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Current Issue & Archives of Past Issues

The March/April 2010 issue of Tikkun is now available. We make a few articles from the current issue available to our web visitors.

But if you were a subscriber, you'd have the magazine in your hands now and you could be reading even more, including:

  • Sacred Evolution by ARTHUR GREEN
  • The Gap God Opens by JOHN D. CAPUTO
  • The God of a Talmudist by ARYEH COHEN
  • The Lure of Love Divine by GARY DORRIEN
  • Notes on Silence by YAHIA LABABIDI
  • Reaching for the Moon: A Children’s Book Author Challenges the Separation of Science and Religion by GRAEME WEND-WALKER
  • Cash for Credits: Education in a Time of Hardship by SVI SHAPIRO

Click here to check out the full table of contents for the current issue.

Click here to check out archives of our past issues.

Click here to subscribe to the magazine.

Letters to the Editor

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Abiding Perspectives

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Rabbi Lerner


Take Action!

Corporations are not Persons and Money is not Speech
Stop the Corporate Takeover
of our Society

Take Action:


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Tikkun Monday Evening Phone Forums

Join our phone calls with leading thinkers. Free for subscribers and NSP members! 
6pm (Pacific Time) 9pm (Eastern)
Call 1 888 346 3950 and 
AUDIO with Tikkun Authors: Listen to previous forums: Click here.
March 15: Lauren Reichelt: Healing in Community. 
March 22: Graeme Wend-Walker: science & religion in children's literature.
April 5: Svi Shapiro: Cash for Credits: Education in a Time of Hardship.

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Current Thinking

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Tikkun Daily Blog

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The Network of Spiritual Progressives (NSP)

NSP is a project of the Tikkun Community. The NSP is a network of people and institutions that...

Advocates a New Bottom Line in America. This bottom takes into consideration not only how well institutions and the economy maximize money and power, but how well they maximize love and caring, ethical and ecological sensitivity and behavior, kindness and generosity, non-violence and peace, and the extent to which they enhance our capacities to respond to other human beings in a way that honors them as embodiments of the sacred, and enhance our capacities to respond to the earth and the universe with awe, wonder and radical amazement.

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