Conor Friedersdorf

Conor Friedersdorf is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs. He lives in Venice, California, and is the founding editor of The Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction.

Craig James's Views on Homosexuality Shouldn't Cost Him a Fox Sports Job

Craig James's Views on Homosexuality Shouldn't Cost Him a Fox Sports Job

It's important to fully air our disagreements in civic debate -- and to maintain spheres that are free from its controversies. More »

Obama Acts Like He Doesn't Know He's an Executive-Power Extremist

Obama Acts Like He Doesn't Know He's an Executive-Power Extremist

On the fake moderation of a president who talks a good game but doesn't follow through More »

The First Draft of the Great Man Theory of History

The First Draft of the Great Man Theory of History

The New York Times on Vladamir Putin, Barack Obama, and the Syria debate. More »

The U.S. Has No Right to Spy on Masses of Regular People in Other Countries

The U.S. Has No Right to Spy on Masses of Regular People in Other Countries

Some kinds of foreign spying are more legitimate than others. More »

Internet Superhero Cory Doctorow's Plan to Thwart the NSA

Internet Superhero Cory Doctorow's Plan to Thwart the NSA

The government won't even let businesses disclose that it has made data requests. Here's a way around one of the intelligence community's most depraved practices. More »

A Vote Against Syria Won't Destroy the President's Credibility

A Vote Against Syria Won't Destroy the President's Credibility

It will only damage the commander in chief's ability to threaten wars of choice unilaterally -- and that's a good thing. More »

Starting an Unpopular War <em>Still</em> Won't Make Obama Better Off Politically

Starting an Unpopular War Still Won't Make Obama Better Off Politically

Yet journalists keep airing the idea that his presidency depends on it. More »

7 Reasons Why the Public Is Right to Mistrust Obama on Syria

7 Reasons Why the Public Is Right to Mistrust Obama on Syria

A vindication of public opinion More »

Presidents Shouldn't Be Able to Credibly Threaten Wars That the People Oppose

Presidents Shouldn't Be Able to Credibly Threaten Wars That the People Oppose

There's no shame in telling the world the truth: that our system intentionally constrains the executive branch. More »

The Coalition of Mutual Contempt That's Urging War in Syria

The Coalition of Mutual Contempt That's Urging War in Syria

President Obama, the Iraq hawks, and the inevitable dysfunction of any intervention they wage together More »

John Kerry's Lie: 'The President Is Not Asking You to Go to War'

John Kerry's Lie: 'The President Is Not Asking You to Go to War'

The secretary of state is dissembling in a most unconvincing manner. More »

America Has Little to Fear From Congress Rejecting Force in Syria

America Has Little to Fear From Congress Rejecting Force in Syria

The hawks' overwrought warnings are not credible. More »

Godwin's Corollary: In War Debates, the Probability of Hawks Invoking Hitler Approaches One

Godwin's Corollary: In War Debates, the Probability of Hawks Invoking Hitler Approaches One

They invoke World War II because it is popular, not because any of its lessons are applicable. More »

The 'Signal Hawks' and Their Dubious Theory of International Relations

The 'Signal Hawks' and Their Dubious Theory of International Relations

The messages they want to send aren't anything a foreign government would plausibly believe. More »

The Press and the Syria Debate: Neither Neutral Nor Balanced

The Press and the Syria Debate: Neither Neutral Nor Balanced

Hawkish assumptions embedded in newspaper coverage -- and one article that shined above the rest.  More »

The Vote Against War in the U.K.: No, David Cameron Hasn't Been Humiliated

The Vote Against War in the U.K.: No, David Cameron Hasn't Been Humiliated

The unfortunate personalization of British politics More »

How 'This Town' Justifies War and Peace

How 'This Town' Justifies War and Peace

The American people's lack of engagement on Syria is cited in Washington to help legitimize war. But it does the opposite. More »

No Matter What, D.C. Insiders Don't Lose Expert Status

No Matter What, D.C. Insiders Don't Lose Expert Status

The latest staggering example: treating John Yoo as an authority on the president's authority to intervene in Syria. More »

Joe Biden's Case That Waging War Without Congress Is an Impeachable Offense

Joe Biden's Case That Waging War Without Congress Is an Impeachable Offense

He took that position after years as a U.S. senator, and taught it during lectures on the separation of powers.  More »

President Obama Faces Mounting Pressure to Stay Out of Syria

President Obama Faces Mounting Pressure to Stay Out of Syria

Ideologically diverse critics warn that unilateral intervention would be risky, unpopular, and a transgression against domestic and international law. More »

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