Rebecca J. Rosen

Rebecca J. Rosen is a senior associate editor at The Atlantic. She was previously an associate editor at The Wilson Quarterly, where she spearheaded the magazine's In Essence section.

'We Made It': Humanity Has Arrived at Interstellar Space

'We Made It': Humanity Has Arrived at Interstellar Space

Voyager 1 has entered a region of space beyond our solar bubble, and it has sent back a little sound for us to listen to. More »

Travel to the Galapagos, With Google Street View

Travel to the Galapagos, With Google Street View

Go for a "hike" and take a "swim" in some of the most precious ecosystems on Earth. More »

What Is Reddit?

What Is Reddit?

Save this for the next time you find yourself trying to explain the weird hubbub of one of the web's biggest and busiest sites. More »

The Original iPhone Keynote Is Still Amazing to Watch

The Original iPhone Keynote Is Still Amazing to Watch

Take a minute (or an hour) to sink back into 2007 and remember how new the world we live in is, how quickly a marvel becomes a baseline. More »

The Complete Works of Chopin, for Everybody, for Free

The Complete Works of Chopin, for Everybody, for Free

A new Kickstarter project aims to liberate the composer's music from its copyright confines. More »

Your Heartbeat: The Ultimate in Password Protection?

Your Heartbeat: The Ultimate in Password Protection?

The makers of a new device hope to replace Fluffy123 with the unique rhythm of your heart. More »

The World's Best Website About Pencils

The World's Best Website About Pencils

Pencil Revolution is a lesson in the wonders of the small, simple objects around us, if you just look closely enough. More »

Interactive Map of the California Wildfire

Interactive Map of the California Wildfire

A tool for understanding the geography of this massive blaze More »

Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star, but the Debit Card Is Killing the Check

Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star, but the Debit Card Is Killing the Check

Commercial checks are down from 70 million per day in '89 to about 25 million now. More »

The U.S. Makes Way, Way More Requests for Users' Facebook Data Than Any Other Country

The U.S. Makes Way, Way More Requests for Users' Facebook Data Than Any Other Country

We're number one! More »

The International Space Station Just Passed Directly Over California's Wildfire

The International Space Station Just Passed Directly Over California's Wildfire

Here's what the astronauts saw. More »

A Database of 3D Fossils, Ready for You to Explore and Print

A Database of 3D Fossils, Ready for You to Explore and Print

What's better than looking a picture of an ancient trilobite? Printing an ancient trilobite. More »

Do Helmet Cams Invade Privacy?

Do Helmet Cams Invade Privacy?

Officials say that the ban is necessary to protect people's privacy. Is that so? More »

A Planet of People Waving at Outer Space

A Planet of People Waving at Outer Space

Earthlings, you are so funny sometimes. More »

3D Printing Goes Mainstream Retail

3D Printing Goes Mainstream Retail

Just another day at UPS: Photocopy the ol' resume, ship back shoes to Zappos, print a car part. More »

'Guidelines for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at Burning Man'

'Guidelines for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at Burning Man'

Just FYI More »

Crazy World Record for Tweets Per Second Set Because of ... an Anime Movie

Crazy World Record for Tweets Per Second Set Because of ... an Anime Movie

143,199 tweets per second baby yeah! More »

Are the NSA Revelations Changing How We Use the Internet?

Are the NSA Revelations Changing How We Use the Internet?

A survey finds substantial shifts in user behavior and attitudes in recent weeks. More »

Making Prison Phone Calls Cheaper: Why It Matters

Making Prison Phone Calls Cheaper: Why It Matters

A conversation with Mignon Clyburn, acting chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission More »

Yum: Mushy, Extra Sweet Apples, Thanks to Climate Change

Yum: Mushy, Extra Sweet Apples, Thanks to Climate Change

Warming climates mean earlier flowers, which in turn mean riper, sweeter, and softer fruits come harvest time. More »

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A Beautiful Collection of Insects

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