Barack Obama, Britain and the age of permanent war
John Pilger In the coming election campaign in Britain, the candidates will refer to this war only to laud "our boys". The candidates are almost identical political mummies, shrouded in the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. As Blair demonstrated a mite too eagerly, the British elite love America because America allows them to barrack and bomb the natives and call themselves "partners".
Saturday 27 March: Afghanistan Day of Action

However much the situation in Afghanistan deteriorates, all three main parties contesting the upcoming general election are united in supporting the continuation and escalation of a war that cannot be won and which has no purpose outside of saving the face of those who took us into it in the first place.

Stop the War has called an Afghanistan day of action on Saturday 27 March and local Stop the War groups across the country will be on the streets campaigning to make the voice of the anti-war majority heard.

Protest Tuesday 30 March in support of Gaza protestors
A defence campaign against the lengthy sentences handed to young Muslims who protested a year ago about Israel's brutal invasion of Gaza has been set up by the families of those arrested, lawyers and campaigners. It has called a protest at the Home Office on 30 march to deliver a petition for the release of all those imprisoned. Sign/download petition...
LATEST UPDATE Guardian report and video:
Police delayed video evidence proving innocence, hoping to get #Gaza protestor jailed...

Protest Tue 30 March, 4.30pm, Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF

Down the rabbit hole: Alice in the Afghanistan wonderland
Alice in Afghanistan wonderland
Lewis Carroll's ironically opium-inspired tale of a rational person caught up inside a mad world with its own bizarre but consistent internal (il)logic has now surpassed Vietnam as the best paradigm to understand the war in Afghanistan.
They call this farce an "exit strategy" for Afghanistan
Obama and Brown say the "exit strategy" for Afghanistan is the "rapid increase in numbers ... quality and effectiveness" of the Afghan army and police so that as they are able to "stand up" and take responsibility for the country's security, enabling the progressive withdrawal of NATO troops. The reality would be laughable, but it's no joke for the many Afghans and NATO soldiers dying for this hopeless strategy.
The Iraq war seven years on
Iraqi child killed by US bombing
The escalation of the war in Afghanistan has eclipsed any mention of the war in Iraq. And this in spite of the fact that there are still 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.
Report attacks police behaviour on demonstrations
Metropolitan Police Authority study criticises police handling of the G20 demonstration on 1 April 2009, which led to the death of Ian Tomlinson.
Joe Glenton message of thanks
Joe Glenton
Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, jailed for refusing to fight in Afghanistan, is receiving many messages of support. His wife Clare and mother Sue have sent a message of thanks.
Elections don't justify Iraq war
To influence public opinion, to counter criticism, the United States came up with a second reason to invade Iraq —- to advance democracy and human rights. But you do not throw down human rights like bombs on the Iraqis.
Winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan: Part 1247
Night raid in AfghanistanSurvivors of a NATO night raid which killed seven family members have rejected US "compensation" payments of $2,000 per person killed and vowed to take revenge.
Has the US/UK invasion liberated the women of Iraq?
The US/UK invasion and occupation of Iraq has been catastrophic for the Iraqi people. But has it at least brought Iraqi women the liberation that George Bush and Tony Blair promised?
Remember Rachel Corrie
Rachel CorrieOn 16 March 16 2003, 23-year-old American student Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli military bulldozer as she was trying peacefully to stop it demolishing a Paletinian home.
Last throw of the US dice in Afghanistan
Seumas MilneThe current surge against the Taliban is a last throw of the US dice, says Seumas Milne, and so far the signs are it isn't working.
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Joe Glenton petition & messages
Sign petition to Gordon Brown calling for release of soldier imprisoned for refusing to fight in Afghanistan. Send messages...
General Election Debates & Hustings

Local Stop the War Events

Mon 17 May: Support the EDO Six
DecommissionersSix anti-war activists intend to go to trial on May 17th, not as the accused, but as accusers. Details...

Jenny Tonge Petition
Jenny Tonge has been dismissed from her post as health spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats because she suggested that Israel investigate charges which have been made regarding Israeli aid workers in Haiti. Petition...


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