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Saturday, November 29, 2008

“And so, it has come to this.”

November 29, 2008
11:01 PM CST

Those were the words with which Johnny Carson started to wrap up his last Tonight Show, and they work for me, too.

As a writer, it should be easy for me to find the words, fitting words which suit the situation, but I have to tell you, after six years and countless thousands of words, it’s still not easy.

What gives me the greatest joy of all, in all this, is that my beloved wife Connie will no longer have to keep this bucket of bits and bytes running, and can spend more time doing the things she loves than putting up with the thankless role of Tech Support. People often say that “without so-and-so, none of this would have been possible” and their words ring hollow; well, in my case, that’s literally true. Without her, this magnificent website would have been a series of text pieces on BlogSpot or whatever, and to her go all the plaudits for what this site ever was. (Her farewell is here.)

It would be great to offer words of exhortation for we few, we happy band of conservatives, to continue to take the fight to the socialists: but to be honest, I really don’t have those words, anymore. Besides, I’ve said all that so many times before that anything I say now would just be redundant.

Somebody wrote to me and said, very graciously, that he now knows how people felt when Albert Jay Nock passed away. While that’s all very flattering, I am not fit to fill Nock’s pen, let alone be an heir to his astonishing legacy of thoughtful, philosophical and intellectual discourse. And I suspect that, like Nock, my writings will fade into obscurity, with only occasional memories thereof that might linger in the consciousness of a small few.

And that’s fine. From the very beginning, my philosophy on this website has been to say what makes sense to me. And, like Nock, I’ve said that all those who agree may stay awhile, while all those who don’t, may pass by. And it appears that more than a few agreed: over 15 million visits to this site will not be denied.

Some people have asked me to recommend a “surrogate”, an alternative website to visit so they may get their daily “fix”. To which I reply: “Of what?” Just because I combined discussion and pictures of guns, politics, beautiful women, culture, and all the other things which give me pleasure in this world, that doesn’t mean that none of that exists out there, in places dedicated to their specifics. The supermarket may close, but that does not negate the fare offered by the bakery, the butchery and the wine store—one just has to go from one to the other—and the fare is just as good, if not better.

None of that is important. My thoughts on all the above were never posted as anything definitive—hell, most 18-year-old gun owners know better than I how their guns work, for example—and it’s probably a good thing that my fairly-superficial discussion of the topics I covered will now give way to writers who know more about their topic than I ever would.

And that’s all there is to it.

Now it’s time to close off my back porch to visitors, and turn it back into a family room. Thank you all for sharing this place and time with me, and thank you all for the support you’ve shown me, all these years. Comments to this post will be open until midnight, and then the door will close. My very best wishes to you all.

And now, if you’ll excuse me…



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