Latest OBAMANations  -- Day 395


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Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11







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Obama Directs NASA To Focus On Muslim Outreach

Corruption Chronicles blog is reporting that a few weeks after killing the U.S.A.’s world-famous moon-mission program, Barack Obama has ordered the space agency that operates it to focus on reaching out to Muslim countries.

Indeed the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) mission will shift from space exploration to Muslim diplomacy, as per the commander-in-chief’s orders.  When Obama announced earlier this month that he would slash NASA’s $100 billion plan to return astronauts to the moon, he didn’t mention where some of the resources would be directed.

Obama only said the moon program (Constellation) is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments.  NASA’s attempts to pursue its moon goals were inadequate and took funding away from other important programs, including robotic space exploration, science and earth observations, Obama claimed.

NASA’s new secret Muslim outreach mission was conveniently omitted though the head of the agency finally revealed it this week.  NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden disclosed that Obama wants him to "find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries" as part of the administration’s efforts to make the space agency a tool of international diplomacy.

Bolden referred to the new mission as an effort to reach out to "non-traditional partners," especially countries that don’t have an established space program. Of special focus is Indonesia because it’s the world’s largest Muslim nation, Bolden explained. No word yet on how much money the U.S. government will invest in the Muslim outreach.

In the meantime, a congressional firestorm has brewed over Obama’s plans to nix the moon-mission program, according to news reports.  Dozens of federal lawmakers have sent letters to NASA’s chief insisting that the Constellation moon program remain intact.  Senator Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, blasted Obama for cutting the moon program since it will likely cause the U.S. to fall behind countries like China and Russia in space exploration.

Update:  Astronauts flying in space are used to VIP phone calls that don't always go as scripted, but yesterday morning's conversation was probably one of the most awkward.

Barack Obama used his chat with the crews of the space shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station to declare that he sees space exploration as "so important."

"My commitment to NASA is unwavering," Obama said.  He emphasized "how proud we are of you ... and how committed we are to continuing human space exploration in the future."

None of the 11 astronauts was rash enough to bring up the outrage felt by many of their colleagues at Obama's hypocrisy.


John Brennan And The Politics Of Capitulation

Michelle Malkin says it’s bad enough that John Brennan, Obama’s national security deputy, thinks Gitmo jihadi recidivism is "not that bad."  But in his talk last week with Islamic law students at New York University, Brennan made even more reckless comments about our counterterrorism programs while pandering to one of the worst Muslim grievance-mongers and sharia peddlers in America.

During the question-and-answer session, Brennan welcomed a question from Omar Shahin.  He identified himself as the head of the "North American Imams Federation."  What he didn’t mention was his role as the chief ringleader of the infamous flying imams.  You remember them: They were the six Muslim clerics whose suspicious behavior -- provocatively shouting "Allahu Akbar!" before boarding the plane, fanning out in the cabin before take-off, refusing to sit in their assigned seats, requesting seat-belt extenders, which they placed on the floor -- led to their removal by a U.S. Airways crew in 2006.

In coordination with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Shahin and his radical delegation attempted to shake down the airline with a discrimination lawsuit and bully the citizen "John Does" who flagged the imams’ security-undermining behavior.  CAIR mouthpiece Ibrahim Hooper blasted "anti-Muslim hysteria" by those who saw something and said something about the imams’ in-flight shenanigans.  Shahin ranted in a teleconference strategy session in 2007 that, indeed, he and his cohorts were spoiling for the incident and planning to engineer "many, many cases" to sabotage airline security efforts.

As head of the Islamic Center of Tucson in Arizona -- described as the first cell of al-Qaida in the United States and home to past jihadi dry-run plotters -- Shahin preached that his followers must put Islamic sharia law above Western laws.  He told the Arizona Republic that he doubted Muslims were behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, concluding: "All of these, they make it up."  Brennan didn’t appear to know who Shahin was.  Somebody around him should have briefed him.  Shahin’s involvement in Hamas-linked charities and radical Wahhabi "youth groups" has earned the Jordanian-born naturalized citizen increased FBI scrutiny over the years.

Instead, Brennan treated him as just another innocent Muslim with "reasonable" concerns about the government.

Shahin began with faux, flag-waving emotion,

"We came to this country to enjoy freedom."

"We feel that since September 11, we aren’t enjoying these values anymore. … Also, we feel that there’s a big lack of trust between Muslims’ community and our government. … My question: Is there anything being done by our government to rebuild this trust?"

Instead of countering the narrative, exposing Shahin’s true intentions and vigorously defending America’s homeland security apparatus, Brennan dutifully genuflected to the gods of political correctness. Obama, he told the militant 9/11 inside-job theorist and jihad white-washer, is "determined to put America on a strong course."

No, not a "strong course" that includes national security profiling of Islamic radicals pretending they care about our country’s best interests.  By "strong course," Brennan assured Shahin, he meant a course toward assuaging the civil rights groups who have objected to every security program at airports, borders, train stations and visa offices for the past nine years.

Brennan told Shahin that the post-9/11 response of the Bush administration was a "reaction some people might say was over the top in some areas" (insert indignant grievance-monger nodding and mmm-hmming here), and that "in an overabundance of caution, (we) implemented a number of security measures and activities that upon reflection now we look back, after the heat of the battle has died down a bit, we say they were excessive, OK."

It gets worse: Brennan then went on to decry the "ignorant feelings" of Americans outraged at the jihadi attacks on American soil.  And then he told Shahin and the audience of Muslim students that he "was very concerned after the attack in Fort Hood as well as the December 25 attack that all of sudden there were people who went back into this fearful position that lashed out not thinking through what was reasonable and appropriate."

The Fort Hood jihadist slaughtered 14 innocent soldiers and an unborn baby after an Army career of openly threatening the lives of our soldiers, and Brennan is wringing his hands about the rest of us "lashing out" over government incompetence.  He believes our true sin is not in the systemic under-reaction from the military, homeland security, intel and White House officials in charge, but in the "overreacting" of the American public.

With clueless capitulationists like Brennan in charge of our safety, who needs enemies?

Above His Pay Grade

Dave Macy says that in little more than a year of "presiding" over the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has proven that most issues he must deal with are above his pay grade.  Whether it is terrorism, the economy, unemployment, Wall Street, the banks, military decisions, reactions to the Supreme Court decisions, or letting the buck stop at the desk he occupies in the Oval Office, Obama has shown that leadership is an attribute sorely missing from his resume.

Of course there are other items we cannot ascertain from BHO’s past either.  Starting with his birth certificate, school records, association with Marxist backers, and moving on to his love affair with the teleprompter -- Obama is really a simple man clothed in rhetoric that resonates in dulcet tones but really says nothing.

The Hope and Change of 2008 is long gone.  Maybe it was never there.  The MSM’s complete destruction of George W. Bush and their deification of the guy squatting in the White House are beginning to subside.  Slowly, like awaking from a drug induced coma, the media is starting to enjoy peeling back the layers of incompetence.  And what they are starting to see is what many Americans already knew.  We have placed a man in charge of our military, our economy, and our traditions, who is now hard at work tearing down everything America has stood for.

There are still some defenders of the Teleprompter in Chief -- Keith Olberman who sucked as a sports commentator and is even more irritating as a political hack for the Democrats.  Bill Maher, whose cable show exposes a little man with a big ego and a hatred for God and anything Republican.  But let’s not fret too much -- if ratings of CNN and other liberal media outlets mean anything -- America has tuned out the cheerleading.  Real Americans were never fooled by the con of Global Warming.  Red blooded Americans have been shaken back to the roots of what made this country great -- shaken by a man who has shown time and time again that just about everything is "above his pay grade".
Another Billboard

How's that Hope and Change working for You? (01:47)

USS Obama Is Sinking

J.C. Arenas says the Obama Administration continues to proclaim the strength of the nation's economy, and foreign governments are responding with a collective "yeah, right".

ABC News reports:

Foreign owners of US government debt reduced their holdings by the largest monthly amount ever in December, with China offloading so many Treasury securities that it is no longer the largest foreign holder.

According to new data released Tuesday morning by the Treasury Department, foreign holdings of Treasury securities plunged by $53 billion in December, a record drop. China led the sell-off, reducing its holdings by $34 billion.

The administration has continued to increase the government's expenditures even while it takes in less revenue -- one consequence of the Great Recession.  To shore up the hole between the revenue and expenditures, the government has to borrow money, and foreign nations serve as its lenders through purchases of U.S. Treasuries.  The administration has defended the nation's ability to service these debts, but it's becoming ever more difficult to believe its claims.  The fact that foreign governments are reducing their holdings of U.S. debt is a sign that they are paying more attention to the administration's actions than its words.

Barack Obama's inability to do anything to stem the tide of the nation's unemployment problem has forestalled any potential recovery from the recession, and the government will continue to collect less revenue.  Additionally, his $3.8 trillion budget for fiscal year 2011 has provided the latest indication that the administration has no plans to curtail spending on any meaningful level.

Thus, it should come as no surprise that Obama is losing the confidence of other nations who justifiably don't believe that the nation's financial house of cards will be in order anytime soon.  China is leading the way.  Premier Wen Jiabao first voiced his concerns over the U.S.'s debt last March, and the Chinese have been dumping their Treasury securities for the last five months.

If foreign nations continue to decrease the amount of money they loan to the government, it will find itself between a rock and a hard place.  It will either be forced to pay a higher interest rate to borrow money from other nations or it will have to print the money it needs.  If printing money becomes the only course of action, inflation will ensue, and foreign governments will find the investments they have made into the U.S. devalued.

It's difficult to see how Obama continues to tout what a great job he's doing while he watches his Democratic colleagues in the legislative branch and foreign governments invested heavily in the U.S. economy, both jump from his sinking ship.

Planning To Fail

Pedro Primavera says the economy seems to have settled in somewhat from the disaster of 2008.  Every indication is the economy is poised for a rebound -- provided the right trigger is in place.

In the past, the trigger that has always got the economy back on track has been tax cuts, by Ronald Reagan, George Bush and John Kennedy -- presidents from both sides of the aisle.  And just when the economy is primed for that trigger, Obama is going in the exact opposite direction: it is as if he is sabotaging the efforts of the American people.

It would be one thing if he were just plain incompetent, like Jimmy Carter, but the evidence says otherwise.  In the same week he lectures the American people and -- presumably -- the American Congress, he signs into effect a $1.9 trillion increase in the national debt.  This is at the same time when the budget deficit is already at crisis proportions according to World Bank standards.  In effect, he is using the credit card -- even our kids' credit card -- just to pay the minimum balances on the other credit cards.

If Obama is not incompetent, then surely somebody is trying to ruin the economy while Obama is unaware, as former Virginia Governor Wilder laments.  However, somebody needs to explain Plausible Deniability to Obama.  It means having underlings doing things while you were unaware.  Sometimes it is true, sometimes a lie.  But no, Obama does the lying by himself.  And then there is his signature on all the bills.

Maybe there is something wrong with the economic models professed by most Democrats.  This much is true.  Keynesianism somehow lives on as faulty economic theory.  For instance, Keynes asserted government is flexible and business is not.  Evidence in the last 50 years shows government is a living and breathing entity that seemingly must either grow larger or die.  It should be no wonder that the best years of the post-WWII era were the Reagan years, as he openly declared war on big government.  Keynes also said full employment was gained through fiscal policy served up by -- you guessed it -- big government.

The only problem with Obama as a Keynesian is he never professed to be one.  His mentors at an early age were Marxists, he claimed to hang around Marxists in college, and he has surrounded himself with czars who at best are laughable kooks of the highest order (otherwise known as academics) who have espoused many Marxist ideals.

Obama did not lie when he said just before the election that his election could bring fundamental change within government and society.  The only problem is that nothing he is trying is new.  It is all old and demonstrably failed attempts at power struggle.  It lives only in the hallowed but hair-brained halls of academia and among the socially bitter.

If anything, Obama needs to be called to task over his economic policies.  Why is he not supporting a tax cut that could instantly call out the American consumer and spur business into action?  Why is he not supporting business that could provide millions of jobs?  However, the American media seems to fawn over the enlightened dictator as they did with Fidel Castro and others.  Instead of calling Obama to task over failed policies, they act as his propaganda machine.  They want to use their influence to support some misguided higher ideal of humanity seemingly derived from JD Salinger's A Catcher in the Rye.

It is becoming fairly obvious now to the casual observer: Obama is destroying the infrastructure of this nation purposefully.  The hard part is making it to 2012 before the damage is done.
Just watch Obama's Executive Orders.

Michelle Obama Stocked White House Library With Books On Socialism


Gateway Pundit says Rob Port visited the White House today and took this picture in the library -- "The American Socialist Movement," "The Socialist Party of America," and ""The Social Basis Of American Communism" -- it figures.  Michelle Obama stocked the White House Library with books on socialism and communism.

Playing Freedom Cheap

Thomas Sowell says if eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, incessant distractions are the way that politicians take away our freedoms, in order to enhance their own power and longevity in office.  Dire alarms and heady crusades are among the many distractions of our attention from the ever increasing ways that government finds to take away more of our money and more of our freedom.

Magicians have long known that distracting an audience is the key to creating the illusion of magic.  It is also the key to political magic.

Alarms ranging from "overpopulation" to "global warming" and crusades ranging from "affordable housing" to "universal health care" have been among the distractions of political magicians.  But few distractions have had such a long and impressive political track record as getting people to resent and, if necessary, hate other people.

The most politically effective totalitarian systems have gotten people to give up their own freedom in order to vent their resentment or hatred at other people -- under Communism, the capitalists; under Nazis, the Jews.

Under extremist Islamic regimes today, hatred is directed at the infidels in general and the "great Satan," the United States, in particular.  There some people have been induced to give up not only their freedom but even their lives, in order to strike a blow against those they have been taught to hate.

We have not yet reached these levels of hostility, but those who are taking away our freedoms, bit by bit, on the installment plan, have been incessantly supplying us with people to resent.

One of the most audacious attempts to take away our freedom to live our lives as we see fit has been the so-called "health care reform" bills that were being rushed through Congress before either the public or the members of Congress themselves had a chance to discover all that was in it.

For this, we were taught to resent doctors, insurance companies and even people with "Cadillac health insurance plans," who were to be singled out for special taxes.  Meanwhile, our freedom to make our own medical decisions -- on which life and death can depend -- was to be quietly taken from us and transferred to our betters in Washington.

Only the recent Massachusetts election results have put that on hold.

Another dangerous power toward which we are moving, bit by bit, on the installment plan, is the power of politicians to tell people what their incomes can and cannot be.  Here the resentment is being directed against "the rich."

The distracting phrases here include "obscene" wealth and "unconscionable" profits.  But, if we stop and think about it -- which politicians don’t expect us to -- what is obscene about wealth?  Wouldn’t we consider it great if every human being on earth had a billion dollars and lived in a place that could rival the Taj Mahal?

Poverty is obscene.  It is poverty that needs to be reduced -- and increasing a country’s productivity has done that far more widely than redistributing income by targeting "the rich."

You can see the agenda behind the rhetoric when profits are called "unconscionable" but taxes never are, even when taxes take more than half of what someone has earned, or add much more to the prices we have to pay than profits do.

The assumption that what A pays B is any business of C is an assumption that means a dangerous power being transferred to politicians to tell us all what incomes we can and cannot receive.  It will not apply to everyone all at once.  Like the income tax, which at first applied only to the truly rich, and then slowly but steadily moved down the income scale to hit the rest of us, the power to say what incomes people can be allowed to make will inevitably move down the income scale to make us all dependents and supplicants of politicians.

The phrase "public servants" is increasingly misleading.  They are well on their way to becoming public masters -- like aptly named White House "czars."  The more they can get us all to resent those they designate, the more they can distract us from their increasing control of our own lives -- but only if we sell our freedom cheap.  We can sell our birthright and not even get the mess of pottage.

Obama’s Bundlers

Chris Palko is reporting that Obama’s bundlers occupy dozens of key positions.

Barack Obama has long decried the corrupting influence of money in politics.  As a candidate, he ran against lobbyists and the pay-for-play culture of Washington.  From the Oval Office, he has continued to hammer the theme, most recently in his impassioned attacks on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission.

Given this, it’s a little surprising to learn that Obama has not only embraced the sordid money-driven culture of DC, but actually outdone his predecessors.  An analysis by the American Foreign Service Association, for example, found that Obama has stuffed the diplomatic corps with more political appointees (i.e., cronies) than any president in the past 40 years.  Only a year into the administration, close of half of Obama’s biggest donors already have federal jobs.

Click here for a list of Obama big-money campaign bundlers and the taxpayer-funded positions -- featuring 25 ambassadorships -- they’ve received.

CNN Poll:  52% Say No To Obama Part Deux

Michael O'Brien reports that 52 percent of Americans said Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new CNN poll.

44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect Obama in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else.

Obama faces a 44-52 deficit among both all Americans and registered voters, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday.  Four percent had no opinion.

The reelection numbers are slightly more sour than Obama's approval ratings, which are basically tied.  49 percent of people told CNN that they approve of the way Obama is handling his job, while 50 percent disapprove.

Still, the 2012 election is still a long way's away, with this fall's midterm elections looming large.  Republicans are hoping to make inroads into Congress, while Democrats are hoping to hold onto gains won in the 2006 and 2008 cycles.

Respondents to CNN were split at 46 percent as to whether they preferred a generic Republican or Democratic candidate in this fall's elections.

The CNN poll, conducted Feb. 12-15, has a three percent margin of error.

An "Identity Theft" Issue reports that former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who on Monday officially entered Arizona's Republican race against Sen. John McCain, defended his recent call for Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate, suggesting his questions stem not from conspiracy theories that Obama was really born in Kenya but from concerns about identity theft.

During a Monday evening interview on CNN (watch it here), Hayworth pointed to the case of fugitive Vietnam War protester Howard Mechanic, who in 2000 sought a seat on the Scottsdale City Council using the alias "Gary Tredway."  After he was exposed, Mechanic eventually received a pardon from President Bill Clinton.

"All I'm saying is, for every race across the country, especially with identity theft in the news, it would be great that people can confirm who they say they are," Hayworth said.

"Identity theft?  I mean, come on," an incredulous CNN host Campbell Brown said, laughing.  "Is that honestly what this is about?"

Brown pressed Hayworth as to whether he was "comfortable with the fact that (Obama is) an American citizen."  The Constitution requires that the president be a natural-born citizen, which is widely viewed as meaning he must be born in the United States.  Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii.  During the presidential race, Obama's campaign produced the Hawaii-issued short-form birth certificate, but fringe Obama critics, dubbed "birthers," continue to demand to see his long-form birth certificate.

"Barack Obama is the president of the United States.  He is our 44th president," Hayworth told Brown.  "I have no qualms about who he is, or who he says he is."

But in a Jan. 26 interview on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews," Hayworth said Obama "should come forward with the information, that’s all."

"Well, gosh, we all had to bring our birth certificates to show we were who we said we were, and we were the age we said we were, to play football and youth sports," Hayworth said.  "Shouldn't we know exactly that anyone who wants to run for public office is a natural-born citizen of the United States and is who they say they are?"

I have a few words about this -- next item . . .
2/17/10 Unspun

Let's take a look at how Dan Nowicki, The Arizona Republic's award-winning national political reporter spins the above item.

He begins with, "Brown pressed Hayworth as to whether he was 'comfortable with the fact that (Obama is) an American citizen.'"

Nowicki frames his interpretation of the facts as being a citizenship issue, when he knows it's an eligibility issue, which he demonstrates when he continues:

"The Constitution requires that the president be a natural-born citizen..."

That's the Obot two-step -- conflating eligibility and citizenship -- muddying the water, right up front -- and here comes the spin:

"...which is widely viewed as meaning he must be born in the United States..."

A view not held by the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy, and senators McKaskill, Coburn, Clinton, Webb, and, oh yes -- Barack Obama.  Their formal view is that John McCain, a child born of American parents, was a "natural born" citizen.  Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, himself a former Federal judge, agreed.

"...Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii."

So, here's how it worked in 2008 -- when Obots addressed Obama's eligibility, they talk about Hawaii -- "...Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii"-- they don't want to talk about the implications of the fact that his father was a foreigner.

When addressing McCain, it's parentage -- said Sen. Leahy, "Because he was born to American citizens...McCain is a natural born citizen" -- even though McCain was born in a foreign country -- there's problems there too.

Fact is, both Obama and McCain were ineligible and everybody knew it.  That's why there was no outcry then, and why there's no outcry now.  Think about it, Congress, the judiciary, and all those campaign types, the lobbyists, and the rest of them -- they're almost all lawyers -- they know that Barack Obama is currently usurping the office -- they were intimidated by the spectre of "riots in the cities" and the need to go along.

Nowicki couldn't just close his propaganda piece without throwing a shot at the "birthers" -- small "b"

"During the presidential race, Obama's campaign produced the Hawaii-issued short-form birth certificate, but fringe Obama critics, dubbed "birthers," continue to demand to see his long-form birth certificate."

It's not just about a bogus birth certificate that has been exposed by four competent examiners as a counterfeit -- there's a whole bunch of stuff Obama is hiding from the American People -- and you're wrong about that fringe thing too.

The facts of the interview are the facts.  Nowicki's interpretation of them are classic propaganda.

Permalink . . .

Natural Born Citizen -- The Four Cases

Many citizens of this country fail to meet the "natural born citizen" classification and yet have no divided loyalties.  At no fault of their own, they are disqualified from pursuing the position of President of the United States of America.

Loyalty lies within men's hearts and minds and not their birth circumstances.  One's birth circumstances could have the possibility of, but not a guarantee of, promoting divided loyalties and that is the reason for the "natural born citizen" clause/language within our constitution.

There are many that will argue the logic, because to them it will seem unfair.  Maybe it is unfair, but that is what the constitutional amendment process is for.  Personally, I don't think it's unfair, because the "natural born citizen" language was wisely and intentionally installed in the U. S. Constitution as a national security measure or safeguard.  It was put there to protect our country from a Commander in Chief with divided loyalties.  This is the exact situation that we find ourselves in now as Barack Obama has, on more than one occasion, proclaimed that he is a "citizen of the world."  That is how he sees himself.

Read "natural born" citizen, the four cases:  Reagan, Obama, McCain, and Schwarzenegger here . . .

GOP Says, "No Thanks," To Obama

Susan Ferrechio says House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, issued a statement late Saturday in response to Obama's Friday invite to a bipartisan Health Care Summit at the White House.

Boehner and other Republican leaders are complaining that the event is simply political gamesmanship and that Obama is planning to have a health care deal finalized before anyone even sits down at the meeting, which is scheduled to take place on Feb. 25.

Here's Boehner's statement:

A productive bipartisan discussion should begin with a clean sheet of paper.  We now know that instead of starting the 'bipartisan' health care 'summit' on Feb. 25 with a clean sheet of paper, the president and his party intend to arrive with a new bill written behind closed doors exclusively by Democrats -- a backroom deal that will transform one-sixth of our nation's economy and affect every family and small business in America.  They will then engage a largely handpicked audience in a televised 'dialogue' according to a script they have largely pre-determined.  They will do this as a precursor to embarking on a legislative course that Democratic congressional aides acknowledge has also been pre-determined -- a partisan course that relies on parliamentary tricks to circumvent the will of the American people and engineer a pre-determined outcome.  It doesn't sound much like bipartisanship to me.


Obama's Complacent Terror Czar

Associated Content is reporting that Obama's Terror Czar John Brennan says that 20% of the released terrorists going back to the battlefield to kill Americans and others "isn't that bad."  In another "What the hell did you just say?!"-moment that's becoming, sadly, increasingly common with Obama's rogue terror czar, John Brennan was speaking at -- of all places! -- the Islamic Center of New York University just this past Saturday.  Since it was the Islamic Center and all, what better venue for John Brennan to spout another completely shocking and widely condemnable opinion that just confirms all the prior criticism that's rightfully been swirling around him for months!  You know, just the same old, same old criticism that he's not up to the job, is inept, or simply is too liberal to be effective at his post as terror czar.

Brennan's stunning attitude of complacency toward the very real statistic that one-fifth of all released terrorists will immediately return to kill Americans referred to a now-notorious figure that made an appearance in a letter to Nancy Pelosi earlier this month.  This 20%-figure was first found in a Pentagon study on recidivism rates of the terrorists who were held at Guantanamo Bay.

The context in which Brennan used that 20%-figure during his speech at the ironically appropriate Islamic Center at New York University was his comparison of terrorists and recidivism to mere, common criminals in the American penal system and recidivism there.  In fact, as you will witness yourself in the following video, Brennan's exact words on the subject were:

"People sometimes use that figure, 20%, say, 'Oh, my goodness, one out of five detainees returned to some type of extremist activity.'  You know, the American penal system, the recidivism is up to something about 50% or so, as far as return to crime. 20% isn't that bad."

Watch the video and continue reading here . . .

Down With Small Business!


John Hinderaker notes that the "Miss me yet?" billboard of President Bush that garnered national publicity was paid for by a group of small business owners who consider the Obama administration's policies to be hostile to them.  No surprise there -- pretty much every small business owner I know feels that way.  Still, it was a bit of a shock to see these numbers in USA Today, based on a survey of 884 small businesspeople:


How has the Obama administration affected small-business success?


It has had a positive effect:  11%
It has hurt me:  77%
No effect:  13%


If anything like 77% of small businessmen think the Obama administration has hurt them, it's no wonder Democratic Senators and Congressmen are fleeing for the exits.


Small businessmen in Wisconsin paid for this sign.  Seems like a trend.




Obama's Mother-In-Law Likes White House Life

The AP says Barack Obama's mother-in-law lived her entire life in Chicago, so it was only natural that her move to the White House came with some resistance.  Try it for three months, her son-in-law says the family suggested.

A year later, it seems Marian Robinson is here to stay.

She spends a lot of time looking after granddaughters Malia, 11, and Sasha, 8, but has been carving out a new life for herself, too.  In the words of Obama, she's become "quite the lady about town."

The widowed Mrs. Robinson has made friends and has had friends over to the White House.  She goes shopping on her own, enjoys visits to the Kennedy Center and takes Malia and Sasha to and from school just about every day -- all while enjoying a level of anonymity that has Obama and her own daughter, first lady Michelle Obama, feeling both pleased and a bit envious at the same time.

"She's quite the lady about town," Obama said.  "But the nice thing is that she just walks out the gate and goes."

Mrs. Robinson took her first trip abroad last year, flying aboard Air Force One with the family to Russia, Italy and Ghana.  With the family, she got to meet the pope, tour Rome's ancient Coliseum and inspect a former slave holding compound on the coast of Ghana.  She also joins the family for weekends at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland

Continue reading here . . .

The AP doesn't mention whether Mrs. Robinson is still practicing Santeria in the White House or not.

Yesterday, The French -- Today, It's The Germans

A carnival float representing a fallen Barack Obama, with the words "Obama as messiah" on his shirt, is pictured during the traditional Rose Monday carnival parade in the western German city of Duesseldorf, February 15, 2010.  The Rose Monday parades in Cologne, Mainz and Duesseldorf are the highlight of the German street carnival season.

Looks like it translates to, "Obama, the Loser," to me.  Either way, it looks like the rose is off the bloom in Germany.

The translation of Erloser from Ferman is savior.  The picture presumably refers to a recent movie, "Jesus Christus Erlöser" (2008).  It appears as though Obama was compared to the latest Klaus Kinski character.

The Official Unraveling Of Obama

Thomas Del Beccaro makes the observation that it's no secret by now that Obama did not have a signature achievement his first year in office.  Of all his major initiatives, health care, cap and trade, civilian trials for terrorists and the "stimulus" bill -- only the so-called stimulus bill was enacted.  Hardly a success, as more Americans than not know what Paul Krugman and E.J. Dionne do not -- that it was a bad idea.  Worse for the Democrats -- none of those efforts have produced a greater consensus or momentum for them or Obama.  To the contrary, the Democrats lost key races in 2009, a Democrat House Member defected to the Republicans, the nation is more divided than ever and the Democrat Party is in disarray -- as is the Obama presidency.

Not to be out-done by 2009, in 2010, the Obama presidency has endured:

(1)  the loss of the Kennedy seat (which is how the Democrats view that race) even though Obama stumped for the Democrats’ candidate;

(2)  Obama’s deficit commission was shot down;

(3)  The unions are warning the Democrats that they are "going to have a hard time getting members out to vote";

(4)  Democrats are slowly signing onto a bill to defeat Obama’s civilian trial for terrorists,

(5)  Obama’s TSA nomination died before a vote;

(6)  Obama’s NLRB nomination died after a vote;

(7)  Nancy Pelosi is openly criticizing Obama’s plans for a job bill;

(8)  Some Democrats are openly worrying about the political effect of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts;

(9)  the Left, in general, is openly criticizing Obama on a host of issues from the wars to his comments on Wall Street bonuses.

In other words, far from standing with Obama, Democrats have no fear of Obama anymore and all of that is playing almost daily in the nation’s newspapers, TV and the internet.  Obama’s troubles are coming far too fast for even the mainstream media to ignore.  Highlighting all of those problems is the fact that Obama’s poll numbers have reached new lows.

As bad as that anti-momentum is (and I use the word "anti-momentum" because Republicans still need to positively turn this to their favor with a "Republican Plan for America’s Renewal"), Obama’s troubles are going to get worse -- much worse.

Obama is now open to tax increases on the middle class ("agnostic" is the word he used).  Anyone with a memory of longer than 15 years can tell you how successful Bill Clinton was in his first midterm elections after breaking his promise of a middle class tax cut or at least 54 lost House seats and the Speakership well remember.

Amidst so much Democrat blood in the water, it is no wonder Congressional Democrats are distancing themselves from Obama.  If Obama pushes that middle class tax hike, rather than backing away from Obama, they will turn and run and the Obama presidency will have officially unraveled.

Obama's P.R. Helps Terrorists

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann say that when Obama's leading counter-terrorism staff member, John Brennan, says that "politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaida," he has it exactly backward.

It is Obama's efforts to crow about how effective he is in fighting terrorism that are helping al-Qaida.  What kind of policy is it to announce to the world that Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the Nigerian terrorist who attempted to blow up a plane as it approached Detroit this past Christmas, is talking to investigators and giving them much valuable information?

Obama's people put the story out to counter accusations that their decision to try Mutallab in a civilian court and to permit him access to an attorney jeopardized efforts to interrogate him.  Stung by the charge that they were blowing a chance to learn about subsequent al-Qaida plans, they told the media that Mutallab was being very cooperative, especially after a visit from his family.

While releasing this information may help Obama politically and certainly pushes back those of us who criticized him for handling the Mutallab case civilly, it provides al-Qaida with a timely warning that we are on to their plans and that Mutallab has explained to us what they have up their sleeves.  In counter-terrorism, knowing your enemy's plans is key to thwarting them.  And, if al-Qaida knows that we are prepared, they will, obviously, change their plans.

Continue reading here . . .

Jakarta Obama Statue Taken Down

The Jakarta Globe is reporting that a statue depicting Barack Obama as a boy was Sunday removed from a park in Indonesia’s capital, officials said.

The two-meter bronze was removed from Menteng Park and taken to nearby Menteng One primary school, which Obama attended in the late 1960s, vice-principal Akhmad Solikhin told AFP.

"Workers hired by the school, local government and alumni spent an hour removing the statue with electric equipment," he added.

"We’ll need another two to three days to place the statue at the compound near the school gate so the public can see it when they pass by," Solikhin added.

The decision to move the statue comes after more than 57,000 people joined a page on social networking website, "Facebook," calling for the statue to be removed and replaced by a memorial to an Indonesian identity.

"There were people who opposed it. For us, we’d like the statue to be in the school to inspire the children to have big dreams like Obama," Solikhin said.

The statue of "Little Barry" -- as Obama was known to his Indonesian school friends -- was designed by Indonesian artists and depicts the boy Obama dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with a butterfly perched on his hand.

Obama, who was born in Hawaii, lived for four years as a child in Jakarta from 1967 after his divorced mother married an Indonesian.

The White House announced in early February that Obama and his family will visit Indonesia in March.

The trip has been eagerly awaited in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country since Obama’s inauguration, which has been welcomed in Indonesia as the start of a new era in US diplomacy.
Full Of Hot Air

King of the Blue Planet

A float called "Yes we can be ecologist," depicting Barack Obama, parades during the 126th edition of the Nice Carnival, Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010, in Nice, southern France.  The carnival celebrates the theme "King of the Blue Planet."



Obama Wants Terror Trial In America

Daniel Roberts says John Brennan, Obama's top counterterrorism aide, said Obama is committed to holding the 9/11 terror trial in the U.S., though he's not sure where.

Obama remains committed to trying accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in an American court -- although he remains unsure where, a top administration official said Saturday.

"As far as support from the community and funding requirement, the most important thing to keep in mind is we need to bring him to justice in an American court," said John Brennan, Obama's top counterterrorism aide.

"Whether it happens in New York, Pennsylvania or Virginia, where will funding come from?"

New York officials estimated the cost of holding a trial in Manhattan at $250 million. Mayor Bloomberg is among those opposed to a trial in lower Manhattan, just a few blocks from Ground Zero.

Brennan, appearing before a mostly Muslim audience at an NYU Islamic Center-sponsored event, avoided commenting on the controversy during his 45-minute speech, but addressed the issue after an audience member posed the question.

"Clearly, this is an issue people in the city feel strongly about," Brennan acknowledged.

"We are trying to push this forward as best we can, but we also need non-obstruction from certain forces in our government," he said later. "There are stiff winds delaying us from bringing this man to justice."

The Power Of The Pen

The New York Times is reporting that much of Obama's legislative agenda stalled in Congress, so Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities.

Obama has not given up hope of progress on Capitol Hill, aides said, and has scheduled a session with Republican leaders on health care later this month.  But in the aftermath of a special election in Massachusetts that cost Democrats unilateral control of the Senate, the White House is getting ready to act on its own in the face of partisan gridlock heading into the midterm campaign.

"We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues," said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.

Any president has vast authority to influence policy even without legislation, through executive orders, agency rule-making and administrative fiat.
Young Obama's Marxist Socialist Perspective

Dr. Drew says, "He was already an ardent Marxist socialist." (01:00)
NewZeal blog has a 45-minute interview with former student Marxist John C. Drew, on his meeting at Occidental College with fellow Marxist Barack Obama that Loudon says is very credible.

"Little Barry" Heads Back To School

Hasyim Widhiarto, reporting from Jakarta, says the Central Jakarta administration will move the controversial "Little Barry" statue from its current location at Taman Menteng in Central Jakarta to state elementary school SDN 01 Menteng next week, an official says.

"We are currently discussing with officials from the school and its alumni association," city spokesman Cucu Ahmad Kurnia told reporters Friday.  "We hope the move will happen next week."

Barack Obama attended the elementary school for almost two years when he spent part of his childhood in Jakarta.

Erected by the Jakarta-based Friends of Obama Foundation in December last year, the statue, which resembles Obama as a boy, recently sparked wide public criticism for insulting the nation's pride.

Just a few days after the Central Jakarta municipality unveiled the statue at Menteng Park, experts and a group of Facebook users demanded it be dismantled.

On Wednesday, the Central Jakarta District Court held a hearing to try a class action lawsuit by five plaintiffs representing 50,000 members of the "Take down the Barack Obama statue from Menteng Park" group on Facebook.

The five plaintiffs -- Heru Nugroho, Protus Tanuhandaru, Daniel Rudi Haryanto, Andes Soesman and FX Agung Bimo Sutedjo -- filed the suit against Jakarta governor, Central Jakarta mayor and the Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Agency, saying the statue didn't deserve a place at the park and should be immediately removed.

Although appreciating the administration's plan to remove the statue, Heru said the group would go ahead with its lawsuit.

"We will only withdraw the lawsuit if the city administration publicly apologizes for its one-sided decision to permit the statue," he told The Jakarta Post.

Hawaiian-born Obama moved to Indonesia at the age of six to live with his mother, Ann Dunham, and Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro.

Obama attended third grade at the school in 1968.  He returned to Hawaii at the age of 10 to live with his maternal grandparents.

A Hidden Memory reports that at the time Barry Soetoro was in Indonesia, all Indonesian students were required to carry government identity cards or Karty Tanda Pendudaks, as well as family card identification called a Kartu Keluarga.  The Kartu Keluarga is a family card which bears the legal names and citizenship status of all family members.

Soetoro/Obama was registered in a public school as an Indonesian citizen by the name of Barry Soetoro and his father was listed as Lolo Soetoro, M.A.  Indonesia did not allow foreign students to attend their public schools in the late 1960’s or 1970’s, and any time a child was registered for a public school, the child’s name and citizenship status were verified through the Indonesian Government.  See Constitution of Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945), Chapter 13, Law No. 62 of 1958 (all citizens of Indonesia have a right to education).  The Indonesian school record, indicates that Soetoro/Obama’s name is "Barry Soetoro;" his nationality is "Indonesia" and his father "Lolo Soetoro, M.A.  There was no way for Soetoro/Obama to have attended school in Jakarta, Indonesia legally unless he was an Indonesian citizen, as Indonesia was under tight rule and was a Police State.  See Constitution of Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945), Law No. 62 of 1958.  These facts indicate that Obama/Soetoro was/is an Indonesian citizen, and therefore he is not eligible to be President of the United States.

Under Indonesian law, when a male acknowledges a child as his son, it deems the son, in this case Soetoro/Obama, an Indonesian State citizen.  See Constitution of Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 62 of 1958 concerning Immigration Affairs and Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata) (KUHPer) (Burgerlijk Wetboek voor Indonesie).

Furthermore, under the Indonesian adoption law, once an Indonesian citizen adopts a child, the adoption severs the child’s relationship to the birth parents, and the adopted child is given the same status as a natural child and the child takes the name of his step-father, in this case, Soetoro.  See Indonesian Constitution, Article 2.

The Indonesian citizenship law was designed to prevent apatride (stateless) or bipatride (dual) citizenship.  Indonesian regulations recognized neither apatride nor bipatride (stateless or dual) citizenship.  Since Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship; neither did the United States (since the United States only permitted dual citizenship when 'both' countries agree); and since Obama/Soetoro was a "natural" citizen of Indonesia, the United States would not step in or interfere with the laws of Indonesia. Hague Convention of 1930.

As a result of Soetoro/Obama’s Indonesian "natural" citizenship status, Soetoro/Obama could never regain U.S. "natural born" status, if he in fact he ever held such, which we doubt.  Soetoro/Obama could have only become "naturalized" if the proper paperwork were filed with the U.S. State Department, after going through U.S. Immigration upon his return to the United States; in which case, Soetoro/Obama would have received a Certification of Citizenship indicating "naturalized."

We are informed, believe and thereon allege Obama/Soetoro was never naturalized in the United States after his return.  Soetoro/Obama was ten (10) years old when he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents.  Soetoro/Obama’s mother did not return with him.  Therefore, it appears that she did not apply for citizenship for Soetoro/Obama in the United States.  If citizenship for Soetoro/Obama had been applied for in 1971, Soetoro/Obama would have a Certification of Citizenship.  If Soetoro/Obama returned in 1971 to Hawaii without going through U.S. Immigration, today he would be an "illegal alien" -- and obviously not able to serve as president, but also his term as a United States Senator from Illinois for nearly four (4) years was illegal.  We further believe Soetoro might have reentered the United States at age ten (10) by showing a copy of his Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth, which he received when his birth was registered in Hawaii.

In addition, we have been unable to locate any legal documents wherein Soetoro’s name was legally changed from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.  Soetoro/Obama’s silence on these issues is deafening and his refusal to release such records to prove that none of this occurred results in his status as Acting Commander in Chief at best, and a willful action on his part to deceive the American People and the Armed Forces of the United States so that he may wield power that is in non-compliance with the United States Constitution.

Along Highway 41

A controversial billboard that went up on Thursday along Highway 41 is catching people's attention. It calls for Obama to be removed from office.

The spot, near the Oshkosh Correctional Institute, is also becoming a popular spot for motorists to pull over and snap a picture.

"The sign kind of struck me as being very forceful. I was driving up to Green Bay this morning and saw it.  It just surprised me that a sign like that would be out there, that blatant," said Gary Fox, of Waukesha.

Fox said he agrees with the "Impeach Obama" billboard.  The tagline is: "America's small businesses are failing, help us spread the message."

"I just think what Obama is doing and the whole administration and the Democratic Congress is just bad for business when you look at the deficits and everything they're doing," said Fox.

So, who paid for it? 

It was Tom Wroblewski, an attorney in Menasha.

Democrat's Decadent Party

Click the image and run your cursor over the heads of the people and statues
 browser much be javascript enabled.

Obama’s Own Begin to Turn on Him

Peter Wehner says that when a presidency and an agenda are collapsing at the rate that Obama’s are, it isn’t long before his party begins to distance itself from him. We’ve seen plenty of signs of this lately. has a story today titled "Family feud: Nancy Pelosi at odds with President Obama." According to the story:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s increasingly public disagreements with Barack Obama are a reflection of something deeper: the seething resentment some Democrats feel over what they see as cavalier treatment from a wounded White House.

Then there are the comments by Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, who said, "He [Obama] says 'I'm for clean coal,' and then he says it in his speeches, but he doesn’t say it in here.  And he doesn’t say it in the minds of my own people.  And he’s beginning to not be believable to me."

Much of what Obama has said hasn’t been believable to many of us for quite some time now.  But when influential figures in Obama’s own party begin to make statements such as these -- especially when you’ve only been in office 13 months -- it’s clear that things are beginning to become a bit unglued.  Party discipline is tossed aside; the intra-party sniping makes the situation even worse.  And the vicious cycle Democrats are caught in merely accelerates.

It has dawned on many Democrats that in hitching their fortunes to Obama and Obamunism, they have put themselves at enormous political risk.  They are all complicit in this; Obama himself outsourced much of his agenda to Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  The entire Democratic establishment is the architect of what is shaping up as an epic political failure.  But Obama is head of the Democratic party, and so the responsibility lies with him more than with anyone else.  He is primus inter pares.  And he is now, with every passing week, the target of their unhappiness.  More is sure to follow.

This isn’t going to end well for them.

Obama Borrows $2,000,000,000,000

Jake Tapper is reporting that behind closed doors and with no cameras present, Obama signed into law Friday afternoon the bill raising the public debt limit from $12.394 trillion to $14.294 trillion.

The current national debt is $12.3 trillion.  Check out the National Debt Clock, which tells you your share of that -- roughly $40,000 per citizen, $113,000 per taxpayer.

The bill also establishes a statutory Pay-As-You-Go procedure requiring that new non-emergency legislation affecting tax revenue or mandatory spending not increase the Federal deficit -- in other words, any new spending or tax cuts must be paid for with new taxes or spending cuts.

 "In Contact With President’s Office"

Did Barack Obama personally consult with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Christmas Day, when suspected al Qaeda terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to detonate a suicide bomb aboard Northwest Flight 253?  Asked that question by, Napolitano initially declined to answer and then, when asked again, said "we were in contact with the president’s office" that day.

The White House told news organizations on Christmas Day that Obama had ordered heightened air travel security immediately after he was first briefed on the attempted attack at about 9:00 a.m. Hawaii time (2:00 p.m. Eastern) on Christmas Day and that he was repeatedly briefed on the incident during that day

In Jan. 20 testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, however, Napolitano testified that she had not been consulted in advance about the specific decision to read Abdulmutallab his Miranda rights -- which took place on Christmas night about 10 hours after the suspected terrorist was arrested.  Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, FBI Director Robert Mueller and National Counterterrorism Center Director Michael Leiter all told congressional committees that they were also not consulted in advance about the Christmas-Day decision to mirandize Abdulmutallab.

On Jan. 27, Napolitano failed to attend a hearing on the Christmas Day attack held by the House Homeland Security, the committee that has principal oversight over her department.  Senior Democrats on the committee publicly scolded her during that hearing for her failure to attend.

On Feb. 4, Napolitano met privately with the Democratic -- but not Republican -- members of the committee.  After that meeting, she also met privately with Rep. Pete King (R.-N.Y.), the committee’s ranking Republican.

When she emerged from her Feb. 4 meeting with committee Democrats, asked Napolitano: "Madame Secretary, did the president personally consult with you at all in real time during the day of the Christmas Day attack about the Abdulmutallab situation?"

Napolitano said: "I’m not going to talk about my conversations with the president."

Later, after her meeting with Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.), asked Napolitano: "Before I was asking you about if you spoke to the president at all on Christmas Day about the Abdulmutallab situation -- not the nature of the conversation.  I just want to know if you spoke to him."

Napolitano said: "Yes, we were in contact with the president’s office."

Obama Will Choose KSM Trial Location

Ryan J. Reilly is reporting that Obama will help select the location of the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) and insert himself into the process that has faced major political setbacks -- notice, the italicized word, "help."

At 3:29 in this video, Perky Katie Couric asks Obama if he has ruled out conducting the KSM trial in the Big Apple. Obama responds, "I have not ruled it out." -- notice, "I have not..." -- not "Holder hasn't ruled it out."

And, Fox News just broadcast a news alert (2/12/10 at 9:02 AM (EST)) that said Obama was personally going to Congress and get the money for the trial -- what's that they say about he who has the gold?

Anyone who has been following this page knows I strongly believe Obama has made all the decisions of the handling of KSM and his trial from the beginning -- he's calling the shots on the Black Panther case too.

This is just more evidence.


Obama Officials Wrong on Padilla

Thomas Joscelyn says al Qaeda terrorist Jose Padilla started talking only after he was designated an enemy combatant.

During an interview on MSNBC Thursday morning, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs defended the Obama administration’s handling of the Crotch Bomber, bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.  Gibbels argued that the administration was right to treat Abdulmutallab as a criminal defendant, instead of as an enemy combatant.  "Just because you make somebody an enemy combatant [it] doesn’t make them talk," Gibbs argued.  He then pointed to an example from the Bush years to supposedly support his point.

"Jose Padilla was made an enemy combatant so that we could get him to talk," Gibbels said.  "And guess what happened when we made him an enemy combatant, he didn't talk.  He did talk when he was transferred back into a civilian court."

Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, made the same point on Tuesday in an op-ed for USA Today.  Brennan argued: "Terrorists such as Jose Padilla and Saleh al-Mari did not cooperate when transferred to military custody, which can harden one's determination to resist cooperation."

Brennan and Gibbels are wrong.  In fact, Jose Padilla only started cooperating once he was transferred into the military’s custody and interrogated.

Continue reading here . . .

Where Is Obama's Nobel Prize Money?

Byron York says there's some buzz going around the net over the question of what Obama has done with the $1.4 million he won as part of the Nobel Peace Prize.  Well before Obama accepted the award, the White House announced he would give the money to charity.  Yet it's been two months since he went to Oslo, and there's no word of him giving it away.

Some commentators have speculated that Obama is hanging on to it himself.  But the White House says Obama hasn't yet received the money, so it follows that he hasn't yet given it away.  "I know they continue to talk about it," spokesman Robert Gibbs said at a January 19 briefing.  "I think he has not received any money yet.  But as soon as they -- as he makes those donations, we will let you guys know."

The situation seems a little odd.  If you win the Nobel Prize, don't they just give you the money?  Why doesn't Obama have it yet?  It turns out there's a reason.

"He hasn't received it because they haven't asked to have it transferred," says Geir Lundestad, director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.  "It is up to the laureate to decide.  My understanding is that they are looking into certain legal questions, and once those legal questions are settled, it will be done…once they ask for it, the money will be transferred immediately."

Prize winners can have the money without delay, but Lundestad says it is not unheard of for a laureate to leave the cash with the Nobel Foundation for some period of time after winning.  "The most difficult cases are with laureates who are in prison," he says.  And there is no time limit for Obama to receive the money.  So for the moment, the money remains deposited with the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm.  "The money is in the bank," Lundestad says.  "We are leaving this entirely to the White House."

To some in the White House, and to many of the president's supporters, the Nobel was almost an embarrassment, the symbol of the too-much-praise that has been heaped on Obama in the last couple of years.  In an effort to de-emphasize the whole thing, Obama made short work of his trip to Oslo to receive the award.  And now, it appears he's in no hurry to deal with the money he won, either.

It seems that our constitutional law "professor" believes Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution is flawed.  He must, because it says:

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States:  And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."

I don't remember Congress giving the OK for Obama to accept Nobel money, but we know Obama is flexible about the Constitution, and, after all, he won, so he gets to make the rules..

If Congress should give the thumbs-up, though, I have a few suggestions for Obama.

First, do something for half-brother George.  The poor son-of-a-gun has been living in a hovel on a dollar a month.  Some bloggers sent him a thousand dollars and he spent it all on drugs and got arrested.  Now he's back to his $1-a-month hovel, there's rumors that he's in therapy now, and the bills are piling up -- and he's hiding from his dealer.

Next, aunt Zeituni needs some new clothes for her court appearances -- there's photographers and press -- and the lawyers are asking for money -- and it would really be nice if auntie Zee could move out of the projects and into Charles River Park.

Then there's the Barack Obama School.

He could honor the pledges of assistance that he made to a school named in his honor in his father's village of Kogelo, when he visited there amid great fanfare in August 2006.

At that historic homecoming, Obama was greeted as a hero with thousands lining the dirt streets of Kogelo. He visited the Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School built on land donated by his paternal grandfather.

He told the assembled press, local politicians (who included current Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga), and students: "Hopefully I can provide some assistance in the future to this school and all that it can be."  He then turned to the school's principal, Yuanita Obiero, and assured her and her teachers:  "I know you are working very hard and struggling to bring up this school, but I have said I will assist the school and I will do so."

No one has heard from Obama and he hasn't sent them a dime.

Back to the Nobel money, though -- what Obama will do is simply leave the money in the bank, drawing interest, until he leaves the Oval Office, and everybody forgets about it.  At that time, he'll press a button.

I suppose I shouldn't bring this up, but that's a interesting phrase, buried in the report at the link, honor the pledges. The phrase?

"At that historic homecoming in August 2006..." -- homecoming? -- coming home?  Kogelo, Kenya?


Obama "Just Not Responding" To Ft. Hood Questions is reporting that Sen. Kit Bond (R.-Mo.), the vice chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, told bloggers on a conference call on Wednesday, Feb. 3, that the Obama administration still had not provided his committee with all the information it had requested on the November terrorist attack at Fort Hood in Texas.

"They still haven’t come through with all the information that we need," Bond said.

And, Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R.-Mich.), the ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, issued two statements in January complaining that the administration had not been forthcoming on information about the Fort Hood attack.  Hoekstra also pointed to parallels between the Fort Hood attack and the attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas Day.

When asked if he believed the administration was withholding information about the incident from members of the intelligence committee, Bond replied, "Yes."

Bond added, "You know, as I said, I tried for a month and a half just to find what had previously been announced publicly, when I asked Director Blair what the recidivism rate was, and he had to wait until John Brennan released it -- when they released it to blame Bush for it.  That was right before the hearing was the first time we got it.  So, yes, there have been problems in the past, but I think the problems are greater.  The holding classified -- some classified reports that the intelligence committee still has not received."

Bond said the administration ought to provide the intelligence committee with a classified report on what it has learned about Maj. Hasan.  "There are more questions we asked about the background information on Maj. Hasan.  What they did, why they didn’t do it," said Sen. Bond.  "They ought to give us a classified report on that.  That would be step one."

Asked, "And thus far, they have not responded to those questions?"
"No," said Sen. Bond. "They just aren’t responding. "

Continue reading here . . .

Obama's 2011 Budget Allocates $4 Billion For ACORN

The Washington Times is adding ACORN to the list of outrageous earmarks in Obama's fiscal 2011 budget.  ACORN, the embezzlement-prone, voter-registration-fraud-plagued, leftist community organizing group, is slated to receive nearly $4 billion from a taxpayer-funded slush fund.

The money will come from the Community Development Block Grant, one of the Department of Housing and Urban Development's longest-running programs.  The HUD Web site cryptically defines the grant's purpose as providing "communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs," not a reassuring description given the group's recent past history of aiding the community through gratuitous misappropriation of funds.

Has Congress already forgotten the Sept. 2009 ban it passed on funding for ACORN and ACORN affiliates?  Or the video that led to the ban, footage showing ACORN employees urging individuals they thought were a prostitute and her pimp to set up a brothel and advising the pair on evading taxpaying?  It would have had a hard time doing so, considering that ACORN is currently suing the federal government for the attempted ban.

Though the largely Democratic House Appropriations Committee voted against the block last December, it is a Bill Clinton-appointee, U.S. District Court Judge Nina Gershon, who has truly aided the corrupt ACORN cause.  Also in December, Gershon issued a federal injunction against the Congressional funding ban, crying that it ran afoul of the Constitution because under the ban, ACORN was "singled out by Congress for punishment that directly and immediately affects their ability to continue to obtain federal funding, in the absence of any judicial, or even administrative, process adjudicating guilt."

In essence, Gershon has said ACORN can't be punished now because the Obama administration failed to punish it earlier -- through a long-overdue, much-needed criminal investigation into the group.  But this is absurd, because ACORN's not receiving such funding does not constitute its being deprived of a right.  The funding is a gift, and Congress has the right to cancel contracts whenever it feels like it.

Just ask Blackwater, a company we are wondering whether Gershon would so heroically rush to defend were it to make the same move ACORN is now making


Neil Stevens says Julius Genachowski is Barack Obama’s head of the Federal Communications Commission.  He thinks you’re an idiot.  After famously calling for broadly expanded FCC powers to mandate "transparency" and "neutrality" on the Internet, and having that plan rejected by a growing, bipartisan coalition, he now denies he wants to regulate the Internet.


Meanwhile he also claims the FCC is trying to "win the case" against Comcast, who has sued to get a federal court to overturn the FCC’s claimed authority to regulate Internet activity. But we’re supposed to believe he doesn’t want to regulate the Internet. Right. The Wall Street Journal says that the FCC "took a beating" during an appeals court hearing on the case. A decision against the FCC could be crippling of Genachowski’s plans, but unfortunately on that front there’s nothing we activists can do but watch, and wait.


Though we can also join in the second comment period that the FCC has opened up on Net Neutrality.  Your guess is as good as mine as to where on the FCC’s website we can do that, though.  They’re not exactly transparent.



1961 Hawaii Births


According to the U. S. Public Health Service, births in the United States in 1961 were classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite."

The category "white" includes, in addition to persons reported as "white," those reported as Mexican or Puerto Rican.  With one exception, a reported mixture of Negro with any other race is included in the Negro group; other mixed parentage is classified according to the race of the nonwhite parent and mixtures of nonwhite races to the race of the father.  The exception refers to a mixture of Hawaiian and any other race, which is classified as Part-Hawaiian.

In most tables a less detailed classification of "white" and "nonwhite" is used.

Now we know the government is a stickler for codes so that big brother can keep track of all our statistics.  Well, according the the US CDC website there have been some revisions as of late to the types of codes for 'race' on vital records certificates.

Prior to 2009, the latest revision to the actual long form took place in 2004.  In 1961, a black person was listed as either 'black' or 'negro'.  In 2004, the one showing on the CDC site shows he could have been listed as either 'black' or 'African American' as ethnicity then came into play.  Now in 2009 (revised 1/09), codes for those of the Negro race are listed and one can now be listed as just 'African' as is shown on Obama's COLB.


US vital statistic birth records for 1961 in Hawaii (By place Of residence. Data refer only to births occurring within the United States.  Based on a 50-percent sample. "Metropolitan counties" include all counties that are standard metropolitan statistical areas (metropolitan State economic areas for New England).  "Nonmetropolitan counties" include all other counties):

On page 205* are the statistics for Live Births, non-White Hawaiian births based on the sample:


•  12,198 -- non-white births

•  12,110 -- attended in a hospital by physician
•  50 -- attended out of a hospital by physician or midwife

•  38 -- unattended


So, that's around 76 unattended births in the year Obama was born.  Was Barack Obama one of those 76?    Information regarding these birth came from the word or statement of a relative.  It might account for the Obama/Nordyke birth certificate numbers anomaly.


 * Note:  Enter -- 205 -- into the Adobe Reader page number text box and hit enter.


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Obama’s Revisionist History Of Terrorism

Daniel Greenfield opines, that since taking office, Obama’s key objective on terrorism has been to transform the public perception of it from an international military conflict, to a limited domestic criminal problem.  Renaming terrorism to the bureaucratically euphonious term, "Man Caused Disasters" was straight out of the first rule in the textbook of organizational coverups, to phrase your sentences so that the identity of the perpetrators of the crisis remain as vague as possible.  Focusing on everything but terrorism, while shutting down Gitmo and dispatching top Al Qaeda terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to civilian trials, was meant to restore the illusion of normalcy, while doing away with the terrorism focus of the Bush Administration.

There was a reason that once in office, Obama showed a very limited interest in pushing for the prosecutions of Bush Administration officials, as the left wing expected him to.  Unlike them, Obama understood that the best way to shift the conversation was by avoiding the topic, not by confronting it head on… because while the American people may have turned on the Republicans, they were more likely to support a tough on terror approach, than not.  Main Street America was a long way from ACLU headquarters, and so Obama decided that the best way to win the debate on terrorism… was not to have it all.

Seeing how fast Cheney’s numbers shot up by simply calling him out on terrorism, could have only stiffened Obama’s resolve to avoid the issue.  But the issue refused to avoid him, whether it was demands that he come to a decision on Afghanistan, a renewed wave of terrorist attacks on American soil or a growing backlash from New York over holding the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trials in the city -- Islamic "man caused disasters" just refused to go away.

By moving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed into the civilian legal system, Obama and Holder were undertaking to engineer a massive shift in how America dealt with terrorism.  It was a shift that everyone from lawyers to liberal pundits to the nutroots had been pushing all along.  It was the message on the earliest posters tacked up by left wing activists on the streets of Lower Manhattan, even as the ruins of the towers were still smoldering.  The shift would transform terrorism from a conflict fought in defense of America, to an internal criminal matter for the legal system to deal with.  The difference between the two lies in far more than just a matter of which judges get to sit on the bench and where the trial takes place, it cuts right to the issue of what is really happening here.

Treating Islamic terrorism as a criminal problem transforms it from an international threat, into something purely local, akin to an armed robbery or a murder or two.  And as liberal doctrine would have it, crime is not really preventable except through social welfare policies.  That is precisely the tack that European governments have taken on terrorism, working with Muslim communities to improve their economic and social status.  That would have been the next stage for the Obama Administration, if a roadblock hadn’t risen up on the road to the New York trial.

Continue reading here . . .

At least read the last paragraph.

Team Obama Grows Stupid

Michael Barone says with absolute power, Team Obama is growing stupid.

How could such smart people do so many stupid things?  That question, or variations on it, is being asked in Washington and around the country about the Obama administration.

The same people who directed the campaign that defeated Hillary Clinton and routed John McCain, a campaign that raised far more money and attracted far more volunteers than any before it, have within a year come up with a legislative program that is crashing in ruins and that, to judge from recent polls, has left the Democratic Party weaker than I have seen it in almost 50 years of closely following politics.

The 2008 campaign was an impressive achievement.  So, in a negative way, is the 2009 legislative program that has left the Democrats in such woeful shape in 2010.

Some in Washington say that the problem is that Barack Obama has chosen to rely on his campaign staff rather than the wise old heads in Washington.  But Obama and his team have had the benefit of advice from those wise old heads and from the smartest political strategist the Democratic party has produced in the past half-century, Bill Clinton.

A truly wise Washington analyst, National Journal's Jonathan Rauch, says the problem is one-party government.  Presidents lead better, he argues, when they are constrained by the need to get bipartisan support.

There's something to that.

Continue reading here . . .

Get Ready Middle America

Barack Obama says he is "agnostic" about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit.

Obama, in a Feb. 9 Oval Office interview, said that a presidential commission on the budget needs to consider all options for reducing the deficit, including tax increases and cuts in spending on entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

"The whole point of it is to make sure that all ideas are on the table," Obama said in the interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, which will appear on newsstands Friday.  "So what I want to do is to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions."

Obama repeatedly vowed during the 2008 presidential election campaign that he would not raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 and households earning less than $250,000 a year.  When senior White House economic adviser Lawrence H. Summers and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner suggested in August that the administration might be open to going back on that pledge, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs quickly reiterated Obama’s promise.

Continue reading here . . .

Mischaracterizing The Eligibility Issue

V. Harlow says the eligibility issue has constantly been mischaracterized as a "citizenship" issue, or a "birth certificate" issue, and major media outlets keep playing on this same theme over and over, ridiculing those who want the truth.

I suspect they are partially driven by fear.  Fear they won't get interviews, fear they won't get invitations, fear they won't get to cover important issues if this issue is included in what they cover.  Even Fox News continues to ridicule and mischaracterize this very important Constitutional issue.

Can we attack this administration on other valid issues?  Yes, of course. I don't advocate doing anything less.  It's not right to push the very valid and important Constitutional issue of the eligibility of the current resident of White House to hold the job, aside as though it is of no matter.  There have been people scoffing for over a year now, yet lawsuits continue.  The issue is law.  The highest office in the land, the one responsible for upholding our laws and protecting our freedoms is the issue.

Most reasonable people don't question the "citizenship" of Obama.  The Constitution has special requirements for holders of the office of President of the Unite States.  Those requirements are "natural born citizen."  That is a higher standard than "citizen."  It is a higher standard than "native citizen."

Some people signed off on Obama's qualification rather cavalierly either knowingly or carelessly.  They need to be held to account.

It's easy to ridicule and destroy the reputations and careers of people fighting this battle, but it's wrong.  Orly Taitz, no matter how one questions her professionalism, does not deserve the treatment she has received from anonymous callers, from malicious supporters of Obama, or from major media outlets.  She comes willing and determined to defend our Constitution, while so many charged with that responsibility have forsaken it completely.

Donofrio, Pidgeon, Berg, Kreep, and others fighting the battle do not deserve the ridicule.  The American People overwhelmingly want to know the truth.

An honest hearing is required.

That's all I've been seeking for almost two years.

A Great Achievement

Andrew Malcolm says the same Barack Obama and Joe Biden who opposed the Iraq war, its tactics, and predicted failure, are now prepared to accept credit for its success.

Biden, in an interview with Larry King, said he is certain that Iraq will turn out to be one of the Obama-Biden administration's greatest achievements -- No, really!  He did.

Here's how Biden put it:

"I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq.  I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration.  You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer.  You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government."

"I spent -- I've been there 17 times now.  I go about every two months -- three months.  I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society.  It's impressed me.  I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

Biden did not elaborate on what the administration's other "great achievements" were.

One More Mystery -- Third Grade


On February 9th, 2010, I received the following email from "Northeast Elizabeth":

On your site's "Education" page, you post a photograph identified as "Barry, 3rd Grade, 1969" which is identical to this one appearing in the Honolulu Star Bulletin in December, 2009 (in an article revealing that Obama spent at least part of third grade in Hawaii and not solely Jakarta as widely reported).  Did you add it to your site after that date, or was it there before?  I ask because in the article, Obama's former classmate Scott Inoue indicates that he didn't receive the photo back from Obama until November 2009, and I had assumed that Star's publication of the picture the next month would have been the first appearance of it.  However, the page on your site on which it appears indicates copyright, Beckwith, 2008" at the bottom so I wasn't sure if it was from back then (and if so, how you would have it if it were a private picture of Inoue's, unless Inoue got it elsewhere and was playing a trick).


Scott and Barry 3rd grade 1969
Unfortunately, I have no memory of when I added that photo.  However, I checked the properties on that image and it was created on Sunday, October 18, 2009 -- so it was clearly before.  So, I had it before it was returned to Inoue in November, 2009.

However, it's clear I acquired the photo without the back story, prompting me to archive the photo as an Indonesian-Besuki-period artifact

Somehow, I missed the Star Bulletin report.  This was the first I'd heard of Obama being in the 3rd grade -- and in Hawaii?  He was supposed to be in Indonesia -- the report contradicts Obama's own autobiography, as well as multiple biographies, that say he attended grades 1 through 5 in Jakarta, Indonesia.  From the report:

A former Manoa resident sent President Barack Obama an old photo of the two of them taken while they were third-grade classmates at Noelani Elementary School, requesting an autograph more than six months ago.  He recently received the autographed picture back, as well as a personally signed thank-you note.

Widely published biographies say Obama lived in Indonesia from 1967 through 1971, and none mention his third-grade year at Noelani, Inoue acknowledges. But he said Obama attended at least part of his third-grade year at Noelani in 1969, perhaps during a visit back to Hawaii, and moved away.

When Obama decided to run for president, Inoue had his mother dig up the photo and sent an enlarged copy to Obama's senatorial office in Illinois with a request for his autograph.  There was no response.  He tried again after the inauguration, and several months later an envelope from the White House arrived.

He was surprised by the warm note -- typewritten, but personally signed by Obama -- that accompanied the photo.  Dated Nov. 6, 2009, the note said:

"Dear Scott:

"This is just a quick note to thank you for your kind letter.  It is good to hear from you. ... I am pleased to enclose your signed photograph.  Thank you again for your thoughtful note, and I wish you all the best.

"Sincerely, Barack Obama"


That note reads like general-purpose package for White House correspondents that comes out of Obama's 14-million member database -- a boilerplate note and a photo of Obama.

There's a second report on that contains an image of the letter, and this cryptic comment -- "His family moved to Indonesia sometime during the school year" -- his biography, and all those autobiographies disagree -- the Soetoros moved two years previously -- Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister places Obama and family in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 1967 through 1971.

And, this is not a personal note -- look at it -- it's your basic graphics-printer produced (Obots are skilled at that) "thank you" note -- there is no personal comment or allusion to the 3rd grade photo, so I don't read that response from "Sincerely, Barack Obama" as an acknowledgement, by Obama, that he attended 3rd grade at Noelani in 1969 -- it's like all the other questions -- ignored!

I also assume his 3rd grade records have been lost like his kindergarten records.  Now I'll have to update my list of lost and missing Obama records, and send an email to Hawaii Department of Education to see if they have records of this.

This is bizarre -- I did a Google "Books" search of "Dreams...," and there is no mention of Noelani.

I'm tellin' you -- nobody knows anything about this guy -- every day it's a new mystery.  I've said it before, the more I learn about this guy, the less I know about him.

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The Gullibles

The Gullibles don't question Obama's eligibility.  These trusting, naive, innocent folks believe it is crazy, and/or improper to question Obama.  The easiest way to identify a Gullible is their complete lack of curiosity and cynicism in the face of the gazillion contradictions that are facts and circumstances of the life of Barack Obama. 

Me?  A birther?  Hell no!  I'll believe anything he says!
Most Gullibles are Obots, as you'd expect, but there are plenty of guys, like O'Reilly and Beck, who are Gullibles also.  Many judges, politicians and journalists are committed Gullibles -- especially the journalists.  The Gullibles favorite sport is attacking Birthers.  The reason Gullibles attack Birthers is because of the Birthers' skepticism.  Birthers don't buy Obama's brand of bullsh!t.

What we have here is one bunch that chuck-a-lugged the Obama brew -- and one that says, "hey!  wait-a-minute!  what's in that stuff?"

The Gullibles ignore the fact that Obama's book, "Dreams...," his life's narrative,
is a myth.  In the introduction, Obama acknowledges his use of pseudonyms, composite characters, approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order.  Outright lies and omissions are not noted for obvious reasons.

The Gullibles ignore
the fact that Michelle Obama said that Senior and Anna were never married.  She described Anna as "very young and very single when she had him (Obama)."

The Gullibles ignore the fact that their are
dozens of reports of his Kenyan birth from responsible journalists and politicians.

The Gullibles ignore the fact that four qualified examiners have investigated the Certification of Live Birth provided by the Obama Campaign to partisan web sites, and
declared the copies that have been referenced by the world to be bogus electronic documents.

The Gullibles ignore the fact that Hawaii's Department of Health (DOH) has
issued obfuscations and contradictions, and has been creatively using their rulebook to prevent the disclosure of Obama's birth records -- except the ones they chose.  When that doesn't work, they change the rules.  When that doesn't work, they build a firewall between the DOH and the public.

The Gullibles ignore the conflicting accounts of Obama's birthplace, even though Obama, himself has been
quoted as saying he was born in two different hospitals.
I could go on all day identifying discrepancies in Obama's story.  There are hundreds and hundreds of pages in The Obama File that link to thousands and thousands of pages on the Web, that lay lie to Obama's narrative, demonstrate how little is KNOWN about this guy, and how dynamic his life story is.  It evolves constantly.

Obama, or his people, lay down a scenario.  An investigator investigates.  The investigator finds the scenario is full of holes, or is an out and out fabrication -- and the story evolves -- so-and-so misspoke  -- somebody misremembered -- most often though, Obama just ignores it -- after all -- he won! -- this cycle is repeating constantly -- remember Rev. Wright, Obama's racist mentor" -- Obama sat at his feet for 20 years and didn't hear a thing -- the Gullibles went, uh-huh!

There isn't a week that goes by that another element in the Obama narrative doesn't change.  And there isn't another week that goes by that something doesn't disappear from the Web. 

Gullibles expend enormous energy attacking Birthers for expecting Obama to simply be straight with the American People -- who do have a right to know -- and a need to know.  Will the real Barack Obama please stand up and present his credentials?

Like I say on my main page, "Barack Obama is referenced by name, rather than title, in these pages whenever possible -- except when used as part of a direct quote.  The day Obama produces his bona fides for inspection by the American People, and demonstrates his eligibility to occupy the Office of the President of the United States of America, these pages will be amended to reflect his proper title."

This is like "The Emperors New Clothes" -- except in real life -- Obama's narrative is his suit of clothes, and the Gullibles just love Obama's ever-changing threads, and they get upset when someone points out Obama is bare-assed naked.

Gullibles have to attack Birthers -- they know in their hearts he's nekked -- but he's their guy.

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Congressional Candidate Takes On Eligibility

Chelsea Schilling is reporting that just as the tea-party convention crowd gathered to discuss strategy for the movement, one woman stepped forward to the microphone -- holding up two Hawaiian long-form birth certificates and a copy of Obama's purported short-form certification of live birth -- and, raising the short form, she told the crowd, "This piece of junk is what you get when you don't have one of these!" -- waving the real birth certificates.

The crowd went wild, clapping and cheering, and when the forum was over, tea partiers scrambled around a table to see and photograph her original documents.

The woman, Miki Booth, originally from Hawaii, is running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Oklahoma's second district as an independent constitutional conservative.  She had presented original long-form birth certificates belonging to her son and husband, dated 1981 and 1949.

Her husband, Fred, and son, Alan, were born at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii -- the same hospital declared as Obama's birthplace in this letter.

"If he is going to claim he was born in Kapi'olani like my husband and my son, then I want him to show proof," Booth said, explaining that a certification of live birth only shows that a live baby was born -- and not necessarily in Hawaii.

"What he's given us perpetuates the mystery of what he's covering up and gives us more reason to not trust him," she said.

How can Ms. Booth be so cynical as to not trust our guy?  Could it be that Obama himself has previously claimed to have been born at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, a claim backed up by his sister Maya.

Either way, neither hospital has a -- "This is the birthplace of the 44th President of the United States" --  plaque in their lobby

The New American Dream


Obama Faces Armageddon In Latest Polls

Nile Gardiner says, forget "Snowmageddon."  Washington may be deluged under nearly three feet of snow, but Barack Obama is experiencing a sinking feeling of another kind.  The latest US polls, highlighted here by Daniel Foster at The Corner at NRO, are stunningly bad for the president.  Frankly, the Titanic’s prospects looked better than Obama’s do today, even after it hit the iceberg.

As Foster points out, three major new polls show Obama in serious trouble in the wake of the stunning Massachusetts Senate special election win by Scott Brown.  According to the latest Marist survey of registered voters, 47 percent disapprove of Obama’s job performance, while just 44 percent approve.  Most worryingly for the White House, support for Obama among independents has fallen dramatically, with 57 percent now disapproving, and just 29 percent giving him their backing.

The Marist poll also reveals that a mere 7 percent of voters believe Obama has exceeded their expectations.  47 percent believe Obama "has fallen below their expectations", and just 42 percent say he has "met their expectations".  Significantly, "38 percent think the direction in which Obama is moving the country is for the worse, and 37 percent believe he is changing the nation for the better."

The latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll makes even worse reading for Obama.  According to Rasmussen, just 26 percent of American voters strongly approve of Obama’s job performance, with 41 percent strongly disapproving, for a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15.

Over at Gallup, the outlook on several leading issues facing Obama looks exceedingly grim.  While he still maintains a significant lead on Education, and a narrow majority on foreign affairs (with the exception of the Iranian issue), he is facing staggering public opposition on three critically important domestic policy issues.  The percentage of Americans who disapprove of his job performance on healthcare, the economy, and the federal budget, stands at 60 percent, 61 percent, and 64 percent respectively -- an almost two to one majority on health and the economy and an exact two to one margin on the budget deficit.

All three polls demonstrate growing disillusionment across the United States with Barack Obama’s performance.  As the Real Clear Politics Average of US polls shows, 58.2 percent of Americans now believe the country is moving in the "wrong track".  Such figures would not be unusual if they referred to a president well into his second term in office.  But they are a measure of a president embarking on the second year of his first term of office, and Barack Obama is now arguably the most unpopular president in modern US history at such an early stage of his presidency.

Above all, these latest polls are a reflection of America’s overwhelming rejection of big government, and Obama’s emphatic embrace of highly interventionist economic and healthcare policies.  As several recent Gallup surveys have shown, the United States is an increasingly conservative country.  It is a nation that is actively rebelling against the most left-wing White House in US history.  Barack Obama has unwittingly sparked a new conservative revolution, one that has already swept through Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey, and has the potential to take America by storm.

Obama’s Attorney General -- For Now

Jennifer Rubin says Eric Holder is botching the war on terror.

Attorney General Eric Holder has been the Obama administration’s point man in revising the nation’s approach to terrorism.  Holder said last summer that it was his decision to reinvestigate CIA operatives who had employed enhanced interrogation techniques during the Bush administration, although these individuals had been cleared by the Justice Department’s career prosecutors.  It was Holder’s call, Obama said, to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) in a New York courtroom rather than before a military tribunal.  And Holder, in a letter this past week, took responsibility for the decision to mirandize the Crotch Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and classify him as an ordinary criminal defendant rather than an enemy combatant.

There is doubt whether Holder was acting independently in all these critical decisions, and whether the White House would not, at the very least, have weighed in.  Either way, Holder has become the Obama’s Achilles' heel, a lightning rod for critics and a headache for supporters.

Defending his KSM decision, Holder appeared ill-prepared in Senate testimony last November.  A fumbling attorney general was stumped by Senator Lindsey Graham’s questions probing what other enemy combatant seized on foreign soil had been tried in federal court.  The answer, after a painful pause, was supplied by Graham:  There has never been one.  Nor did Holder rule out Mirandizing Osama bin Laden if he were captured.

It is not merely poor preparation that has plagued the nation’s top law enforcement figure.  As New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, and a bipartisan parade of senators came forward objecting to KSM’s trial in Manhattan, it became evident Holder had failed to consult with city officials before announcing the decision.  New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly revealed, "There was no consultation...with the police department.  That decision was made.  We were informed.  Mayor Bloomberg then blasted away:  "It would be great if the federal government could find a site that didn’t cost a billion dollars...  It’s going to cost an awful lot of money and disturb an awful lot of people... Yeah, and I mean -- the suggestion of a military base is probably a reasonably good one."  Some 18 senators then joined in proposing legislation to block a civilian trial.

Holder, in short, utterly failed to build support for what he bragged would be the "trial of the century."  Even liberal pundits were left sputtering that Holder had botched what was to be the showcase for the criminal justice approach to fighting terrorism.

Holder is now on the hot seat for his decision to mirandize Abdulmutallab, indict him in federal court, and permit him to remain silent for weeks.

Continue reading here . . .

I have repeatedly opined that the decision was made by Obama, since Holder and Defense Secretary Gates are peers, and neither one can give the other directives.  The following item has a segment that, to my mind, clearly indicates Obama is making these decisions.

Obama's Spook Lies

Last Sunday, Obama's spook, John Brennan, who got his job because he scrubbed Obama's passport files, was interviewed by Fox News' Chris Wallace about the circumstances surrounding the events of Christmas and the Crotch Bomber (transcript).

Yesterday, Pete Hoekstra said Brennan lied about the facts in his interview with Wallace.

Rep. Hoekstra (R-MI) disputes Brennan's claims about Christmas briefing  (05:01)
At 3:29 in the video, during a previous interview (03:29) with Perky, Katie Couric asks Obama if he has ruled out conducting the KSM trial in the Big Apple.  Obama responds, "I have not ruled it out."

He didn't say the attorney general has not ruled it out.  I contend that confirms my opinion from the previous item.


Another New Agency

Jerry McConnell asks, what is the matter with that man in our White House?  Will he ever stop trying to spend every nickel and dime that Americans have, including our savings that we worked hard for to ease our retirement years?  He acts like a poor kid that suddenly comes into some money and it is burning a hole in his pocket to get spent.  It is an infatuation and an obsession that the money has got to be disposed of regardless of how infantile or worthless the object of the spending is.  Spend, spend, spend!

The problem is that he doesn’t spend just nickels and dimes, no; this guy is more like the proverbial fool and his money but in the billions and trillions neighborhood, and it’s OUR money.  No, no, none of that penny ante stuff like hundreds of thousands or even millions; it has to be in the billions or trillions or it doesn’t please his little spendthrift heart.

And now he is at it once again.  He has found another new scheme to fondle and nurture into a budget busting, economy depressing, deficit and national debt obesity to strangle our children and our children’s children for decades to come.  It’s his own personal Global Warming Agency; right here in RiverCity (Potomac?).  Move over Al Gore you will be outguessed on the rise or fall of temperatures by none other than the Messiah of the new millennium, Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Hussein Obama.

Just what we really DID NOT need; our very own collection of liars, cheats and mis-directed pseudo-scientists conjuring up specters of horror of rising seas and shrinking icebergs, not to mention wild and crazy computers that send out false messages and then make the data disappear.  Who among you out there agree that we need yet one more government bureau to tell us more lies and fairy tales while gobbling up billions and trillions more of our tax dollars?  Stand up for the new Global Warming comedy show if you will.  What, no takers?  Right on.

Over the past few weeks we have seen the black side of some of the world’s most depraved and deranged seekers of government largesse that keeps them in the comfort of their high living styles.  These cheats are educated people of the field of science where they can maneuver figures to make it look like they are really on to something that will help all the world’s people to react properly to any wayward conduct that Mother Nature throws at them.  They are jokingly called scientists; but that’s just amongst themselves.  To others, they are called jesters and milkers.

Now of course, I am not talking about all of them; in fact, in reality there are only a minor few considering there are many thousands of fine people working at and classified as scientists.  These are the ones that appear in print and videos debunking the tall tales of the jesters and milkers who make grant applications by the gazillions.  Oh, oh, I’d better get rid of that word or Obama will be using it as the next step up the chain of debt beyond trillions.  I can hear him now saying he needs a few more gazillions to bail out this or that pet project of his; (maybe his new Global Warming Agency?) Perhaps they should call it the new and expanded Global WARNING Agency.

After millennia and more millennia of climate changes, from the days when our cold and barren earth was created by God and turned into a venue for warm and loving people, to the days of warmth needed to create a growing place for food for those people, climate changes have taken place.  They are cyclical in nature, and nature is the key word here, as that is what causes these climate changes.  Infinitely long before man had any input whatsoever in the process, if in fact he EVER has!

All of the Global Warming Agencies put together are no match for Mother Nature and her brilliant methods of making our climate react for different reasons, some too exacting for the simple minds of pseudo scientists to fathom.  But in spite of this, here is what Obama’s Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said at a recent news conference, "Whether we like it or not, climate change represents a real threat." It was reported that he didn’t even crack a smile when he said it.  But I’d bet that Mother Nature cringed just a bit.

Then, not to be outdone by this brilliant observation, Locke’s boss, Janet Lubchenco, (no, not the Russian scientist), but head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration added, "Climate change is real, it’s happening now."   Can you believe the profundity of that statement?  Where does "O" get these scintillating characters?  I would have never guessed that climate change was happening now!

But those bits of wisdom do not enter into the wild and lavish money disappearing acts performed by the famed money wizard, Barack Obama, the one person who can make a trillion, or even a gazillion, disappear like a puff of smoke on a windy day.

Somebody, please stop him.  Obama is making America look foolish to intelligent peoples of the world.

America’s Bolshevik

Obama denies being an ideologue or a Bolshevik, why?  Is he ashamed of his heritage and convictions, just intent on keeping his motivations covert until the right time to spring his true nature upon us, or is there a technicality that we need to grasp?

Perhaps we should analyze the term Bolshevik.  Historically, the Bolsheviks were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), founded by Vladimir Lenin.  They split from the Menshevik faction in 1903, during the Second Party Congress.  They eventually gained control during the October phase of the Revolution in 1917.  Bolshevik means "majority" or "large" and the nickname resulted from having the majority rule in a crucial vote.  Later on after gaining complete control, Lenin maintained that since there was no opposition, there was no longer the need to call themselves the majority party or Bolsheviks, thus they named themselves the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Eventually, Lenin died and Stalin gained control of the party.  Trotsky was exiled and wrote extensively condemning Stalin’s "incorrect" version of Communism by referring to it as Bolshevism, a derivative of Bolshevik, in apposition to Leninism.  Consequently the term Bolshevik developed negative connotations for the "pure" Communist; perhaps this explains Obama’s displeasure at being called a Bolshevik.  He like many others must feel the sting of those who are critical of Stalin’s regime.

The term, Ideologue, evolved in the highly contested political and philosophical debates of the French Revolution; coined by Destutt de Tracy, initially, it referred to the study of the science of ideas or the study of ideas and the means and logic of those ideas.

Later, Napoleon used the term as a pejorative toward his political opponents, since that time it has been used as a term of derision in political discussion to point out an opposing politician’s inability to grasp ideas that are different than those of his party line, thus reflecting a pettiness and lack of cognitive ability.

Obama's taking exception to being considered an Ideologue becomes a matter of conjecture when examining the platform of America’s Communist Party.  Although Obama denies any association with the Communist Party of the United States, (CPUSA) they are in express agreement with all of his policies.  They could not have had a better representative if they had won the election.

The CPUSA’s stated goals are to achieve a free, prosperous, and peaceful society free of racism, sexism, homophobia, and exploitation, in which all people have the opportunity to develop to their full potential.  These same goals were espoused by Obama during his campaign, the same goals of the Social Democrats and of the Progressive Democrats.  The Communists above all maintain that they advocate a peaceful Socialist Revolution and a peaceful transition to Socialism.  Obviously if they didn’t, the Communist Party would be outlawed; therefore the claim is probably one of expediency and is purely academic.

All things considered, I understand why a true Marxist in the Russian tradition balks at being labeled a Bolshevik.  It is an insult from the days of Trotsky’s bitter writing over his ouster and banishment.  Being upset at being labeled an Ideologue is a matter of history.  In the context of the early days of the French Revolution, Obama should consider it a compliment to be called an ideologue.  If his frame of reference is from the Napoleonic perspective, he is indeed an Ideologue, after all Karl Marx frequently implied that it was essential to be an Ideologue.  Obviously Obama is confused over these issues as he seems to be over many issues.  It would probably be a much easier if he would just be honest with the American People and admit that he is a Communist Ideologue, with his reelection chances diminishing daily, he has reached the point where honesty can only improve his ratings.  Of course if he had been honest in the beginning, he would have never been elected.

Posted by Skookum on the Flopping Aces blog.
There can be little argument that the agendas of Obama, the Democrat Party, and the CPUSA are strikingly similar -- cursor down on the Flopping Aces link to review a condensed version of the CPUSA platform.

A Peer Review

I received the following over the transom from an attorney who was an associate and peer of Michelle Robinson (Obama) at the law firm of Sidley Austin, LLP.
Michele's office was on my floor at the firm and I would walk by it everyday.  She was rarely in the office, had very limited work papers in her office, yet apparently was drawing an associate salary while not practicing law, and billing huge hours as is ordinary for an associate.  My fellow associates and I worked to 10 p.m. customarily and many times to  2 to 3 a.m., every weekend, meeting the crushing work loads.  But Michele never had to do that, which understandably caused a lot of resentment amongst fellow associates.  I have no first hand knowledge since it would be a private and confidential arrangement, but the associate scuttlebutt drawn from partner "leaks" was that she was drawing a firm salary while working full time for City Hall doing political fund raising and "special projects" work for the Daley Machine.  The word was that this arrangement benefited the firm because many times their real estate clients had city zoning and other legal issues that required city approvals or resolution, so the firm needed to be viewed as on the city hall team and accede to their wishes.  So from the very start of her career my opinion is that Michelle was the beneficiary of the nefarious city hall back scratching schemes.  As demonstrated by The Obama File, she seems to have benefitted from these "arrangements" her entire professional career.  I have my doubts that she did much at the University of Chicago to justify such an enormous salary and have never heard tell of any significant projects she was handling, let alone any accomplishments or major successes in the healthcare field. 


Michele at one point did leave officially to work for the Daley Administration, but was already well engaged in political activities during the day and regularly absent from the firm for a lengthy period of time before she left.  I can't recall the precise timelines but I would estimate that she was listed as an associate at the firm but not carrying a regular work load for well over one year, maybe even two years before she "left" for the City Hall payroll. 

On a personal note, Michele was simply the most angry, arrogant and caustic young person I have ever met in my life.  She simply would not engage with her fellow associates and apparently viewed herself as superior to them.  I personally observed that she would only engage with partners, most notably senior partners.  Never a friendly smile or good morning for staff or fellow associates as she walked past them day after day after day.  I remember one particular instance where a group of associates and I were chatting at a firm cocktail party and I noted how no one seemed to know Michele but were constantly gossiping about her.  The gang just commented about how arrogant and unfriendly she was and never around.  I commented that maybe she was just uncomfortable as a Southside girl being around all of these elitist, snobby white folks at a silk stocking firm.  So I walked over to her when she was getting hors d'oeuvres and introduced myself as a friendly overture.  She gave me a dirty look, literally threw her head back and turned her back on me and walked back over the a group of senior partners gathered around Eden Martin!  As if you say how dare you approach me you filthy little underling.  I went back to my group of associates friends feeling embarrassed and they just chuckled and said "told ya'."  So, Michele was not the sweet or kind person the media would like us to believe.  She was an elitist and only was interested in those who could advance her personal interest, not ordinary folks.  To this day, that episode was the rudest I have ever been treated by anyone, and there are lot of rude lawyers out there.
I never met Barack, but only heard about him second hand.  My fellow associates who were summer interns with him (in '89 I think) described him as very tall, handsome, thin, and amiable but pretty aloof.  They commented of his love of basketball and that he was always up for a game and that basketball and politics is all that grabbed his interest at the time.  They stated that he did not seem to be interested in practicing law at a big firm and doing the hard and dull work that that entailed, was just drawing his big pay check, that he did not turn work assignments in on a timely matter, was gone frequently, and generally wanted to be a community organizer in preparation for a political career, not as a practicing attorney.  As a result, the firm -- according to what I was told by people that should know -- did not extend him an offer.   So as shocking as it seems, our Obama apparently did not make the cut as a summer intern.  I suspect that is buried like all written documentation and will never see the light of day, but I do wonder if Obama could produce an offer letter from Sidley?  According to what I was told, and this is just second hand, he was not offered a job and was instead sent a regrets letter.  This of course is not to say that he could not have succeeded if he wanted to.   He is bright and quick, and I would hate to try a lawsuit against him, but certainly not the brilliant legal scholar and committed, talented practicing attorney that he has been portrayed as by the media.  He was, and is very much a clever Southside Chicago pol, no more and no less.
According to Wikipedia, Obama was a summer associate with Hopkins & Sutter in 1990, and graduated in 1991 from Harvard.  So that would suggest he was a first year summer intern at Sidley in 89', was not offered to return for a second summer, took a summer intern job at Hopkins & Sutter, and probably did not get an offer there either -- unless he can account for his time away from legal practice.  Hopkins paid a top tier salary, so I doubt that he would turn that down if he was offered it. 
Both were kind of odd cases at Sidley, frankly.  Regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or other background, all other young lawyers to a person that I met were very committed to making a career at the firm, worked very hard at their projects, worked on honing their craft and were trying to build a reputation within the firm for doing quality legal work and build a career.  However, both Michele and Barack came into the firm and were treated very differently and behaved differently, more like political hires who were just using the firm as a political vehicle, getting a blue-chip firm stamp on their resume, and being funded in the meantime.  Same basic "arrangement" as Bernadine Dohrn had.  She did not do legal work to my knowledge and paying her a salary was simply a deposit in the favor bank to borrow a phrase from Bonfire of the Vanities.  Mary A. Dempsey, current head of the Chicago Public Library and husband of super lawyer and Dem pol Phil Corboy, was another political hire.  She did not really practice law but simply practiced Chicago politics and drew a salary at the same time.  This is what they call the "Chicago Way."  Future leaders are not chosen on merit or strength of character but are simply groomed and coopted as appartchniks of the political machine.  
My strong sense is that both Michele and Barack Obama are mere empty creations of the Chicago political machine who advanced through the ranks in order to support vested political and economic interests.  Who these vested interests were or what back room deals were made, no one will ever know.  Barack's background as a "constitutional scholar" is widely acknowledged a being a sham by the true constitutional lawyers and scholars in Chicago.  How can you be a constitutional scholar when you have not written a single legal brief on the subject, given a single meaningful scholarly lecture before experts, published a peer-reviewed scholarly articles or treatise?  There is simply no "there, there" which is why BHO is so lost when he goes off of teleprompter and seems to be so lost for answers and fresh ideas or even rudimentary knowledge -- he is simply the spokesman for these hidden interests and power brokers who espouse a radical far left ideology and delivers the same old tired leftist adages and buzz words.  My measurement of him is that is literally the living, breathing and tragically elected "Chauncey Gardiner of the Left."  (Remember the scene where the power brokers at the end of the film "Being There" were talking about raising Chance the gardener to the office of the President).
Michelle Obama has been on court ordered inactive status with the Illinois State Attorneys bar from 1993, after only 4 years of practicing law.  Many are curious to know what did she did, or didn't do, to acquire this status. 


Permalink . . .



Attorneys Only -- Information Request

Three classes of U. S. citizenship are currently identified on The Obama File's Natural Born page.  These three classes are referenced in the US Constitution, applicable case law, and US Code:

1.  "Natural born" citizen
2.  "Native born" citizen
3.  "Naturalized" citizen

All three are "citizens" of the United States of America.  However, if one looks at the logical cases, there appears to be a fourth class:

1.  Parentage important AND birthplace important -- a "natural born" citizen is any person born of US citizen parents (that's two) in the US mainland (includes Alaska and Hawaii) -- think Ronal Reagan.

2.  Parentage not important AND birthplace important -- a "native born" citizen is any person born in the US mainland (includes Alaska and Hawaii) -- one or both of the parents may be foreign nationals -- think Barack Obama.

3.  Parentage not important AND birthplace not important -- a "naturalized" citizen is a citizen as the result of a process -- think Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Given that, what is the proper name and classification for the following case:

4.  Parentage important AND birthplace not important -- a "foreign born" citizen is any person born of US citizen parents (that's two) on foreign soil -- think John McCain.

My question is, what is the proper term for the 4th case, the citizen I'm identifying as "foreign born" -- the McCain example -- and what law applies?

Please, only serious responses to:  beckwith at theobamafile dot com -- in proper form, of course -- the email address is spelled out to avoid web crawlers.
Note:  John McCain was not born in the mainland US or on a US military/naval base.  John Sidney McCain III was born at the Colon Hospital, located at Avenida Melendez and 2nd Street, Manzanillo Island, City of Colon, Republic of Panama.  The time of birth on the birth certificate issued by Panama Railroad Company (which owned the Colon Hospital) was 5:25 PM and the day and date of birth was Saturday, August 29, 1936.

Please -- I love you all, but this is not an invitation to a discussion, or a rehash of what has been on this site for more than a year.  I am only interested in a direct answer to a direct question, and the documentation to support it. 

There are well meaning folks that are sending me stuff that has nothing to do with my inquiry.  I know they are well intended, but I am just deleting the emails that contain anything but a direct answer to the direct question I am asking. 

So, please, save your time -- and mine.

I will post what I find out at a later date -- stay tuned!

Obama and the Senate (03:49) -- language

Don't Mess With Obama

The New York Times is reporting that a journalist who wrote an article on Monday has left the wire service.  A Reuters spokeswoman declined to say whether the journalist, Terri Cullen, left voluntarily, or why.  "I can't really go into any detail," said the spokeswoman, Courtney Dolan.

Ms. Cullen stepped down less than a month after being hired for the newly created position of wealth management editor.  She had worked for more than a decade for The Wall Street Journal Online.

Her article said that Obama’s budget amounted to a backdoor tax increase for middle-income and even lower-income people, based largely on the scheduled expiration of income tax cuts passed in 2001, but the gang at the White House insisted that Obama had actually proposed keeping those cuts in place for all but high-income families.

After a complaint from the White House, Reuters caved, and withdrew the article, stating that it was inaccurate.

Inaccurate?  Really?

The Hill blog is running an article, "President Obama’s budget seeks an end to tax break for the middle class," that begins:  Grappling to contain record deficits, Barack Obama is seeking to end a middle-class tax break he once said would be permanent.

The $3.8 trillion budget request rolled out by the White House on Monday would renew the Making Work Pay tax credit for fiscal 2011, but then would have it sunset.  That’s a switch from last year, when Obama’s budget called for making the tax credit permanent.

Where to begin?  Lets' start here:

"Obama had actually proposed keeping those cuts in place for all but high-income families" -- hey, gang, a proposal is only that -- a proposal.  Try taking one to the bank and cashing it.

But, far more important is the fact that, once again, Obama and his henchmen didn't hesitate to pressure Reuters, and now Obama can add one more to his legions of unemployed.

Free speech is a wonderful thing -- but not in ObamaWorld.


The Constitutional Law Professor

During the presidential campaign, Obama consistently and falsely claimed that he was a constitutional law professor.   The Sun-Times reported that, "several direct-mail pieces issued for Obama's primary [Senate] campaign said he was a law professor at the University of Chicago.  He was not.  He was a senior lecturer at the school.  In academia, there is a vast difference between the two titles.

As a "constitutional law instructor," Obama has been quoted as saying that the Constitution of the United States is a flawed document.

Jim O'Neill noticed that in his State of the Union address, our constitutional scholar stated that "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal…."

There’s a problem here, however.  It turns out that "the notion that we are all created equal" is not "enshrined in our Constitution" -- it’s from the Declaration of Independence.

This mistaken attribution is an understandable faux pas for your average person, but Obama’s supposed to be a Harvard-trained constitutional lawyer.  It doesn’t say much for Harvard Law School, or Obama’s grasp of the Constitution, when he confuses the U.S. Constitution with the Declaration of Independence.

These guys are so picky.  It was obviously an error on the part of TOTUS.

Tres Bizarre!

"Buried in an Obama t-shirt"  (01:34)
In case you didn't clearly hear Obama, he said, "She insisted she is going to be buried in an Obama T-shirt."  Yup!  He really did.

Obama told the friendly crowd that the dead woman had no health insurance.  What Obama didn't tell you is that the woman, Melanie Shouse, a health care activist, did in fact have insurance -- she had a catastrophic policy with a $5,000 deductible.

Four years ago, she chose not to pay for a routine exam and a mammogram, despite feeling a lump in her breast at age 37.  Shouse began feeling ill.  She said couldn't afford a doctor because she and her partner had just used their savings to open a business.

"When I first noticed a small lump on my breast, denial seemed the only option," Ms. Shouse told the the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA, "The People's World."

At Powerline blog, A reader adds:  "This has really become a farce.  Can you imagine even a rock star saying something along those lines -- 'and she was buried in one of our concert tees' -- I would only expect to see that in some scene from This Is Spinal Tap."

And one final note:  Ms. Shouse actually requested that her body be cremated wearing her Obama T-shirt.

Tom McGuire has the full story here . . .

Obama has some interesting friends and supporters.  Every time you turn around, up pops more Communists.

Democrats Abandoning Obama

Kasie Hunt is reporting that New York politicians were able to kick the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial out of Manhattan, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that not a single member of Congress wants the trial held in their home town either.

A growing coalition of lawmakers are saying "not in my back yard" to the terrorism trial, as even the most loyal Democrats are moving to block funding for any civilian trials.  The pushback may represent yet another congressional rebellion against a high profile Obama White House terrorism decision, proving that even a persuasive Obama can’t overcome the power of local politics.

"We’re going to do everything we can to make sure they don’t point at western Pennsylvania as a possible venue," said Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.).  "We are all united, going to voice our opinion, both at the state level and at the congressional level."

These politics are playing out in several regions around the country, from western Pennsylvania to northern Virginia and other potential locations for a 9/11 trial.  The National Republican Congressional Committee plans to use the issue to target Democratic representatives Bill Foster and Debbie Halvorson in Illinois, Scott Murphy and Michael McMahon in New York, and Kathy Dahlkemper in Pennsylvania.

Virginia Sen. Jim Webb is leading Democrats' charge against the trials in the Senate.  Webb favors military commissions, and he says Virginia lawmakers will be opposed to having a civilian trial in Alexandria.

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is not opposing the trials "out of hand," his spokesman said, but "he would want an explanation as to why it’s any safer in western Pennsylvania than it is in New York City."

Obama is also going to face louder calls to move the trials out of the U.S. entirely.  Democratic senators had an "intense discussion" about the administration’s Guantanamo Bay policies during a policy lunch Tuesday, one senator said.

Eighteen senators -- including two Democrats -- have signed on to legislation backed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to strip funding for civilian trials for the accused 9/11 conspirators.  Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) will introduce a companion bill in the House.

"I believe these individuals are war criminals and that their alleged evils against our country warrant their trials in military courts," said Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), who is facing a tough reelection battle this year.  "Trying these conspirators in civilian court is giving them a public stage to advocate their cause."

Obama knows he has a problem, but still seems committed to finding a location for a federal trial.

"We've tried a lot of terrorists in our courts; we have them in our federal prisons; they've never escaped.  And these folks are no different.  It's been one of those things that's been subject to a lot of, in some cases, pretty rank politics," Obama said in an interview Monday on YouTube.

But the longer the local fights drag out, the more problematic the issue will be for Democrats in November.

Good News! is reporting that after insisting for a year that failure was not an option, Barack Obama is now acknowledging his healthcare overhaul may die in Congress.

His tone at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser Thursday night verged at times on defeatist.  Even while saying he still wanted to get the job done, Obama bowed to new political realities.  Democrats no longer command a filibuster-proof Senate majority, and voters and lawmakers are far more concerned with jobs and the economy than with enacting sweeping and expensive changes to the health system.

"I think it's very important for us to have a methodical, open process over the next several weeks, and then let's go ahead and make a decision," Obama said Thursday night.

"And it may be that ... if Congress decides we're not going to do it, even after all the facts are laid out, all the options are clear, then the American people can make a judgment as to whether this Congress has done the right thing for them or not," Obama said.  "And that's how democracy works.  There will be elections coming up and they'll be able to make a determination and register their concerns one way or the other during election time."

Continue reading here . . .

This guy is amazing.  He's been pushing ObamaCare 24/7/365, and now that it's going into the dumpah -- as it should -- Obama is putting the loss at Congress' feet by saying, "the American people can make a judgment as to whether this Congress has done the right thing for them or not."

I got a clue for Obama, the American people can also make a judgment as to whether he has done the right thing for them or not.


Senator Kit Bond Questions Obama's Motivation

February 4, 2010

The Honorable Barack H. Obama
President of the United States
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

During my tenure on the Senate Intelligence Committee, I have worked with the Executive Branch to stem the disclosure of sensitive information.  In 2006, for example, I introduced legislation that would aid the Executive Branch in prosecuting individuals engaged in leaks of classified information.  In the realm of national security, sometimes it is necessary to withhold critical information from the public that may be used by our enemies to harm the American people.

Accordingly, I am deeply disturbed with the official handling of vital national security information regarding the recent cooperation by the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab.  On Monday afternoon, the leadership of the Senate Intelligence Committee received notification from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concerning Abdulmutallab’s recent willingness to provide critical information.  FBI officials stressed the importance of not disclosing the fact of his cooperation in order to protect on-going and follow-on operations to neutralize additional threats to the American public; FBI Director Bob Mueller personally stressed to me that keeping the fact of his cooperation quiet was vital to preventing future attacks against the United States.  Handling this information in such a sensitive manner struck me as entirely appropriate.

Twenty-four hours later, however, White House staff assembled members of the media to announce Abdulmutallab’s cooperation and to laud the events that led to his decision to cooperate with law enforcement personnel.  This information immediately hit the air waves globally and, no doubt, reached the ears of our enemies abroad.

At the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Annual World Wide Threats Hearing Tuesday, the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI Director, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency all stated they believe terrorists will attempt another attack on America within the next few months.  I cannot understand, Mr. President, why the sudden cooperation by Abdulmutallab would be broadcast publicly to the media in detail when your intelligence chiefs are unanimously warning that another attack on our country is imminent.  The release of this sensitive information has no doubt been helpful to his terrorist cohorts around the world.

It is deeply disturbing to me that the Intelligence Committee would be advised of sensitive information, and told of the vital imperative to keep such information secret for the sake of national security, only to see this information -- less than twenty-four hours later -- broadcast to the world from the White House.  This distortion of the congressional notification process suggests that other considerations are taking precedence over keeping timely and sensitive information away from our enemies.

Some have tried to use Abdulmutallab’s sudden cooperation as a justification for prosecuting this foreign terrorist in an Article III court, but I believe this development supports an opposing view.  Because we treated him in this fashion, we followed Miranda and advised him of his right to remain silent, losing five crucial weeks for obtaining imminent threat information.  Miranda is issued when statements from the accused are needed to obtain a conviction, but in this case we did not need his own statements as the chemical evidence he was wearing and over 200 witnesses would ably suffice; hence, the decision to mirandize made no sense on a practical or strategic level.  Additionally, Abdulmutallab’s family was key in gaining his cooperation, and in most cases the suicide bomber does not have a moderate Islamic family willing to work with the United States; in fact, the opposite is most often the case (as with the suicide bomber that killed seven CIA officers in Khost, whose wife applauded her husband’s actions).

I urge you, Mr. President, to consider the consequences of publicly disseminating sensitive information vital to the defense of the American people.  I do not believe the American people want this information jeopardized to further political arguments.  The American people rightfully expect the government’s first priority to be their security.  It is also critical that our courageous law enforcement and intelligence professionals know that they can trust that sensitive information vital to their efforts to protect the American people will not be disclosed.


Christopher S. Bond
United States Senator

Obama Says Anything -- And Does So, Again and Again

Hugh Hewitt says said the caller from Atlanta said, "I have seen more of President Obama than I have of my wife, and I'm a newlywed."

Funny.  And true.  And sad.  Stung by his defeat in Massachusetts after a personal appearance on behalf of Martha Coakley and a long speech telling Massachusetts voters why they had to send her to Washington, Obama seems intent on punishing the entire nation with speech after speech after speech.

We are to be cajoled into submission.

It isn’t working.  "He talks and talks," Mark Steyn said on my show Thursday.  "And the more his rhetoric is detached from reality, the more he’s actually devaluing his only currency which is words."

Obama’s meeting with Senate Democrats on Wednesday is the perfect example of the political cul-de-sac he finds himself in.  He is trying to use words to change the political weather, but the more he speaks, the more ridiculous his arguments appear.

He told the senators that "they needed to get out there, get out of Washington, out of the echo chamber."  This is laughable when this past August is recalled.  Democrats went home to their states and districts and found town halls jammed with ObamaCare opponents.  Then Obama urged them to disregard the voters.  They did so, and their political peril is palpable.  Now he is telling them to hold more town halls.

That’s not amazing as Obama’s rewrite of budget history, which somehow ignores that the budget deficit was $161 billion in 2007 and now stands at $1.6 trillion, a staggering number that is spooking markets.  "We’ve also got to get back to fiscal responsibility," he told the senators, and the listeners outside the room howled.  Not only is Obama not persuading the public of his ideas or his leadership skills, he is shrinking before their very eyes.  It is a poor impersonation of Jon Lovitz, with Obama thinking, "that’s the ticket!" with every paragraph he utters.

Obama does seem to realize that blaming President Bush, which was never very presidential to begin with, has become almost a sign of adolescence.  He is thus pivoting from blaming his predecessor to blaming the Congressional GOP.  Obama told the senators that they had had to face more filibusters in a single year than all of the filibusters of the 1950s and 1960s combined, and blamed the Republicans for obstructionism.  Of course this is nonsense.  Not a single successful partisan filibuster was mounted in 2009, which is not surprising because after Arlen Specter’s switch, the GOP totaled 40 votes.  A handful of Obama nominees languished because significant numbers of Democrats joined Republicans in opposing them, but the idea that obstructionism prevailed throughout 2009 is risible, and Obama who claims 60 votes is just not enough is risible as well.

The entire meeting was comedy though it was intended as drama, and Obama left thinking he’d had another great day, just as he thinks he won his debate with Republicans the Friday before.

While Obama pats himself on the back, however, the unemployment numbers climbed, the budget deficit shocked, the markets tanked and Iran threatened.  Obama is in a bubble of words and surrounded by "advisors" who are clearly overmatched by the world.  Even Republicans have to hope a shuffle is ahead for the senior staff, and that some experienced leadership is brought to 1600.  The country is in a difficult place, and unlike a debate tournament, losing a few rounds has enormous consequences.

We have to hope that Obama recognizes that his speech offensive has become offensive, and that what really needs to be done is some work.  Beginning with a red pen and his absurd budget.  When he asks his party to do anything remotely difficult --and that does not include demanding ruinous taxes on the small businesses they so obviously disdain and in some cases despise-- people may begin to listen again.

Or perhaps not.  Obama may already be in reruns in most voters minds, which makes for a long three years ahead.

Two Faced

Ron Russell says we've all heard the expression, "a mirror image."  Most think the image and the reflection are the same when in reality -- they are opposites.
What we saw and heard from Obama on the campaign trail was one thing (the mirror image), and what we are getting now is the true Obama.  A far left politician with an almost alien agenda.  He simply wants to change American into his personal vision of what he thinks America should be.  His ideals come from years of influence by people who believe that capitalism is an evil and corrupt system.  He is using the economic downturn, which is a normal part of a free market system, to advance his agenda.  An agenda not of the European socialist kind, but one far more radical and foreign to the traditional American system.  This is a power grab that puts the efforts of Hugo Chavez to shame.  Its beginning to take shape and some see the looming danger it presents while others stand in awe waiting for the next words of the great orator.

Zeituni's Can Kicked Down The Road

Sweetness & Light comments on a Boston Globe report of an immigration hearing that could lead to the deportation of Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, ended today without a decision being issued.  Onyango has been living in Boston and has been under a deportation order since 2004 when her request for asylum was denied by a US Immigration Court judge.  Actually, Ms. Onyango was first ordered to be deported in 2003, according to another Boston Globe article.

She appealed that order in a closed-door hearing at the John F. Kennedy Building in downtown Boston, testifying for about three hours yesterday.
Onyango, who leaned on a cane as she moved around the building, did not speak with reporters.  Neither her attorney, Margaret Wong, nor Wong’s spokeswoman, Amy Cohn, would discuss her testimony.  Wong said Obama has not submitted any letter on behalf of his aunt.

At the White House today, spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama is staying out of the matter.  Obama learned about his aunt’s legal plight in 2008 during his campaign, Gibbs said. "We said then and we would continue to say that everybody in this country should and must follow the law," he said, according to a transcript supplied by the White House.  "We have not been involved at all in that hearing, and we’ll let the law play out as it should."

The aunt’s legal team said they were calling two medical doctors as witnesses.  They identified the doctors as Dr. David Stone and Dr. Robert Weiss.  Stone, they said, is Onyango’s personal physician.  They declined to identify Weiss’s medical specialty or hospital affiliation.  "The doctors are here in relation to her medical condition, but that’s not every aspect of the case," Cohn said…

Why is this hearing being held behind closed doors?  That is not the convention.  Is national security involved?  And why has Ms. Onyango’s case taken so long to decide?  She has been ordered to be deported twice; first in 2003, and then in 2004.  And, lest we forget, her deportation hearing was postponed from April of last year until yesterday.  And now the decision has been postponed again.

Meanwhile, in the past seven years nothing whatsoever has occurred to change the circumstances of the case.  Certainly the political situation in Kenya is no worse now, since one of her relatives, Raila Odinga, is the current Kenyan Prime Minister.  No, all that has changed is that Ms. Onyango has added to her list of illegal acts.  Which include an illegal $260 contribution to her nephew's presidential campaign.

She has also continued to bilk the US taxpayers out of money for public housing as well as expensive operations and, of course, for her immigration lawyers.

As the article suggests, Ms. Onyango’s attorneys are now claiming that her medical condition prevents her from returning to her native Kenya.  In fact, her lawyers now claim that Ms. Onyango cannot walk.  Indeed, her taxpayer supplied attorney, Ms. Margaret Wong claims, "she has to go in a wheelchair but because of her pride she tries to give the impression that she can walk."

We have to say, it’s a mighty convincing "impression."  Besides, nobody is saying she has to walk back to Kenya.

The American taxpayer has been paying for this parasite's existence for ten years, including that nice outfit she's wearing in the photo. 

We'll all be dead from old age before they deport this serial lawbreaker.  In the meantime she will continue to receive free housing, free money, free medical, and free legal -- is America a great country, or what?

It would be interesting to know if she is registered to vote.


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