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About the Photos

Most of the photos on this site were extracted from reference images (high-resolution tiffs, 20 to 200 megabytes in size) from the Library of Congress research archive. (To query the database click here.) Most were digitized by LOC contractors using a Sinar studio back. They are adjusted by your webmaster for contrast and color before being downsized and turned into the jpegs you see here.


Homecoming: 1919

Homecoming: 1919

1919. Washington, D.C. Back from the front. "U.S. Army. Return of soldiers." Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.

Doggie in the Window: 1908

Doggie in the Window: 1908

Washington, D.C., circa 1908. "Harris & Ewing. Exterior, old studio, F Street." Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.

High Society: 1939

High Society: 1939

Washington, D.C., 1939. "Henderson, Adrienne, Miss, portrait." The town, a night on, ready for. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.

Cow Town: 1943

Cow Town: 1943

March 1943. "Hereford, Texas. Passing the depot on the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad between Amarillo, Texas, and Clovis, New Mexico." Nitrate negative by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information. View full size.

Cheese Lovers: 1924

Cheese Lovers: 1924

Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C., 1924. "Chestnut Farms Dairy." The cottage cheese couple again, spooning in public. National Photo Co. View full size.

And a Dog Named Gyp: 1922

And a Dog Named Gyp: 1922

May 2, 1922. Washington, D.C. "Something new in auto tops. George R. Wharff of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, and Joseph Fossard returning from Florida. When they lost their top, they thatched it with palm leaves, which seem to answer every purpose. Gyp, their companion on the trip, has traveled 10,000 miles on the front fender as shown in the picture." National Photo glass negative. View full size.

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