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  • said: Thank you. Finally, some sanity. A revolution will never wor ...
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  • lunchtime.samurai said: I am offended by the "too ignorant to vote" commen ...
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  • Chris, Adelaide said: Kamala, The "burden" of "stockpiles of nucle ...
  • Comments on Regional left groups statement on Tamil refugees

  • Muthamizh Vendhan said: Hi All, Thanks a Lot for your support on Tamils Muth ...

  • Anti-war

    Protest Obama: promising peace, delivering war

    Pip Hinman
    6 March 2010

    United States President Barack Obama’s planned stopover in Australia on March 23 is scheduled to take place around the time of the seventh anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq on March 20.

    The visit aims to underscore the close relationship between the world’s biggest military superpower and its Australian deputy in the Asia Pacific. It provides an important opportunity to protest the US’ (and Australia’s) war policies.

    Continue reading for details of rallies in your city.


    Related links:

  • Protesters to tell Obama to end wars of aggression
  • Support the movement for democracy in Iran! Imperialist hands off Iran!

  • Climate Change

    Come to the Climate Action Summit!

    Australia's second Climate Action Summit will be held in Canberra this weekend, March 13-15. Since the groundbreaking first conference in 2009, an ongoing national network of over 100 grassroots organisations has been set up, further strengthening the movement.

    Check out the links below for information about the summit, and ongoing discussions in the climate movement.

  • Register for the Climate Summit now!
  • The climate movement in 2010
  • How to get carbon-free power in Australia
  • Five questions about a carbon tax
  • Censored ex-CSIRO economist speaks out
  • Marx and ecology: a vision for saving the world
  • Climate action now! Socialist Alliance Climate Change Charter
  • Abbott’s ‘climate policy’: the good news for corporate polluters just gets better
  • Shock expose: socialists oppose climate change
  • Abbott’s ‘green’ fraud: a gift to polluters
  • Rudd’s CPRS won't solve the problem: radical climate action needed now
  •  [MORE]
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights

    NT nuclear waste dump — traditional owners say no

    Natalie Wasley, Alice Springs
    26 February 2010

    Federal resources minister Martin Ferguson announced on February 23 that he intends to pursue plans for a national radioactive waste repository at Muckaty, 120km north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

    Ferguson’s media release asserted that he was restoring “fairness” to the difficult issue of managing Australia’s radioactive waste.

    Elements of the minister’s announcement do just that — in particular, the repeal of the 2005-06 Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act, extraordinary legislation that permitted the imposition of a dump in the absence of any consultation with, or consent from, traditional owners.


    Related links:

  • Ampilatwatja protest house: A brilliant showcase of solidarity

  • Workers' Rights

    Should unions leave Labor?

    Tim Gooden
    20 February 2010

    Congratulations to Victorian Electrical Trades Union secretary Dean Mighell for his frank comment in the February 11 The Age ("Unions must leave Labor").

    Unionists, including ALP members, must not be afraid to have this debate publicly. The troubled trade union movement cannot move forward if discussion is kept away from rank-and-file members.


    Related links:

  • Labor’s new OHS laws will kill more workers
  • Workers hungry for alternative to Labor

  • International Solidarity

    Haiti joint statement: 'Cancel the debt!'

    Joint statement by Asian and Australiasian left organisations in solidarity with the people of Haiti

    [To add your organisation's support, email: Ign Mahendra K at]

    January 27, 2010 -- On January 12, 2010, a 7.3 Richter scale earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. The earthquake caused great destruction and 200,000 people are thought to be dead. Further, 3 million Haitians have been rendered homeless by the quake, which also damaged many public service buildings, such as hospitals and schools.


    Related links:

  • Solidarity with Burmese workers' struggle - regional left joint statement

  • Refugee Rights

    Regional left groups statement on Tamil refugees

    Respect human rights - free the refugees!

    Reject Australia's 'Indonesian solution'!
    Australia should welcome the asylum seekers!

    A joint statement of:

      Socialist Alliance, Australia; Socialist Party, Australia; Resistance, Australia; Socialist Alternative, Australia; Solidarity, Australia; Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM); Network of the Oppressed People (JERIT), Malaysia; CWI Malaysia; Confederation Congress of Indonesian Union Alliance (KASBI); Working Peoples Association (PRP), Indonesia; National Liberation Party of Unity (PAPERNAS); Indonesian National Front for Labor Struggle (FNPBI); Militan-Indonesia; Labour Party Pakistan; Partido ng Manggagawa, Philippines; Partido Lakas ng Masa, Philippines; Transform Asia, Philippines; Socialist Worker - New Zealand; Socialist Appeal, New Zealand; World Federation of Trade Unions, Asia-Pacific Bureau

    November 5, 2009

    Related Links

  • Aboriginal leaders demand Rudd change refugee policy
  • Time to revive the refugee rights movement
  • Trade unionists show the way against Rudd's inhumanity towards refugees
  • Time to stand up for refugee rights!
  • Cowardly Labor caves in to racist Coalition fear-mongering on refugees
  • Download a copy of the petition to let the refugees in
  •  [MORE - 2 COMMENTS]

    Related links:

  • Genocide of Tamils and atrocities in Sri Lanka while Australia looks on
  • Sign on to the Sri Lankan crisis statement
  • Stop the war on the Tamils!

  • Latin American Solidarity

    Statement on AFP harassment of political prisoner in Colombia

    Dear Minister O’Connor,

    We are writing to protest recent actions by Australian Federal Police (AFP) violating international prisoners’ rights conventions and the human rights of labour activist and political prisoner Liliany Obando in Colombia.

    Ms Obando was hosted at public forum by a range of solidarity, labour and community organisations, including the Socialist Alliance, when she visited Australia as a representative of Colombia’s largest farmers’ union, FENSUAGRO, in 2005 and 2007. Shortly after her return to Colombia in 2007 she was arrested and imprisoned, and has now spent more than 14 months in jail, most of it without charges even having been laid.


    Related links:

  • Australia must act for democracy in Honduras!
  • Restore democracy in Honduras!
  • With Honduras, with all of Latin America

  • Economic Crisis

    Defend jobs, not profits! - A working-class response to the economic crisis

    The current economic crisis comes after 14 years of boom conditions, which have delivered a profits bonanza to the bosses. Workers’ share of the national income has declined from 60% in 1978 to 51% today. At the same time, the cost of living has risen significantly.

    The bosses are using the global financial crisis as a cover to slash jobs. As the Australian economy heads towards recession, unemployment is rising. The official unemployment figure is predicted to rise to 9% by the end by 2010; the real level of joblessness will be far greater.


    Related links:

  • Expand Rudd’s stimulus package into a green New Deal!
  • Save manufacturing jobs – Nationalise Pacific Brands!
  • Tim Gooden: What union response to job losses?

  • Site Meter

    If the information you seek is not on this web site, please contact the Socialist Alliance webteam