Friday, 19 March 2010


The untold story of a secret Virginia facility where creative interrogation techniques helped secure victory in World War II . . .

. . . only now comes to light . . . STORMBRINGER

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An amazing collection of Surf action photography . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . STORMBRINGER

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Hot Heidi........

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Guess it's No Parking here......

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What's This?

Answer Here

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Car Knowledge.........

Play Here

H/T Peter Gunn

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What’s in the Reconciled Health Care Bill?

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, March 18th

Saving the Tea Parties from Tom Tancredo…Or From Dick Armey?

White Death: the Sniper Who Killed 700 Soviets in 100 Days

Facebook Users Targeted in Massive Spam Run

Union behind BA strike receives £18m from taxpayers in ‘money-laundering’ deal with Labour

Two heroes get George Cross as record number of medals awarded for Afghanistan

France debates the return of bordellos

Property tycoon 'lost Lamborghini while drunk'

Teacher hangs effigy of Barack Obama after school sacking

Russia and US clash over Iran nuclear plant

Afghan MPS demand reparations from Russia for Red Army occupation

Why is Gordon Brown keeping so quiet about our victory in Afghanistan?

New Zealand banker who ran ‘Ponzi’ scam spent millions on prostitutes

Californian porn stars face same safety training as medical staff

NATO Rattles Its Weapons Near Russia’s Borders Again

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam:

and finally.......

A Tribute to Man Jorts

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Red Friday Totty.............

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Reason TV: Bring Back The People: Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Care

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American Commissariat


From Moonbattery

14 months of successful constitutional destruction: If it looks like our separation of powers is collapsing towards an autocratic Executive, you may be perceptive.

Via Gator: Howard Stern Calls 'Em Commies!

The Reb

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Speaker Geoff Burch you've never seen him before! With him is his lovely wife Sallie. Sallie has travelled to the USA on many occasions with Geoff.

See Geoff's new website: Geoff Burch

See my website: Jeremy Jacobs

Listen to my voice-clips: #voicetalent

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

IDF Women

IDF Women of Air Corps

More at DoubleTapper


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Rebel News

Johnny Cash: Johnny Yuma

What we're readin' 'round the Reb:

10th Amendment Movements Growing Across the Country

Sign of the Times: Corruption and Tyranny

Another Sign of the Times, at Moonbattery

A Nation of Whims and Not Laws

Rightwing Links at the Classic Liberal

The Bayonet's Weekly Roundups are without peer


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Bedtime Totty.........

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Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

Rebel of the Year, Bret Baier Interviews President Obama (Part 1) - 03/17/10

"Certainly this was not what the White House had in mind when President Obama agreed to sit down and chat with the heretofore-nondescript Fox anchor. Where is Anita Dunn and her war on Fox News when you need her? With all due respect to Brit Hume and Charles Krauthammer, who didn't acknowledge on air that their colleague bested the president, Baier clearly had Obama fumbling around and stuttering and totally flustered . . . .Evidence that he was off balance could be found in the fact that he avoided answering almost all of Baier's questions and resorted to burying himself in the worn-out clichés of this entire debate, as this early exchange demonstrates." C. Edmund Wright, Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

Bret Baier Interviews Obama Part 2/2

Thank you, FOX News!

John Hudson: Was it Worth it?

Was for us!

The Reb

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Cartoon Round Up....

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The truth in Life is you get what you pay for, and if it's free, it isn't worth doodley-squat.

Full report from someone on the inside of this mess . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . STORMBRINGER

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Bonus Babe.......

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Ad: BMW S1000 RR. Dinner for RR.

H/T Dick B

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Spot the Bridge...........

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I think she is serious.......

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Thought for the Day........

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Great Blogging Spot......

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Inside a Typhoon........

World’s Biggest Submarine

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Video: The Aquatic Life of Dennis Chamberland

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Video: Rumsfeld gets cute at the podium

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Slide Show.......

Military Tech in Action

H/T Paul B

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Spring has sprung.......

Well it has in Ontario

H/T Pete H

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Video: Machine creates aluminum helmet

H/T Canis 61

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Caption Time...


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Clinton Hails "Unshakable Bond" With Israel

H/T Steve M

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Desperate: Leftists Use Alleged Parkinson's 'Victim' to Smear Tea Partiers

Measure Blocking “Slaughter Solution” Introduced by Former Democrat......

New Poll Finds Americans Really, Really Do Not Want ObamaCare (PJM Exclusive)

Gitmo Lawyer Julia Tarver Mason: Aiding, Abetting … and Not Talking

The Gipper

EU Foreign Policymaking Post-Lisbon: Confused and Contrived

Gordon Brown admits error on defence spending evidence

Birth tourism in US on the rise for Turkish parents

Rielle Hunter: "I was not the Home Wrecker".

Man used penis to assault female police officer

Finally, Gordon Brown is forced to admit the truth about Defence spending

Childhood photo of Barack Obama in Indonesia found

Iraq heading for 'disastrous' dead heat in elections

Hawaii considers ban on requests for Obama's birth certificate

Nato help needed to fight cyber war

US 'kills' al-Qaeda leader involved in CIA bombing

North Korea increases its missile numbers by 25 per cent

North Korean official Pak Nam-ki executed for disastrous currency reform

Tehran accused of arming Taleban with weapons and explosives

and finally.......

Suspect Poll Doesn’t Ask/Doesn’t Tell (P.S.:Actual Service & Demographics)

Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother

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Thursday Totty.......

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Video: Fighter Tactics Against the B-29 1948 RAF Training Film

Crown Film Unit RAF training film depicting best practices against American B-29's in 1948 - using Meteor IV and Vampires. The B-29's are playing the role of Soviet Tu-4's.

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Video: Fitness - Sexy Chick Workout

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

New IDF Weapon UAV Mosquito

The IDF has been using unmanned drones or UAV's for years. UAV's safely get up-to-date intelligence over battlefields in the Second Lebanon War and in this past winter's Cast Lead operation. They also provide daily updates from Gaza. However, technology has managed to shrink the standard 1.5 meter long (roughly 6-8 feet) IAF drones into the new Ultra Small "Mosquito" drone.

Launched by hand using a harpoon gun type mechanism (it doesn't need a landing strip to take off), the mosquito only weighs 500 grams, can be remotely controlled up to 3 kilometers away, and can...

More at DoubleTapper

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Redemption Day

Johnny Cash - Redemption Day

Virgil Sends

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Bedtime Totty.........

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Morning Flights.........

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King's Lynn Totty........

........I wish.

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Bumper Sticker.....

H/T Martin

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Cartoon Round Up....

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