19 Apr 2010
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By Arnold Kling
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Wall St. Bailouts Would Be Invited, Not Prevented, Under Dodd's Bill
Nicole Gelinas  | 19 Apr 2010
President Obama castigated Senate Republicans last week for opposing Sen. Dodd's Wall Street "reform bill." Democrats say Republicans' main argument — that the bill won't prevent future bailouts — is false. The bill itself, though, shows that the Republicans are dead on. (Read)
America's Constitutionalist Revolt
Larry Kudlow  | 16 Apr 2010
So much is being written in the mainstream media about who the tea partiers are, but very little is being recorded about what these folks are actually saying. (Read)
The United States Is the New Europe
Diana Furchtgott-Roth  | 15 Apr 2010
Many of President Obama's advisers want America to emulate Europe. The president's advisers are seeing their wishes come true. While the government is hiring, the private sector is losing millions of jobs rather than creating them. (Read)
How to Tweak America's Immigration Policy
Bill Costello  | 14 Apr 2010
Asian companies are now actively recruiting many of the top MBAs, beating out American companies. In order for the U.S. to maintain its competitive edge in the global economy, it needs to focus on attracting skilled professionals. (Read)
Cowboy Monetarism
Larry Kudlow  | 12 Apr 2010
Thomas Hoenig is truly a new Fed superstar who wants to slam down the threat of future inflation. To use hiswords: put the market on notice that it must again manage its risk, and be accountable for its actions. Stop relying on the Fed's easy money. What great advice. (Read)
Decrying the Union Pension Bailout Bill
Diana Furchtgott-Roth  | 08 Apr 2010
Some members of Congress seem to like putting taxpayers on the hook for practically unlimited liabilities. Senator Robert Casey wants Americans to bail out union pension plans underfunded by hundreds of billions of dollars. (Read)
A Note to Conservatives on the Cyclical Rebound
Larry Kudlow  | 06 Apr 2010
Sometimes you have to take your political lenses out and look at the actual economic statistics in order to gauge whether we're on the road to recovery or not. Conservatives should not lose their cool and blow their credibility over a cyclical rebound that is backed by the statistics. (Read)
How Much Debt Is Too Much for Voters?
Steven Malanga  | 31 Mar 2010
Two different polling firms separately asked voters in California and New York how their state governments should solve current budget problems: tax increases, spending cuts, or a combination. Neither poll gave voters another choice: more debt. (Read)
How China Can Rule the World
Bill Costello  | 29 Mar 2010
Is it possible that China will "rule the world" in the near future? Only if it's able to successfully transform from an industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, and then an innovation-based one. (Read)