
The only way to make absolutely sure that The Memory Hole stays on the Web and keeps adding important new documents is to ask for donations.

It costs a troubling amount to keep The Memory Hole going. "Troubling" because, as a freelance writer and editor, I'm not exactly swimming in money. This Website doesn't display ads or sell anything, with the sole exception being ads for my own work: books that I've written, edited, published, and/or designed. Buying my books, of course, helps keep me (and thus The Memory Hole) afloat.

So you could say that The Memory Hole is also a Money Pit. Besides paying for a big Website (with a dedicated server) and lots of bandwidth, money is needed for Freedom of Information releases (files often run into the hundreds of dollars), current and out-of-print books, subscriptions to periodicals and Websites, etc.

Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated. For smaller donations, you can use PayPal, Amazon, or the mail. If you want to make a large donation, please contact me first.

Donations are not tax-deductible.



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To donate by mail, please make check or money order payable to "Russ Kick" (not The Memory Hole) and send to:

Russ Kick
PO Box 30453
Tucson AZ 85751



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site and original text copyright 2002-6 Russ Kick