We have launched the new Spitzer Space Telescope web site in beta at http://spitzer.caltech.edu. Let us know what you think! Send feedback to help@spitzer.caltech.edu
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Spitzer Space Telescope

Spitzer Site
Images, news, and information about the Spitzer mission can be found here.

Spitzer en Español

Spitzer en Español
Ofrece en Español la información sobre la misión de Spitzer, antecedentes científicos, un tutorial sobre astronomía de rayos infrarrojos y otras actividades educacionales.

Astronomers' Site (Spitzer Science Center)

Astronomers' Site
The Spitzer Science Center is the source for information on observation planning, proposal submission, observer support, and data archives and analysis.

Infrared Processing and Analysis Center

Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
A site for scientists, with links to all IPAC's missions, archives, and services.

Cool Cosmos

Education and Public Outreach
Learn more about infrared light, astronomy, and the world around us. Spectacular images, fun games, resources for educators, and more!

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Press Release: NASA's Great Observatories Celebrate International Year of Astronomy

A never-before-seen view of the turbulent heart of our Milky Way galaxy is being unveiled by NASA today. This event will commemorate the 400 years since Galileo first turned his telescope to the heavens in 1609. more...

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Astronomers: Approved Programs

The full list of approved programs, including Cycle-6 Exploration Science and regular GO programs, is available at: http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/approvdprog/.

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What's Happening: Unsettled Youth: Spitzer Observes a Chaotic Planetary System

Before our planets found their way to the stable orbits they circle in today, they wiggled and jostled about like unsettled children. more...

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What's Happening: Spitzer Space Telescope Mission Status

On Friday, Oct. 23, engineers with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope successfully swapped the spacecraft from the main nitrogen thruster string to a backup thruster string. more...

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What's Happening: Astronomers Do It Again: Find Organic Molecules Around Gas Planet

Peering far beyond our solar system, NASA researchers have detected the basic chemistry for life in a second hot gas planet, advancing astronomers toward the goal of being able to characterize planets where life could exist. more...

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The Spitzer Space Telescope is a NASA mission managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This website is maintained by the Spitzer Science Center, located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology and part of NASA's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center.

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