Sunday, January 17th 2010

To The Point News
HALF-FULL REPORT 01/15/10 Print E-mail
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler   
Friday, 15 January 2010

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the moonbats to figure out how to blame Bush for the Haiti earthquake.  Note their arguments in the Puffington Host. 

It's all Bush's fault because he supposedly engineered the 2004 rebellion that overthrew Haiti's fantastically corrupt Marxist dictator Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and that Bush had all US aid to Haiti channeled through private aid organizations and not through bottomlessly corrupt government officials.  They actually claim this.

This was quickly followed by media moonbat Keith Olbermann of MSNBC arguing that the disaster in Haiti is why the US needs ObamaCare.  You can trust the Left to never let a crisis go to political waste.

Here's something to focus on during the Haitian horror:  the humanity of Judeo-Christian values.  Look down the full list of countries, companies, and organizations (current as of today 1/15/10) providing aid to Haiti or an abbreviated summary of the list here. 

First, note that with the exception of miniscule aid from Turkey (an emergency management expert and a psychologist), not one single Moslem country is providing a dime.  It is one of Mohammed's five requirements to be a Moslem that you contribute to charity - for other Moslems.  People who aren't Moslem aren't really people at all, they are sub-human infidels, kafrs, not deserving of charity.
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Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler   
Thursday, 14 January 2010

For all their power-grabbing fascist arrogance, the Democrats in Washington are coming to resemble Mack Sennett's bumbling-fumbling Keystone Kops more with each passing day.

Republicans in Washington are in a certain kind of awe over the Dems' performance.  Walk around the halls of Capitol Hill.  You don't need name tags to identify the Pubs from the Dems.  The former are walking with zest and smiling cheerfully - except when they cast a glance of astonished puzzlement at the latter shuffling dejectedly along and refusing to look at their cheerier colleagues in the eye.

How could everything go to hell so quickly?  That's the question both are asking themselves.  It is a mystery to both.   

"I guess we really are in a state of shock and awe over what they have done to themselves," says a buddy of mine who's chief of staff to a principal GOP Senator.  "I just hope we learn the right lesson from it."

"You think the TeaParty folks are mad at the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Gang?" he asked me rhetorically.  That's just anger in a teapot compared to the cauldron of hate boiling the Left.  One by one, he listed the Dem constituencies that are in a state of disgusted rage.
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Written by Allen West   
Wednesday, 13 January 2010

The revelation of Senator Harry Reid's comments referencing "negro talk" is just indicative of the true sentiment elitist liberals, and indeed the Democrat party, have toward black Americans.

The history of the Democrat party is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism.

One can only imagine the insanity and media outrage if Reid's quote had come from a member of the Republican party. If President Obama had any courage he would demand Reid step down as Senate Majority Leader, and discontinue any support for his Senate reelection... notice I said "if". I am quite sure the Soros money which elevated Obama to the position of President has bought his servitude.

I am running to represent Florida's 22nd Congressional District.  Why am I running for US Congress as a Republican? Simple. I would rather stand proudly and be called "an Uncle Tom and a sellout" than lose my self-esteem and be considered an inferior by liberals.

I am not just some articulate, clean, well spoken negro. I am an American warrior, Congressional candidate, and shall never submit to the collective progressive ideal of inferiority.
Written by Scott Brown   
Friday, 15 January 2010

I didn't grow up with all the advantages in life. My mom was on welfare for a time, but I had the support of a loving family and good friends and neighbors. I don't have all the advantages in this race either, and that's fine by me. Being the underdog has taught me to work harder, and to appreciate the opportunities of our state and our country.

I'm running to represent Massachusetts in the United States Senate because more of our people are unemployed today than ever before. Public debt has reached $12 trillion and counting, and Washington politicians want to borrow trillions more. Terrorists want to strike our country again, and they will do so if we let down our guard. We have fighting forces in two theaters of war, and those men and women need our support.

My plan for the economy is simple: an across-the-board tax cut - in the tradition of John F. Kennedy - for families and businesses that will increase investment and lead to immediate new job growth.  My opponent will raise taxes.

Amid all our domestic challenges, our nation is still at war with radical Islamic terrorists determined to destroy our way of life. My opponent would accord such terrorists all the rights our Constitution grants to citizens. I will treat them as enemy combatants who should face military justice.
Written by Jack Kelly   
Wednesday, 13 January 2010

It is rare in the history of our politics for an election for an office other than president to have profound consequences for the future of our nation.  But one such election is next Tuesday January 19th, when voters in Massachusetts will select someone to fill the two remaining years of the U.S. Senate term of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Massachusetts is the bluest state in the nation.  A yellow dog running on the Democrat line ought to be able to defeat any Republican by at least 20 points.  A perfect storm is required to elect a Republican statewide in Massachusetts.  But for this this election -- which  is more important than almost every other Senate race in history -- that perfect storm may have formed.
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Written by Ralph Peters   
Friday, 15 January 2010

Google may have the backbone Congress lacks: The Internet giant is standing up to the Chicom bandits in Beijing.

Why would a for-profit company threaten to pull out of what the investment gurus (who brought you the housing bubble) insist is the greatest market in the universe?

There are three reasons, though only two have been recognized:
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Written by Richard Rahn   
Thursday, 14 January 2010

Even though the government is running massive deficits, interest rates and inflation are low. So, what's the problem? The following discussion will clarify the problem.

The United States is now in a situation in which the government is taking a very large share (40 percent) of the nation's savings to finance its deficit spending, leaving a diminished pool of capital to meet the needs of both families and businesses.

You might be thinking, if there are not enough savings available for investment needs, why are interest rates so low? The answer is that the Federal Reserve (Fed) has been creating money by loaning the banks nearly free money and buying mortgages from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Soon, as even the Fed acknowledges, it will have to start selling the mortgages it owns to private parties and increase short-term interest rates to avoid saddling the country with high inflation. In sum, inflation cannot be avoided without a big increase in both long- and short-term interest rates.
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Written by Dr. Joel Wade   
Friday, 15 January 2010

The Democrats are engaged in an earth-shaking tragedy, and, like many a Greek tragic figure, they are going along either 1) blind to their situation, or 2) vaguely aware yet unable to stop the momentum of the drama.

The Ancient Greeks called this Hubris, the overconfidence and arrogance which leads, fairly predictably, to a tragic fall.

Why do we have to suffer such strange and predictable tragedy? What is it about us that keeps drawing many of us - in large and small ways - down this tragic road?

We can be thankful that the human propensity toward arrogant overconfidence may be undermining the Progressive threat to our Republic. But as Jack writes about in The Coming Democrat Implosion, the Republicans also fell victim to this very same trap in the last decade.

If Scott Brown wins the Massachusetts Senate seat on January 19, if there is a Conservative victory in November, if there is a Conservative victory in 2012, the same exhilaration that brought supposedly Conservative Republicans to enable our present very dangerous abuse of government power will replay itself again and again.

It could be the undoing of our Republic.
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Written by To The Point News   
Friday, 15 January 2010

The division of the human family into its two distinct branches occurred some 10,000 years ago, when humans coexisted as members of small bands of nomadic hunter/gatherers.

In the pivotal event of societal evolution, beer was invented. This epochal innovation was both the foundation of modern civilization and the occasion of the great bifurcation of humanity into its two distinct subgroups: Liberals and Conservatives.

Once beer was discovered, it required grain, and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle or aluminum can had yet been invented, so it was necessary to stick pretty close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed.

Some men spent their days killing animals to barbecue at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of the conservative movement.

Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting, learned how to live off conservatives by showing up for the BBQs every night and doing women's work like sewing, fetching and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the liberal movement.
HALF-FULL REPORT 01/08/10 Print E-mail
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler   
Friday, 08 January 2010

OK, folks, time to get serious - The Remember the Alamo Rendezvous in San Antonio is three weeks away.  You really really do not want to be square and not be there. 

This is your opportunity to help launch the Defund & Disobey Revolution of 2010.  Your opportunity to revel in fellowship with other members of the TTP family.  You owe it to yourself, you owe it to America.  I'm counting on seeing you there.

They sure know how to party in Louisiana, don't they?  The party of the year is shaping up there - a Recall Party!  Turns out Louisiana law allows for a recall election to throw an elected official - including a federal one (except for judges) - out of office.  This most specifically means Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu.

The effort is being organized by  They need volunteers, they need money.  Mary Landrieu stole the election from Woody Jenkins back in 1996 and was bribed with "the Louisiana Purchase" to vote for ZeroCare.  She was re-elected in 2008, which means Louisiana (and America) is stuck with her until 2014 - but now there's a chance to throw her out on her tush this year.  We should all pitch in.  Let's party!
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Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler   
Thursday, 07 January 2010

First the anti-historical context.  Talk to the average teen-ager to learn about it.  A couple of our 17 year-old son's friends were over at our home the other day, and due to pictures in our home of Ronald Reagan, they asked me about him. 

I related a few tidbits, then explained that presidents are remembered for one or two famous quotes.  Ronald Reagan's was, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."  Blank stares.  Wall?  What wall?  they asked.

These kids are not dumb.  They are nice, polite, and bright.  But what happened in the world before they were born is really, really not in sharp focus for them.

Maybe, though, we should cut them some slack.  They, and all of us, are trying to remain afloat amidst a deluge of information that none of us can keep up with.  It's hard enough to make sense of what happened last week, so what happened decades or a century ago seems to lose any relevance.

The problem, of course, is that you cannot understand what is happening now if you're in a historical vacuum, if there is no knowledgeably historical perspective with which to make any sense of it.

So - has the world always been as crazy as now?  How common or rare are episodes of lunacy sweeping through America?  How does the ObamaLunacy we are currently enduring compare?
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Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler   
Tuesday, 05 January 2010

[Letter to the Wall Street Journal]

This is in response to "Our Incompetent Civilization" by Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.

Mr. Stephens ascribes failures to profile Moslems at airport security, think rationally about climate change, or eliminate Somali pirates to "civilizational incompetence."  Such failures are not due to a lack of ability but to a lack of will.  It is not civilizational competence that we lack but civilizational confidence.

On the same day as Mr. Stephens' article (01/04/10), Der Spiegel ran an editorial bemoaning the lack of Western outrage at recent Moslem attacks on Danish cartoonists who caricatured Mohammed.  It was entitled, "The West Is Choked by Fear."  But fear of what?

Whatever that fear is of, it is the cause of our collapse of civilizational confidence.  Please allow me to identify it.  It is the fear of envy.
Written by Sarah Palin   
Wednesday, 06 January 2010

President Obama's meeting with his top national security advisers does nothing to change the fact that his fundamental approach to terrorism is fatally flawed. We are at war with radical Islamic extremists and treating this threat as a law enforcement issue is dangerous for our nation's security.

That's what happened in the 1990s and we saw the result on September 11, 2001. This is a war on terror not an "overseas contingency operation." Acts of terrorism are just that, not "man caused disasters."

The system did not work. Abdulmutallab was a child of privilege radicalized and trained by organized jihadists, not an "isolated extremist" who traveled to a land of "crushing poverty." He is an enemy of the United States, not just another criminal defendant.
Written by Jack Kelly   
Friday, 08 January 2010

In a March, 2008 interview John Brennan, then the chief adviser on intelligence matters for Barack Obama's presidential campaign, said he thought the Bush administration was too concerned about terrorism.

Mr. Brennan's more relaxed attitude toward the threat of Islamic terror is reflected in the National Intelligence Strategy for 2009, in which global warming and pandemic disease (the H1N1 virus) compete with al Qaeda for the attention and resources of the Intelligence Community.

A shift in focus to natural disasters from terrorism prevention is part of the reason why the inspector general for Department of Homeland Security said, in a report issued in November, that DHS' National Operations Center is "unable" to do its job of ensuring coordination among the 22 agencies that comprise DHS.

That relaxed attitude evidently also was shared by President Obama, whose initial reaction to the attempted Christmas terrorism by the Blow Your Balls Off For Allah Bomber was annoyance that his vacation was interrupted.
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Written by Brent Moody   
Friday, 08 January 2010

[Many TTPers have expressed concern over the recent (12/17/09) Amending of Executive Order 12425 granting certain "privileges, exemptions, and immunities" to the International Criminal Police Organization or Interpol. We are pleased to have TTPer Brent Moody, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement at the Treasury Department address these concerns.]

Mr. Obama's EO12425 has created considerable paranoia within the conservative blogosphere.  Email alerts and warnings entitled U.S. placed under Interpol authority and jurisdiction by Presidential Fiat and suchlike have become widespread. 

I believe the brouhaha over revoking certain exceptions from exemptions for Interpol and its officials from the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) - exceptions instituted by President Reagan - is based upon misperceptions of what Interpol is and by whom it is staffed here in the US. [See Addendum for texts of both]
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