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Video of today's march by The Ladies in White in Old Havana

March 18 - Once again, several members of the Ladies in White were detained on Thursday while conducting a fourth day of  peaceful protests in Old Havana.

Instead of being forced into a bus like it happened yesterday, Castro's police pushed several of the women inside patrol cars and sped away.

Laura Pollán, leader of the Ladies in White, is seen in the demonstration wearing an arm brace, because she suffered a broken finger yesterday when she was pushed and beaten by members of Cuba's state security.


On Cuba at the UN Human Rights Council 13th. Session

United Nations Human Rights Council General Debate, Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention 

Statement delivered at the General Assembly by Freedom House, represented by Maria C. Werlau, regarding the situation of prisoners in Cuba. Palais des Nations, Geneva, March 15, 2010. 
On behalf of Freedom House, I thank you, Mr. President, for the opportunity to speak at this Council. 

Cuba has more than 200 political prisoners, 55 whom have been designated prisoners of conscience by Amnesty International – nearly half of those 55 are journalists.

As we meet today, former political prisoner Guillermo Fariñas is in critical condition from a hunger strike.

Cuba’s prisoners of conscience have historically resorted to hunger strikes to protest abhorrent prison conditions, beatings, malnourishment, denial of medical care, forced labor, unfair punishments, extrajudicial killings by guards, and other abuses.

Moreover, in the last 40 years, twelve individuals have died in Cuban prisons during hunger strikes, including, most recently, Orlando Zapata.
Currently, there are two dozen political prisoners throughout the island who are extremely ill and in danger of dying, including 46 year-old Ariel Sigler.

Countless men and women are also confined for pre-criminal “dangerousness” – an allegation by the government that they will engage in “dangerous” activities such as distributing copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or discussing issues related to human rights. Prisons are rampant with disease. Inhumane conditions lead to acts of self-mutilation, psychological disorders, and extreme suffering.

From 2007 to 2009, there were 99 reported deaths from forced or alleged suicides, medical negligence, and extrajudicial killings; these reports came from just 40 of several hundred prisons.

Mr. President, we recommend, with utmost urgency, that the Council ask: (1) for Mr. Manfred Nowak, Special Rapporteur for Torture, and the International Red Cross be allowed to visit Cuba’s prisons immediately; (2) that all political prisoners be unconditionally released, including those held for “dangerousness.” Thank you for your time and consideration.


Pong's view of current events in Cuba

About the shameful silence of Cuba's Catholic hierarchy concerning the death of Orlando Zapata Tamayo and Wednesday's brutal attack against the Ladies in White

Raul to his brother: "If the streets are yours, Shouldn't we get them all fixed?"

About Pablo Milanés latest "conversion"


More than 21,600 signatures condemning the Castro regime (UPDATED)

March 18 - On Monday there were 5,000; on Tuesday 10,000; on Wednesday afternoon 14,500 this morning 18,000 and his evening, the number of people from all over the world who have signed the document "I condemn the Cuban government" has surpassed 21,600!

The Castro regime is so worried about this campaign, that it has put out its own document called "Cuban Artists Urged Intellectuals Around the World to Reject Anti-Cuba Maneuvers."

But this time it wont work! The Internet has been able to show the world the brutality of the Castro regime, that the main stream media has kept hiding for 51 years!

Anyone who continues to support that brutal regime, wont be able to say that he didn't know what was really happening.

No more excuses!

March 16 - Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar and singers Ana Belén and Luis Manuel, all considered sympathizers of the Castro regime, have joined more than 14,000 other persons from around the world, who have already signed the document "I accuse the Cuban government." Close to 10,000 in the last two days alone!

The signers are asking for the release of all Cuban political prisoners.

Click here  to sign and send the petition to your friends. It is available in several languages


Alejandrina García, member of the Ladies in White, tells CNN en Español about Wednesday's beatings


The ladies in White are back in the streets again (UPDATED)

March 18 - The Ladies in White are back in the streets of Havana on Thursday, one day after they suffered a brutal beating at the hands of Castro's repressive forces.

Eight members of the Ladies in White had to go to the Calixto Garcia Hospital on Wednesday because of the beatings they suffered.

On Thursday, the same mobs under the control of Cuba's state security have followed the women yelling insults at them, but so far there has been no violence.

"Today marks the seventh anniversary of the unjust imprisonment of our family members," said Ladies in White leader Laura Pollan, whose husband, Hector Maseda, is serving a 20-year jail sentence.

The ladies began their day on Thursday by going to Mass at the Church of La Merced in Old Havana, before marching again carrying flowers, like they did when they were attacked by Castro's police.

They have said that they will continue to march until next Sunday, no matter what counter-measures the Castro regime takes against them.

More on today's march from The Washington Post  and from AFP in Spanish


Paraguay President Fernando Lugo, another shameless coward

March 18 - Fernando Lugo, who as Catholic Bishop of Paraguay fathered 3 children and had almost as many mistresses as Tiger Woods, is currently the elected president of that country and a friend and supporter of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

On Tuesday of this week, Cuban independent journalist Guillermo Fariñas, who is holding a hunger strike asking for the release of gravely ill political prisoners in Castro's Gulag, was interviewed by a Paraguayan radio station.

"I ask former bishop Lugo to show support for the victims or their murderers, but not to become an accomplice by remaining silent," Fariñas told Ñanduti radio station in Asunción.

But Lugo has chosen to remain silent.

His spokesman said on Thursday that "our government will not move from its current policy: First, respect for human rights and Second, no intervention in the affairs of other countries, like Cuba."

It seems that for Lugo and his government, Cuban dissidents are not humans.


The Plight of Cuba's Hunger Strikers

March 18 - Today marks the seventh anniversary of a vicious crackdown on opponents of the Castro regime in Cuba. In the spring of 2003, the news agenda was dominated by the preparations for the US-led invasion of Iraq. In Havana, 90 so-called "agents of the American enemy" were arrested. Among those incarcerated were teachers, doctors, union organizers, journalists, human rights activists and dissidents. Seventy-five of those arrested were tried in circumstances which fell short of international standards. They were given jail sentences ranging from six to 28 years. As bombs fell on Baghdad, few voices were raised in protest at events in Cuba. 

The anniversary this year is likely to receive more attention. One of those arrested in 2003, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, died last month following an 80-day hunger strike. Another dissident, Guillermo "Coco" Farinas, who began a hunger strike on February 24, is perilously close to death. A third political prisoner, Ariel Sigler Amaya, who has been in prison for 20 years, is in extremely poor health in a Havana hospital and, according to his family, is receiving inadequate treatment.  The Guardian


From Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, to the Ladies in White

March 18 - President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek sent his profound message of solidarity to the Cuban people struggling for freedom.

"I urge the Cuban government to stop arresting people who protest for freedom. We are waiting for almost five years already to hand the Sakharov Prize to the Damas de Blanco. They are still not allowed to leave their country. Now, we found out that they have been denied their right to ask for freedom and have been arrested. Police brutality against the mothers and wives of political dissidents is outrageous and unacceptable.

Today, on the anniversary of the mass arrests in 2003, the European Parliament is calling again for the immediate release of all political prisoners. After the death of Orlando Zapata Tamayo we are seriously worried about the situation of all political prisoners behind the bars. We are particularly concerned about the alarming state of the journalist and psychologist Guillermo Fariñas. We cannot afford another death in Cuba.

The Cuban government must respect fundamental freedoms, especially the freedom of expression and political association. It is a sine-qua non condition for relations with the country to improve." Read more (H/T Juvenal)


Message from Berta Soler: "If you live in a free country, don't let them take your freedom away"

March 17 - Berta Soler, one of the Ladies in White who was attacked today by Cuban police, was interviewed by Venezuelan news channel Globovisión.

Soler explained everything they did to them and also said that they will continue with their demonstration until next Sunday, as planned.

When asked if she had a message for the countries in Latin America, Soler responded: "If you live in a free country, don't let anyone take your freedom away by installing a dictatorship like the one in Cuba."

See the video (In Spanish)


Castro's fascist thugs yelled racist insults at the mother of Orlando Zapata Tamayo

March 17 - Reina Luisa Tamayo, mother of Cuban martyr Orlando Zapata Tamayo, who died on February 24 after 85 days in a hunger strike, said that the fascist thugs who attacked a peaceful demonstration on Wednesday by The Ladies in White, yelled racial insults at her when they were trying to force her to get inside a bus of the Interior Ministry, to be taken away from the demonstration.

"They kept yelling at me 'Negra de mierda, móntate en la guagua,'" (Shitty nigger, get in the bus) she said.

The audio was played during the program A Mano Limpia, with Oscar Haza, on Channel 41 in Miami.

Reina Luisa said that she was pushed and hit several times by those who were forcing her to get inside the bus.

She accused the Castro brothers of the attack against unarmed women who were simply carrying flowers in a peaceful protest and said that they will be out on the streets tomorrow again.

Don't expect any reaction against the racist regime in Cuba by any of those Afro-American leaders who have been in bed with the Castro brothers for 51 years, while these criminals continue to exploit and oppress the Cuban people.

It seems that for them, racism is OK, as long as it comes from the Castro brothers.


Videos of the attack by Castro's Gestapo against The Ladies in White

Video 1    Video 2


Spanish daily El Pais has more photos of the brutal attack against The Ladies in White

March 18 - A Cuban policeman, wearing civilian clothes, carrying a member of the Ladies in White by her hair, in this photo by Spanish newspaper El Pais.

Will the Black Caucus, Danny Glover, Jessie Jackson, Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte and all the other so called "Afro-American leaders," have anything to say about this photo? Don't count on it.

Click here to see many more photos of today's brutal attack against the Ladies in White El Pais


A regime has to feel really weak, to be so scared of innocent women carrying flowers, not guns

March 17 - Why would a regime that boast to have the second largest and best equipped army in this Hemisphere, be so afraid of a group of women conducting a peaceful protest and carrying only flowers, not guns?

Because that regime, that claims that its leaders are elected by 99.99% of the votes, knows that the people hates them and the only reason why they can remain in power is by sheer terror.

They know that any protest, no matter how small, could produce the spark that would light the torch of freedom from one end of Cuba to the other.

And once people lose their fear, a regime like the one in Cuba cannot last.

That is why the Stalinist regime in Cuba will continue to defy the international community and keep using brutal tactics to repress those who ask for a change in the island.

The Castro brothers know that if they allow a small opening, their brutal regime would collapse, like it happened with those in Eastern Europe and with other totalitarian regimes.

The Cuban people is losing their fear and that has the Castro brothers scared to death.

They will continue their brutal repression, because their regime survival depends on it, but I don't have any doubt: Cuba will be free from the brutal tyrants that has been oppressing it for 51 years! ¡VIVA CUBA LIBRE!


Brutal repression by Castro's police against the Ladies in White (UPDATED)


See a gallery of photos of the peaceful demonstration by the Ladies in White and the brutal repression by Castro's Gestapo AFP


5 PM UPDATE - Laura Pollán, wife of prisoner of conscience Héctor Maseda and the leader of the Ladies in White, told Spanish newspaper ABC that they will be back on the streets on Thursday, March 18, to mark the 7th. anniversary of the "Black Spring," when 75 dissidents were jailed by the Stalinist regime in Cuba.

"I'll be back even if they kill me," Pollán told ABC.

March 17 - Cuban police grabbed members of the opposition group "Ladies in White" by their hair, dragged them into a bus and drove them away to break up a protest march on Wednesday.

The white clothes the women traditionally wear were smeared with mud as they resisted policewomen forcing them into a bus. Government protesters shouted insults at them for the second day in a row. 

The march was the third this week by the Ladies in White who are protesting the 2003 imprisonment of their husbands and sons, most of whom are still in jail. 
The seventh anniversary of the crackdown, known as the "Black Spring," is Thursday, when the women said they will march again. 

On Wednesday, they attended a mass in the working class neighborhood of Parraga and began walking toward the nearby home of dissident Orlando Fundora, who began a hunger strike last week. 

As the 30 or so women walked along carrying flowers, mobs under the direction of Cuba's state security began yelling. "Worms, get out of here. Viva Fidel! Viva Raul!."

The Spanish newspaper ABC reports that many of those in the pro-Castro mob were military men and women dressed in civilian clothes.

For their part, the women shouted "Freedom" and "Zapata lives." Orlando Zapata Tamayo, an imprisoned dissident died from an 85-day hunger strike on February 23 and has become a rallying point for Cuba's opposition. His mother, Reyna Tamayo, took part in the march.

Read more


Letter from Reporters Without Borders to Brazil's President Lula

March 17 - Appeals were addressed to you by Cuban dissidents following imprisoned dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo’s tragic death on 23 February. You were in Havana when Zapata died after more than 80 days on hunger strike. Some people accused you of taking too long to express your regrets at Zapata’s demise. Your comments nonetheless gave rise to hopes that you could act as a mediator with the Cuban authorities on the question of prisoners of conscience, as shown by the letter from a new Orlando Zapata Committee that the Brazilian embassy in Havana received on 9 March. 

Reporters Without Borders, an organization that defends press freedom worldwide, supports this initiative and urges you to act on it, despite your reluctance. Brazil and the community of Latin American countries are the only ones with the ability to influence the Cuban government’s position on human rights and media freedom. Zapata’s death personally affected you as a former government opponent who was a victim of Brazil’s military dictatorship. 

At the same time, you said you wanted to respect a key principle of Brazilian diplomacy, which is to abstain from any direct interference in another country’s internal affairs. But in what way could reminding the Cuban authorities of fundamental and universal principles - such as the right to express one’s views freely, the right to freedom of movement and the right not to be arrested because of what one says or writes - be regarded as targeted and discriminatory interference?    Reporters Without Borders


The Ladies in White continue their protests and once again the regime sends their thugs to harass them

March 16 - The Ladies in White staged a silent march through Havana again on Tuesday as part of a week of protest to mark the anniversary of the "Black Spring" crackdown of 2003 when the Castro regime imprisoned 75 opponents, many of whom still remain in jail.

Mobs organized and directed by Cuba's state security, followed the Ladies in White yelling insults at them.

But the courageous women were able to complete their march.



Pablo Milanés: "We will have to condemn Castro if Fariñas is allowed to die"

March 15 -  Pablo Milanés, one of Cuba's best known singer, song-writer, and who up to know has always been a supporter of the Castro regime, told El Mundo newspaper in Spain that "Fidel Castro will have to be condemned, from a humane point of view, if Guillermo Fariñas dies. The ideas should be discussed and debated, but not jailed."

Milanés told the paper that Cuba's revolutionaries are passed their time and that "history has to advance with new ideas and new men."

"They have turned into reactionaries of their own ideas. That's why I have said that we need a new revolution, because we have many stains. The huge sun that was born in in 1959 has become full of stains while getting older," he said.

The truth is that the "huge sun" was buried, not born, in 1959 when the Castro brothers and their gangs of murderers came to power.

It is a shame that it took Pablo Milanés 50 years to realize that.

In an interview with Miami television on Monday night, Fariñas thanked Milanés for his comments.

"I think he could get in trouble because he didn't accuse the government, he accused Fidel Castro directly and that in Cuba is not allowed," Fariñas said.


Ladies in White march with the mother of Orlando Zapata; the Castro brothers send their thugs to stop them

March 15 - The Ladies in White held their weekly march through Havana streets on Sunday and were accompanied by Reina Luisa Tamayo, the mother of Cuban martyr Orlando Zapata Tamayo.

According to a report sent by independent journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira, government organized mobs were waiting for the Ladies in White at the University of Havana, where they began chanting "The streets belong to Fidel."

"These paramilitary mobs have been sent to the streets to attack innocent women who are only asking for the release of their relatives, who are currently in Castro's jails," said Serpa.

Serpa sent two photos. In the first one, the mother of Orlando Zapata is shown leading the march together with Laura Pollan, leader of the Ladies in White.

The second photo shows the paramilitary mob assembled at the University of Havana.



 We told you that was the real reason why Ramiro Valdes went to Venezuela

March 14 - When Cuban dictator Fidel Castro sent Ramiro Valdes to Venezuela, with the pretext that this criminal was going to solve Venezuela's energy crisis, we told you that the real reason was that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez was very concerned that the recent student protests in that country had received immediate coverage on social networking sites, like Twitter and Facebook and he wanted to see what could be done to block access to the Internet the same way that Valdes has been able to do in Cuba.

A few weeks after Valdes' visit, Chávez seems ready to start implementing  his recommendations.

Here is a report from the Associated Press:  Hugo Chavez called for regulation of the Internet on Saturday while demanding authorities crack down on a critical news Web site that he accused of spreading false information. 

In a televised speech, Chavez said: "The Internet can't be something free where anything can be done and said. No, every country has to impose its rules and regulations," Chavez said. 

He singled out the Venezuelan news site Noticiero Digital, saying it had posted false information that some of his close allies had been killed. 

Chavez called for Venezuela's attorney general to take action immediately against the Web site. "This is a crime," he said of the site's reports.
There was no immediate reaction from the Web site, which is a popular outlet for critical news and commentary in Venezuela.

Associated Press

Also on Saturday, Franco Silva, president of Venezuela's state controlled telecommunications company CANTV, said that the government is working to implement a single network access point (NAP) to the Internet.

According to Silva, this will provide a more efficient service to Venezuelan users, but the truth is that there are many other ways to do that.

What it will really do is allow the Chávez regime to have a much greater control of who can and cannot access the worldwide network and censor any information that the regime doesn't like.


Photos of the funeral of Orlando Zapata Tamayo (UPDATED)

March 14 - Miscelaneas de Cuba has received a CD with 45 photos of the funeral of Orlando Zapata Tamayo

March 13 - Libertad Digital has more photos


Brazilian government: "We deal with the slave masters, not the slaves"

March 12 - For weeks, Cuban dissidents have been asking Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, to intercede with the Castro brothers to release the 26 political prisoners who are in very bad health and help save Guillermo Fariña's life.

"We believe that you can intercede with the Cuban government to end a situation that further tarnishes the efforts to create a true community of Latin American and Caribbean states focused on the rights of their citizens," they wrote.

For several days, the Brazilian government kept saying that Lula had not received any requests from the dissidents.

When they delivered their request directly to the Brazilian Embassy in Havana, the Lula government finally had to respond, and their response indicates that the current Brazilian government is only interested in dealing with the oppressors, not the oppressed.

"We have relations with the governments, not with the dissidents. The Brazilian government doesn't relate to dissidents in Cuba or any other countries,"  said Marco Aurelio García, Lula's adviser for international affairs.

"If we express an opinion in favor of the dissidents, it would be counterproductive," he said.

Sure, counterproductive to the businesses that Lula wants to establish in Cuba in partnership with the Castro brothers to take advantage of the only slave force in this Hemisphere.

And to think that this fat drunk was elected president of Brazil as the candidate of the Labor Party! They should change its name to the Slave Traders Party.



Fidel Castro's own words demonstrate, once again, what a hypocrite he is






FIDEL CASTRO - 08-18-1981



Click here to read more Veritas  (H/T Val Prieto Babalu)


Big fight erupts at a baseball game in Cuba

A big fight took place at the Huelga Stadium in the city of Sancti Spiritus, involving baseball players, fans and police.

The fight began when one of the players was hit by a pitch and he run after the pitcher trying to hit him back with his bat.

It escalated from there.


A t-shirt stained with the blood of Orlando Zapata Tamayo

March 10 - In this photo, sent from Cuba by independent journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira, the mother of Cuban martyr Orlando Zapata Tamayo shows one of his t-shirts stained with blood marks, after one of the beatings that he suffered while in prison.

And then you have to hear those criminals running Cuba's government claiming that no one has ever been tortured in Castro's Gulag.


Granma confirms what we published last Saturday: Gen. Rogelio Acevedo has been fired (UPDATED)

March 9 - 6 PM Update - I heard more from my Cuban source today and he explained how this whole scheme works.

Drug traffickers come to Cuba to launder their money. Once they go through Cuban Customs, they drop a suitcase full of money at a prearranged place.

Later, custom agents "find" the abandoned suitcase, open it and see that it is full of cash.

Right then, the suitcase is confiscated and the money goes to Cuba's Central Bank, which in turn will pay the narcos their cut, some of it in cash some of it in services like allowing them to land in Cuba under the protection of Cuba's armed forces.

What Gen. Acevedo was allegedly doing, was keeping some of the money for himself. And Don Fidelone doesn't like his peons cutting into his business.

When some of the drug traffickers began complaining that they had dropped more money than what the Central Bank was reporting, Don Fidelone ordered his Mafia goons to keep an eye on the general.

And that's how they found $13 million hiding inside a water tank at his home.

The Godfather doesn't want a scandal to come out of this, so the general is being sent home and he will become invisible, like Roberto Robaina, Felipe Perez Roque, Carlos Lage and many other before him.  It is an offer that Acevedo can't refuse, since he knows very well what the alternative is.

March 9 - On Saturday, we told you that we had received information from a very reliable source inside Cuba, that Gen. Rogelio Acevedo, president of the Cuban Institute of Civil Aviation (ICAIC), was going to be fired from his post because agents of state security found $13 million inside a water tank at his home.

Today, Granma, the mouthpiece of the Cuban regime, is confirming our story.

Gen. Acevedo has been replaced by another general, Ramón Martínez Echevarría.

According to Granma, the Cuban regime will assign Acevedo "other duties."

We normally don't like to publish rumors, but this one came from a very reliable source that has been right so far on everything he has said, and that is why we decided to publish it.

By doing so, we were able to give you the information 3 days before the Castro regime made it public. No wonder the Castro brothers are so afraid of the Internet.

 Click here to see the official announcement in Granma.

(See our Saturday post below)

March 6 - I have received information from a reliable source inside Cuba that Gen. Rogelio Acevedo, president of the Cuban Institute of Civil Aviation (ICAIC), was caught in money laundering. 

According to these sources, agents from state security found US$13 million hiding inside a water tank at Acevedo's home.

The regime doesn't want to cause a big scandal over this incident.

Acevedo will be asked to resign and sent home quietly under a "plan pajama," similar to a house detention.

While searching for a photo of Gen. Acevedo, I visited this page that Granma has with photographs of Cuba's generals: Granma

A photo that used to be there, of Gen. Acevedo with Cuba's dictator Fidel Castro, is now gone.  However, the text is still there.


Danny Glover finally opened his mouth in defense of those Cubans in jail....get your barf bags ready

March 8 - Actor Danny Glover joined 13 other "personalities" who signed a letter today to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Home Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, asking for a visa for the wives of two of the five Cuban intelligent officers who are currently in U.S. jails after being convicted of spying.

The letter to Clinton and Napolitano were sent in commemoration of the International Women's Day.

Giving a visa to Olga Salanueva and Adriana Pérez "will show to the world that we are represented by a government that wants better relations with other countries and respect basic human rights," said the letter.

In addition to Glover, some of the other "personalities" who signed the letter include Gayle McLaughlin, Mayor of Richmond, California; former congressman Esteban Torres; Noam Chomski; Angela Davis; Wayne Smith, former head of the US Interest Section in Cuba during the Jimmy Carter government; the former Catholic Bishop of Detroit Thomas Gumbleton and Joan Brown Campbell, the former Secretary General of the World Council of Churches, who was very active in support of the kidnapping and forced return to Cuba of Elian González.

As expected, none of these sub-human pieces of cow manure said one word about Cuban martyr Orlando Zapata Tamayo, about Cuban dissident Guillermo Fariñas, currently in a hunger strike, or any of the innocent Cubans languishing in Castro's Gulag.


That fabulous Cuban Healthcare Part II

March 8 - “My nation is hardly perfect in human rights. A very large number of our citizens are incarcerated in prison, and there is little doubt that the death penalty is imposed most harshly on those who are poor, black, or mentally ill. For more than a quarter century, we have struggled unsuccessfully to guarantee the basic right of universal health care for our people. …but Cuba has superb systems of health care and universal education.” (Speech by Jimmy Carter at the University of Havana on May 14, 2002 which was broadcast throughout Castro’s island-wide fiefdom and trumpeted worldwide by all “news” agencies that earned Havana Bureaus.)

Thus did a former President of the United States prostrate himself before a regime that jailed and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s and murdered (in absolute numbers) more political prisoners in its first three years in power (out of a population of 6.4 million) than Hitler’s murdered in its first six years (out of a population of 70 million.) Not to mention that Pres. Carter’s host insulted his nation as “a vulture preying on humanity!” and came within a hair of nuking it.

Humberto Fontova


Fox News: Honoring a Cuban Freedom Fighter

The hypocritical silence of the Hollywood elite after the murder of Orlando Zapata Tamayo.

Not one word from Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn and the other useful idiots.


The truth about the left's health care paradise

March 4 - Liberals pushing for free health care often site Fidel Castro's fiefdom as evidence of how to do it right. Problem is, foreign leaders, celebrities, patients and media are shown only the good stuff that is maintained for PR purposes and for the Cuban elite.

Humberto Fontova wrote about this for us in "Cuba's Free and Fabulous Health Care." If you haven't read it, please do -- it is a great tutorial on the truth about Fidel's glorious hospitals.

In his piece, Fontova mentions a site called "The Real Cuba." The site gives the real story about what's going on at the Left's island paradise. The page on Cuban health care is sobering. Here are a few photos from "The Real Cuba" -- if you first think you're looking at photos from Auschwitz, don't be surprised.

We'll have more in the upcoming issue of Townhall Magazine. Click here for the complete article


A video of Havana B.C.

Havana in the late 1950s, before Castro and his band of human termites came in and destroyed it.



Watch Castro's Gestapo abusing young Black Cubans

Castro's police beating a group of young Black Cubans. At the end, they pull one of them from the patrol car to beat him one more time, even though he is handcuffed.

I am sure that when Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, Naomi Campbell and the Black Caucus see this video, they'll be very proud and will send e-mails congratulating the "white masters' in Cuba for a job well done.

Click here  to see the video.


This is not Auschwitz, this is the psychiatric hospital in Castro's Cuba (UPDATED)

March 2 - These photos were taken at Havana's psychiatric hospital, known as Mazorra, in early January of this year and taken out of the island by people who risked their lives to show the world what really is happening in Castro's Cuba.

These are several of the more than 40 patients who died of hypothermia at the hospital, when temperatures near freezing hit the area where Mazorra is located.These patients died because of the negligence of those in charge of this hospital, and after they died, hospital officials threw them on a table, one on top of the other, like bags of garbage at the local dumpster.

This is the fantastic healthcare that Cubans receive, according to Michael Moore and other useful idiots.

Patients are treated worse than animals. It is the cruelty of that brutal regime that has been oppressing the Cuban people for more than 51 years, while the dictator murdering and oppressing Cubans is referred to as "president," and embraced by Latin American leaders who were democratically elected.

Many show marks that indicate that patients were beaten before they died.

11 Cuban political prisoners have died in hunger strikes since the Castros took power

Cuba Archive has photos and a detailed description of all the 11 Cuban prisoners who have died during hunger strikes in Castro's Gulag. (Document is on PDF format)


Lula takes a bath with the murderers of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, by Pong


Lula had a great time meeting with Cuba's walking corpse

Feb. 24 - Less than 24 hours after the death of Cuban prisoner of conscience Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Brazilian President Lula da Silva had a very friendly meeting with his murderers.

Lula met with Cuba's walking corpse and his brother, made jokes, laughed a lot and never asked a question about their latest victim.

Orlando Zapata Tamayo was a prisoner of conscience.

Luis Inacio Lula da Silva is a president without a conscience.

Big difference between the Cuban patriot and Lula.

Maybe some day, Lula will have to defend his love affair with the oppressors of the Cuban people, and his probable defense will be: "I don't remember, I was drunk most of the time."


Cuba's free and fabulous healthcare

Feb. 23 - The Castroite propaganda in Sicko so outraged people cursed by fate to live in Castro's fiefdom that they risked their lives by using hidden cameras to film conditions in genuine Cuban hospitals, hoping they could alert the world to Moore's swinishness as a propaganda operative for a Stalinist regime.

At enormous risk, two hours of shocking, often revolting, footage was obtained with tiny hidden cameras and smuggled out of Cuba to Cuban-exile George Utset, who runs the superb and revelatory website The Real Cuba. The man who assumed most of the risk during the filming and smuggling was Cuban dissident -- a medical doctor himself – Dr. Darsi Ferrer, who was also willing to talk on camera, narrating much of the video's revelations. Dr Ferrer worked in these genuinely Cuban hospitals daily, witnessing the truth. More importantly, he wasn't cowed from revealing this truth to America and the world. (A recent samizdat reports that the black Dr. Ferrer is currently languishing in a Cuban prison cell --not far from Gitmo, by the way-- undergoing frequent beatings.

Originally, ABC's John Stossel planned to show the shocking smuggled videos in their entirety, during a 20/20 show. Alas, on Sept. 12th 2007, the 20/20 show ran only a tiny segment on Cuba's "real" healthcare, barely 5 minutes long and with almost none of the smuggled video footage. What happened?   Humberto Fontova


Popular protests during the funeral of Cuban patriot Gloria Amaya González

This video was taken during the funeral of Gloria Amaya González, the mother of Cuban prisoners of conscience Ariel and Guido Sigler.

Her sons were allowed to attend the funeral for a few hours.

Ariel Sigler is very ill and is currently so weak that he had to be transported in an ambulance and had to use a wheel chair because he cannot walk. The Castro brothers still refuse to set him free.

When the two brothers were taken back to jail, you can hear people yelling "Asesinos," "Abajo Fidel," "Abajo la dictadura."

Gloria Amaya fought every day for the freedom of her sons. She died while they were still being jailed by the criminal regime that holds power in Cuba. Click here to see the video

Postcard from Las Piedras, Cuba

In “Slums of Havana” Award -winning journalist David Adams takes viewers in a journey through the decaying infrastructure of Havana, and the conditions under which many there are forced to live due to a shortage of adequate living spaces. Reporte Virtual


It was difficult, but they got there

May 20 - Getting the Marti t-shirts to Cuba hasn't been easy.

This weekend they finally reached some of the dissidents who will help distribute them.

Some of the t-shirts were distributed in Havana and others were sent to Cardenas and Holguin.

I want to thank Dr. Darsi Ferrer and the Plantados for the great help they have provided me with this project and I also want to thank all our readers who have contributed to this effort.

We are having more t-shirts printed and I'm looking at different ways of getting them to Cuba.

This photo was taken last weekend when several of the dissidents got together to receive the first t-shirts.

From left to right: Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez, Rafael Leyva Leyva, Carol Susent Cruz and Pedro Moises Calderin.

Rafael and Carol live in Holguin and took several of the t-shirts to be distributed there.

We want to thank the following readers who have contributed to our campaign:

Ruth E. Cooke - Diego Trinidad III - Daisy Varela - Miguel Beltra - Marco Polo - R. Duval - Dona Flores - Henry Agueros - Christopher Glick - Elena Borkland -

Odalys Fabregas - Fernando Dominicis - Zivainla Sahl - Alfredo Zayas - Andy Grubbs - R. Campanioni - Ana J. Martinez - Liliana Quincoses - Pete Guevara - Constantino Peña - Angel Valdes - José A. González-Posada - Francisco A. Gómez

If you want to help with the t-shirts and postcards projects, please send a donation:

You can also send a check to: The Real Cuba - P.O. BOX 835308 - Miami, FL 33283-5308

Click here to learn more about our projects for 2009


Racism in Castro's Cuba

This documentary about racism in Castro's Cuba was aired Sunday, April 26, on Channel 41 in Miami.

Click here (In Spanish)


Our new page: Fidel Castro, the World's oldest terrorist


On April 4 we updated our Find my Friend page

Please check to see if someone is looking for you, or if you can help any of those who are looking for friends or relatives


Fidel Castro, a vulgar liar in any language

Click to hear Castro lying in English

Click to hear Castro lying in English with Portuguese subtitles

Click to hear Castro lying in English with Spanish subtitles

Click to hear Castro lying in Spanish and also in English


A video of Havana in the 1930s, long before the Castro gang came in and destroyed it

A tour of the city of Havana, in the 1930s filmed by Andre de la Varre.

Compare it with the Havana of today, 50 years after the Castro brothers and their gang of human termites came in ad destroyed everything.

Havana in the 1930s

Socio-Economic Conditions in Pre-Castro Cuba

Dec. 17 - Cuba Facts is an ongoing series of succinct fact sheets on various topics, including, but not limited to, political structure, health, economy, education, nutrition, labor, business, foreign investment, and demographics, published and updated on a regular basis by the Cuba Transition Project staff at the University of Miami.

Click here to learn the truth about Cuba's Health, Education, Personal Consumption and much more in pre-Castro Cuba.


Play soccer with Fidel

Grab the SOB and throw him as hard as you can. Move the mouse and you'll see him fall as if he was on his way to Hell.

Penultimos Dias


Video of Castro's police beating a Cuban man near the University of Havana

More photos showing how the Castro brothers have destroyed one of the world's most beautiful cities

Click here


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