Douglas Murray Takes Part in Intelligence Squared Debate

Has Europe Failed its Muslims?

New Report: Blood & Honour: Britain's Far-Right Militants

22 February 2010

22 February 2010

New report released today by the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) and Nothing British exposes violent ideology of white supremacism. Featured in yesterday's News of the World, 'Blood & Honour: Britain's Far-Right Militants' analyses the threat posed by white supremacist militant network, Blood & Honour (B&H). Also includes a foreword by Rt Hon Denis MacShane MP.


UCL Debate - 'This house believes that UCL is NOT complicit in acts of terror'

18 January 2010

Speaking for the motion were Philip Sands QC and Wes Streeting, President of the National Union of Students. Speaking against were CSC Director Douglas Murray and Rashad Ali, of Centri. This topical debate was organised by the UCL debating society following revelations that the only suspect in the failed Detroit airline bombing was a former president of UCL Islamic Society and accusations that UCL had failed in its duty of care towards students. (Videos of the other speakers can be found on the CSC’s YouTube page -


CSC Director on BBC Question Time

27 January 2010

CSC Director Douglas Murray appeared on the BBC’s Question Time alongside the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Ben Bradshaw MP, the Conservative peer Lord Lawson, the Liberal Democrat Baroness Tonge of Kew and the columnist Jane Moore.


Douglas Murray op-ed in the Evening Standard

There’s nothing ‘safe’ about letting fanatics preach

Imagine that a society at a London university invites a well-known racist to address its members. The following week, the same thing happens; the week after, they get two KKK members to debate each other. A number of these speakers are known to be avowed admirers of the convicted London nail-bomber David Copeland.


Largest Muslim Student Group Promotes Extremists

Centre for Social Cohesion Press Release 20 January 2009

"The Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) - a group with a history of promoting extremists including al-Qaeda linked cleric Anwar al Awalki - are due to hold an event on 13 February which includes speakers who support a proscribed terrorist groups..."


University of Birmingham Refuses to Ban Supporter of Suicide Bombing

Centre for Social Cohesion Press Release 18 January 2010

"Just weeks after revelations about the radicalisation of Detroit bomber Umar Farouk Adbulmutallab during his time at University College London (UCL), the University of Birmingham has sanctioned the appearance of a supporter of a terrorist organisation on their campus at an event on 20 January..."


How UCL Authorities Ignored Islamist Extremism

Centre for Social Cohesion Press Briefing 5 January 2010

Failed Detroit bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was president of the University College London (UCL) Islamic Society (ISOC) in the academic year 2006-07, and organised a controversial 'War on terror week' featuring a debate 'Jihad v Terrorism'.

Abdulmutallab's politicisation of the UCL ISOC is not an anomaly. The CSC can reveal that a wide range of extremist speakers have regularly addressed UCL ISOC. Speakers since 7/7 include supporters of the terrorist group Hamas, members of Hizb ut-Tahrir (while subject to a NUS ban), and those who have spoken in support of the Taliban, warned Muslims not to integrate into western societies, argued in favour of domestic violence and advocated the destruction of Israel.


Islam on Campus

Islam on Campus: A survey of UK student opinions, John Thorne and Hannah Stuart

Islam on Campus: A survey of UK student opinions, John Thorne and Hannah Stuart

Islam on Campus is the most comprehensive survey ever undertaken of Muslim student opinion in the UK, based on a specially commissioned YouGov poll of 1400 students, fieldwork and interviews. The report examines students' attitudes on key issues including killing in the name of religion, establishing a worldwide Caliphate, introducing Sharia law to the UK, setting up an Islamic political party in the UK, gender equality, the treatment of apostates and homosexuals and the compatibility of Islam with secularism and democracy.



Haringey Council Whitewashes Hizb ut-Tahrir Schools

Centre for Social Cohesion Press Release 11 December 2009

"The Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) can reveal that the curriculum of schools at the heart of a political row over public funding systematically teaches primary school children the extreme Islamist ideology of Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT)..."


Government mistakes, Conservative inaccuracy

CSC Statement: Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation and Hizb ut-Tahrir 26 November 2009

Yesterday the leader of the Opposition, David Cameron, accused the government of using money allocated to prevent violent extremism to fund the Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation (ISF), a registered educational charity with links to the extreme Islamist party Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT).


Anwar al-Awlaki: The UK Connection

11 November 2009

In a briefing paper released today, 'Anwar al-Awlaki: The UK Connection', the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) can reveal an extensive post 9/11 network of UK organisations which have promoted and defended pro al-Qaeda preacher Anwar al-Awlaki.

Among Awlaki's connections include Nidal Hassan, the gunman suspected of carrying out the 5 November 2009 attack on Fort Hood, Texas.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs Ed Husain

Debate: Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs Ed Husain - 'The West and the future of Islam'

Debate: Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs Ed Husain - 'The West and the future of Islam'

On 20th November, the Centre for Social Cohesion hosted an evening debate in Westminster between Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the former Dutch MP and self-declared Muslim apostate, and Ed Husain, the author of the best-selling book The Islamist.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali argues that Islam 'as a body of ideas' is opposed to 'Enlightenment' values. Ed Husain advocates an Islamic 'renaissance' arguing that Islam can be re-interpreted to meet the challenges of the modern world.


Latest From The Blog

March 15, 2010

Cameron reiterates promise to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir

Reproduced below is my latest blog for Conservative Home.

David Cameron talks to Martin Bright in this week's Jewish Chronicle about how a Conservative government would deal with certain issues relating to extremism in the UK.

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March 12, 2010

Adam Gadahn and al-Qaeda's Rhetorical Strategy

Reproduced below is a blog which originally appeared on Standpoint

Earlier this week, there were conflicting reports about the arrest of American al-Qaeda (AQ) spokesman, Adam Gadahn, in Karachi.  Although Pakistani officials claim he was arrested on Sunday, US intelligence sources claimed that they had yet to see any evidence of his capture. The Pakistanis confirmed today that the suspect is not Gadahn, but another AQ-linked US citizen.  Nonetheless, due to the recent media interest, it is worth taking a closer look at him.

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March 3, 2010

To be be effective, this fatwa needs to find popular purchase

Article for the Independent by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens & Houriya Ahmed

This is not the first time that such a condemnation has been issued by a senior Islamic authority. Yet there are two aspects to this one which set it apart from the rest.

It is an unequivocal denunciation of suicide bombings and terrorism. Dr Qadri criticises others who condemn acts of terror, while at the same time providing a catalogue of excuses for it. Addressing the audience at the fatwa launch in Westminster he said: "A total condemnation should come from the Muslim world without playing with ifs or buts. No pretext, no foreign policy, no talk of occupation."

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February 18, 2010

Brennan gets it wrong at NYU

Reproduced below is my latest blog for Conservative Home.

John Brennan, the deputy national security adviser and top counterterrorism aide to President Obama, has come under increasing fire recently over the government's handling of Umar Abdulmutallab. Republican critics have complained that the Detroit bomber was read his Miranda rights too quickly, meaning vital intelligence could not be extracted from him, and called for him to be treated as an enemy combatant and therefore subejct to military tribunal.

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February 11, 2010

More on Islamist funding of UK universities

Reproduced below is my latest blog for Conservative Home.

The University of Durham last year entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian government's Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The cosy arrangement saw the two promise to publish joint books, hold joint conferences, undertake joint research and exchange students and members of staff. In return, the Iranian government paid Durham £10,000. Worth the price of aligning yourself with probably the most obnoxious government in the world?

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