Constance McMillen

Why can't Constance bring her date?

When Constance McMillen asked to take her girlfriend to the prom, school officials in a Mississippi county responded by canceling the event altogether.

Making children a target

In East Jerusalem, Israeli security forces are cracking down on anti-settlement protesters, and Palestinian children in particular.

What we learned on March 4

An activist at UC Santa Cruz describes how the movement organized for a successful student strike during the March 4 Day of Action.

Liberal remake of a radical film

With his 1973 movie The Crazies, George Romero created a genuinely compelling story chock-full of social criticism. The 2010 remake is anything but.

First time thievery, second time farce

JPMorgan Chase offices in New York's financial district

First, the banks drained your wallet. Now the people who stood by and let it happen are about to be rewarded, if Senate Democrats get their way.

Black America's broken dreams

From redlining and segregation to predatory lending and foreclosures, racism against African Americans has always played out on the issue of housing.

Maximum sentence, minimum crime

Robert Ferguson's nearly eight-year sentence for shoplifting a bag of shredded cheese from a California store made headlines around the world.

Proud to be an embarrassment

The president of Hunter College publicly berated me for not having "my facts straight." But her real problem is I do know my facts--and how to use them.

What really happened on I-880

A public school teacher who was stuck on the freeway when protesters took it over on March 4 tells what actually took place.

Is justice served by locking him up?

I have a friend serving a 20-years-to-life sentence for a crime he committed when he was 17 years old and a senior in high school.

Out of the shadows and into the streets

Undocumented immigrants stepped forward in Chicago on March 10 to speak out against the injustices they face every day.

Out of touch and on the take

U.S. Capitol building (Kevin Burkett)

The sleaze just keeps emerging from the corridors of power in the "world's greatest democracy"--and it's thoroughly bipartisan.

The new "forgotten" war in Iraq

As Afghanistan has taken center stage in U.S. corporate media, the U.S. occupation of Iraq has fallen into the media shadows.

Labor's single-payer advocates

Delegates from labor bodies across the U.S. met to debate their response to the current health care reform legislation.

D.C. marriage equality victory

The District of Columbia--home to one of the nation's largest out LGBT populations--has begun performing same-sex marriages.

How the EPA went easy on coal

A new study shows how the EPA has underreported the severity of coal ash waste pollution and its threat to human and environmental health.

Haiti copes with a nightmare

A U.S. filmmaker describes what he saw on a trip to Haiti after the earthquake--and the kind of aid the country still needs.

Haiti's victims still waiting

Since the devastating earthquake in Haiti, familiar patterns of interference and neglect and by the major powers that dominate the country are still entrenched.

A tale of two earthquakes?

A tale of two earthquakes (Eric Ruder | SW)

Much has been made of the differences between the disasters in Haiti and Chile, but the similarities in the way human need comes last are striking.

Greece in the eye of the storm

The Greek government's announcement of new austerity measures provoked a storm of protest, including a 24-hour general strike on March 11.

Children imprisoned by Israel

Ten-year-old Amir al-Mohtaseb was captured and put behind bars by Israeli authorities--a practice that is all too common in the Occupied Territories.

A new script for labor in Minnesota

Just when it seemed time to write the obituary for organized labor, immigrant custodians in Minneapolis have added a new chapter to the story.

On strike at Shaw's

More than 300 workers at the Shaw's Supermarkets distribution center have been on strike since March 7 over issues that include health care costs.

Portland teachers hold the line

After a 19-month struggle that included protests and pickets, teachers in Oregon's biggest city beat back major concessions.

Perry surprised by protest

When Gov. Rick Perry came to Denton, Texas, for a re-election tour stop at a coffee shop, anti-death penalty activists were ready for him.

Countering anti-abortion lies

When anti-abortion forces came to Laney College to spread their misinformation, students organized a protest.

Seattle forum on LGBT justice

Seventy people turned out for a panel discussion on "ENDA Now" on the importance of fighting for legal protections for LGBT workers.

Challenging anti-gay activists

Members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality protested an anti-gay conference held at the Skyline Church.

How we organized the walkout

Staff and students at San Francisco's Mission High School worked hard to forge the solidarity that made the March 4 Day of Action a success.

Reclaiming a legacy of defiance

The fitting tribute for South African activist and fighter Fatima Meer isn't a state funeral but a protest against injustice.

Welcome to the Murdochracy

Across Australia, Rupert Murdoch owns almost 70 percent of the capital city press, the only national newspaper, Sky Television--and a lot more besides.

Anti-abortionists' cynical ploy

One of dozens of anti-abortion billboards looming over Atlanta

A new campaign focusing on the "crisis" of Black women's abortions is just the latest attempt to control the reproductive choices of women of color.

In defense of our school

One of the fired teachers at a Rhode Island school speaks out about the attack on public education at her school and across the U.S.

I call it demanding your rights

A librarian at a California college and participant in the March 4 Day of Action defends the struggle from the complaints of a Wall Street Journal commentator.

Invictus in reverse

South Africa's government is trying to camouflage every conflict to present the image of a united nation to the world for the World Cup tournament.

Accidental activists and the left

After years of organizing in isolation from broader forces, leftists must recognize the early shoots of radicalism for what they are: buds of hope.

For a movement that unites us

Hunter College activists respond to attempts by administrators and by a group of protesters to limit expression during the March 4 Day of Action.

The ghosts of San Patricio

The Chieftains perform with Ry Cooder (right) at a concert in Glasgow

The Chieftains and Ry Cooder have made an album dedicated to reviving an incredible moment in the history of the struggle for justice.

The heart of country music

Crazy Heart, the film about fictitious singer/songwriter Bad Blake, displays all the contradictions that are at the heart of country music.

A St. Pat's Day parade for all

New York City has an all-inclusive St Patrick's Day parade in Queens whose motto is "Cherishing all the children of the nation equally."

Justice for the Kurds in Turkey

Although Kurds comprise about 20 percent of Turkey's population, they have been subject to methodical oppression since the 1920s.

Justice means anti-Zionism

It has become accepted to label those opposed to the actions of the Israeli government as "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Jewish." This notion should be dispelled.

Views in brief

Time for a change in SEIU | Justice for Kevin Kaigler | The right's assault on campus | Whose right to sexual "freedom"?