February 21, 2010

ScribeFire 3.5.1 Beta Available for Testing

Filed under: Uncategorized -- Christopher Finke @ 11:02pm

A beta version of the next update to ScribeFire is now available for testing. If you enjoy running bleeding edge software and finding and reporting bugs, then this update is for you.

Install ScribeFire 3.5.1b1 from Google Code

A list of the changes since version 3.5 can be found here; please report any issues you find here.

January 13, 2010

A Common Problem and a Simple Solution

Filed under: ScribeFire, Troubleshooting, Wordpress -- Christopher Finke @ 08:42pm

One of the most common bugs reported for ScribeFire is a variation on this theme:

“When I post to Wordpress, all of the HTML is stripped out. e.g., <br /> appears as ‘br /’.”

This is not a bug in ScribeFire; rather, it is a bug in a piece of software called PHP that is used to run your blogging software.

The (hard) solution to this bug is to get your Web host to upgrade their version of PHP to version 5.2.9 or greater. If that’s not possible, you can fix it yourself by installing this Wordpress plugin.

Thanks to all of the ScribeFire users that have reported this problem, and thanks as well to the other users that supplied links to the fixes.

November 7, 2009

Image Uploads to Blogger Broken

Filed under: Announcements, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 11:48pm

We’re aware that uploading images to Blogger blogs has been broken since late Thursday night. We’re working on a fix and hope to have it up and running as soon as possible.

June 12, 2009

ScribeFire and Twitter

Filed under: ScribeFire, Twitter -- Christopher Finke @ 01:17pm

A lot of people request that ScribeFire be updated so that it can post to Twitter, since ScribeFire is a blogging tool and Twitter is a micro-blog. I don’t have any immediate plans to add this feature, since there is another Firefox add-on that satisfies this need in a way that complements ScribeFire.

It’s called TwitterBar, and it’s another one of my projects. It lets you tweet and post links to Twitter directly from your browser’s address bar: Just type your message in the address bar and then type –post (no need to press Return), or click on the Twitter icon at the end of the address bar to post it to Twitter.

If you want to use Twitter to share links to your blog posts, just publish your post as you normally do with ScribeFire, open your post after it’s published, and click on the Twitter icon in the address bar. It will post a link to your blog post on Twitter, and you can even tell TwitterBar to include the title of your post as well.

If you’d like to try out TwitterBar, you can install it from Mozilla Add-ons. It’s on Mozilla’s list of recommended add-ons, and it’s one of the highest rated add-ons in the “Social & Communication” category, so you can be guaranteed that other users have found it helpful.

Here’s some more information on TwitterBar, courtesy of Mahalo:

Embed this widget See full results for TwitterBar

June 10, 2009

ScribeFire 3.4.1 Released

Filed under: Releases, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 07:49pm

I just uploaded an update to ScribeFire 3.4, which unfortunately still had some debugging dialog boxes in it. Sorry for the inconvenience; the update will available in about an hour.

If you’re a fan of ScribeFire and would like to promote it on your website, you can embed the widget below on your blog by clicking on the “Embed this Widget” link.

Embed this widget See full results for Scribefire

June 9, 2009

ScribeFire 3.4 Released

Filed under: Releases, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 10:57pm

We are pleased to announce the release of ScribeFire 3.4. You can install it at Mozilla Add-ons or wait for Firefox to notify you via the Automatic Updates feature.

Version 3.4 contains many bugfixes and several new features. You can read the full changelog at What’s New in ScribeFire 3.4

May 25, 2009

Beta Test ScribeFire 3.4

Filed under: Development, Preview, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 11:22pm

Version 3.4 of ScribeFire will be coming out soon, and it has a few big new features, like exportable settings and customizable post slugs. The preferences system has also been rewritten, and lots of code cleanup has been done.

If you would like to help test these changes before they are made available to all ScribeFire users, download version 3.4pre of ScribeFire and start playing around with it. (The list of all the changes is here.)

if you find any major bugs, you can either comment on this post or fill out a bug report. Thanks for your help!

May 13, 2009

ScribeFire 3.3.1 Released

Filed under: Releases, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 05:00am

We are pleased to announce the release of ScribeFire 3.3.1. You can install it at Mozilla Add-ons or wait for Firefox to notify you via the Automatic Updates feature.

Version 3.3.1 contains a handful of bugfixes aimed at making using ScribeFire less frustrating. You can read the full changelog at What’s New in ScribeFire 3.3.1.

April 18, 2009

Fixing Bugs Faster

Filed under: Announcements, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 10:23pm

Some of you may have noticed that after you report a bug with ScribeFire, it can take quite a while before you get a response. I admit that I’ve been a little lax in replying to bugs that don’t seem to apply to a majority of users, but today I’ve gone through the bug list and given a response to every bug that I don’t have enough information on to begin fixing it.

From now on, I’m making a renewed commitment to addressing bug reports as quickly as possible. In order to do this though, I’m going to need your help:

  • If you have a quick ScribeFire question or simple bug, you can ping me on Twitter; I’m @cfinke. This method of communication will result in the fastest responses from me.
  • For more complex problems, fill out a bug report here. Include as much information as possible, especially the kind of blog you have and the URL of the blog.
  • To request a new feature, fill out the same bug report form, but ignore the questions like “What is the problem?” and just tell me what new feature you want.
  • If you have a bug that you know will require some confidential information, you can e-mail me directly at chris@scribefire.com. Only do this if there is information in your bug report that you don’t want public.

Thanks for your cooperation; just remember: we’re all in this together.

April 17, 2009

ScribeFire 3.3 Released

Filed under: Releases, ScribeFire -- Christopher Finke @ 12:00pm

We are pleased to announce the release of ScribeFire 3.3. You can install it at Mozilla Add-ons or wait for Firefox to notify you via the Automatic Updates feature.

Version 3.3 contains a few bugfixes and one main new feature. You can read the full changelog at What’s New in ScribeFire 3.3, but the main new feature is ScribeFire’s integration with InLinks.com.

InLinks are static HTML advertisements located within content areas of websites. The benefits for you are:

  • Ads that are easy on the eyes. No annoying pop-ups!
  • Predictable revenue. Get paid a flat rate/month/ad sold.
  • Blog-friendly. Install our simple plugin and we take care of the rest. Just sit back and collect your monthly earnings.

Visit InLinks.com or open ScribeFire’s monetization tab to get started.