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New Congressional Caucus to Focus on Illegal Workers, Unemployed Americans

Dan Stein - Obama Has to Choose Between Amnesty and the Rest of His Domestic Agenda

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New Congressional Caucus to Focus on Illegal Workers, Unemployed Americans

Three true immigration reformers in the U.S. House of Representatives have announced the formation of a new caucus to focus on the nexus between illegal immigration and unemployment in America. Headed by Reps. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Sue Myrick (R-NC), and Gary Miller (R-CA), the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus consists of 40 Members from both sides of the aisle who will work to highlight the link between illegal immigration and record unemployment in the United States. As the official unemployment rate hovers around 10 percent and the underemployed rate around 25 percent, these members hope to take concrete steps to get American citizens and legal immigrants back to work by advocating immigration enforcement policies to free up jobs currently held by illegal aliens.

Click here to see Reps. Smith, Myrick, and Miller introduce their new Caucus. Click here to read Rep. Smith's press release on the new caucus.


Michelle Malkin: A Response To Dick Armey

"I have wonderful, grass-roots friends at Freedomworks. Dick Armey is not one of them. He's a clueless promoter of bailout-happy, big government Republican Sen. John McCain. And Armey's a blowhard-y Beltway dinosaur who can't resist shooting off his mouth and alienating the Tea Party base while criticizing other conservatives of alienation. At the National Press Club to promote the D.C. protest against Demcare, Armey veered off into a liberal platitude-littered rant against conservatives who believe in strict enforcement of our immigration laws," says Michelle Malkin. "The open-borders lobby will march on Washington this Sunday. Perhaps Armey can serve as an honorary grand marshal, with his good friends John McCain and Lindsey Graham leading the feckless GOP contingent."


Recession, Immigration Change Household Formation

"The twin forces of recession and broad demographic shifts have sparked a return to the multi-generational household, according to this report from the Pew Research Center," the Wall Street Journal reports. "Asian and Hispanic immigrants, in particular, are more likely to see multi-generational dwellings. Also, people are waiting longer to get married and many of them 'consider their childhood home to be an attractive living situation, especially when a bad economy makes it difficult for them to find jobs or launch careers,' according to the Pew Report."


Labor Dept. To Give Out Crime Victim Visas

"Immigrants who have been victims of crimes and help authorities prosecute perpetrators can now get help from the U.S. Labor Department with their applications for a special type of visa. Investigators of workplace violations have been authorized to certify applications for a U visa to stay in the country, U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said," the AP reports. "To qualify for the visas, immigrants have to show they suffered a specific crime such as sexual assault or being forced to work without pay, and show they helped law enforcement in their investigation."


Levy Plans Run For Governor in New York

Suffolk County executive Steve Levy announced he would run in the New York Republican primary for Governor. As Suffolk County executive, Levy was involved in working to stop illegal immigration in his community, and to make sure that immigration laws were enforced.


Napolitano Yanks Virtual Fence Funds

"Signaling a major shift from her predecessor, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Tuesday said she will spend $50 million of stimulus funds originally intended to build a 'virtual fence' along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border on other more proven and cost-effective security technology," the Washington Times reported. "Ms. Napolitano said the department will instead use $50 million of stimulus funding originally allocated for the first phase of SBInet to buy security technology such as mobile surveillance, thermal-imaging devices, body scanning units, mobile radios, cameras and laptops for pursuit vehicles."


Church Leaders Face Dissent from Mass Immigration Orthodoxy

"Religious leaders hope to bring tens of thousands of activists to Capitol Hill next week to push Congress to act on immigration reform, but at least one study shows they may have to convince the pews before they can try to sway the politicians," says the AP. "[A] Zogby poll released last December by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that most members of religious communities want a decrease in immigration. Among those believing current immigration levels are too high: 69 percent of Catholics, 72 percent of mainline Protestants, 78 percent of born-again Protestants and 50 percent of Jews."