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United States of America

This We Will Defend

"Slaughter Strategy" Is An Affront To The Constitution

By Steve Schippert
Lose sight of what you are defending and defense isn't all that important, is it? This simple reminder compels us to shift focus for the moment from our combative enemies and onto that which we defend. We do not engage in such rigorous defense - in its many forms - simply to preserve soil or borders or lives. We engage in rigorous defense of ideas. Ideas embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of...
United States of America

I've Got Your Sovereignty

The Best Part About Think Tank 2.0: Heterogeneousness of Thought

By Michael Tanji
My colleague Steve Schippert asked recently: "Wither Soverignty." My then-private reply at the time went something like this: Steve, I don't want to up the humidity level on this parade, but: INTERPOL's resources (aside from administrative) are drawn from member nations' police forces (contrary to the movies, you can't be an 'INTERPOL agent') who are there to facilitate and liaison, not conduct police operations themselves. While this may be seen as something linked to a path to the ICC, congress...
United States of America

Wither Sovereignty

Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America - Is The ICC Next?

By Steve Schippert
Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425." It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945. By removing language from President Reagan's 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates - now operates - on American soil beyond the reach of...
United States of America

Burying Nitze

Calling for an end to cold-war analogs for info-war situations

By Michael Tanji
Bob Gourley, an old and trusted colleague in the national security arena, asks if we are any closer to achieving a cyber deterrence policy. While it is worth having the discussion as an academic exercise, it couldn't be less practically relevant to keeping our country's resources secure from digital threats. The problem of course is that its a lot easier to attempt to focus on a narrow set of legacy futures rather than to start to develop new ideas. Whether...

March 17, 2010

1. Attorney General Eric Holder argued in testimony that bin Laden has the same Constitutional rights as Charles Manson "or any other mass murderer." The unilateral slide from warfare to lawfare continues.

2. Said to be seeking unified military command, US forces in Afghanistan are being brought under NATO command, currently headed by US General Stanley McChrystal.

3. Rift between the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government in Israel remains amid sprinkling of reports suggesting mends. The arguments are often personal and insulting and the impact immense.

4. General Petraeus testified that Iran is assisting al-Qaeda leadership maintain links to regional franchises, a reminder that the principal threat from Iran remains terrorism and not the more widely argued nuclear tension.

More details available here.

March 18, 2010

Dead or Alive?

Yesterday Steve Schippert discussed Attorney General Eric Holder's public revelation that terrorists like Osama bin Laden should be given the same rights as Charles Manson. Holder also claimed that Osama bin Laden "would be killed rather than captured alive, that...

Hoh: Identify The Enemy In Afghanistan

This discussion on Afghanistan with Matthew Hoh at Bloggingheads.tv is excellent, thoughtful, and worth your time to listen for the entire hour. Hoh understands the local dynamics, particularly the rural Pashtuns in the southern and eastern areas of Afghanistan, and...

March 17, 2010

Holder: Only The Crime Determines Terrorist Rights

In today's DailyBriefing, the first item highlighted is Attorney General Eric Holder saying that Usama bin Laden has the same rights as Charles Manson. What he actually said is far worse than that, as you will hear in the first...

March 15, 2010

China's Human & Labor Rights Lecture

The UK's Telegraph asks in a biting commentary, Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? The short answer is yes, of course. As is its Peoples Liberation Army military leadership. And while the commentary whistles by concerns that...

March 14, 2010

Target: Anwar al Awlaki?

Anwar al Awlaki is connected to each of the following: Nidel Hassan (Ft. Hood), Najibullah Zazi, Jihad Jane (aka Colleen R. LaRose), Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, Sharif Mobley and who knows who else. Even if Mobley's father's claim is true that his...

  • AudioFebruary 2, 2010
    [Listen Here]
    What on Earth can Usama bin Laden, the mystical calculus of climate change and US Homeland Security have in common? Does bin Laden really agree with the President of the United States on matters weather? How is it that the...

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