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Greece During the Holocaust, 1941-1944
By Carl Savich | Chamerian Albanians killed Jews, burned down Greek Orthodox villages, committed atrocities against and murders of Greeks around Paramythia, and expelled others.

Madam Secretary of State and the Balkans
Afghanistan is a "narco state, said Mrs Clinton. So is Kosovo, and so is Albania where Radical Islam is advancing.

Justifying War, Death, and Destruction in the Modern Era
By Bojan Ratkovic | The primary excuse for waging war throughout the globe is no longer a bitter rivalry between two of the world's most powerful nations, it is the novel concept of "humanitarian intervention".

Greek Power eyeing for Balkan opportunities
Greek Power Corp plans a considerable entrance into the Balkan market so as to buy out energy resources.

Balkan countries have a future?
By Georgy Gounev | The only open question is WHEN the Balkans is supposed to be thoroughly Islamized: together with the rest of the continent, or prior to that?

Bosnia, Hillary's Playground
By Srdja Trifkovic | Intervention as "an American tradition,"  gets Hillary ready to practice some more in the Balkans, as if her husband had not brought sufficient misery there already.

The Iranian reach in Bosnia
Humanitarian organizations, firms and news agencies are fronts for intelligence agents who manage a spy network in Bosnia since 1970s.

Orwell on Mihailovich
Media Disinformation and Self-Censorship
George Orwell focused on the case of Draza Mihailovich when UK suddenly endorsed communists.

Serbia and the South Stream
By Marko Lazic | The Economic Impact of the South Stream Pipeline on the Proposed Transit Country of Serbia.

Balkan electricity connections
Aging power stations, electricity networks need to modernize.

Failing Mark: Serbia's 100 days of new government
Decisions made in the first 100 days of government in office are seen as crucial indicators of a country's future course.

Peace Laureate Ahtisaari endorsed terrorism
The 2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner brought the message that those he represented were willing to flatten Belgrade and to kill 500,000 people in a week.

REVIVING NAZISM: Bosnian Muslim Government Reformed the Nazi SS Division Handzar in 1993
Bosnian Muslim Government and Army of Alija Izetbegovic reformed and revived the Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS Division from World War II.

U.S. Presidential Election 2008
Carl Savich | Both seek to maintain anti-Serbian policies.

Albanian global arms contraband
There is a well-formed Albanian network that exported illegally explosives and arms from Albania to various theaters across the globe and especially Afghanistan.

Washington¡¯s plan, a diplomatic blitzkrieg, was for some 100 countries, out of 192 UN members, to rapidly recognize so called the Republic of Kosovo. This, however, has not happened.

Balkan nuclear projects
Balkan states are adapting fast in the nuclear renaissance era.

Serbia's meaningless decisions
Current Serbian Government is "a joint criminal conspiracy which has the objective of stealing public property at home and betraying the nation and the state abroad." says Trifkovic.

Serbian pressure groups on a global scale and their connections
Michaletos' speech at the Athens Zapeion convention

From Obama to McCain: no change in US belligerent policy against Serbs
Ethnic slurs on Serbs are exclusively reserved for no other group. Includes video. Watch Video: Biden's son calls Serbs "thugs"

Security concerns in Southern Balkans
Ethnic organized crime syndicates dominate due used for politics and are due to proximity to Turkey and the Asian-European contraband routes.

Krajina: The Largest Act of Ethnic Cleansing since the Holocaust
300,000 Krajina Serbs driven out in the largest act of ethnic cleansing since the Holocaust.

Security & defense briefing of Albania
Albanian state is heavily dependent on USA influence that spans through the entire military and security apparatus, as is the case in Kosovo and in general in all Albanian populated Balkan communities.

The Death of a Good Man
Gen. Mihailovich of Serbia understood appeasement is a victory for the appeased. His very Allies appeased the communists, a defeat we are still living with.

Historical Literacy
Education as Entertainment?: The Engaged Classroom
Why is there historical illiteracy in the U.S.? The U.S. government and Congress do not regard history as important and thus do not fund programs in history.

Security & defense briefing of Montenegro
Montenegro is experiencing a surge of investments in real estate and tourism and in offshore banking that may well see this small country on par with Cyprus soon.

Improving Critical Thinking Skills in History
by Carl Savich | Research studies have found that students in U.S. schools are not being taught how to think critically in assessing the validity and accuracy of major issues and events, and the role of individuals and ideas in history. 

Whose election was it anyway?
Where the polarized election battle lines in Serbian election drawn up by the usual suspects in Brussels?

ViewPoint: EU is not the solution
Decision on Serbia¡¯s strategic alliances
Tadic is preoccupied with EU memebrship to the detriment of economy, poverty and joblessness.

Alerts rise for Jihadi attacks in the Balkans
Alerts of attacks by Islamists or other radical elements influenced directly by the declaration of independence of Kosovo that unleashes a circle of events that may lead to new regional conflicts or even a chain of terrorist attacks.

The evolving Balkan theater
Kosovo¡¯s independence could have been prevented enabling USA to become a factor of stability for the Balkans.

Western pressures on Serbia and the Alternatives
It is highly desirable for Serbia to diversify its foreign policy.

Not his turn to die
By Michael Averko | A gripping personal account of a childhood and teenage experiences growing up as secular Serb in prewar Muslim dominated and war torn Bosnia.

Church challenges in Kosovo, Montenegro
By Ioannis Michaletos | From Islamic jihad in Kosovo to Knights of Malta's attempts to gain Serbian treasures in Montenegro.

A Failed Intervention
International Intervention in Macedonia 1902-1908
By Carl Savich | Intervention in the Kosovo vilayet was based not on humanitarianism, but on advancing the national interests of the intervening powers, the Great Powers.

Are we on eve of next World War
By Aleksandra Rebic | No war is ever caused by the obvious act that triggers it. Kosovo may be such "precipitating factor".

The menacing ruin that faces Serbia
Many Serbs have no sympathy for EU after it dismembered their country, but there may be financial incentives to join and stave off ominous financial signals beaconing at Serbia.

Balkans: A crucial aspect of the Grand Game
Has Russia made a permanent come-back to the Balkans, or is it negotiating its recent gains for some other theaters such as the Caucasus?

Kosovo: EUs New Colony
By Mary Mostert | Albanians simply don't recognize the rights and freedoms of others. From 1991 to 2000, Greeks in Albania dropped from 8% of the population to 3%. In KosovoSerb population dropped from 15% to 5%.

No, Kosovo is not unique!
By Bojan Ratkovic | Kosovo indeed differs from Quebec; Quebec is a successful state and Kosovo is not able to protect the very people living within it.

West-East conflict in scope
Kosovo & population imbalance
Turks were far more tolerant and respectful towards the Christians than the modern-day Albanians.

Kosovo ? prelude to the destiny of Europe?
Kosovo seen through the eyes of a Dane.

Kosovo not unique
Engineering Independence
By Carl Savich | Kosovo scenario was not unique or sui generis. Washington used the same modus operandi before, successfully.

What next for Kosovo?
By Michael Averko | Will the drive to violate Serbia's sovereignty prevail?

Undersecretary Burns should be personally responsible
Burns, a holdover from the Clinton administration, managed theft of Kosovo from Serbia, the "Most brazen aggression since Nazi attack on Poland to prevent Polish atrocities," as Nuremberg prosecutor puts it.

The global game that is Kosovo
By recognizing Kosovo, world passed yet another milestone, albeit backwards towards the era of Empires and feudalism, rather than to peace and security.

Bush's Kosovo policy, like Chamberlain's Munich policy, could lead to war
By Mary Mostert | Bush's quick acceptance of Albanian Kosovo land-grab from Serbia a replica of Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler.

What Now, My Heart?
By David Binder
If you now can transplant a human heart, can you transplant the heart of a nation? Serbian heartland remains forever Kosovo.

Kosovo: Key Dates in the Century Long Goal to Create Greater Albania

Al-Qaeda in Kosovo
NATO analysis identifies Kosovo as a transitional route for extremists from Islamic countries into Europe.

Greece battles Balkan organized crime
Albanian gang clans extremely dangerous, peril for society.

Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas : A Critical Reappraisal
Hollywood chronicle of the resistance to the NAZIs by Serbian heros.

The return of the Caliphate
Small republics of the Balkans, under siege by Islamic infiltration, have special needs to upkeep their common ethos.

Kosovo Underworld Rising
By Ioannis Michaletos | Every intelligence report points that independent Kosovo will be a Mafia State, so why is West pushing for it?

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