Obama to postpone trip again – TheHill.com

March 18, 2010
by MB Snow

Obama to postpone trip again

By Sam Youngman and Jared Allen – 03/18/10 12:53 PM ET

President Barack Obama has postponed an overseas trip until June because of the healthcare debate.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs made the announcement Thursday at the White House.

“Very clearly the president wants to get this done,” Gibbs said. “I think any member who’s spoken to him wouldn’t doubt his strong desire to see this through.”

Obama has been under pressure from Democrats to delay his trip because of the healthcare debate. The House could vote on a legislative package on Sunday, setting up final action in the Senate.

via Obama to postpone trip again – TheHill.com.

Don’t Fill out your Census Form until you Read This! | NewsReal Blog

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

Don’t Fill out your Census Form until you Read This!

2010 MARCH 17


Just received via email:

The 10-year census is only to count the number of people in your house.  Period.  With that in mind, many people are suggesting that we fill out our census forms as follows and mail it back.  Do not answer further questions from any census workers who come to your door.  Do as you see fit.

1.  Enter the number of people who live in your house.

2-5.   Skip.

6.  Check male or female.

7.  Enter age only, not date of birth.

8.  Skip.

9.  Check “Some other race” and write in “American”.

10.  Skip.

Again, these are just suggestions from Patriots who have researched the census.  Do what you want.

via Don’t Fill out your Census Form until you Read This! | NewsReal Blog.

Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 – Key Points – VIDEO

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow


more about “Know the TRUTH about the Government H…“, posted with vodpod

President Barack Obama Talks to Bret Baier About Health Care Reform Bill – Special Report w/ Bret Baier – FOXNews.com

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

President Barack Obama Talks to Bret Baier About Health Care Reform Bill

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is a rush transcript of “Special Report With Bret Baier” from March 17, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

BRET BAIER, “SPECIAL REPORT” HOST: Welcome to Washington. I’m Bret Baier, and this is a special edition of “Special Report”, beginning tonight in the Blue Room in the White House, mid-way through what many people are calling the most pivotal week of his presidency so far. We are interviewing President Barack Obama.

Mr. President, thank you for the time.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Thank you for having me, Bret.

BAIER: You have said at least four times in the past two weeks: “the United States Congress owes the American people a final up or down vote on health care.” So do you support the use of this Slaughter rule? The deem and pass rule, so that Democrats avoid a straight up or down vote on the Senate bill?

via President Barack Obama Talks to Bret Baier About Health Care Reform Bill – Special Report w/ Bret Baier – FOXNews.com.

Chris Christie’s New Jersey Revolution – American Thinker

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

March 18, 2010

Chris Christie’s New Jersey Revolution

By Claude Sandroff

New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie may be the best thing to come out of the Garden State since The Sopranos ended its run. Christie has given the GOP faithful not just a reason to hope but to exult.  We conservatives are programmed to take deep breaths even after favorable election results, especially in the blue Northeastern states.

But in one of the most stunning two-month gubernatorial debuts in recent memory, Governor Christie has set a very high standard for state executives. When the state’s leading newspaper, The Star-Ledger, can post a headline that reads, “Action Leaves Democrats Seething,” you know the right person is in charge.

Reflecting a successful prosecutorial career, Christie began almost immediately to present his case against multi-generational Garden State profligacy.  He spoke to the New Jersey legislature with unflinching simplicity a month after his swearing in: “New Jersey is in a state of financial crisis.”

via American Thinker: Chris Christie’s New Jersey Revolution.

Economists blast Pelosi’s health-care job creation claims | Washington Examiner

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

Economists blast Pelosi’s health-care job creation claims


Political Editor

03/17/10 7:03 PM EDT

A group of more than 100 free-market and conservative economists will send a letter to President Obama and Democratic leaders on Thursday decrying the claim from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the president’s health summit that passage of Obamacare “will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately.”

The letter, with signatories including Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Kevin Hassett and Alan Meltzer, asks the president to lay the plan aside and to start work immediately on a new plan that will reduce health care costs.

The letter is below:

Dear President Obama and Congress:

As early as this week, the House of Representatives will vote on the Senate-passed health care bill as well as a reconciliation package making changes to the bill. While Speaker Pelosi asserts that health care reform will create four million jobs, we disagree. In our view, the health care bill contains a number of provisions that will eliminate jobs, reduce hours and wages, and limit future job creation.

via Economists blast Pelosi’s health-care job creation claims | Washington Examiner.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Another Partisan Push for Another ‘Comprehensive Reform’?

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

March 18, 2010

Another Partisan Push for Another ‘Comprehensive Reform’?

By Victor Davis Hanson

Candidate Barack Obama promised immigration activists, “I think it’s time for a president who won’t walk away from something as important as comprehensive reform when it becomes politically unpopular.”

Now pressure groups are demanding Obama come through on his pledges.

In response, the administration may trump the health-care debate with another divisive issue — “comprehensive reform” on immigration — that is surely just as “politically unpopular.”

After the failure of the polarizing cap-and-trade bill, and the current blood-on-the-floor fight over “comprehensive health-care reform,” tackling illegal immigration right now would be a political nightmare.

Activists at next week’s planned immigration “reform” rally in Washington, D.C., may use euphemisms like “comprehensive immigration reform” or stage demonstrations about “immigrant rights.” But most Americans have few problems with immigration per se — as long as it is legal and in numbers that facilitate assimilation and integration into American life.

via RealClearPolitics – Another Partisan Push for Another ‘Comprehensive Reform’?.

Landmark Legal Foundation readies constitutional suit if Obamacare passes with Slaughter Solution | Washington Examiner

March 17, 2010

Landmark Legal Foundation readies constitutional suit if Obamacare passes with Slaughter Solution


Editorial Page Editor

03/17/10 5:58 PM EDT

Landmark Legal Foundation president and Talk Radio powerhouse Mark Levin promised today that his foundation will file suit in federal court challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare if it is approved in the House using the Slaughter Solution.

“Landmark has already prepared a lawsuit that will be filed in federal court the moment the House acts. Such a brazen violation of the core functions of Congress simply cannot be ignored. Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution is clear respecting the manner in which a bill becomes law. Members are required to vote on this bill, not claim they did when they didn’t. The Speaker of the House and her lieutenants are temporary custodians of congressional authority. They are not empowered to do permanent violence to our Constitution,” Levin said.

A draft of the suit initial filing can be read here.

via Landmark Legal Foundation readies constitutional suit if Obamacare passes with Slaughter Solution | Washington Examiner.

Barack Obama, the Great Unifier, Has Chosen to Divide the Nation

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

Barack Obama, the Great Unifier, Has Chosen to Divide the Nation

March 17, 2010

RUSH: Now, Peter Beinart, this is a very, very long piece that ran on TheDailyBeast.com website, Tina Brown’s blog and website.  It ran on March 15th.  It’s very long.  I’m going to excerpt it here for you ’cause it’s worth reading.  It’s interesting.  Beinart used to be — where did he used to be?  New Republic?  I get him confused with Fareed Zakaria.  New Republic.  Yeah, and he’s often a guest in the roundtable on Sunday shows.  Oh, he’s a huge lib.  Oh, of course.  He’s at The Daily Beast, Snerdley, of course he’s a huge lib.  It goes without saying.  I guess it doesn’t go without saying.  I just said it, he’s a huge lib.  Here’s his piece:  “Democrats, Forever Changed — By pressing ahead on health care, President Obama is ending a decades-long internal debate within his party — and the Democratic Party will never be the same.

“This week’s last-ditch health care push may or may not prove the defining battle of Barack Obama’s presidency. It may or may not prove a defining moment in the history of the American welfare state. But here’s a good bet: The Democratic Party will never be the same.  For close to a decade now, Democrats have been arguing with each other about what kind of country this is, and what kind of party they should be. On one side stands a group of politicians, consultants and wonks who believe that America is, at its core, a pretty conservative place. These Democrats form something of a political generation. In their youth, they saw their party move left during Vietnam and get booted from power in 1968. Then they saw George McGovern, the most left-wing major party presidential candidate of the twentieth century, lose 49 states. Then they saw Jimmy Carter’s presidency destroyed in part because he looked weak during the Iran hostage crisis. Then they saw Ronald Reagan, once considered as an unelectable right-wing nut, become the most popular president of their adult lives.”

via Barack Obama, the Great Unifier, Has Chosen to Divide the Nation.

To Repeat: Doctors Could Hang It Up – Investors.com

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow


To Repeat: Doctors Could Hang It Up

Posted 06:48 PM ET

Health Overhaul: We were harshly criticized last September for an IBD/TIPP Poll that showed 45% of doctors would consider leaving medicine if a health care takeover passed. A new poll has vindicated our findings.

Our questionnaire went out Aug. 28 to some 25,600 doctors nationwide. Of that substantial sample, we got 1,476 responses. One hundred of those were retired, leaving 1,376.

At the time, virtually no one had stopped to ask doctors how they felt about the medical takeover being discussed in Congress. We thought it was vital to ask them, since any overhaul would rise or fall on its implementation by doctors themselves.

To say we were stunned with the results is an understatement.

Of the physicians queried, 45% said they’d consider closing their practice or retiring early if the overhaul then being considered were enacted. Also, 65% said they opposed the government’s attempts at taking over the health care system. Just 33% supported it.

via Investors.com – To Repeat: Doctors Could Hang It Up.

What’s good for House leaders is bad for members | Washington Examiner

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

What’s good for House leaders is bad for members

By: MICHAEL BARONE - Senior Political Analyst

March 17, 2010

House leaders are facing a struggle to find votes for the health care bill, as many Democratic members represent districts that are not in favor of the legislation. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP file)

The Democratic leadership’s struggle to pass the Senate health care bill in the House looks like a great case study for political scientists. They have many examples of the leaders of a party majority trying to push controversial legislation through a balky chamber. But seldom have the political incentives of the party leadership and the party’s members been so differently aligned.

There is always some misalignment. Even when the party’s president and policies are widely popular, some of its House members will be representing districts where that is not so, where they win because of personal popularity or historical tradition, constituency services or generous earmarking. Of the 253 current House Democrats, 45 represent districts that voted for John McCain. Even Democratic policies that are popular nationally aren’t popular in most of these districts.

via What’s good for House leaders is bad for members | Washington Examiner.

No CBO score Wednesday night; Saturday healthcare vote unlikely – TheHill.com

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No CBO score Wednesday night; Saturday healthcare vote unlikely

By Jared Allen and Molly K. Hooper – 03/17/10 08:02 PM ET

House Democratic leaders on Wednesday night said the long-awaited Congressional Budget Office score of the reconciliation bill will not come out until Thursday, forcing an acknowledgement that a Saturday healthcare vote is likely off the table.

But leaders are still hoping for a score on Thursday, and are still preparing for a possible vote before the end of the weekend.

The release of a CBO score on Thursday – triggering the Democrats’ 72-hour clock – would mean that voting on the reconciliation bill would “most likely happen on Sunday, if that scenario plays out,” Assistant to the Speaker Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) told reporters after leaving Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office Wednesday night.

via No CBO score Wednesday night; Saturday healthcare vote unlikely – TheHill.com.

A Memorial to the Victims of Communism | FrontPage Magazine

March 17, 2010
by MB Snow

A Memorial to the Victims of Communism

By Barbara Kay

March 18, 2010

In 1968, naive anti-establishment American and Canadian students considered themselves courageous for locking supine university presidents in their offices, throwing computers out of windows and even burning out-of-favour academics’ research work. They knew that in the free, indulgent West, their childish parody of a revolution would result in nothing more than a suspension from their studies.

In the same year truly courageous Moscow academic Yuri Glazov signed the famous “letter of the twelve,” protesting illegal arrests and trials of dissidents, knowing full well that this real act of revolution would result in a suspension of his human rights.

[This article is reprinted from the National Post]

via A Memorial to the Victims of Communism | FrontPage Magazine.

THADDEUS G. McCOTTER: The Slaughter House Rules

March 16, 2010
by MB Snow

The Slaughter House Rules

By Rep. Thaddeus G. McCotter on 3.16.10 @ 10:14AM

In watching House Democrats maintain their acme of arrogance, by defying the American people shredding the U.S. Constitution, the irony of it all staggers:

First, using the “Slaughter House Rules” to skirt a substantive vote and “deem as passed” the Senate’s government-run health care bill would violate constitutionally prescribed procedures for duly passing and enacting federal legislation. Obviously, this dysfunctional legislative branch’s Leftist majority cares little about this pesky “supreme law of the land.”

Second, though, the separate, equal judicial branch of the federal government will care, and herein Democrats may finally be able to take credit for “new jobs created,” because listen closely and you will hear the sound of every conservative organization hiring a retinue of lawyers to queue up to take any health care bill passed under the “Slaughter House Rules” straight to federal court.

Finally, one is tempted to think such an unconstitutionally enacted government-run health-care “law” will meet the same frosty reception from at least five Supreme Court Justices that they received from Congressional Leftists during the State of the Union.

via The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : The Slaughter House Rules.

Charles Krauthammer on O’Reilly – A new generation of entitlement in America- VIDEO

March 16, 2010
by MB Snow

As usual, Charles Krauthammer makes some excellent insight into the psyche of today’s American student. It is funny but when I was their age, I did not thin…