Corby Kummer

Corby Kummer's work in The Atlantic has established him as one of the most widely read, authoritative, and creative food writers in the United States. The San Francisco Examiner pronounced him "a dean among food writers in America." More

Corby Kummer's work in The Atlantic has established him as one of the most widely read, authoritative, and creative food writers in the United States. The San Francisco Examiner pronounced him "a dean among food writers in America." Julia Child once said, "I think he's a very good food writer. He really does his homework. As a reporter and a writer he takes his work very seriously." Kummer's 1990 Atlantic series about coffee was heralded by foodies and the general public alike. The response to his recommendations about coffees and coffee-makers was typical--suppliers scrambled to meet the demand. As Giorgio Deluca, co-founder of New York's epicurean grocery Dean & Deluca, says: "I can tell when Corby's pieces hit; the phone doesn't stop ringing." His book, The Joy of Coffee, based on his Atlantic series, was heralded by The New York Times as "the most definitive and engagingly written book on the subject to date." In nominating his work for a National Magazine Award (for which he became a finalist), the editors wrote: "Kummer treats food as if its preparation were something of a life sport: an activity to be pursued regularly and healthfully by knowledgeable people who demand quality." Kummer's book The Pleasures of Slow Food celebrates local artisans who raise and prepare the foods of their regions with the love and expertise that come only with generations of practice. Kummer was restaurant critic of New York Magazine in 1995 and 1996 and since 1997 has served as restaurant critic for Boston Magazine. He is also a frequent food commentator on television and radio. He was educated at Yale, and came to The Atlantic Monthly in 1981. He is the recipient of five James Beard Journalism Awards, including the MFK Fisher Distinguished Writing Award.
The Trans-Fat Ban as a Model of Slow Health Policy

The Trans-Fat Ban as a Model of Slow Health Policy

An imminent ban on the ingredient illustrates the importance of consumer awareness. More »

Farm Bill Deal to Hungry Americans: You're on Your Own

Farm Bill Deal to Hungry Americans: You're on Your Own

On the day House Republicans split food stamps off the main package, it's time to revisit a devastating documentary about hunger in America. More »

Frappuccino Quantified: Starbucks to Add Calorie Counts

Frappuccino Quantified: Starbucks to Add Calorie Counts

There are 670 calories in a venti Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino Blended Crème. The multibillion-dollar coffeehouse chain just announced that it will add calorie counts to menus, staying a step ahead of the FDA. More »

The Polarizing Practice of Eating Horses

The Polarizing Practice of Eating Horses

Eating horsemeat -- hippophagy -- is culturally and historically significant, for good reason. More »

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The Very Best Cookbooks of the Year

A guide for chefs and food lovers alike More »

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3-Week Sandy Fatigue: How You Can Help Fight It

The people who work for tips in New York City's service industry were devastated by the hurricane. More »

The World's Fifth-Largest Economy: U.S. Health Care

The World's Fifth-Largest Economy: U.S. Health Care

Zeke Emanuel thinks the Affordable Care Act will shrink the $2.8 trillion system to something more sustainable -- and give doctors incentive to speed up that process. More »

Nora Ephron's Edge

Nora Ephron's Edge

She was smart—scary smart. More »

Mario Batali on 'Sadistic' TV and Martha Stewart on Raising Chickens

Mario Batali on 'Sadistic' TV and Martha Stewart on Raising Chickens

Highlights and insights from live interviews with two food world icons More »

Passover and Easter Prep: Brisket and Pink Peeps

Passover and Easter Prep: Brisket and Pink Peeps

Nostalgia is usually only delicious (Peeps!) and sometimes nutritious (brisket!) More »

The Many Questions Surrounding Walmart's 'Great for You' Initiative

The Many Questions Surrounding Walmart's 'Great for You' Initiative

Regardless of what's motivated the retail giant to come up with its new front-of-pack labels, they'll give consumers valuable information. More »

Last-Minute Holiday Shopping: Food Books for Friends and Family

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From Barbara Kafka's 'The Intolerant Gourmet' to Didi Emmons' 'Wild Flavors,' a selection of titles new to 2011 that you can value forever More »

How Alice Waters United West and East With a Dinner in Beijing

How Alice Waters United West and East With a Dinner in Beijing

At an event inaugurating the U.S.-China Forum on the Arts and Culture, the Chez Panisse chef made the case for artisanal, organic foods More »

New Natural Neccos Now Old News

New Natural Neccos Now Old News

A couple of years ago, Necco brought natural flavors into its product line, but, with sales falling, the company has decided to return to its bad old ways of tinny, Day-Glo colors More »

That Fish Isn't What You Think It Is

That Fish Isn't What You Think It Is

Restaurant buyers who get fish on ice from dealers often have no idea that that fish was caught 40 days ago an ocean away and had been frozen until the distributor defrosted it More »

Body and Soul and Robotic Surgery

Body and Soul and Robotic Surgery

The Buddha-like Deepak Chopra sits down with physicist Leonard Mlodinow, and Ira Magaziner discusses his work to lower the price of AIDS drugs at The Atlantic Meets the Pacific event More »

4 Days of Cheese: Eating and Smuggling at a Slow Food Festival

4 Days of Cheese: Eating and Smuggling at a Slow Food Festival

Like everyone who traveled to get to the event in Bra, Italy, I came with an empty bag, which was stuffed with heavy blocks of cheese when I left More »

Issue October 2011

Gluttony Without Gluten

It’s easy, with the help of good new products and even better books.

Service and Sexual Harassment: Your Opinions, Please

Service and Sexual Harassment: Your Opinions, Please

How often do diners cross the line? And how professional are professional servers? Let the debates begin. More »

Danny Meyer's Untitled: Brooklyn Cuisine Meets Diner Food

Danny Meyer's Untitled: Brooklyn Cuisine Meets Diner Food

A visit to the latest restaurant from New York's best-loved restaurateur, located in the Whitney Museum of American Art More »

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