David A. Graham

David Graham is an associate editor at The Atlantic, where he oversees the Politics Channel. He previously reported for Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, and The National.

Track of the Day: 'Friday the 13th'

Track of the Day: 'Friday the 13th'

A triskaidekaphobe's anthem by Thelonious Monk More »

Everything Wrong With How We Think About the Recession, in 1 Tweet

Everything Wrong With How We Think About the Recession, in 1 Tweet

Sorry, but multimillionaire ex-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson did not "feel the impact" of the economic collapse more than anyone. More »

Obama Is Still Stuck in a Catch-22 On Syria

Obama Is Still Stuck in a Catch-22 On Syria

The president's White House speech played it safe, doing little to answer the concerns of doves who oppose the war and hawks who find his plan too small to matter. More »

Detente in Syria: So What's the Point of Obama's Speech Now?

Detente in Syria: So What's the Point of Obama's Speech Now?

The president faced a nearly impossible but clearly defined task before today. Now it's not even obvious what his goal should be. More »

Attacking Syria Is the Least Popular Intervention Idea in Recent Memory

Attacking Syria Is the Least Popular Intervention Idea in Recent Memory

But it would probably get significantly more popular if Obama actually orders a strike. More »

Senate Committee Approves Use of Force in Syria: 5 Takeaways

Senate Committee Approves Use of Force in Syria: 5 Takeaways

Members agreed to send an authorization for military action on to the Senate, but the 10-7 vote shows the deep remaining cleavages. More »

If You're an Old Republican, You Probably Want to Go Back to the '50s

If You're an Old Republican, You Probably Want to Go Back to the '50s

Meanwhile, Democrats and millennials love the 1990s. What do our partisan and generational nostalgias say about us? More »

America's Most Outlandish Governor Says Obama Hates White People

America's Most Outlandish Governor Says Obama Hates White People

Republican Paul LePage's long history of inflammatory remarks -- and why it might come to an end soon More »

Jazzbros: A Force for Jazzgood or Jazzevil?

Jazzbros: A Force for Jazzgood or Jazzevil?

Young, mostly white, and convinced of their superior taste, this breed of fan could be a sign of jazz's decline or a force for its renewal. More »

Rand Paul's Top Idea to Win Minority Voters: Attack Indefinite Detention?

Rand Paul's Top Idea to Win Minority Voters: Attack Indefinite Detention?

How does the Kentucky senator plan to connect with the young and minorities? By talking about Guantanamo, apparently. More »

Obama's Bill Clinton Moment: 'We Don't Have a Domestic Spying Program'

Obama's Bill Clinton Moment: 'We Don't Have a Domestic Spying Program'

The president's comments about the NSA on Jay Leno's show come down to semantics. More »

The Politics of New <i>Washington Post</i> Owner Jeff Bezos

The Politics of New Washington Post Owner Jeff Bezos

The Amazon.com founder and CEO is a strong backer of gay marriage and an internet sales tax but otherwise fairly opaque. More »

The Surreal Semiotics of Burning Obamacare Draft Cards

The Surreal Semiotics of Burning Obamacare Draft Cards

A conservative campaign both pays tribute to and mockingly appropriates a treasured image in left-wing history. More »

A New Poll Suggests Trouble for Mitch McConnell

A New Poll Suggests Trouble for Mitch McConnell

The Senate minority leader is tied up with a Democratic challenger and his favorable ratings are underwater with Kentucky voters, a survey finds. More »

Reports of the Tea Party's Death Have Been Endlessly Exaggerated

Reports of the Tea Party's Death Have Been Endlessly Exaggerated

The movement's demise has been a constant prediction since April 2011. We're still waiting. More »

The Best Way to Guarantee Something Will Fail Is to Call It a 'Grand Bargain'

The Best Way to Guarantee Something Will Fail Is to Call It a 'Grand Bargain'

But Obama's latest policy probably doesn't even qualify for the name. More »

Obama Isn't Too Worried That Delaying the Employer Mandate Is Illegal

Obama Isn't Too Worried That Delaying the Employer Mandate Is Illegal

Asked whether he consulted a lawyer before the Treasury Department postponed a rule, he says he's not worried about Congressional critics. More »

Is Muslim Academic Reza Aslan More Biased Than a Christian Scholar?

Is Muslim Academic Reza Aslan More Biased Than a Christian Scholar?

Fox News's Lauren Green seems to think so. More »

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Elections: The Dysfunctional FEC

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Elections: The Dysfunctional FEC

Can't get rid of a law or agency through legislative channels? Then just do everything possible to keep it from working as intended. More »

Big Star: 'The Greatest Band You've Never Heard,' Now on Film

Big Star: 'The Greatest Band You've Never Heard,' Now on Film

Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me aims to spread the gospel of an underdog band -- and to memorialize its underdog founder -- while also celebrating its underdog status. More »

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