If a Bird Can’t Fly It Walks

Our bumper sticker, perfect for your hopeless cube or above your workbench at home, where the real work is done.

The Non-Expert

The Answer, My Friend

Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. To help a reader determine which Dylan album is best, ERIC FEEZELL arrives at every possible solution. Introducing “Your Best Bob Dylan Album Calculator.”

Notes From the Balcony

Room for a View

New York’s empty balconies need filling. JESSICA FRANCIS KANE inaugurates a new series about urban-gardening warfare and southeastern-facing frustration.


A Distribution of Chairs

While India considers saving seats for women in the government’s upper tier, ANRICA DEB tours the country’s rural east to see how quotas have turned women into local politicians.
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The Editor's Desk

Star Black

The poet and artist explains what her students never realize, and why Ashbery should be read joyfully.

The Editor's Desk

Homer Again

Zachary Mason offers 44 versions of The Odyssey.

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“What did you do when you were still a normal person?” Joe Franklin asked me.

”Black and White and Read All Over“