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January 14th, 2009 by Aurora

Dear friends,

Many of you may know that MK has gone on holiday for several weeks. In the meantime, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what I’m going to do about blogging and have finally come to a decision, partially prompted by events I’m seeing around me.

Today The Australian newspaper published an article entitled ‘Raiding powers for human rights body’ which discusses the increased powers of the Victorian law enforcement agencies to come into your home and seize your belongings as ‘evidence’ and arrest you if they conclude you are guilty of what they term discriminatory speech. As I read both the article and the comments by the excellent Janet Albrechtsen on the threat to our liberties, I decided to jot down some thoughts of my own:

The right to criticize is a fundamental bedrock of any healthy society. Without it, we are heading for a dictatorship. Think Stalin’s Soviet empire and the purges which resulted in the deaths of 10 million people for any and all ‘crimes’ the ‘beloved leader’ might happen to dream up.
Get ready for the descent into tyranny as the Victorian human rights body is probably going to be granted increased draconian powers to stride in and arrest you for violating speech crime laws.
When Kevin Rudd was asked by Australian Christians whether this would happen, he hemmed and hawed and refused to be pinned down. Obviously he knew more than he was going to let on at that stage. Christians were alarmed as the witch hunt against free speech had already begun in that state against ‘the Danny’s’. Remember the case where two Christian pastors had to go to pay out thousands of dollars to defend themselves for the horrifying crime of comparing Islam to Christianity. Debate anyone?
Those were my thoughts earlier today. As the day has worn on, I’ve finally come to a decision on what I need to do: I’ve decided to delete all of my previous posts and those of my co-contributors, which I’ve just done. MK’s posts may still be read over at his own blog, MK’s views (linked on our blogroll). It was tough as these posts represent hours and hours of research and much heartfelt commentary. But I believe that our time for blogging is coming to an end in the near future and for reasons that I won’t go into here, for me personally, it’s time to get out.
With regards to the future, as most of you know, I am a Christian and it is this which has formed my whole world view. People I know were predicting all of what we are seeing around us ten years ago, naming names and giving details about the environmentalist movement and the pauperization of the masses. The Bible talks about the time just before the end where a chunk of bread would be sold for gold. I have absolutely no doubt that what we see going on around us has been manipulated for the purpose of shutting down the dynamic market and taking away the possibility of you and I being able to make money. This was necessary in order for the New World Order (read New Soviets) to take full control.
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you will recall my posts on the eugenicists and social engineers who have proposed vast reductions in the population of the planet in order to reach their Utopia. Sorry, I’m not going to link to anything on this but will leave you now to do your own research and be informed on these things. Suffice to say, most of those who now hold the reins of power cannot be trusted to have your best interests at heart.
Please, if you haven’t considered what you’re going to do in the future, you need to have a plan. I predicted at the beginning of 08 that it was perhaps the last good year in terms of prosperity. Are you ready for the lean times? Are you part of a strong community? Also, and most importantly, are you steeled in what you believe? There is coming a huge shaking of all that you conceive to be right. What you thought of as good will be painted bad; what you believe to be innocent will be painted guilty. And they won’t hesitate to lie and twist the truth in order to do so. If you’re holding onto a particular political party, you may be shaken to the core. Already the party you have always believed in is probably shattered and infiltrated.
Go back to the simplicity of what you think and believe. The Bible tells us that those who betray us in those days may even be the members of our own families. Beware.
I’m leaving this post up for a while as a forum for discussion on these issues. If you’ve never commented here, now may be the time. Let’s talk.
Over to you.

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