Birol Bebek / AFP / Getty Images
Right-wing National Unity Party (UBP) chief Dervis Eroglu delivers a speech after he won the Turkish Cypriot presidential election

Hardliner's Election in Cyprus a Blow to Peace Talks

By electing a hardliner as its new president, Cyprus' Turkish community may have unraveled the ongoing peace process between the country's north and south — and scuppered Turkey's chances of joining the E.U.


The U.K. General Election Is Called

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has finally made his mind up. He asked the Queen to dissolve Parliament, and Britain will go to the polls for the first time in five years on May 6


Poland's Days of Mourning

An entire nation grieves for the victims of the plane crash that killed the nation's President and many of its top leaders

Special Report

Winter Olympic Games: Vancouver 2010

As the world's greatest athletes gather in Vancouver for the Winter Olympics, TIME chronicles the highs and lows of the games, the personalities at play and images on display

Special Report

Southern Europe Faces an Immigration Test

Millions of migrants have arrived in Greece, Italy and Spain over the past decade. To avoid serious social problems, those countries need to do a better job of making them feel welcome

Quotes of the Day »

CINDY WANTO, a registered Democrat from Nemacolin, Pa.; nearly 80% of Americans say they can't trust Washington and have little faith that the government can solve the nation's ills, according to a Pew Research Center survey

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  9. Why Iceland's Minor Volcano Is a Major Problem
  10. Built for Blahniks: A Chevy for the High-Heels Crowd
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