Steven Emerson
Steven Emerson
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We're Still Not Serious About Terrorism

February 4, 2010  •  The Daily Beast

It took the-near death of 300 passengers on Christmas Day to suddenly generate the attention and focus on terrorism that has been long overdue. Members of Congress, many with an air of righteous indignation, pummeled the massive counter-terrorist bureaucracy, demanding that the inexcusable series of errors, miscommunications and bureaucratic ineptitude that almost allowed the Christmas Day bomber to succeed be fixed immediately. And then on Tuesday, there was a momentary gasp as the heads of all the intelligence agencies, appearing at televised congressional hearings, universally agreed that they were "certain" that al Qaeda would attempt to strike at the United States in the next six months.

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Screening must include religion, ethnicity

January 5, 2010  •  CNN

In the wake of the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas Day, security experts, political commentators and the media have been asking one question: How can the United States prevent terrorists from smuggling homemade bombs through security?

The most frequent answer has been full body scanners, a developing technology used in a handful of airports around the world. Although these scanners may be effective, they are at best the right answer to the wrong question.

The question that law enforcement and security professionals must ask is how to prevent the terrorists themselves from getting on the airplane.

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Would Iran Provide A Nuclear Weapon to Terrorists?

Winter 2009  •  inFocus

The United States seeks to negotiate an end to Iran's bid for nuclear weapons. U.S. and European officials have laid out scenarios whereby Iran could potentially threaten the surrounding Arab states, Israel, or even Europe with missiles equipped with nuclear warheads. But there is strikingly little discussion among policymakers about the possibility Iran might share nuclear weapons with one of the many terrorist organizations it supports.

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It's Radical Islam, Stupid

November 2, 2009  •  Hudson New York

In 1993, a secret meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood Palestine Committee—mostly senior Hamas leaders--was held in a Philadelphia Marriott. The group discussed new ways to secretly funnel money to Hamas and of creating a new public relations organization to deceive the American about their true objectives of helping Hamas.

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Wrong is Wrong

October 16, 2009 at 2:56 am

There's a lot of debate surrounding the new book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America. As we reported Thursday, it offers an insider's account to the operations of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), finding among other things that the organization exaggerates its reach and actively works against law enforcement.

Readers of our site should know we don't trust CAIR and believe there's a long trail of documented proof that it deceives the American public about its true agenda. Now comes word from CAIR that spokesman Ibrahim Hooper received a death threat.

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Books by Steven Emerson

Cover of Jihad Incorporated Cover of American Jihad Cover of Terrorist Cover of The Fall of Pan Am 103 Cover of Secret Warriors Cover of The American House of Saud


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