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Is Jeff Sessions on the Way Out?


All eyes today are on Jim Comey. Living up to President Donald J. Trump’s description as a “grandstander,” the dysfunctional, former FBI Director yesterday previewed his testimony to draw higher ratings. Comey is a performer who wants a multi-day show. Comey’s latest violation of protocol is nothing compared to his reckless and serial misconduct in […]

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Comey’s First Soft Shoe Drops


For weeks now, Americans have had a good picture of the dynamic between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. The prepared “Statement for the Record” released by Comey on Wednesday prior to his Thursday morning testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee (scheduled for 10 AM Eastern Time for two hours in public […]

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Assembly Speaker Gives Public the Finger


Sacramento For a stellar example of the disdain with which some California legislators treat the public, consider a series of votes that Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, scheduled right before the Assembly adjourned Friday. The Assembly voted on nearly 90 bills, yet did so apparently without waiting for those bills to have been published for 72 […]

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Bring Back Christendom


By now you may have come across the controversy spun up over the weekend when Rep. Clay Higgins, the new congressman from Louisiana’s 3rd District, sent an outraged reaction to the London Bridge jihadist attacks over Facebook. The bulk of what Higgins said was remarkable only for the florid and perhaps overwrought language he used […]

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The Madness of the Never-Trumpers


The shield of denial and rejection that has insulated most of the Never-Trump coalition since election day is starting to disintegrate, as its lunacy becomes more apparent. Kathy Griffin is only the most recent example. Not since the last days of Richard Nixon have we seen such a tasteless and vicious abuse of a president […]

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Meyer Lansky’s Advice to the Clintons


Washington I shall be honest with you. Let me be frank. I am worried about the Clintons. They are that magical couple about whom most of Washington’s commentariat have been in agreement ever since John F. Harris wrote his definitive book, The Survivor. In that 2005 book he wrote that the Clintons have been “the […]

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Let’s Fully Deregulate the Airline Industry


While flying recently I decided to look at the price of plane tickets in Europe compared to the United States. For example, a non-stop flight of about 900 miles from Dusseldorf to Madrid costs on Expedia $125 and takes 2 hours and 45 minutes. A similar distance in the U.S. from any airport in Chicago […]

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Jared Kushner: Trump’s Bobby Kennedy


His name was Georgi Bolshakov. His real job? He was a colonel in the GRU — the formal name of the latter being the Main Intelligence Agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. His cover? Bolshakov was a mid-level diplomat operating out of the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., who […]

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The Dark Side of Globalization


President Trump dares to question whether globalization is an unmitigated good, and for this he is roundly criticized by the Left. But we should question it. For people like Tom Friedman it is an article of faith that globalization is going to lead to a utopia in which people of different countries, religions, ethnicities and […]

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Utah Has Just Become Drier


The slippery slope argument gets mocked a lot — but here’s another case that proves the point: Utah has just done what thinking brains knew was inevitably coming. The state government has nearly halved the legal threshold defining what risibly continues to be called “drunk” driving (see here) from the iffy .08 BAC (Blood Alcohol […]

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