicted co-conspirator does NOT mean that they were involved in any crime. That's why they were unindicted. And because unindicted co-conspirators are not necessarily involved in any misdeeds, USUALLY their names are not released to the public so that their reputations are not destroyed. The Bush administration ignored that precedent in order to stoke more fear.

So the lone evidence against CAIR was that they were tangentially named in a bungled trial that eventually got tossed out of court. When the Holy Land Foundation was retried, CAIR was NOT named in the new trial. I wonder why?

The echo chamber should be ashamed of itself.

1 month ago

C'mon "Jerry" (or is it Mustafa?) -- it is well known that CAIR raises about $ 50 in the US and everything else has been funded by anti-American governments in the Middle East. CAIR has had a shady history and has had to toss out pro-HAMAS and pro-terrorists members once they were exposed. It is nothing but a propaganda front for pro-Muslim, pro-Wahhabi, anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish Arab interests. A scummier lobbying organization shillng for foreign interests would be hard to find.

1 month ago

Brad (or is it Adolph?)

You just made my point for me. Throw out shadowy accusations unsupported by fact and attack the messenger. Well done. I do hope that was satire.

Indiana Hoosier
1 month ago

Souder is my congressman. To understand why he attacked Baca one needs to know that he is a Christian Zionist and an Armageddonite--a believer in a particular interpretation of Revelation end-times theology. Any attempt to bring about better relations with the Muslim world or a Palestinian State would be seen by him as a threat to his belief that this world will end in the final battle in the Valley of Armageddon that will usher in the return of Christ. (see his website:
He has stated that he will support Israel, "right or wrong", and he believes that his religious beliefs should fully inform and influence his votes and positions in Congress. His allegiance is to Israel and the U.S., but only if the U.S. agrees with Israel. Those of us in IN-3 who don't agree with Souder's beliefs and political positions have been trying to get him out of office. We almost succeeded in 2006 with Dr. Tom Hayhurst who is running against him again in November.

1 month ago

First of all you do not know Lee Baca. He is a Republican still because he doesn't see the use of changing to the Democratic Party. It certainly isn't because he is a smart Republican. Lee is pretty independent and that serves him best.
I use to work for Lee Baca and I like him a lot. I think that he has been good for the department. He has done a lot of good things there. However I truly believe that he is wrong on this issue with CAIR. CAIR is not operating in our best interests.
And as for you Bill, your just another dumb ass Democrat that voted for the worst President of all time.

1 month ago

I don't think there's anything wrong with supporting any certain group or ethnicity as a Sheriff. On the contrary, that is what an elected public official is supposed to do, support all ethnicities and backgrounds. Now, I don't have facts on CAIR, but if indeed it is supporting terrorism then the Sheriff should immediately withdraw his support for the organization. I think oftentimes public officials get confused with offering their support to certain ethnic group to appear popular and "multicultural" without looking into what the group really stands for. And, of course, these interest groups do everything in their power to cover up their true agenda. That's a common phenomenon in today's politics. I like Baca's chutzpah though!

1 month ago

Baca is terribly naive. CAIR is way too clever for him.

1 month ago

He never was a cop. I wouldn't be surprised if he had close ties to La Raza. DC, Baca is an "Snow republican." He and Olympia would make a great couple.
If he is so good for law enforcement, then why did his own son leave the department and go to work for a small Orange County department. DC, you are the dumb ass. Baca loaded the department with minorities, and promptly lost control of L.A. County.

1 month ago

Republican these days is just another name for ---holes.

1 month ago

I always new that Baca was an advocate of the CAIRE... and it has always enraged me to the core. That group is responsible for direct contributions to hamas and have publicly called for the destruction of Israel. The representative for that group had dishonestly and idiotically lied to the panel with out any remorse. I have a message for Mr. are a treacherous liar and I sincerely hope that you will never be elected for any office...


1 month ago

Good for you Sheriff Baca! Am very tired of these shoot from the hip politicos who don't or can't think, who spew without knowing from whence they speak and others trembling in fear.
Proud of you in your office and as a Californian who works at better communications with all. Great effort!

1 month ago

Doesn't matter what side of the fence you think you're sitting on right now.

All should refrain from comment until you've read, "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America" (P.D. Gaubatz/P. Sperry)

Dave Gaubatz was a counterintelligence/counterterrorist specialist for the Federal Government following 9/11. His son went undercover with CAIR and his book speaks volumes.

As the current administration attempts to provide a false sense of security, it is only human nature for one to wish to believe it is so. No one wishes to be on the edge of fear, but America needs to step up and become a cohesive group of Pro-Active Patriots.

Just like the ostrich, while you stick your head in the sand, you've left the largest target visible. Keep a vigilant eye America as the danger and threat are very real. In this case, your ignorance is not bliss.

1 month ago

If anything, Baca has not done enough to promote minorities (who now make up the majority of the population in LA County) --but that's another issue---

You don't change the mindset of your "enemy" by isolating them-- that only breeds contempt and deeper resolve to destroy you-- that has been the pattern in the Middle East under Bush and like-minded Republican isolationists. It feeds the will of the extremists-- Souder is one of those--who has tied himself to the isolationist point of view, exept when it relates to Israel--

As for CAIR, I have no doubt that there are those who would seek to use the organization to furthre extremist points of view--just as they are doing every day in our prisons and college campuses-the important thing is that pressure is kept on to force them to remove those extremist elements and to help them see the value of being actively American--being in the US, through inclusion rather than exclusion.

Baca and the LA Sheriff's Dept is well respected and often called on as experts in terrorism -- all around the world - he may have his failings, be a bit of a braggart at times, but he has had the sense to build the dept and demand the latest and the best for the department, needed or not.

Gary Smith
1 month ago

Sheriff Baca is a typical "elected politician" who covers his butt by making friends with those who will support him and to hell with the truth! The Truth is that CAIR is, in fact, an organization that supports Muslm terrorism here and abroad. Any elected law enforcement officer in these days is too much controlled by political crrectness to do the job as it needs to be done. Baca is a good example of this. I had 23 years in LA law enforcement and knew many deputies who were not happy that Baca was elected and many have gone elsewhere to work.

1 month ago

Conservatives are truly hateful with all the above comments. "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" remains forever true. It was obvious the congressman was just riling people up and his base, obviously the alot of the ignorant posters here, eat it up. Do you think he really cares about an Islamic organization? He cares about money, power, perks and bowing down to greater masters than the people. Yet, you eat up his xenophobia because thats all you know. Who is the real fool here?

1 month ago

LA Sheriff linked to terrorist group? Lets hope he is just a fool and not a Jihadist.

1 month ago

Congressman Souder, you are an ignorant idiot

please resign from congress and retire

good for you sherif for standing up to this ignorant idiot

Sierra Joe
1 month ago

I've known Baca since 1968. He was an idiot in the Academy as a Tach Officer, and he has not improved. I'm a Pete Pitchess old school retired Detective. And because of Baca, I see no professionalism in the caliber of canditates that enter the Academy. it has no resemblance to the Department I was once proud to work for as a true Public Servant. It's not my Department anymore. Where is the LA Office of the FBI political corruption unit now. Why are they not investigating Baca's association with CAIR and suspicions of his connection with the Riata family in Indonesia; not to mention the fact that he was closely associated with the disgraced Sheriff Corona of Orange County (a convicted felon now). Baca is a fool and a fraud. He was never a real Marine; just a reservist. He is a humiliating embarrassment who has ruined the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. At one time it was the finest law enforcement agency in the Country. Napolitano should squash him like an ant. I favor someone with guts to come forward and oppose him in the election. Where are you Chief Jackson?

I won't defend Souder or anyone else in the Homeland Security Sub-commitee. We have reached a point where most politicians, by definition, are liars and whores who chose to become elected officials simply to line their pockets.

Dan: Leroy Baca is too dumb to spell "Jihadist"

1 month ago

Good for you mr. Baca, you are a just man and a man of honest principles. L.A. is lucky to have you

1 month ago

Those like Stevenpaul who try to reduce this to a left-right argument have it all wrong: no way is Baca just or consistently "far to the left like Jerry Moonbeam" (who himself has veered this way and that, lately apparently sidling upto openly Republican Steve Cooley and his puppet Trutanich, on the medical marijuana issue - after himself writing an opinion in 08 that clearly inferred sales were legal, though didn't define what profit or not-for-profit was exactly.)

Baca is often just clueless, and those who say he should stay out of politics, period, are right. His backing Tutanich and TOTALLY ignoring the nastiness and scurrilous nature of his campaign, and his real past defending the worst criminals as long as they had money, with no concern for the public good at least within his last decades lining his pockets living and working in LONG BEACH, while attacking Weiss's campaign for pointing out what we've since learned is utterly true about him, showed what a hypocrite he is, how he'll line up with whoever and whatever side and persuasion he thinks can be of some personal benefit to him. He's said to be a social climber, a celebrity hound, so filled with self-importance and flaunting the power of his job locally (like Cooley) that he is alleged to crush his opponents within the dept. and use his connections to raise so much money he's running unopposed and virtually does what he pleases.

He is SUPPOSED TO deal with crime, but when it came to testing the DNA rape kits that backed up in his dept. - yet only the financially strapped LAPD's rape kit backlog was slammed in the media - he pouted over a small budget cut, to his enormous budget, and refused to test them until Zev Yaroslavsky sat him down, fed up with getting slammed for their do-nothingness by Human Rights Watch, even nationally like in the HuffPo.
Good someone has the "temerity" to point out that he SHOULD STAY OUT OF POLITICS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING, PERIOD.

Well Wisher
1 month ago

At leat Sheriff Baca was honest and smart answering to immoral and un-American question coming from an ignorant and arrogant soul.

Tracy K.
1 month ago

Thank God for good men like Sheriff Baca. My father is also a police officer, and believes as he does---that we must reach out to the Muslim community, since they are our neighbors, and potentially our friends.

I am a Christian, but last year I joined CAIR and several other groups that help raise awareness about Muslims in our communities, and I commend Sheriff Baca for his fine work. You are a true hero, sir!

1 month ago

Ah, I see all the bigots from JihadWatch have shown up at the command of WhipMaster Bobby. You guys never fail to amuse.

1 month ago

To all
Sgt Joe, Bill, Jerry, Afraid of you, Tom, & Gregg May:
I will not say anything about the Sheriff or the Congressman. What I want to tell you people is that you had better start researching this group and why they are connected so closely to all the individuals that are being tried. CAIR verbally attacks and sues every person or author that writes anything negative about any Muslims, muslim group, and especially if it is true. CAIR especially sues the authors of intelligence gathering groups that criticize Muslim terrorist organizations. I was involved in these investigation my last 15 years before I retired. We as America had better wake up and look at the threat. It is in front of us and we need to be more vigilant. May We All Stand Proud and stop the battle between political parties and get down to what is best for America. Health care and taxes are not the real threat to America. It is the Exstremist Groups we need to fear (both domestic and global). Terrorism will be the fall of America because we do not understand the threat. If we learn about the threat we may have a change to survive.

Tracy K.
1 month ago

Redman, CAIR sues for discrimination because that's part of its JOB. Surely in your fifteen years of investigation, you managed to notice that LEGAL ADVOCACY is part of their mission statement.

1 month ago

Have any of the people criticizing Baca and Muslims even ever MET a Muslim? What about all you Christians posting comments? Its not very Jesus-like of any of you. Arrogant and shameful behavior on your part to condemn a whole organization and people based on spurious facts and innuendo.
Interesting that Christians were treated the same way in the early days of Christianity and fed to the Lions for entertainment.

1 month ago

Kan, I feel pretty confident that most of these "fine Christians" are here because they are part of the drooling audience of a website called "Jihad Watch," run by a bigot named Robert Spencer. For Mr. Spencer, "the only good Mooslim is a dead Mooslim."

1 month ago

Baca is up facing another election. I hope the voters get rid of him

1 month ago

WELL DONE BACCA!! its about time we have peopple who are will to stop acting like sheep! Just because he has something that was not negative about muslims he is getting slammed, how sad! Like a previous post mentioned most on here have not even met a Muslim yet they BLAH BLAH against them. truly sad and very UN-AMERICAN!

Kan & Rachel - very good points

If we are to start calling CAIR supportors of terror what should we call AIPAC??

BACCA for congress
1 month ago

Finally, I am happy to see a true American who cares about Americans regardless of race, religion, or how they look. True American is the one who stands for Americans especially when the news media is profiling them or hate groups (loyal to none American like Israel). True congress or governmental officials should be for all different American communities (Latinos, black, Asians, Arabs, Jews, Hindus,...etc).

1 month ago

Lets put it this way

Sheriff Baca **Who for the last 10 years works with the community and deal with law on daily bases** doesnt know anything about Muslims or the community?

BUT all the dumb Ass idiots who writing against him just because he reached out to Muslim community are Experts on Islam and Muslims..What a Joke. and Advise for you all ---Get a life and educate your self!!

Christian Killed Muslims in Bosnia, so dose it mean All christian are Criminal,-- NO --

US Helped Muslims there too -- That dosent mean all Muslims are bad either

I hope those who are written out of hate and ignorance to stop for one day and go and learn Islam from a local mosque not from a jihad watch web site !

How can you sleep with some hate in your heart against some one who didnt do anything bad ??

1 month ago

Please see the link to edify yourself about CAIR. A wonder, positive truly Islamic organization.

1 month ago

Its amazing how majority of the people don't care about the core issue of all this hate.

" UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes said here that he has seen for the people of Gaza an existence, not a life.

“It’s good to be back in Gaza a year later since my first visit. In many ways it’s discouraging and a depressing day,” he told reporters during his one-day visit Tuesday.

“We are dealing here with the consequences of political failure on all levels to achieve the kind of settlement of the Palestinian problem that we need, involving the end of the occupation and the creation of a genuine Palestinian state,” he said."

Who is doing this? Israel. who do we support regardless? Israel. Who are 90% of the spies the government catches working for? Israel. Why did we get attacked on 911? because of Israel. Now, its true that we do have the best interest of Israel at heart, but do the Israelis and their "overwhelming control on US media, politics and Financial institutions" have American best interest at heart?

1 month ago

Bravo Sheriff Baca!

Since when did it become unAmerican to reach out to your neighbor?

CAIR is no more guilty of supporting terrorism than the NAACP or the ACLU. Their only crime is in seeking to protect the civil rights of the 7 million+ Muslims living in the United States.

Believe me, we will look back on this period of our history with the same shame in which we now view the Native American genocides, opposition to Civil Rights, the McCarthy hearings, the internment of the Japanese....

WOW! After the gays, Muslims, and Latinos, who's gonna be left for us to hate?

4 weeks, 1 day ago

I'm a proud Afghan-American Muslim. I was raised in the bueatifule City of Los Angeles. I want to thank Sheriff Lee Baca for standing up for what is just and not caving in to hate mongering.

4 weeks ago

I always amazes me how a lot of these elected officials have their head stuck up the Israel's ARS. What the hell does Israel has to do with treatment of Muslims in America. Israel makes every president who dares to stand up to them look like a wimp. None of these people ever looked at American Israeli Public Affairs Counsel? It is a foreign organization. Take American money, buying American congress men/women and senators and then using them against the interest of the United States of America. They commit war crimes and we the fools of the world cover for them. They abuse world law. We the fools cover them. People like this moron congressman are the problem.

4 weeks ago

Islam doesnot support terrism, murder, In the Koran it state It is forbinned to take a life exspect by way of Justive or dealing with people who spead miefict in the land. The last part mean it is allow for travel to kill than banfict or over criminal in the wilderness outside of settle area but must report just action they did to the nearest villages or town and city government offical. Back in the 7th century there where no central government state with than strong law enforcement able to police everywhere like today.

Jeff Siddiqui
4 weeks ago

For a Congressman to betray his oath of office (to protect and defend the constitution) by so blatantly attacking Islam is unconscionable but unfortunately, the fashion of the day as our politicians scurry to gain points from Islam-haters.
There is NOTHING in Islam that (as Souder says), "It's fundamental in their faith, from the very beginning, that Jews are dogs and should be wiped from the face of the earth". Instaed of seeking to learn before he opens his heart and mouth to hate, Souder has joined the growing brown-shirt contingent that measures its success by how fast the hate-Islam demographics grow.
It would be MOST interesting for Souder to justify to us (he says he is an Evangelical Christian), the Biblical prophesy that all Jews will congregate in Israel before Judgment Day and convert to Christianity...and those who don't will be destroyed.
Those of you who may wish to actually LEARN about Islam, should consider reading books on Islam by Rabbi Reuven Firestone and by Karen Armstrong (an ex-Nun).
If you still find yourselves hating Islam and Muslims, at least you will have an intelligent position for yourselves.

Sierra Joe
4 weeks ago

I'm amazed at how stupid the general public can be; how easily people get off topic. The Topic is Baca and his outrageous behavior in front of the Sub-Commitee on Homeland Security. I worked for and with the man. I know him personaly. Believe me he's no genius, and certainly not a hero. But, he is a lying politician now.

3 weeks, 6 days ago

CAIR is not guilty of terrorism. It was an unindicted co-conspirator in that holy land foundation trial. But so was every major muslim organization in the U.S. CAIR and other organizations have been simple victims of guilt by association.

Since 9/11, sadly the same due process and fair judgement given to other people/minorities is not given to Muslims. All Muslims are guilty affiliation. This poorly misinformed approach to the issue is a dead end and will only lead to more hatred.

CAIR consistently condemnds terrorism and has no terrorist-sympathizers in its ranks. It simply works for Muslim civil rights. I know several CAIR members and have NEVER heard otherwise.

This propaganda that is spewed in books like Muslim Mafia is just that -- one-sided propaganda that basically twists facts and leaves out information to push a certain agenda.

Use your brain! Congrats to Baca for standing up for his principles.

Walter Childress
3 weeks, 4 days ago


3 weeks, 4 days ago

There are white supremacists that commit murder and hate crimes and identify themselves as part of the Republican Party. Does that mean that we should not trust or associate with the Republican Party? Actually, given their recent track record of bigotry, and their efforts to incite fear and promote discord in the American people, maybe that’s not such a bad idea. I would be ashamed and embarrassed to be a Republican right now because of the support they are giving extremists – it even bothers me to have to identify with these conservative extremists as Americans. I know there are good people out there, and just like with the Civil Rights movement, Women’s Suffrage, and the original Medicare reform years ago – we will prevail as a great country. Thank God for the internet so the children of these backwards extremists can easily seek the truth – not like the Taliban who can successfully brainwash 100s of boys at a time by sequestering them in Masdrassas and teaching them lies about Americans. As Greg Mortenson writes, “Blaming all Muslims for the horror of 9/11 is causing innocent people to panic.” - “The only way we can defeat terrorism is if people in the countries where terrorists exist learn to respect and love Americans.” The actions of our Muslim hating countrymen is not helping our public image around the world.

3 weeks, 4 days ago

And congrats to Baca for reaching out to his community. While I am not a fan of several LA County deputies that misuse their power, when Baca was made aware of the actions of these deputies in my community - he got rid of them immediately.

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