Little Red Riding Hood: 25 years later

Little Red Riding hoodLittle Red Riding Hood
She has to cross the woods (now turned into massive jungles and roamed by all kinds of creatures) , she does it at least once a week to see grandma. She might carry food or not, but she goes mainly to help her mom and put grandma to bed.

She arrives, plants a kiss on grandma's cheek as she's watching Television. Opens the fridge and gets her a cup of yogurt and another of rice pudding. As granny is having her light dinner, she prepares the bed, the nappies to change, switches the charged phone headset with the one used all day and sometimes gets a fresh glass of water on the bedside table.

When grandma is done with her little food, she wants to go to bed immediately to get her grandchild home as soon as possible. She fulfills grandma's wish, gets her the night's medicines and helps her up, gently holding her from under her arm as she leans on her walking aid. Then she slowly walks behind her praying that grandma wouldn't fall on the way to the bedroom because that would be a disaster she wouldn't know how to handle! She changes her, tucks her in, plugs the TV, switches on the night light and turns off the other lights then kisses grandma goodnight and locks the door. She counts the times she span the key, assures herself verbally that she locked the door and remembers she didn't turn the gas on so no need to go back in and double check.

The way back home takes 5 minutes but she has to cross a dark area. She secures her earphones, always grateful to the sound of Axl screaming in her ears and blocking the noise of the outside world away. That song she's been playing on repeat-one for weeks now seems to be her hideaway from insanity.

Photo credit: WPA poster by Kenneth Whitley, 1939.

A fragment of time

.. and as we sat in the dark projection hall watching the movie, I found myself not just watching the movie. I was watching him watch the movie. I was watching the screenlight draw the outlines of his face. I was watching that sparkle in his eyes. I was watching him become a child again, watching him being unwatched by anyone but me and realizing that I was in love with him.

-- excerpt from Chapter 30

I like this blog

i can read is a cool inspirational blog of images with words.

I like this song

"This I love" from GnR's chinese Democracy..
Listen here redesigned :D

Finally and after I moved the blog to Drupal last april, I wrote a new theme for it :)
I still have to add some buttons, but they could come later; I'm currently satisfied with the outcome.
Now excuse me, I have to go finish some piled up work and meet some deadlines!


I didn't know that font was called Trajan, he does have a point though, it's been on almost every movie.

DailyLit: Read books by email or RSS!!

Awesome find of today!
DailyLit is a website packed with books (paying and free, lots of free ones though). Once you choose a book that you'd like to read, you'll find it divided into installments. You simply subscribe via email or rss. You get to decide the frequency and time of receipt of the feed or email.
So, for the next 217 days, I'll be reading "Don Quixote" :)
The nice thing is I get the big chunky book broken into small daily reads, I love the idea!!

(via Geek Sugar)

May be there are no goodbyes

I miss her more than ever. I miss the long talks, the shopping trips, the breakfast outings and the warm hugs.
Although I have many friends, she remains the one shoulder I would like cry on most of the time.
She visited me this morning in a dream. I know she was there and that it wasn't merely a dream. We were at school and she was going to her fate, right after meeting me. I couldn't tell her anything, like in the movies where you're in the past and you can't prevent anything because it will change the future and have consequences. I tried to convince her not to go, that it wasn't necessary but she said she had to, otherwise if she postpones she'll be lazy and never go. With her usual sense of duty and her intact logic, I felt she was really there. I hugged her and told her many times that I loved her.
After all, I just wanted to see her one last time before she goes. Although it has been exactly 5 months since she left, it has been 7 since the last time I saw her.
I was already waking up and we didn't say goodbye yet. Half awake I told myself "there are no goodbyes".
I woke up happy, feeling she was there with me, I was even eager to show her my office, she never visited it.

A weird Axl Rose like character crashed the dream near the end -probably because the alarm clock was playing guns n' roses at the time- he had long reddish hair with some blond and black locks. I asked him if he was of Irish origins and he responded that he was of Griffon origins!!

That was a song she liked, I can't listen to it without remembering her, it's a beautiful song too. Enjoy.
Jean-Jacques Laffont - Le Géant de papier


A cute video for children produced by National Geogrphics.

(via swissmiss)

Sadness every summer night


He will be in his balcony every night of the summer, deep in his reflections, away from this world. It goes on till three, four or five in the morning sometimes.I can feel his burden but got no way to help.

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