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Welcome to the website of The Parliamentary Committee against Antisemitism.

The rising tide of antisemitism in the UK is something that deeply concerns us all.  As a group of parliamentarians we recognise our responsibility to take a lead in the fight against this latest incarnation of what is surely the oldest form of hatred.

Shortly after I was elected as Chair of this committee in the autumn of 2005, I commissioned the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism in the
Published last year in 2006, the Inquiry Report received much coverage and was welcomed by many who share our determination to confront and defeat antisemitism in this country and beyond.

In March of 2007 the government published its response to the Inquiry which welcomed many of the recommendations and echoed our concern in the face of a sharp increase in incident figures and general atmosphere of hostility towards Jewish people.

The committee is now fully focused on working with government and other partners to implement these and other measures to send out the clearest of messages; intolerance will no longer be tolerated.

I hope that you find both our work and the material on this website to be of interest.

Best wishes,  


John Mann MP
Chair, The Parliamentary Committee against Antisemitism