Robinson Meyer

Robinson Meyer is an associate editor at The Atlantic, where he covers technology.

The Post-Lecture Classroom: How Will Students Fare?

The Post-Lecture Classroom: How Will Students Fare?

A new study finds moderate student gains in courses where lectures take place at home and "homework" happens in the classroom. More »

What If…? Looking Back at 2 Paths Twitter Didn't Take

What If…? Looking Back at 2 Paths Twitter Didn't Take

For a long time, there was a chance that Twitter would not join the ranks of publicly owned corporations — that it wouldn’t be around to join it, or that it would choose not to.  More »

What Does 'Open' Mean? One Academic Weighs In

What Does 'Open' Mean? One Academic Weighs In

"Openness is nothing like an absolute value." More »

How Gothic Architecture Took Over the American College Campus

How Gothic Architecture Took Over the American College Campus

Colleges look medieval partly because of envy, industrialism, and ... racism.  More »

Locker, Library, Stream: The 5 Big Digital Music Models of 2013

Locker, Library, Stream: The 5 Big Digital Music Models of 2013

A taxonomy of (legal) ways to distribute music online More »

NASA Now Has an Instagram Account

NASA Now Has an Instagram Account

Cat. Latte. Lunch. Space. More »

One Map, A World of Temperatures

One Map, A World of Temperatures

Microclimates and macro-, blended together in a gorgeous app More »

How So Many People Got Seamus Heaney's Last Words Wrong

How So Many People Got Seamus Heaney's Last Words Wrong

The poet sent his final lines as a text message. What did it say? More »

You Can Now Post GIFs on Facebook … Kinda

It may be a hack, but it's a GLORIOUS one. More »

How Scholars Hack the World of Academic Publishing Now

How Scholars Hack the World of Academic Publishing Now

You can form a cartel. Or you can ignore it all together. More »

Do We Judge Music More on Sight Than on Sound?

Do We Judge Music More on Sight Than on Sound?

A new study says yes, but many psychologists disagree. More »

Github, Object of Nerd Love, Makes Play for Non-Programmers

Github, Object of Nerd Love, Makes Play for Non-Programmers

The popular service could become the web's de facto home for open data. More »

How U.S. Democracy Has Responded to Networked Culture

How U.S. Democracy Has Responded to Networked Culture

Three ways of looking at the NSA over the past decade More »

5 Ways of Understanding the New, Feminist MOOC That's Not a MOOC

5 Ways of Understanding the New, Feminist MOOC That's Not a MOOC

When professors go online, it doesn't have to look like any one particular thing. More »

Where Is a College Like a Company? LinkedIn

Where Is a College Like a Company? LinkedIn

The corporate recruiting tool grows a collegiate arm. More »

This Software Won't Let You Look Away

This Software Won't Let You Look Away

The creepiest educational technology yet More »

The New Tools That Let You Build a Personal GIF Library

The New Tools That Let You Build a Personal GIF Library

Archiving! Annotating! Anthologizing! Assembling your own GIF Alexandria More »

Millennials Working in Coffee Shops Dot Tumblr Dot Com

Millennials Working in Coffee Shops Dot Tumblr Dot Com

It's a start-up rule: Place your product where people imbibe mild, addictive amphetamines More »

The Greatest British Work of Literature, Blocked at the Greatest British Library

The Greatest British Work of Literature, Blocked at the Greatest British Library

Apparently, algorithms and aesthetics argue about "Hamlet." More »

Remember That Time the New York Times Published to Facebook?

Remember That Time the New York Times Published to Facebook?

Hacking your way to distribution, 2013 style More »

The Biggest Story in Photos

A Beautiful Collection of Insects

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